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all right guys welcome to today's video this is going to be a very special video cuz today I'm going to go through everything I've done on my PC to be the number one champ in Rainbow 60s across a lot of different season damn that's a lot of Seasons also fun fact I was the first ever Champion back in Ember when it first got released let's go boys we made it we're Champion we made it number one I know a thing or two about Rainbow Six Siege so let's get straight into the video all right so getting into Rainbow Six Siege here I'm going to show you guys all the settings that you guys need to become the best in Rainbow Six Siege so starting off General stuff here let's just go through them real quick I have personally not changed anything specific here I would say the big things here is cycle inside camera group so that would means when you're change it between the cameras in game you cannot jump between like the the two groups so you got to use your um q&e and one and three in that order and I also have drone after prep set to manual that means whenever prep face ends I'm going to still be on the Drone if I need to get you know give some quick information to my teammate yellow ping something is her enemy still spawn peeking so I don't have to hop off the Drone and then hop in the Drone again so just going to keep me there in manual so I think manual is the best setting to have personally text Channel you know if you guys want to get a little red up in the all chat with the Enemy team you can have that set to all so you can type the enemies otherwise you can set it to team or turn it off if that's you know if you don't like to H talk really a lot match replay this is a good setting if you want to save the match replay settings I I have it off right now but you know depends sometimes have it on sometimes off depending if I watch a lot of match replays or not it's a good option to have on so I'm going to keep it on here cross matching and crossplay communication I would say keep these two on there's no reason to just keep them off so just keep them on like that display metric this is if you want to see your FPS at the bottom so you guys see at the bottom left of my screen here there's going to be this FPS metric you can change it I have it binded to my question mark which you can set up in the settings easily so you can just hit it and you can see your settings you can turn it off not having to go through the settings all the time so that's a little quick tip if you guys want all right so moving on to the hot settings we have uh everything here uh let me just show you briefly what I personally have it's pretty standard stuff I'd say I've mostly removed like the heal bar and stuff cuz I don't really want to see those kind of things so let's just start from the top and work our way down so starting off the compass appearance so starting off look at my H right here chat as you guys can see there's not a lot on my screen I've done that because i' I've changed the HUD a little bit so this is usually what it looks like the compass you guys see how big it is in the middle I don't like it that big uh so I just put it on simplifi it makes it smaller as you guys can see down here so you can also change load out inputs if you want if you want the number to be gone like down here if that's not something you care about as you guys can see here now you guys can see the numbers here between which key you got to press to change it if you guys are a veteran you might not really need to have it like that uh health I personally like Health off because when you're very low HP what happens is it's it's blinking red on your screen all the time and I feel like it's in a distraction so I just turn it off also it can help a lot of people with their confidence taking gunfights if they're low HP try for yourself see if you like off I I really like it it just makes it a more clean aesthetic on my screen uh moving on we have General reminders these General reminders are these right here so it's going to be for example when you the the but you crouch you you do certain things you yell a ping I already know these things I've been playing the game for like 8 years now so this is not something I really need to have on and I just feel like it's it just makes the screen look a bit cleaner and stuff so we going to turn that one off also an OG setting a lot of you guys don't know about is this one right here operator reticle if you guys turn this off it's actually going to remove the dot in the middle of the screen as you guys can see here so if you guys don't like the dot in the middle whenever you're playing the game you guys got to change the operator retical but I like it on cuz it for me personally helps keep like you know have my cross at head level at all times cuz I'm using the dot in the middle to you know keep it at head level you know what I mean chat it just makes it easy it just makes it easy easy pretty much let's see what else do we have here chat pretty much that those are the main thing that I've personally changed nothing too crazy uh I've made some small stuff here for example like bans you know when someone gets banned and it shows up on the top right corner of your screen I personally do not like that it's just annoying I don't care you know so I just turn it off I just like it cleaner without it uh round number as well this is like a this is not that big of an option you guys can try it out if you guys are in a casual or ranked or whatever it just doesn't it's not going to say say match point at the top of your screen