48hrs in Cusco (what to do + eat!)

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Welcome to Cusco, a city filled with  history, culture, and stunning landscapes. In this 48 hour Adventure, we are going to  take you through the heart of the Andes and   discover everything that this stunning city  has to offer including tasting a variety of   local Peruvian foods and later in this Vlog  we're even going to take a stab at cooking a   traditional Peruvian meal ourselves. 'Oh  my God I like we cook this we made this   meal oh my god' well known join us on this  adventure and unlock the secrets of this   ancient city don't forget to subscribe and  follow along for More Travel [Music] tips. So we're starting our 48 hours in Cusco with a  local breakfast we were hoping to get something   sweet but we always see everybody eating  these sandwiches for breakfast and we also   got a quinoa drink which honestly tastes like  like apple pie it's so good the sandwiches we   haven't tried yet this one just looks like an  omelette sandwich which is so good three sold   for all of this it's feel yeah it's perfect  breakfast super simple it's just an omelette   but it's filled with ches I think it's really  salty really flavorful and then the sweet Kino   drink is perfect three salt how have we not  discovered this already so we ended up buying   three sandwiches in total plus the quinoa drink  and our total cost was 7 so got a big breakfast   but it's enough to satisfy us and we're hoping  throughout this Vlog we're going to be finding   a lot of local food that we haven't yet been now  to try during our time here in Peru so we don't   want to eat too much for breakfast hopefully this  will be sort of like a 48 hours in Cusco plus uh   trying all the local food that we can right now  we're on our way to the Kura SL Santa Domingo   church and we're walking down like the main road  and it's so so beautiful it's got the cute little   lamp Poe and the street signs even the street  lights are like colonial style they're done [Music] good so we just made our way to the very busy and  very popular as you can see behind me Santa   Domingo church so the reason this church is so  uh historically relevant in Cusco is because   actually this on this site was where the kic  Kana Temple once resided which was an Incan   Temple and kyanja actually means gold Temple if  you translated from ketan which is the original   language and you can still see some of the  structures still remain but when they were   conquered by the Spaniards um they actually took  most of the stone and built this Christian Church   called Santa Domingo on top of it they also  stole all of the gold which apparently was a   lot it is a beautiful Church absolutely stunning  and it's pretty cool that you can still see some   of the like Inc and ruins right here in the  city it's only 15 soul to enter and they have   a whole wall of information explaining the  history and what everything means and kind   of how it all went down but I love seeing the  ink and architecture because the stones look at them they're so perfectly lined up  and you'll see some gaps in stones   in places but apparently most of  those gaps have been caused by earthquakes we did also get offered as  we were walking in from a tour guy he   started off at 50 Souls per person and  I think we said no a few times and then   he offered 20 Souls per person so you can  definitely bargain your way down reading   the information is enough for us anyway  I don't think you need a a tour guide   to enjoy this because there's already so  much information about it save your [Music] money we do have a plan to go up to  a Viewpoint of Cisco later on maybe   for Sunset if the skies stay as clear as  they are but this is not too bad the way   Cusco the original way Cusco was built  by inz was built in the shape of a puma   really yeah so if you look at it from above  I don't know if now structure would be easy   to pick up but originally was the shape  of a puma that is so cool I didn't know that [Music] a the little sheeps they're so cute okay now  let's go we're going to try and find some more   local food to eat and we know just the [Music]  SP we've made our way to the San Pedro Central   Market there is a main building inside but outside  I think this is just because of the new year but   there are so many markets selling clothes and  a lot of them selling yellow underwear which   I think has something to do with like the  new year I guess you were yellow brings you   good luck but we are trying to go inside to the  main area so we can try some more local Peruvian [Music] food there are a lot of food STS to  choose from but there's a couple of things we   really want to try so we're going to see if we  can go find them h so Jaclyn made a list of the   things she wanted to try which are Peruvian  traditional food stuff we haven't tried yet   since a big yeah so we just B one portion but  it's like a meal so you still get a starter   this is like a I guess a menu of the day we  were hoping just to get the dish cuz there's   are quite a few things on my list I still want to  try usually when you order lunch in puru you get   an entree which is mostly a soup and then you  get your main dish and you usually get a drink   with it as well also this restaurant is really  busy like there's a lot of people eating here   so that's always a good sign very strong it's  like I think it's a mutton broth very salty as   well but good it's good it's just strong and  salty ah see gracias wow o so the dish that   we wanted to try is AI de