Best Print on Demand Print Provider in 2024 | My 6-Figure Secret Weapon

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I'm just realizing filming this that this is my  16th YouTube video at first I didn't think that   I was going to make this many because I didn't  think this many people would be interested me   but there's like a couple hundred of you so thank  you um and I've realized that I've gotten this far   and I have yet to Spotlight my secret weapon and  I think I've been gatekeeping it a little bit like   it's been kind of like unintentional but today I'm  finally going to walk you through what I think to   be the best print on demand provider in the US  so I'm not going to do that thing where I say   hey wait till the end and I'll tell you at the end  who it is no um print IFI is great but my favorite   print on demand supplier out of the handful of  ones that I have tried is called printed mint   so who is printed mint printed mint is a print  provider located in Phoenix Arizona and I have   been using them for pretty much the entirety of my  business I embarked upon this journey not really   knowing how print on demand was different from  Drop Shipping and so I did a lot of research on   okay Megan do you want to do drop shipping what  can you do and I just found that print and mint   was like a better alternative to drop shipping  a lot of the cons of Drop Shipping are that you   typically work with suppliers that are overseas  and you can't really guarantee a nice experience   for your customers and it comes off as kind of  like maybe a shady products sometimes and that   just you know I I didn't want to run a brand  like that I wanted to open a business that   could potentially one day be something where I'm  like yeah this is my brand like I've built out   a brand that's not to say that you can't do that  with Drop Shipping absolutely absolutely you can   it was just not something that I wanted to do so  it was important to me to find a supplier um or   choose suppliers that were going to be located  in the US so that way I could get product to my   customers within a handful of days and not risk  these big long delays also I was new to Ecommerce   and I also wanted to have that connection where  I could go and talk to somebody at the company   and kind of understand a little bit more and kind  of had that more like small company Vibe so print   and mint is ultimately where I landed and I've  been so stoked be a part of that company for   a while this isn't sponsored or anything I will  include a a link below if you do want to sign up   I just can't believe I've gone this long without  explaining where and why I sh my product I'm all   about transparency so I'm happy to share all my  tips tricks and hacks and give you the tea on   what I find to be the best out there which for me  it's printed Min so a couple of the reasons why I   like them is I mentioned the first one and that's  they are local they are domestic um I do have some   sales that go outside the US in which case they  will ship them for me but by far in a way the   majority of my sales happen in the United States  um so that was important to me to find somebody   based in the US you can scroll their website too  they don't gatekeep like I did with them but they   don't gatekeep like what their product catalog is  so you can very easily go in and kind of see what   they offer the second reason I chose them is that  they actually have support Representatives that   will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours so that  was really important to me with the setup I had   lots of questions on how I set my shop up how do  I integrate it with the product how do you link   certain products and they were really great about  the resources that they provide and being able to   really responsive and actually talk to somebody or  email with somebody that is at the company which   has been fantastic the next reason is just their  selection of products I've really enjoyed going   on to their catalog and kind of taking a look at  what's available and I found several things that   fit the brand that I wanted to launch and that was  a really easy reason for me to put that in the Pro   column because they are high-end products across  like a range of categories so there's a little bit   of something for everybody they also offer premium  packaging um printify has some different options   like that as well where you can add in like gift  notes and whatnot but printed mint I feel like   does a very good job of it you can upload your own  logo and they'll include that in a sticker on the   box you can choose your little like crinkle fill  or whatever and so there's the standard option   but then you can also even upgrade and do like  a premium option where you can then include a   marketing card that says hey find me here there  is an additional fee there so I didn't utilize   that initially starting my business but even the  basic model is a very good package um and has   really great appeal to Consumers and then you can  upgrade to premium packaging if that's something   that's interesting as you upscale your business  they also offer a damage or misprint guarantee   this is very similar to printify obviously but if  a product gets printed incorrectly and shipped out   and you can get a photo from your customer on that  pram Min will swiftly go ahead and send out a new   product same thing if anything arrives damaged  they guarantee that they will send something   else out so that was important to me as well and  something that I can advertise to my customers of   hey like we will absolutely remedy these types of  mishaps it very rarely happens which is another   reason why I love them but in the decision process  it was just one of those other things that made me   decide to go that direction and the sixth reason  I love them is they have a discount option as you   scale as you're probably all aware printify  operates in two models and it's printify free   which B basically means that you're may be paying  a little bit more expensive per product but you   don't have a monthly subscription and then they  have printed by premium where you can pay $30 a   month basically and you get discounts on every  single product so those discounts typically go   up to about 20% per product so it can be quite  substantial and if you're pushing a lot of   volume then it's worth it absolutely no doubt  printed mint doesn't operate in that capacity   it's a it's free to sign up it's free to utilize  them and basically as you scale your business and   as you purchase more product from them on on a  monthly basis they then offer discounts so it's   a really great incentive to continue to list  more products with them and continue to scale   your business because then as you sell more  product your product gets cheaper and you can   make more money always here to be transparent  as I said there are a ton of Pros that I love   about printed mint that I think by far in a way  outweigh the cons that I'm about to walk through   but there are a few that I'll touch on the first  one is going to be the platform they are not a   huge conglomerate like printify in fact a lot of  printed mint products you can find on printify   so if you didn't want to go through the process  of setting up like a whole printed mint account   and getting all your products created and pushed  you can always just find some of their um products   through printify and test them at first um but  they aren't as huge of a business and so their   website is a little bit clunkier than printify for  example so i' it's a little bit slower to process   products um sometimes there's some hitches with  pushing products or creating new products but for   the most part they are solved pretty quickly um  and only slows me down slightly and again you know   something to just work through and I'm sure just  continue to get better the second one is going   to be pricing in a lot of aspects I think their  pricing is competitive if not the same price as   uh printify or other large platforms uh especially  taking into the account that like you have the   opportunity to bring those prices down as you  scale and as you become a bigger partner with them   um but I do think on certain t-shirts or certain  other products that their pricing is a little bit   more expensive than the the competition um so you  might end up spending about 10% more on a T-shirt   and shipping with print and mint than you would  printify I again think that the ability to control   that experience a bit more have really quality  prints does outweigh that but just something to   note if you're really coming into this with the  anticipation of I want this to be as profitable   as possible from the jump I'm putting a link  to print and mint in the description if you're   interested in signing up or learning more please  like And subscribe for more content like this
Channel: Meg it Rain
Views: 1,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy, print on demand, pod business, how to start a business, ecommerce, passive income, work from home, make money online, sell on etsy, small business, etsy shop, etsy seo, etsy tutorial, etsy beginners guide, etsy 2024, money with mak, cassiy johnson, shopify print on demand, print on demand taxes, etsy taxes, truth about etsy, printify for beginners, printify, how to make your own clothing line, POD profit, tshirt designs, best selling tshirts, tshirts 2024, best pod
Id: bOZKnVbX4p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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