whenever you're in the round or it's not going to say like round nine round 8 etc etc keep it off I think it it looks cleaner it just up to you it doesn't really it's not a big deal versus update this is where if you kill someone and then it's going to show up 54 in the middle of the screen I personally do not like that as well I have it off it just makes for a cleaner aesthetic in my opinion as well you know less stuff happening on the screen you know I'm already looking at the at the top of my screen how many there is alive so it's not a big deal for me really uh so I I just I just keep it off yeah not a big deal uh operator guides as well I think this is a thing that not not a lot of uh older people are going to have on because you know they already know how the operators work etc so if you're a new player to this game I would suggest keeping operator guys on which is also a default setting if you haven't changed it it's probably already going to be on uh so I just turn it off cuz you know I play this game I know how all the operators work uh so it's not a big deal it's not a big deal all right moving on we have audio so I actually because I have a streaming setup I actually have a a go XLR but for the majority of you guys it's going to say like hyperx if you guys have the hyperx Cloud 2 headset that I also use whenever I'm out traveling that's actually the headset I'm using right now but I have my headset pluged into my gox so it's a bit different here but this is just like all the inputs outputs you know microphone in microphone out sound in sound out stuff like that so it's not it's nothing crazy as long as you have the right settings like you have your headset that you want to use in here so it's all good uh subtitle I know a lot of people like to have the subtitles on to see what's going on personally I like it I like it off I don't think I need it on really yeah it's just like a preference thing there as well if you want something is on sure if you don't want it on sure it's not a big deal uh moving on to master volume this is just like a preference as well how how loud do you like to listen to your music your game audio whatever you know keep it at the the level you want and you feel comfortable with using uh music I turn music all the way off I don't need music at all I mean we're all listening to Spotify anyway right so keep that off keep that off uh dialogue volume I would say keep the dialogue volume on and at least 50% or higher I have it on 100 right now and that is because sometimes the operators that you play against if you flash them for examp example they're going to make like a moaning sound all right pause I didn't mean like that but yeah if they if they make a noise when they're flashed you're going to know that they're flashed they're not going to do it if if it's set to zero so I would definitely set it to at least 50% or higher so i' definitely keep it on moving on to dynamic range I used to be a big night mode kind of guy but recently I've changed the high-fi and I've got used to the got used to high-i but I feel like I can hear uh steps a little bit more on hi-fi even though night mode is supposed to be the one that you can hear more steps uh but same thing here you guys can try out a little bit which ones you prefer I used to be a nighte kind of guy but now I'm I made my transition to hii so it's whatever you guys prefer to be honest I'm I'm a highi kind of guy right now all right moving on we have display settings this is the juicy stuff all right so I want you guys to make sure you guys have resolution set to the maximum which makes the game look the best play the best all that juicy stuff display mode has to be set to full screen this is going to give you the least input delay and the most FPS possible I have a 360 HZ monitor here so I'm obviously going to use 360 HZ cuz it's going to give me the smoothest experience uh of course you got to have a PC that be able to match the Hertz on the on the screen so I want my PC to be pushing at least 3 60 FPS at all times so I can actually feel the the benefits of 360 Hertz uh moving on we have aspect ratio this is a very big um big thing in Siege a lot of people like to play 4x3 we have a lot of people playing 6x9 which is the same thing as Auto so everyone starts an auto at the moment I I I do like 3x two quite a lot it feels it feels good uh movement wise uh it's not too hard to hit heads so yeah definitely like try these out these these three these are like my top three that I would tell anyone to use in seeg so 43 32 and 16x 10 those are my three favorite uh resolutions so sometimes if I feel like I got a stretch damage a little bit more I go 4 or3 sometimes I go 6 and 10 just depending on how I feel uh I don't really like to have like a set like a set aspect ratio it's just depending on how I feel on the day do I feel like today I sh I'm feeling like a 4x3 kind of day today I'm feeling 6 and 10 you know just it just depends on the mood pretty much if you're consistently like performing in better with one with another than the other then you mean there there's the answer right vsync keep this thing off it's just going to create input lag I would not suggest using vsync at all keep that off same thing here FPS limit you don't want to set it to 30 60 75 90 nothing like that keep it off let your PC push the frames for Less input lag more FPS it's just going to be better overall WID screen letter box keep this thing off nobody likes a wi screen letter box let's be honest I don't even know what it does field of view this is also a very big thing that a lot of people have