Best SETTINGS for High FPS & High Visibility With Low Input Lag in Rainbow Six Siege High Calibre

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yo welcome back guys to the channel today we're gonna go over some r6 settings as i have missed a few seasons i feel like since i uploaded but more so since i've done one of these setting videos now i know it's been a minute since you've seen a video from this channel but i want to just stay up to date on all of the best settings tips and things of that nature that's what this channel was meant to be when it started and that's what it still is i don't want to give repeat content so i don't just force content out there as for the settings though let's get into it i want to start off with the window settings just before you get into the game this is the good stuff that people don't show you that does really affect the gameplay honestly so we're going to go over this pretty fast if you need to be slower just pause the video rerun the video i want you guys to go to your bottom left hit on the windows and hit game mode click on game mode and you want your game mode on for the most part this is going to give you a few fps either way even if you're on nvidia or amd amd sometimes though is a little glitchy so i'll check it and test it if it does feel weird after you put game mode on maybe switch it off and just test the differences but in general game mode does help your fps out a little bit now i want you to go over here hit graphics settings and i want you guys to find your rainbow six game i can't tell you where yours is i have a file that i save all my games to and that's where mine is but you're gonna wanna hit rainbow six or vulcan if you use vulcan just click that hit options and then hit high performance mode and then click save now before we get into the in-game settings which is gonna make a very big change in however your settings are set up but i want to talk about vulkan versus normal whenever you launch your game you're going to see an option vulcan or normal most people just hit the normal one but vulcan is huge now this thing is going to push your computer a little bit more and some people have heating issues when they use vulcan because it really does get the most out of your computer my temps definitely do rise but they don't rise unsafe it's just they do rise but as you guys can see when you're talking low settings there is a massive massive difference between vulcan versus normal which is dx11 our average fps with vulcan here was 286 while with dx11 it's 220 so that's well over you know 20 increase which is just incredible for doing nothing except selecting a different startup menu if you are planning on going with higher settings it's not such big of a difference but it still is improvement nonetheless but overall on some other settings you're about 8.8 percent better overall so i'd recommend at least looking into it see if it's good for you i definitely run it now i get well over 240 frames per second so now i want to run through these settings this is um about the same as it's been in the past but for you guys have never watched those videos i do want to update you on a few things that have changed so we're going to go over every single tab here graphics is the big one but the other ones definitely do have some tactical advantages to it like drones and all that kind of stuff so we're going to go over every single thing so we're gonna start with general so the only thing you're really gonna need on this whole thing is probably interface preferences this is where you could turn off um teammate names outlines or whatever this is all just visual things so scoring everything like that you can have that cinematic minimal or normal you probably just want to start with normal and take things off as you go such as team a outline some people don't like that or teammate names personally i like to have one of these on just so i do not team kill but that's all i really have for you guys here everything else is just personal preference at the end of the day so that's that hit apply and go back in and the only other things i have on is ping and i also sometimes throw on the fps here so i get that but i also have fps in my top left something you guys can't see but it is from steam itself that has the fps but drone after prep i keep this on semi-automatic so this makes it so i won't instantly leave my drone after the prep phase if i'm controlling my own drone if i'm watching someone else though i will instantly get put into the game that's why how i like it you could put it in a different way but this is just how i find it to work really well match replay i have this on i do not know if this like affects your fps in game i don't think it does at least that i've noticed so i just keep it at on text chat i keep it at all and now audio all right so this looks obviously a lot different from my last videos but it is the same settings they just changed how it looked entirely so the only things you guys are going to want to touch i mean master volume that's up to you and your ears but i turn music volume all the way off for the lobby i don't want to hear this so i keep that off dialog volume i also keep this low as well as for dynamic range so sound in this game is um awful year six still just awful it's kind of crazy but it always is changing but night mode had all has always been my consistent one i've done videos on what sound is the best and it's always been hi-fi or night mode but night mode definitely works the best with me especially with open back headphones if you guys want more information on sound i have a video on that it's very old like over a year old but it is still relevant everything else is just standard and then we go to display settings so the thing you guys are going to want to watch out for obviously have the right monitor you'll know if you have the right one keep this at 1920x1080 if you're on a really low end system you can bump this down but for the most part you don't want to have to see that so 1920 1080. and then come down to this refresh rate and make sure that this is at your highest refresh rate that your monitor has so for this monitor this new monitor i just have is 280 hertz which is just insane but this is my new one i put it at 280 and it is great aspect ratio 1610 is what i like to do just because i make videos and i like it to look good and i just like to play with it like this as well because i don't want to be changing all the time but as for which one i would do if i was looking for the competitive advantage i think four three or three two four three if you really don't care about the looks of the game but three two is a good in between it really is a great in between but a lot of pros run four three and they lower their fov a lot and that's gonna give them really large bodies it's gonna look like the bodies are pretty large they're not any bigger obviously but it does make them look bigger which is everything here so that's just my recommendation i'm gonna keep it at what i have at and then the last settings here is menu display area and hud display area i don't touch these the only thing i change is the brightness of the game which is between is it always set at 50. my monitor is pretty bright by itself but i i just go up one or two now if you have just like a normal monitor you're probably going to be between 55 and 60. that's just my suggestion with your brightness as for stuff that's a little more objective instead of just subjective like a lot of this stuff is just your personal preference the graphics frames