Gina so this one is  a creamy spicy chicken made with peppers and   comes with rice there's also some olives in  there well and some [Music] egg is oh my God   that's so good yeah it looks really good oh my  God the flavors are so nice it's like capsican   pepper creamy oh my God our chicken is so tender  there's like lots of spices and pepper flavor in   there but it's also kind of sweet oh yeah also  the olives in Peru they do they do good olives   after we've had some food we'll show you around  some P Pocket as well but we got to eat [Music] first [Music] bre essentially we went to the most expensive  option because this option for example is another   meal of the day for seven so less than half  what we just paid and we even saw one other   uh little market St was doing a vegetarian  man so vegetarian getting here too and it was FL I'm so excited so we couldn't find  the options we were looking for it so   we came to the vegetarian option just to  get some more food and their entree for   their menu Dela today is Pap Al Wana which  is one of the foods I really wanted to try   today basically this one is potatoes with  a sauce made out of I believe it's peppers   like capsicums and cheese looks a lot the  same color that one kind of looks the same   as the a Gina that we just had I know I'm  pronouncing all of this food wrong and I   apologize but I'm trying my best M it's cold  it's just a slice of potato but the sauce you   don't really taste the cheese if you told me  you didn't say it was cheese I wouldn't have [Music] known it's so hearty and like uh comfort  food but it's a super creamy really thick sauce   I can taste the cheese in there oh peanuts  yes it's got like a peanut flavor too it's   really good so this menu of the day is just 10  so half what we just paid we definitely went to   the most expens into place but now you know  what a dish 10 Soul guys I think that might   be the biggest portion we've gotten our whole  time in Peru it looks like LMO salato which   is a stir fry Peruan stir fry that's usually  made with beef but it looks like theyve done   a vegetarian version of that it's some sort  of like fapo lentil Patty on top some puet pza very Asian yeah very like soy sauce  at the bottom the broccoli is so tender   it's like you don't even chew it just  melt in your mouth it's so good Bret   so good [Music] delicious that Del oh  my God I love Peru all the food that   we've had in Peru has been good fun  fact Pur has over 4,000 varieties of [Music] potatoes much energy yes so this is the first time  we've ever seen coffee like this when we go to Peru no no milk no sugar in Peru they make  a liquid coffee and then they give you hot   water and you add your coffee desired strength  sometimes they do it for you but usually when   they do it for you it's quite weak so that's  why we in the San Pedro Market I don't know if   you realize cuz I think we've been for a while  and we haven't even left the food section F oh   graas gracias wow we got some cake because  why not because we are exploring Cusco we're   exploring the food as well okay so my coffee was  PR s Jack was 350 and look how giant it is oh my   God and the cake is 250 nine soul for dessert  so nice when we sitting down we SE each section   has a type of foods one was aiche one was this  one one was poo and here it's like only coffee   section so it's a bit more [Music] calm okay  so now we can explore the rest of the market   the other half we've eaten our wasting food  you have the food behind the shopping this side everything's made of alpaca wool and it's So   Soft I don't want to buy one like a jump  B but also we only have so much space now back I don't know smells really good but  it's like a flavored throat they have all   these different versions of them for those that  haven't seen we did the Sante trick which is the   big trade that you can do to reach Machu picu  and we came to this market and we bought dried   fruit and nut that's another amazing thing  you can find here a very affordable price   and it's also in that very same market so you  get a lot of things here in this market and   tiny little bottles of Pisco and this is  actually the Pisco that we tried when we   went to wakina and we went to the uh La carabo  uh Distillery and this is the like best Pisco   it's the oldest distillery in America so  like the oldest alcoh Homemaker in [Music] America here we found the bread aisle and it  smells so good here and they have these giant   take loaves of bread I don't know again  cuz it's Christmas time if there's like   a particular reason for having such big loaves  of bread or if it's just normal but they look   amazing the dried fruits are all five so per 100  G and the little chocolate things are only four   so for 100 G so less than $2 for 100 G which  is pretty good go for it it's just so unlike   Max usually he never lets us have this much  and there's one more chocolate thing we have   to show you as well so I'm going to keep an  eye out for it but oh my God it's so good we   got 100 G of sweetened pineapple DED 100 G of  cocoa like it will work well some stage and two   different chocolates one has like a beer inside  and that one just tastes good that on the W side graas yeah gracias okay we tried these  chocolates the ones that we tried were   homemade ones in Lima when we did our food  tour so we'll put a link to that one I don't   know if these ones are homemade but if they're  anything like the ones we ate in Lima oh my God   we might e more than one in but two Soul it's  just one decent Siz piece so it's not cheap