been discussing on you know what's the best feel of you what should I use what do you use so I actually am a big fan of playing anything between 86 and 90 I feel like 90 you you see a lot it feels good playing 1.5s ACOG all of these different Scopes that are more zoomed in if I'm if I only like to play for example holoc sites or 1X sites you know 84 could be really good uh 87 is like used to be my main I would suggest you guys to use anything between 84 and 90 that's what the majority of Pros use that's what the best players use so definitely 84 to 90 choose anything in between there just try it out for yourself let me know what you guys uh decided to pick in the comments below so moving on to Graphics we have Nvidia reflex low latency I would definitely put this on plus boost uh it's going to give you that extra FPS boost and that lency stuff that I was talking about earlier the input lag it's is going to make your PC feel better your game's going to feel smoother more responsive so keep this on for sure lat flash indicator is just like I just don't even know what it does I'm going to be honest I don't even know what it does let's just move on uh when it comes to Graphics the best settings in Rainbow Six Siege I would say is keep everything on the low but you need to have shadows on medium so you can actually see Shadows Shadows does not show on low but they do show on medium so I would say medium definitely keep it on medium and everything else on low and keep the an aling off those are the only settings you need guys those are the only settings you need and with the LOD you can play around with it it this one does not really matter that much it's just going to some sometimes uh objects might disappear and you not appear depending on how far away you are from it it's like a bug like a like a bug that we have in Siege but it does not really matter you can keep it on Ultra or keep it on low it does not really matter I'm might keep it on Ultra for now though H it's not going to change your FPS whatsoever pretty much so but those are the those are the best settings I would say that you guys should use in Siege H you don't need anything like suming death lens effects ambient occlusion VPX quality all of these you can use just put them put them on off or low you don't need any of them just make sure you have anti aing off and not on like TAA or anything like that and then you guys should be set but yeah these are the number one Champion settings right here uh moving on to controls I'm actually running my mouse on 2,000 Herz right now that it's so it's um I have a modded mouse that has Razer internals in it so like Razer components and stuff inside the mouse and that Mouse is able to run at 2,000 HZ when I open up uh my Razer program here and if you guys have a grpr which is a very common mod you guys can download Logitech ghub and do the same thing but in that program so what you do is here is make sure for the majority of you guys it's going to be a th000 is going to be the max but if you guys have the ability to go higher you guys can try higher uh if you go too high it might you know it might screw a little bit with your PC you might have some Jitters and stuff so that's why I put it at 2,000 it's like a good mix so I think yeah the higher you can go it's the better you're going to feel the better it's it's going to be smoother overall so I'm going to keep it at 2,000 for now someone told me I don't know how true it is but I got told that if you use any Hertz above 1,000 you should keep the raw input on so yeah so if you if you're running more than 1,000 HZ on your mouse keep the raw input on and not off mouse look inversion you keep this disabled 100% I would not keep this on so you guys are probably thinking why is your sense so high here on on the hipfire let me explain the the theory here so this is what my sense would look like if I was if I was playing on 400 DPI on your mouse so it's a mouse setting if you're playing foreign DPI normal multiplier so you haven't changed any text documents on Rainbow Six Siege this is what my sense would be 122 it's very default no biggie at all however I'm using higher DPI so I'm playing 1,600 DPI this would be the same thing as playing 1212 like this so if I'm playing forign DPI this is my settings if I'm playing 00 DPI I have to play 66 I have to compensate by halfing my sensitivity after my DPI or whatever but because I'm using 6060 I'll be able to like go between like smaller numbers so if I want to play you know 12.2 12.3 I can do this with uh with my multiplier and also with a higher DPI so I just got to do the calculations right and I'm I'm going get into it very soon moving on to my um Mass ads sensitivity I'm using 35 here on the 1X uh I usually like to play around with it I usually like to play with between values of 30 and 42 those I feel like that's my kind of sweet spot and right now 35 feels really good and I have 57 on the 1.5 and then two times at 55 and you guys can see what the rest is this is like majority of this is preference I would say play around as well play some training or whatever uh shooting range to test out what you guys what you guys prefer uh moving on scroll wheel I I mean I do use and switch with the scroll wheel sometimes I I know for a lot of people it can mess you up in gun fed sometimes so you might want to turn it turn it off sometimes but I do actually change on my scroll wheel sometimes so I might keep it on Gadget deployment and join deployment I would say keep these both to Advanced so let me explain what the gadget deployment and the Drone deployment does on standard