BEST SERMON EVER; and most Memorable Sermon ever!

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now we sang it let me show you why it still works it's not enough just to sing it you got to know why it still works open your Bibles to Romans chapter 5 we're gonna find out why it still works [Music] those who are able please stand come read the King James first and then the New Living Translation Romans chapter five verse three to verse 6 and not only so but we glory in tribulation also knowing the tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly let me redo verse eight it was eight for scarcely for a righteous man will one die it prevents you for good man some would even dare to die but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners we can rejoice to when we run into problems and trials only that again I want to get the meat out of the text we can rejoice too when we run into problems in trial so we know that they help us develop endurance that endures develop strength of character and character strengthens listen to this is important a confident hope of salvation and this hope will not lead to disappointment so we know how dearly God loves us because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love when we were utterly helpless Christ came just at the right ear and died for sinners I want to preach as a subject a few OpenFlow a fool the lovely lord I know that mankind they'll take long for you to agree with me is in denial and functions daily with a self inflated flesh but the truth is on our best day we are weak creatures [Applause] the biggest strongest man is one slip one virus away from death we are weak frail pathetic creatures not only are we weak in it of ourselves but more than that apart from God we are utter fool with other one leads I don't understand dazzl way the seaweed right but the years old is dead every time God has allowed us to go out on our own we came back needle and mused I'm it acknowledged mother locker this morning thank you mother locked it for being back in God's house you here your face is needed in this house we love mother laughing she's a pillow you gotta stand up strong can we lose the pillows you know the pillows but get up nice rock now below not only are we weak again we are fool I know you don't wanna admit that yet this truth begs the question how can we be so weak and utterly foolish and yet still be here you hear me by the grace of God we are living under a single tooth protection gotta hear me by the grace of God we are living on a sue a protection they can be broken now we have Church if we get honest but all our food choices foolish actions and foolish decisions the only reason possible is God has given only helpless sinners [Applause] [Applause] you could mess it up guys what we saw [Applause] go back we get distracted you shouldn't be where you are you should have what you have left to your own devices you should not be where you are I don't know about you but I have done some foolish things things I regret today things that haunt me today man with somebody talk to me God this way through the grace of God in Jesus Christ and they're so strong in my life that has so much to rejoice about and shout over and you get honest about that love and the grace of God you have to meet you have to protect it yeah you had him brought to this very day this very place and this very hour [Applause] I got drunk I get so happy I'll leave my so going back like that but my still go back there and I was left y'all I was about to go over Jesus's him in me by the grace of God give me a minute to open up the sticks to prove lord have mercy that we are living right now under God's full of the Bible says these strange words then i'ma show them to you in verse 3 that a counterintuitive meaning it's contrary to common sense expectations what I mean the Bible says we can rejoice to when we run into Provident trials that is counterintuitive [Applause] Marty we can rejoice too humanly speaking it goes against human logic to rejoice when you run into problems and trials where was the last time a storm cam in your life and usual misses [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now we'll choose check scene because the Bible says the Holy Ghost has put the love of God in our come here y'all not hearing me that the Holy Spirit regurgitates we have to say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah he loves me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Holy Ghost with the dynami my Master's I regurgitate the Levantine [Applause] I'm sorry below I'm sorry it's really not to you he's put this love in you yeah and when you need it most he'll bring it out of you the blobs I love the blobs and I don't know we're you gonna fix it on love [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] lovely message got me in the text and I brought back me long I had no sleep zero sleep there are zero sleep but I won't preach this is what got me in the text you got your Bibles in verse four to preach the Bible for me is not having a purpose right now but the Bible says and endurance develop strength of character and character strengthen this is what got me a confident hope of salvation there are these things the storm the trouble everything cause in my life God uses the very same I think it's a negative couple do something in me it gives me more confidence you see it's true at all I'll learn to trust it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Jesus [Applause] [Applause] to be [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] look at me now this is what got me though a confident hope of salvation that took me a curve I'm gonna be honest with you because I understood the textures talk about something else then watch this watch this this confident hope the Bible says will give us a hope of salvation yeah ask the question Bible says this confident hope will not lead to disappointment in other words