Forbidden Romance Recommendations

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hey guys gesture on peace love ups and shame here with my favorite forbidden romances I've already done this one so I'll go and leave that down below but that was a while ago I've read a lot more forbidden romances since then I also have an age gap romance which I'll link down below as well I don't know if any of these are repeats from Asia bromans video because obviously when there's huge age gap it's normally a forbidden romance so I'm just thinking to the books I have a lot to show you a lot of my favorites a lot of talked about a lot but not in a forbidden romance video I won't spend too much time on those though but I'll go ahead and get to all of these forbidden romances that I love the first time I offer you is going to be pestilence by Laura Thalassa which is perfect because war book 2 comes out on July 11th and I'm so excited for it this one is a post-apocalyptic novel about this girl who's a firefighter via the book is she's drawing straws with her co-workers to decide who's gonna kill pestilence who is one of the four horsemen who has come to destroy the world and she draws the short straw and kills pestilence but he can't die so he takes her prisoner and they fall in love so very forbidden because he's literally like destroying her world she is supposed to embody everything that he hates and is supposed to kill off but there's a romance in there there's lots of angst like they hate each other but obviously they're attracted to each other the ending so good and I cannot wait for book 2 and I'm so happy it's coming out soon I'm glad I waited until now to read this - I just read it last month because it's been a while since this came out and the people have been very much anticipating war so I can't wait to read that one but this is very good for big romance my next one is the only other non contemporary on this list and that is Folsom by Taran Fisher and Willow Astor this is a dystopian kind of novel and I like to think of it as a gender Ben - Handmaid's Tale so our main character is from a pretty wealthy family I think and what happens is in their society men can't have children and they're infertile except for like the chosen men I forget what they're called there's like ten of them and Folsom is one of them and so these men once it's figured out that they're fertile it is their job to reproduce so they go to different counties and countries and they are treated like rock stars and they have a point they must keep and they father hundreds of children just so that the population can survive Folsom falls in love so he's not supposed to there none of them are supposed to fall in love he falls in love with someone and obviously he's not allowed to and she's the scientist and so they need to figure out if they can be together or not in this society where men are pretty much kept under lock and key if they can have children so I have not read book - yeah I really excited and I really want to read it because this one was so good in the ending if you like that dystopian kind of novel definitely check this out the next two books I just read the last two days and the first one's a motorcycle romance and that is undeniable by Madeleine Sheehan this one has a 16 year age gap and our main couple meets each other when the girl is five and he is 21 that's senior and so then we fast-forward from when she's five to when she's 12 2016 and 18 and like 27 and 30 this goes throughout their whole lives he is going to be the president of his motorcycle club her dad is the president of a different motorcycle club so not only is it hard because they are not even close to each other in age but her father is like no way are you gonna touch my daughter so very forbidden very MC so if you are a huge fan of MC romance read this if this is your first MC don't start with this you're not gonna like it I really loved it though because I love the MC world and I knew I was in the mood for an MC story lots of swearing lots of cheating you know going around so very MC but I've really really enjoyed it I ended up giving this one 4 stars because of all the cheating that was a little too much but if you loved MC in a very forbidden romance to check this out the next one is a new favorite book of mine and I can't really tell you a lot about the plot just tell you it's forbidden and that is the gravity of us by Britney see cherry this was my pick what I read next for July and thank goodness I was forced to finally read this this is been on my shelf I think over a year and I read book 1 in this series they can all be read of stand-alones I gave it a three three and a half star it was pretty good nothing special this one so emotional I cried I was flying through it literally read this in a day and the main that couple is not allowed to be together that's all I can say it can't tell you why I can't tell you even what this book is about just no gram it's just perfection and he has my heart and I love this book so much and if you like it forbidden romance its emotional that you will never forget and the writing was beautiful you should pick this book up the next one's an oldie but a goodie and I really need to reread it because it's been a long time since I've read it and that is misbehaved by Charlie Rose I used to talk about this all the time in my channel and this was one of my first books from Charlie Rose that I fell in love with and I've been reading all of her books since I think this one though was co-written before Charlie Rose became the single author it was a co-writing pair and then the other author got more popular so they left the pair and it was left with one person and she has decided not to reveal who the other person was so we just know who the one person Charlie Rose is this is a student/teacher romance obviously that's forbidden should that happen in real life but I'm okay with it in fiction in fiction and this is so good so our main character is from kind of the rough side of town and she gets to go to this private school and falls for a teacher and she has a stepbrother that's kind of very overprotective of her and yeah it's their romance and I really liked it the next recommendation 1/2 use a whole series you guys probably hate you for talking about this series in like every video but I have to talk about this forbidden romance it's like every single book in the series is forbidden that's the fall men series I'm not going to say too much about it there MC romances this one student-teacher romance was an age gap of like eight years younger guy teachers woman this one is like 18 year age gap 16 year age gap I think it's 18 MC president with a younger woman I guess she's 18 this one is a younger girl with a older guy and this is Farley grows which is the sister of him and the daughter of him so he is the dad of him and they all like their forbidden romances he's a cop she's the daughter of an MC president so these are all very very very good the first one is an MC romance but it's not really MC until the end so if you're new to MC definitely recommend starting with this and not the other one I talked about and then we get much more to the NC world in this one and this one so I recommend the whole series it's so good you won't want to put it down so addicting so forbidden I love Gianna darlings writing so much book 4 comes out this fall we are buddy reading welcome to the dark side for our read along with me with Lacey from Lacey book lovers and Sara from Warsaw Sara join us if you want to our live shows July 27th the next one is book two in a series and that is the risk while Kennedy this one is much more lighter contemporary than like all the rest of these this one is about a girl who is the daughter of the hockey coach at her school and she has a romance with the captain of the hockey team of their rival school and it's so good and I love their banter and their relationship and it's so fun I love this more than book one I would say you should read them in order but I don't think it'll kill you if you don't but I really love this you get to know Brenda a lot more in book one as well so if you don't want to read book one though it's not a big deal but I love all Kennedy series this one's definitely forbidden but it felt good I'm a last one I have he was also an age gap I feel like that's a theme in these books a majority of them have an age gap because that's just what our society deems us forbidden but that is on the rocks like candy signer this one is about a girl who has come home she's 18 she just finished her first year of college and she's engaged to a politician he was like 25 so this has an age gap too and not too bad those seven years not too bad and she is but then kind of like born and bred to be this politician's wife and she's just kind of going along for the ride she thinks she loves him she thinks is what she wants she's gonna go buy a barrel whiskey for him and the barrel maker is someone that she grew up with and he is like do you really want to marry this guy and he's even older than her fiance I think he's like 28 and she's like of course I would not he said well don't you want to like do things for yourself and she starts questioning does she really want to be a politician's wife does she want to live herself and she kind of starts questioning her feelings for this new guy who she's kind of always like seen as like crush-worthy since she was little really really good really cute really small town so if you like a more contemporary not as dramatic as my other MC books you would love on the rocks and those are all the forbidden romances that I have for recommendations for you let me know down below if you have any good forbidden romances to recommend me because I love that trope that's all I have as always thank you so much for watching and have a good day bye
Channel: PeaceLoveBooksxo
Views: 38,780
Rating: 4.956284 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, romance, forbidden romance, taboo romance, peace love books
Id: 98uGy41Wg7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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