so whenever you throw if for example if you're playing Jagger on defense and you put down a jagger device in the animation that you're putting down the the ads itself it's going to go through with the whole animation but if you play Advance you can cancel out the animation so if you're a better example would be if you're playing band and a banner tricking and you hear that the thermite is putting on the on on the charge on the wall if you're playing standard you cannot cancel out animation halfway through if it's bathing you to put it on one side and then putting it on the other side so keep it on Advance you can cancel out the animations this is just going to be way better uh moving on we have drone deployment uh this means if you're throwing out the Drone as an attacker that means your character is immediately going to hop on the Drone which we don't want so if you have it done Advance you can you can you can throw out a drone and you're not going to hop on it immediately and that can you know bait your enemies into peeking you you you can get some free kills by using Advanced and you know bait your enemies aim lean Sprint Crouch prone walk uh with the aiming I feel like playing hold is way better than playing toggle because it just it just gives you the ability to move faster to shoot faster and do all of these things so I'd definitely say keep this on hold moving on we have lean this now this is a very hard thing not a lot of people use hold I I've been playing hold for like very long time and it's and I've mastered it pretty much but I would say to anyone playing hold that you know it's not really worth it if if you're trying to get into hold it's it's it's not worth it I feel I feel like toggle is way better for the current Siege it's just easier to get used to and I think you know the majority of pro players uses toggle as well so I would say keep toggle if you want you can try hold but if it doesn't like it you go back to toggle Sprint this is a default thing oh it's just hold it's just default uh nothing crazy H Crouch I have it on hold as well I know a lot of people have it on toggle as well I prefer to have it on hold it just gives me the ability to you know go really quick and spam crou and you know do all of these things and the rest is just default prone toggle default uh walk is hold as well just default stuff and the rest here is just controller stuff so I don't I don't uh play controller moving on to the customized controls so if you want to change your binds or anything I've actually changed a few binds so let's see here so here's the toggle performance met metrics about the FPS that you can have in the bottom left you can bind to any key if you of your liking so the thing that I've actually changed in my own uh controls is I've changed the the Crouch so I crouch on control and a lot of you guys prone on control so and then I prone on C instead so I've actually flipped it around so you know like cuz I'm used to I came from CS so crouching on control just felt like a normal thing for me so I just changed the control in Siege as well and then now I just PR on C instead uh for my mouse button I actually so I actually do I slow walk in game so let me show you what that looks so you have normal walking like this but if I hit my slow walk key you see how I'm walking very slow I have the on my mouse so whenever I hold this uh Mouse button on my mouse I will slow walk and there's one more thing I've changed on my mouse so we have the secondary Gadget I've also changed that to my mouse button so pulling out like um a breach charge a nade a flashbang I do that as well on my mouse and I have two buttons for it so I have one button here and one button here yeah and that's that's it for my the controls that I've changed in Rainbow Six Siege moving on to privacy this is more for like streamers and stuff so like I would actually use some some of these stuff so you can you know you can put your own name here for example you can put on whatever you want and up here's nickname you can hide there and as well if you're a normal player you don't want people to know it's you you can also put on a custom name moving on to accessibility uh I actually play with white on the optic color I feel like it looks pretty good it looks clean but I do have to I do change sometimes to for example I do like default as well as well as I like light blue so it just depends what I really like so you can just change to whatever color you really like uh and then you can also change like the brightness so like you won't see the as you guys can see I can barely see it uh if it I have it on the lowest or 73 it's a little better and 100 it's going to be the brightest so feel free to play around with those settings uh next option screen Shake intensity you guys have to keep this off there's no reason to have anything else than off and I'll explain why so whenever a C4 goes off a grenade a thermite your whole screen would shake and by turning this option off your screen is not going to shake so it's not going to mess up your aim or anything so definitely keep this off it's one of the best option they've added to Siege uh a few years ago so keep this off and I think that's pretty much it for my accessibility settings I have these team colors on default uh enemies being red teammates being blue and then you can change the the chat scale here as you guys can see here you can change it I changed it to 90 from 100 it's not a big change at all it's just whatever that's that's it for my in-game Rainbow Six Siege settings all right so continuing I'm going to show you guys how to get