don't lie and all my settings are based off of what gets the best frames while still looking good while still giving a competitive advantage so this is not the settings i'm going to be changing these so don't just copy this down a lot of things can remain at low if you want them to but there are a lot of things low versus ultra does maybe 2 fps change and that one of those is texture quality it does not really affect your graphics card any it's more so ram if anything so i like to keep this above medium this is something that if you benchmark though at different qualities you're actually going to see that these are pretty much the same as an fps texture filtering this is one that will hurt your fps more so i would keep this at low as possible if you're trying to maximize fps and keep that at linear lod i like to keep this above high a lot of people are starting to catch on to this the people that always just had this at low they're starting to catch on that lod actually does a lot for lighting this helps with blocky objects which does actually affect your gameplay and also lighting shading quality this one can stay at low there's not much that's gonna help you here if anything it makes the game look really good and really cinematic but it does not help you any it actually just creates more shadows especially on tables and like nightstands and stuff in the game it just creates these huge shadows shadow quality is a huge one you're gonna want this at least at medium now anything over medium is just chiseling your shadows so it'll have more detail in the shadows now i don't really care to have detail in my shadows for a huge fps drop because shadows are a huge fps drop i like to just keep it at medium if you have this at low you're gonna get no shadows for people the only thing that shows up is static shadows if it's on low you're gonna want medium at least anything above that is just extra it's just the looks of the game at that point it's not affecting your performance any now as for some of this next one so we're gonna scroll down here and we're gonna go down to reflection quality we have all these at low so low for reflection quality and low for vfx quality this is all stuff that really really will affect your fps especially vfx quality you're going to have really big frame drops sometimes if there's big explosions or anything like that this is all particles debris dust anything like that that's going to make it really look really good but it does affect your fps a lot and creates a really inconsistent fps which is just my least favorite thing because that makes it really really choppy or really really smooth and choppy smooth choppy i hate when it does that so i just like it to stay consistent ambient occlusion i keep that off lens effects i keep that off as well bloom actually does do something effective i think it does more downsize than upsides but it does help you see valve cams better so that's the only reason i would ever turn these on but i just keep it off because it's really not that big of an issue to see them for the most part zoom in depth of field this is personal preference most people are gonna want this off okay now for me i put it on so i have a problem with being able to focus with my eyes in this game for some reason and i always find myself looking everywhere except where my reticle is if i'm zoomed in so if i put this on it actually blurs the scope the outside of the scope not the inside but just the outside it makes me kind of focus on the middle more for most people they hate this but for me i like it it does not affect your frames like any so that's just a personal preference thing but i have it on most of you should have it off probably anti-aliasing this is one that can go anyway i think it should be off fxaa or taa i would not go any higher 2x or 4x i would not touch that so for my card which is an amd card if i do taa even at 100 everything my screen's still blurry it's a little bit blurry but with nvidia and i know a lot of people even amd people taa works great and fxa looks terrible on their screen for me it's opposite fxa looks good on my screen it smooths out those edges but i actually do prefer to just have it off this makes more of a jaggy edges you're going to see more of those squares it's not going to mesh them together taa and fxaa will smooth out those lines just pick which one works for you and your system they both get the same amount on the fps wise but off actually is the best technically but if visually you just can't stand off taa or fxaa don't get in anything above no need for that now we've done all the graphics this is the big stuff this is the big frame killers if you have these on all ultra or something so this is what i think is the best right now a lot of pros run something kind of similar to this but now we're gonna go into the other thing so controls there are only a few things that i'll touch because everything else is just sensitivities and you don't need to copy mine if you're gonna copy someone first of all i wouldn't recommend but i would copy someone a little bit better at the game not just a high plat player go copy a pro or something the only things i would copy is raw input mouse and keyboard for the most part you want this on it's supposed to make it more reactive but it does cause a little bit of glitching so some people like this off i really think this makes no difference so just for the fact of not really glitching off might be worth it as for some other things mouse scroll gadget deployment so this is something you might want to change you're going to probably want to have this as advanced this is going to let you be able to band a trick and have more of a choice of where setting stuff down because it just doesn't just instantly set it down instead you pull the gadget out and then have to click the button again or click a button again to actually put it down drone deployment i have this as advanced so i could throw the drone and kind of bait people into it without actually throwing myself into the drone instantly if i have it on advanced i could chuck the drone bait people though run out because they think i'm on the drone and then just get them like that other than that though everything else is just your personal preference like a lot of things are here accessibility this is where you can change your optic color and just some other stuff that doesn't really matter but yeah that's the updated settings not really much changes on this now there are a lot of things that did change though in this last season where i haven't been posting videos much and a lot of attachments have changed so i'll come out with a video of attachments here before the next season because i definitely have noticed that attachments do need to be updated from my last video so thank you all for tuning back into the channel sorry i haven't been posting but thank you for joining me here again and if you aren't yet subscribed please do subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next one have a great one peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: 50Fifty
Views: 392,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50fifty, rainbow six siege boost fps, rainbow six siege settings, rainbow six siege fps boost 2021, rainbow six siege fps boost, rainbow six siege best graphic settings for visibility, rainbow six siege graphics settings, r6 settings guide, graphics guide, rainbow six siege fps boost for low end pc
Id: LzxOaPzNw0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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