Best Romance Books of 2019 So Far

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hi booklovers welcome back to my channel so the years already half over and I thought I would share with you all my favorite romance books of 2019 so far I was looking through my good rochelle at michelle exclusively for my favorite books just to make it easy on me to go and look back and see what i need to narrow down or not but I actually have quite a few books to share with you all I have a narrowed a down I'll save that for the end of the year I do like a top 19 or whatever so these are in no particular order I love them all except for this first one which is still my top favorite book of the year it has yet to be topped and it is the bright test by Helen Wong so there are so many reasons to love this book there's aging rep there is autistic rep the writing is beautiful it has a trope that's kind of old school romance which is the mail-order bride trope where in this case the hero's mom kind of matches her son up with a woman she finds in Vietnam the book is super sweet it's super Asian which I loved so much there's so much talk of you shampooed Asian market I myself am a little Vietnamese and just being able to see the culture was incredibly heartwarming and I just I just love this book so much so definitely a top favorite if you haven't read it you should as well as the kiss quotient if you haven't read Because question either you should it's about Kai's cousin the next book after this one will be about Kai's brother Quan and super excited probably it's my most anticipated read of 2019 next up is a set of three novellas it's actually one big book but it was published in three novellas separately and that is the laws of physics series by Penny Reed so the reading order is motion space and then time these all follow one couple Mona and Abram it is a new adult contemporary romance the heroine is an insanely smart girl she is basically a mad scientist genius she is working on her PhD at 19 so Mona has a twin sister who asks Mona to pretend to be her for a little bit so that she can fool Abram who is supposed to be babysitting Mona's sister who is in quite a lot of trouble with her parents Mona and Abram are basically stuck in this house together Abram doesn't know Mona is not Lisa and yes their names Ramona and Lisa and of course they don't really expect to find a connection together and they slowly start to fall in love except that Mona is living a lie and Abram doesn't know each book has quite a cliffhanger so lucky you you don't have to wait like the rest of us did when I was releasing if you know me you know I love penny Reed I love her writing elaborate characters they're intelligent but they're super awkward and dorky sometimes which Mona is Abram is probably Penny's sweetest hero he's actually a romance reader himself he loves Lisa Kleypas and how can you not love a hero who loves Lisa Kleypas it's such an incredibly written new adult romance series if you love the genre I highly recommend it as well as the first book in my series which is elements of chemistry so this next book you've probably seen a river on Instagram on YouTube - and it's for a good reason it's an incredible book by an amazing hilarious author and that is fix her up by Tessa Bailey so this is a romantic comedy but don't let this cover fool you it is steamy as hell Tessa is known for her dirty talk and Travis our hero is Georgie's older brother's best friend so if you like that trope I highly recommended there's an element for bitterness but also the history where they already know each other which is one of my favorite things in a romance it's fun it's flirty it's just a really great summer read overall so I love this book it's genuinely hilarious um Tessa knows how to write humor and steam be prepared if you haven't ever met her books if you read it and loved it you will definitely want to read her other books I'm planning on making a guide to her books sometime soon so be on the lookout for that so my next book is not technically a romance though it there is romance in it and the author does write romance anyway so I'm at so I'm keeping this on the list and that is when we left Cuba by Chanel Clayton so this is the standalone sequel to next year in Havana which I have not read but I'm planning to because this one is absolutely incredible the writing is gorgeous it sweeps you away to Cuba as well as Florida are here in Beatrice is independent feminist so strong she goes after what she wants no matter what society says there is a romance it is quite the forbidden romance he is an older Senator who wants a family and she's not exactly what he ever envisioned himself being with especially in his political career their romance is very non-traditional but this star of the show is definitely Beatrice and loved reading about her her adventure Billie during the Cuban Revolution and basically fighting against Fidel Castro and his communist regime so for my next book you might already know how much I love this author duo if you couldn't tell by all the books that I have buy them so it is tangled like us by Kristen Becker Richie this is book for Andy like a series which is a spin-off of the addicted slash Calloway series I highly recommend reading them in order yes including the whole addicted series which is ten books but it is probably my number one new adult series written ever is very character-driven you will fall in love with this cast of characters there is so unforgettable and so the like a series is