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I am making mistake after mistake  on this food tour. That one's strong Good afternoon from Cusco Peru today we  are doing one of our favorite things and   doing a DIY Peruvian food tour all throughout  this ancient city there's going to be beef,   chicken, alpaca cheese heaps of  traditional Peruvian foods and   hopefully a traditional Peruvian dessert but  it all starts with something pretty iconic okay maybe not truly iconic but we've come  to Papachos to get ourselves a burger the   thing that makes that burger Peruvian is the  meat. Peru and South America is pretty much   the only place where you can get Alpaca meat.  I think it's going to be pretty much the same   as an Australian having kangaroo meat but  I couldn't think of a better place to try   than Cusco look at this with the Alpacas in  the background yeah with the poor Alpacas in   the background I read online that alpaca meat  is like really really healthy and quite a good   whole source of protein I am not having this  I'm trying to save room for something later   but I did order a chicha morada M ooh okay  picture this you're in Helsinki having one   of those glogs except you're not you're  somewhere really hot and it's served over   ice it's the same flavor as like a glog or a  mulled wine but it's cold really fragrant and   delicious I think the purple color comes from  corn like purple corn it was under the juices   side of the menu so I'm assuming there's no  alcohol in it unlike the Chicha we've had   previously we both got to try some Chicha as  well I'm already having the best time Jordan   might have panicked a little bit when he was  ordering a drink and got a chocolate milkshake   which I didn't think was exactly a Peruvian thing  to try but I just Googled Peruvian chocolate Peru   is one of the places to visit for chocolate  lovers it's some of the best in the world On first inspection looks really good smells  really good good amount of cheese they've   got their own little fries on top normally I'm  putting fries on there anyway which I still did   tomatoes look fresh crispy lettuce and really  nice fries so I hope it passes the taste test   firstly it does pass the taste test it tastes  incredible but not like kangaroo kangaroo is   like super high in protein and quite lean this  one does taste lean but I feel like it's less   red if that makes sense it's like a drier kind  of meat and it's balanced so well with those   juicy tomatoes and crispy lettuce ah it's  really good oh Sun okay I don't think I can   taste the difference between that and beef  that's a really good burger though fries or   potatoes weren't technically part of our list  of things we wanted to try today but I believe   Peru has like a thousand types of potatoes  so this is technically part of the food tour my lunch is a lot healthier than that this is Greenpoint and not only is it one  of cusco's most popular restaurants it was   also named Trip Advisor number one hidden gem  in the entire world it also happens to be a   vegan restaurant which is kind of crazy when  you think about how popular it is but we are   here for a particular soup so green points  a restaurant we've been to more than once   this is actually our third time here fourth and  it's effectively a garden in a half inside half   outside room so there's like shade cloths but  there's also gorgeous Edison lights that like   run along each of the ceilings our first  time here the waiter picked a fruit from   one of the plants next to us and showed us  exactly what fruit it was that we were going   to be drinking it's a very cool place very  Zen wow delicious thank you so much this is   never happened before but I think maybe the  way to recognize us from another night and   we have a complimentary little starter this  is like a tahini and some delicious bread to   dip it in he came over and we're like oh no  we ordered the Quinoa soup he was like no no That is so Savory and delicious it's almost  like sesame seeds and um chickpeas actually   I think chickpeas is what tahini is yum thank you  so much that was delicious how well presented the   drinks out here and I know for a fact this tastes  amazing cuz again it's the third time I'm having   it's a strawberry lemonade thank you it smells  so good I have gotten a very healthy looking   quinoa soup because quinoa is so integral to the  perubian diet I'm pretty sure it originated in the   andian region of Peru and it's been around  since like the Incan Empire they call this   Incan gold or the mother grain because it's  been around for that long it's also really   really healthy it's known as like a superfood and  it's so popular in Peru they put it in salads in   soups like this and they also make a dish called  quinado like risotto with rice but with quinoa   this one looks incredibly healthy the soup has  come in a Little Teapot and you pour it over I