a custom multiplier on Rainbow Six Siege now so what you guys got to go and do is go to your desktop and you guys got to type documents documents and open up the documents file you guys can open up the documents file and go to my games Rainbow Six Siege and go to the account that's your account and so this is my main account if you guys only have one account it's there only going to show up one file so just go to whatever your account is and then go to game settings and in the game settings right here you guys got to scroll down until you guys find this right here mouse sensitivity multiplier unit and I have this set to 0.001 the default is 0.02 like this well if you guys for example would like to play the same things I do you guys got to go and do 0.01 so I play 1600 DPI which is going to be like the best for for you know fast Mouse responsiveness and whatnot so I would recommend .01 if you just want to play like default but you you change you can change it to let's say 2 this makes it so that you can only change between values and if you play foreign DPI you can only change between values of uh 10 and 100 so you can change between like 9.5 9.6 so this is actually the one uh multipler I would recommend to a lot of people and then you have other multipliers like the kicks multiplier which is like looks like stuff like this but you just got to do your your research on it what you guys think is better for you moving on we also have have Mouse settings so I want you guys to open up your Windows key search Mouse go to Mouse settings and then press additional Mouse settings and go to pointer options I want you guys to turn off this option right here enhance pointer Precision I want you guys to turn it off and also want you guys to set this thing here to the middle one so it's going to be 6 out of 11 so go ahead and do that for me also if you want a custom uh pointer like me you can also just go here and browse and PR and search up cross so like this is the default right this is what the default looks like but if you guys want what I have you guys can search cross and pick any of these so I usually I just pick this one and press apply and that's how you get like this this custom one that I have as well moving on to your keyboard settings I want you guys to just search up keyboard here uh open the keyboard one and I want you guys to put both of these to short right here and fast all the way to the right and just press apply and that's pretty much it you got to do for the keyboard as well moving on we have the monitor settings personally so I I usually use a banku monitor so what I would do is I would put daak to off and the reason I have DED off and a lot of people would say you should use D premium or high the reason I have it to to off is because I feel like it's it just feels better to me personally it feels more smoother I know if you play csgo I don't know premium is a really good option but I just like it off cuz it just feels smoother all around even though you get like a little bit more ghosting but it just feels better for me personally it's like it kind of a personal feeling uh and I also have the armor setting set to premum so the highest setting and I would say those are the two main options that you got to use for the rest of the settings that you have on your monitor I would say just play around with it also try the the black equ equalizer setting you can you can put it very high put it very low but personally I like to have somewhere in the middle so around 10 uh that's also that also helps with like enemies hiding in Corners you can see them easier and whatnot so those are the three main options I would change the rest is like different gamas and you can just you can pick whatever you feel like is better for you so that that's everything for this video I I hope you guys enjoyed this settings video a lot uh this was how to get Champion pretty much in seed if you put on these settings there's nothing that will stop you really uh this is like kind of the the the majority of the settings that Pro players use and if you just put this you you obviously you got to put in RS as well like how to get better at the at the game better game sense better aim so you guys got to do all of these things you know play a lot of shooting range work on your aim play a lot of rank a a lot of faces all of these different things always try and you know be be around better people so you always get better at the game but other than that let me know what you guys think about the video if you guys want more videos like this let me know in the comments below also I want you guys to comment mad down below I'm giving away 30 mouse pads in total the soy mouse pad you guys will have a chance to win a free mouse pad I will cover all the shipping everything all you guys got to do is just comment mouse pad or anything random below I'll draw a random winner and yeah see you guys in the next video
Channel: Spoit
Views: 168,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, gameplay, pro league, rainbow, rainbow 6 siege, six, siege, rainbow six: siege, ranked, strategy, highlight, godly, tactic, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege new operators, rainbow six siege operators, rainbow six siege clutch, funny moments, champion, Spoit, tom clancy's rainbow six® siege, rainbow six siege funny moments, rainbow six siege tips, spoitr6, beaulo, R6, meatymarley, BikiniBodhi, MeatyMarley R6, Azami, Rainbow Six Esports, R6s, Operation Deep Freeze
Id: xHagOj-44PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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