about the second generation it follows the children of our original six and and their bodyguards so the first three books follow maximov and pharaoh it is a mmm romance tangled like us is about pain playing hmm tangled like us is about chained and Thatcher chain is the eldest cobalt slash Calloway daughter their romance was everything I was hoping for there's a forbidden aspect they're trying to keep their relationship quiet because if they don't if they're found out facture could lose his job as her bodyguard so the next book on my list is an arranged marriage romance the bride and groom have never met each other until their wedding - hey and it is arranged by RK Lily got such a pretty cover - sonoran banks hate each other on first sight they're not happy about this forced marriage but they grow go through it anyway to say that they have a rocky start to their relationship would be an understatement after their wedding night banks leaves for a month to London and they don't see each other that whole time Thanks is a total jerk if you love your heroes you will love him I love the angst in this book I love when heroes trying to win back the hero in this book is perfect if you want some fantastic groveling but yeah this is probably one of the NCS books I read this year and I highly recommend it if you love books that just mess with your emotions and make you love and hate the characters so this next book on my list is also an arranged marriage trope I usually read this trope in my historical romances but the modern ones that I've been reading have been absolutely amazing and this one is the kiss thief by LJ Shen this has also got a fantastic age gap the hero is a total jerk as hell Jason is incredible or writing there's a slight mafia aspect to this - the hero is a politician but but he's also trying to dismantle the local gang is run by his new bride's father I know the blurb says one kiss two men three lives but this isn't really a love triangle I promise like you clearly know who the hero is and who can Cheska wants to fall in love with and the romance is rin fantastically I love alterations ability to write such great character development and Vulcan Francesca are definitely one of my favorite couples from her my next favorite is he'll switch by Penelope Douglas if you know me then you know I read every single Penelope Douglas book and I love them all Killswitch is book three in her Devil's Night series it is quite the dark romance so it's not for the faint of heart this is Damon story the story that most of us have been waiting for he is the messed up psychotic one in the group and he falls in love with a blind dancer his face is actually the last face that she ever sees before she went blind winter and Damon have such a star-crossed love but you can tell how much they belong together the romance is so intense I was really excited to see how Penelope Douglas would redeem Damon's character because he does not do good things in the first two books but I'm happy to say that Penelope Douglas did her thing she's one of those authors that I trust implicitly so if you love a good antihero sharee Killswitch honestly should read the whole series the whole Devil's Night series book one is corrupt book two is hideaway and then book three is kill switch if you love Greek mythology and you love erotic romances you have to read the rose by Tiffany rice this is such an interesting concept for a story it's separated by Greek love stories like Andromeda and Perseus Briseis and achilles Eros and Psyche or Cupid and Psyche Ariadne and Dionysus so the premise of the stories that are here with Leah she receives this gift from her father which is this Cup and this man Augustus Bowman tells her that it has magical properties and if you drink from it you'll have your erotic fantasies coming to life and so she loves Greek mythology her Greek mythology fantasies come to sexual life so for each part she basically becomes one of these Greek characters and plays out that story with a ton of sex of course if you ever need any well-written erotic romances Tiffany is a must-read nalini Singh is one of my all-time favorite authors she wrote aside changeling series which is probably my favorite paranormal romance series ever she has her spinoff series the side changeling trinity series which follows like a separate arc and book three at Wolf's reign easily made it onto my favorites list I love being back with the snow dancer wolves Alexei is one of the Wolves and he is such an amazing hero he falls in love with a sigh who has a lot of trauma and a lot of darkness in her past but being the lovable romantic amazing guy that he is he has her opening her heart to him and it's something that he treasures if you haven't read size changeling you have to I'm obsessed with this series I had to include another popular book that everyone loved and that is the friendzone by Abby Jimenez to be honest I was kind of scared going into this book just because there was so much hype and so many people I knew already loved it and I'm so glad to say that I also loved it it wasn't perfect but it was such a great read like I couldn't put it down once I started it's a it's a friends to Lover's romance Kristen is the maid of honor and josh is the best man they make a pretty terrible first impression when they first meet they don't know who they are and so you've never met and Kristen accidentally hits his car but once they do officially meet they become best friends Kristen has infertility issues and Josh wants a big family