don't know why that's so fun all soup should  come in a teapot amazing it's a very herby and   fresh broth and the quinoa is perfectly cooked  there all these delicious fresh veggies in there   oh just a bit healthier than your alpaca burger  that was delicious and very very healthy this   drink is one of my favorites we've ever had but  it's time for a more traditional Peruvian drink   from a museum to end day one of our DIY Peruvian  food tour we are of course trying some Pisco Sour   something I didn't realize is that there's sort  of a friendly rivalry between Peru and Chile   on the origins and recipe of a proper Pisco Sour  generally speaking it seems like Peru is accepted   as the origin place of Pisco with the first known  mention of the cocktail being in the 1920s this   American bartender named Victor vaughen Morris  was bartending in Lima Peru used Pisco as the   base for a cocktail and it just gained momentum  so rapidly we have come to the Museum of Pisco to   try three different recipes you can get like  an experience they seem a bit busy today so   we've just ordered the drinks but it's a really  cool menu and what it says is as much technical   historical and cultural knowledge as you're  willing to listen to which I think is quite   funny I never make mistakes so I might have read  the menu not very well it's a Pisco tasting not   a Pisco sour tasting so we have four different  types of Pisco some from this region some are   blends of grapes some are single grapes which one  do you want to try first one with machu picchu   on the bottle sure wao you can't smell it is it  Blasphemy to say it smells a little bit tequila-y that's very strong just bend up that  they're all between 40 and 45 % alcohol   it's like straight alcohol I think Emily  might struggle through this wo this one's   another singular grape I believe wow  maybe it's because I'm I've had a lot   now that one's the smoothest so far and  the final option is the Museum's pisco thats strong the two you didn't like of my  two favorites that's good yeah it's quite a   strong alcohol and like very alcoholic taste  if that makes sense and Jordan is the kind   of person that drinks whiskey neat and on the  rocks and stuff like that I can't think of a   single alcohol that I drink by itself feel like  this was accidentally much more up your alley   Museum of Pisco if you're watching Implement  some sort of like Pisco Sour sampler cuz that   that's what I thought this was and that sounds so  much funner to me wouldn't it be cool to get like   three little pisco sours okay pretty successful  day one on the Peru food tour but we're going to   finish these pisos go to sleep wake up tomorrow  for some new food yes we had to split this food   tour into two days and this is the second day  and I am very very hungry we thought we'd start   the day at the San Pedro Market which is one of  the biggest and most Central and famous markets   in all of Cusco and fun fact to start the day  guess who it and looked after the building of   it no idea Gustav eiffel really like the Eiffel  Tower Guy ? Crazy let's get some juice so random so this Market is famous for having  a lot of different things including   things like bits of camel and things  you would use in like a potion but   it's also supposed to have a really  massive fruit area where we should be   able to get a fruit juice hope of the  Peruvian variety this place is cool This place is intense there is everything you  could think of from chocolates to clothes and   souvenirs to like raw meat and  hearts and all that apparently   down this end as well there's going to  be like some restaurant type vendors I don't know what these people are eating but   it must be good cuz they're two rows  deep this reminds me of Asia so much we have decided to stop in the  market for Lomo Saltado which   is an extremely popular Peruvian dish  it's beef strips marinated in like soy   sauce with bell peppers onions and rice  and ours came with potatoes on the side There is heaps of stalls here and we decided  to stop at 841 because the lady's really nice   and it's only 10 soles $5 for this huge plate  these Market stores are really cool because   you can watch them prepare the dish they  have the rice all ready to go freshened up   the fries and then there was this little pot  that they were heating up all the onions and   red peppers and beefing it smells incredible  it tastes really familiar it's almost like   a beef stir fry it's very tender beef  and Mild flavors love that we got chips They're not like the crispiest fries in the  world it tastes like they've been cooked in   all of the beef juice it's so good I love  it while we eat everyone's like throwing   their menus over the top trying to get other  people to come in and eat too there only one   pork not in the whole restaurant just for  us have you had the fries yet yeah why is   it so good I think the rice is actually  