the help is so strong and so on Clare that failure is not an option [Applause] it's not option it's not up to you what do you succeed or not yeah me cuz the Bible says it will me it will not lead to disappointment you'll succeed [Applause] [Applause] this this this this is so strong and so on plan not only is tell you not an option then no matter how great your problem Rachael trial God means to bring you to success how can we be confident today we're facing trials and tribulations sickness and storms and enemies and having funerals in new home how can we be confidence Lord the Bible says because of what we know God says so we know watch this how did it God loves us in the midst of all this we know how dearly God loves us because he's given us the spirit to fill our hearts with his love God I heavenly Father loves us dearly who don't help me please for me and time to somebody makes you God let tell God that you did some amazing here that today God never you feel me I said God never you hear me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the Bible says is because what we know we know that God loves us dearly don't you forget that yes with you in the mists of your storm because of your hairs if a God loves me dearly the Holy Spirit is giving us lives in our hearts yeah it's in our hearts the Holy Spirit would bring it up the God Heavenly Father loves us diddly unhand me I don't know I don't know what paying you in today I know thelma's next killing up I know I know mother Laughlin steel is mourning over AJ in and I know his sisters are still mourning is that right it's called love is that right I don't know what you're going through I don't know because the house if y'all had time we could all tell somebody what we going through No [Applause] [Applause] every day [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is the proof how can we be sure of this foolproof love that is always everyday gonna make sure God saves me David oh I'm glad you asked the sister Bible says he saves us our Lord and he saved us and we have a confident in salvation to be saved when we run into problems and trials then this confident hope of salvation kicks in but this hope of daily salvation came from one salvation we were saved every day have a comedy and hope of the same day from every problem every trial and it's foolproof is confident and it's an eternal hope why because it's a hope there's not based on anything about us around is solely based on the love of God that love come here that runs our soul Dylan how can I prove it that is not based on you that's not the reason is not foolproof is not dependent on a fool [Applause] the reason you can have confidence is the same [Applause] [Applause] come here come here let me tell you something look as long as you think you can help yourself as long as you keep playing it what if I move this over here I can fix this today if I do this over here I can fix this today I can fix this today I come out of dead let me tell you [Applause] [Applause] for me [Applause] he let us watch this below for when we are helpless you gotta be helpless you gotta say Don's gone help me Don's gone help me my husband's gone help me you gotta say I'm lonely you got some rolling Oh God Sami you've seen is when your body is breaking down and you're rubbing this on here you gotta look up I'm talking to the charge [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the bottom lambda cars came close tight wait a minute with your consciousness well when your leash Christ came and I know you don't come but he won't his way whether you knew it or not and I got paid for it cuz the Bible says he showed up he would do so on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and then you look up each company was grasses clean up girls [Applause] because without [Applause] [Applause] right on your go time I took my check I took not chapter 94 word cuz it was time to all change and the appointment was at 12:15 I got that quarter to you cuz I said so you were scheduled at 12:15 and we will take you at 12:15 now we got a hospitality room you will sit down and make yourself comfortable but a 12:15 will see you because you're scheduled for 12:15 what my due time because he said we appreciate you coming Ellen but every day you this time about somebody else right now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Christ came get a song T outside other dances Sunday I did a song on Sunday key I called myself miss Elliot for years are the only one T right below I'm Dom I hear but I gotta get you all to understand this last point why you ought to really rejoice and watch for boots and seeing proof the Bible says not only we were only helpless Christ came at due time or just at the right time the Bible says that you living he died for sinners the King James says he died while we yet ha sinners is that right now if he did all this when you were helpless they did not do it based on your strength and he did when you were yet a sinner he was not right now no goodness in morality our warriors [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] lots of these shameless [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh so yeah right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey dad help me real quick it's gonna me again there's nothing wrong when you young people and you already do it that much anymore but when y'all greet each other you say what's up say louder what's up fool you go to school a fool a fool hey fool right a fool a fool thank God where you say we are you say Jim
Channel: Triple E Media_Eyo Efiom
Views: 177,953
Rating: 4.7536588 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor G.M. Spotts, Pastor, New Home Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN, Tennessee, BEST SERMON EVER, MOST MEMORABLE SERMON EVER, Greg Spotts
Id: al8F6Fdi-lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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