so already from the start they know that they're not really meant for each other even though they have this connection that they never felt with anyone else there's also a dog in here who I loved so much I love that his name is stuntman Mike he's like this little Terrier he adds a lot of comic relief to a story that does get quite emotional and sad the only reason was muslin like a full five-star read is closer to like a 44.5 was that I didn't really like the ending and also Kristen's characterization everyone seemed to love her because she wasn't you know super girly and that didn't make sense to me she was made out to be like a female unicorn for liking beer and chicken wings and it made me question myself like in my unicorn too and if so where's my boyfriend just coming other than that it was absolutely incredible the writing is amazing especially for a debut I am so impressed with a beachy Mendes I'm really excited to read the next book even though I know it'll be incredibly sad there have been quite a bit of indie authors on my list which makes me so happy I love supporting indie authors and so my next book bitter heat by Mia Nights is also in an e-book I first discovered her through her crime lords series which is this amazing mafia series I fell in love with her writing she actually writes and our person point of view which is really interesting I don't come across that a lot in any romances she writes books more on the dark and intense side so this one is a second-chance romance which if you know me is my all-time favorite so of course I had to read this book it was absolutely amazing now this is a unicorn ever read because after the hero and heroine who were married after they split up and divorced the heroine actually moves on emotionally and physically I almost never come across a second-chance romance where during a separation the heroine you know sleeps with other men here when Jasmine had her share of lovers which she deserved because the hero basically dumps her for no reason and it's never explicitly said but I do believe that the hero was halibut during their seven-year separation but seven years later they're stuck together in a cabin during a snowstorm and forced to confront you know what happened seven years ago so clearly he wants her back but what she wants his answers and I love their book this is the first book in their duet I have no idea when the second book is really saying which makes me super sad if you can handle a slight cliffhanger is read this book otherwise wait for the series to finish I have another beautifully written Greek mythology of romance it is a retelling of Cupid and Psyche and that is soul and darkness by Wendy Higgins it is so romantic if you love Greek mythology read this book this is more of a straight romance than the rose was so this is basically a fantasy romance retelling it's gorgeous like I said inside and out I've been a longtime fan of the black Dyer Brotherhood series one of my favorite paranormal romance series of all time all about vampires and of course the latest book in the series the Savior is one of my favorite books of the year this is also the first book the first full length book with a new publisher so going into it I was kind of wary it wasn't sure if the essence of the story or the characters were changed and thankfully there were nods I loved murders book we've been waiting for murder for quite a long time he's been mentioned here and there throughout the series his and Sarah's book gave me lives of the earlier bdb books she's a doctor so this also reminded me of lover unbound which is vicious and Janes book one of my favorites of the series this time the story wasn't too convoluted like there weren't 10 million story lines put into one so yeah definitely read at murders book so we finally made it to the last book of my list and that is the girl he used to know by Tracy Garbus graves this book is absolutely fantastic if writing isn't gorgeous the here Owen is autistic she doesn't really understand emotions or the emotions of others really well this is a second-chance romance with a boy that Anika the heroine met in college they connected during chess club actually which is super cute the book alternates between two timelines which is actually both set in the past the books present is 2001 and then it also goes back to the college days ten years earlier in 1991 they're both super sweet and awkward and I love seeing their second chance together the thing that made this book for me though was the last 30 patience my heart has never pounded so hard in my life if you read this book than you know Tracy Jarvis graves messes with your emotions and the last 30 pages here I do want to say that it was a little hard for me to get into this book at first I felt a little disconnected with the characters but I do think that was a little bit on purpose on the author's part because the hero one is very disconnected with the world so I'm gonna take it as that and that's it those were my favorite romance books of 2019 so far if you read any of them or you want to read any please let me know if you stuck around so far thank you so much um I didn't expect this video to go on so long I hope you guys enjoy this and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: LaceyBooklovers
Views: 9,594
Rating: 4.9699998 out of 5
Keywords: romancebooks, bestbooksof2019, booktube, booktuber, romancereader
Id: vc3EHu8ONcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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