really good as well it's so simple but so   delicious this is the place to come it's  such a cool energy in the market to wash   down offering other people to sit here to wash  down our traditional Peruvian food we've got a   traditional Peruvian drink this is Inca Cola  I think it tastes a bit like creaming soda but I really like it and I can see how it  would be addicting this apparently sells   more than Coca-Cola in Peru which is nuts it  tastes exactly like creaming soda and kind of   cola mixed in there which is so confusing  confusing cuz it's a bright yellow colour before we leave this awesome Market we are  stopping off there's like three rows of juice   shops so we have to get one Jordan asked what's  the most Peruvian and he's getting that I think   it's golden Berry which is this tiny Berry we've  learned about this one and I asked for which I   think is the passion fruity kind of fruit that we  had one day on the Sante trip I am making mistakes   after mistake on this food tour the fruit that I  thought I was getting is this what I am getting   is this should still be good this is goldenberry  and I think pineapple and something else wow oh   it's really good you can taste that pineapple  up in that high bit in your cheeks the idea of   having juice markets in amongst all these  other souvenir markets is so good because   after you spent like an hour walking around  and looking at everything you can just come   get a refreshing juice and it like boosts your  energy all the way back up oh there's a juice ooh yum it's like mainly a mango flavor  but then like the tartness from an orange   that's really really nice plus it's like  thicker than yours it's like a smoothie   yum can I try yours I like mine better  yours is really good too though it's   very refreshing cuz of the pineapple  if you only have an afternoon to spend in cusco about to say LMA if you only  have an afternoon to spend in Cusco for   whatever reason come here you can  do your souvenir shopping you can   try some Peruvian dishes you can get  a delicious drink win win win what's   the next food this wasn't on the list  but how do you say no to Churros I got   one chocolate and one caramel I guess I'll  have them both it's going to be be me in a second sounded crunchy a not bad not good  we had some at the Lima bus station and   they were so good we went back for  seconds so I had really high hopes oh well for our last dish of the Peru food  tour we've come to a very very popular Nuna   it's a traditional Peruvian restaurant here  that sits right next to the plaza de amas in   the middle of Cusco and like we said it is  incredibly popular we've come here to get   a specific chicken dish which looks really  good it's called Aji gallano let me check Aji de gallana and I think from what  I've read online it's like a chicken   dish that's got kind of like a spicy  cheese sauce through it and I'm really   excited for it I think we might have  saved the best for last might going a   beer too oh the cup is like it's a crusan  cup and it has the Incan rocks that's cool what is it about places in Cusco and giving you  like unexpected and amazing appetizers this is I'm   going to say this wrong sauce which is meant to  be like a spicy sauce and local potatoes I think   we've mentioned it in this video but potatoes  in Peru are very popular I guess there's like   a thousand different varieties and it looks  like we got a couple of different varieties   to try and a Cusquena beer which I believe is  Peruvian could be Cusco specific but I think   it's Peru as a whole wow so it's finally here  this is the chicken it's meant to have the spicy   cheese sauce like we said but we actually  let us keep another spicy sauce brought an   extra spicy sauce and I didn't know it came  with eggs and rice so lots of surprises here   also the plating is insane look at these little  purple globules of something it smells so good uh-oh the chicken flavor is insane  the texture is beautiful but it kind   of still has that kind of has a little bit of  a homemade kind of texture in like the best   way possible you know what I mean when you  try it yum it's very Savory and like almost   like a strong stock flavor pretty good  difficult because it's also in Spanish
Channel: Jordan and Emily
Views: 16,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, cinematic travel video, cusco, cusco peru, cusco food tour, peruvian food tour, peru food, food in peru, cusco food, food peru, papachos cusco, green point cusco, san pedro market, peruvian food, peruvian drink, food tour cusco, pisco museum cusco, ultimate cusco food tour, peruvian cuisine, peru, trying peruvian food, food in cusco, cusco peru food tour, green point restaurant, best peruvian food in cusco, peru food tour in cusco, peru food tour, peru eats
Id: -yc9tNTkucY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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