but something else we had on our hike and we  tried in Lima it's like those little nut sweet   caramelized bar for hik is perfect for T it's  terrible really yumy so they call these well   they call on our food tour the Peruvian Snickers  because it's like a like a nouy taste like they   have inside the Snickers bar but obviously  without the chocolate they were only one   Soul each so I think we might be getting to price  here so just to give you an idea basically we've   walked all the way from the back end all the way  down there to the other end of the market and at   this end is all the fresh juice stores thing is  that there are 20 of them and all selling the   same thing and they all want you to buy this  from them so I'll let Jac do that this lady   caught my eyes orange mango nine so they were  all different prices some was seven one was 20   I don't know what that was but it's expensive  so when you come here we had to ask they have   extracts which is what we would consider fresh  juice just just the juice from the fruits and   vegetables and then here they also have juices  but she said the juices always add water sugar   and all milk so basically this is a fresh  juice and extract and this is a South American juice [Music] thank you yeah  she was kind of enough to put   one juice into two glasses for us  so that we didn't look how big it is fresh oh my God that is so good so we got Bango  orange and maruya which is like a passion food I   got was saying it's so hard because every time  someone walks in there and wants the juice all   of them offer sort of same thing they all wave  the menu so you're like I don't know say no yes   yes no so after 2 hours three dishes two coffees  a cake a big juice and plenty of little snack we   spent in total 72 salts which is way more than  you need to spend we had like two huge lunches   we had coffee cake juice chocolate we want snacks  like you definitely don't need to spend that much   but worth it so worth it no regrets all right we  need to go for a walk and show you a bit more of   CIS girl because we need to walk off everything  we just ate one minute later turns out we're not   full enough yet [Music] cam we literally just  left the market and never to full bought the   first thing he saw okay now it's time to walk  off no more eating for a little while we'll   actually show you Cusco [Music] now we just found  another Market it's called the ariael so artisanal   market and uh it's way quieter way more chill  out but there's not really any locals or any   tourists [Music] here taking us all day but we  finally made our way to Plaza de Amis which is   the main historical square of the city I guess  the heart of Cusco there's a ton of people here   and it's actually just like a really beautiful  Center of C actually everywhere like the whole   Cusco everywhere we've been walking today has had  all these beautiful like colonial style gorgeous   buildings but here you can just really see it  all around and then right behind us over here   is the Cusco Cathedral so it's like the main uh  church here in Cusco and all around pretty much   the rest of the square is made up with restaurants  so there's little shops along the bottom and then   on on the second floor are all these restaurants  with these really cute little balconies there's   like a cafe there obviously it's the main Square  so they're kind of more touristy more expensive   restaurants so we haven't actually eaten one yet  um but honestly all the food that we've had in   Cisco has been so good and so affordable we don't  feel that we need to go somewhere and spend a lot   of money this one is the Church of the Society  of Jesus so I'm not sure why there's two huge   churches in the main Square it is so beautiful  here in Cisco so apart from like all the things   that you can do I think just like getting lost and  just wandering around and enjoying your time here   because the people are friendly the scenery the  streets are so beautiful it's one of those cities   that you can take a couple of days just to rest in  if you really wanted [Music] to so we have moved   over to to the neighborhood next to where weate  which is the San L neighborhood it's known as the   Bohemian like trendy neighborhood you'll find lots  of really nice restaurants and stuff around here   but they'll also be a little bit more expensive  than what we were paying in the market so keep   that in mind we're going to a specific spot right  now we'll show you when we get there but it is   just like as you can see from behind us a really  beautiful name so what we're looking for here is   the famous 12 angled Stone basically in the Incan  times they carved out a stone with 12 different   angles which is incredibly complex and hard to do  and so that's why it's so famous and so everyone   comes here to look at this famous stone so now we  have to go find it somewhere I guess in this wall   this is the famous store here this the famous  store famous ah the famous souvenir [Music] yes   4 5 6 9 10 11 [Music] Bingle so we come let look  at a colonial Aqueduct which still seem pretty   popular but no qu popular 12 angled Stone don't  fall but it's apparently really beautiful I think   you could probably get some really nice Instagram  photos here let's go find out that's amazing   really pretty huh it's nothing like it's just a  quick pit stop in your day but it's just one of   the things that add to cusco's beauty and like I  think I said it earlier but just walking around   is like a thing to do cuz Cusco is so beautiful  especially with this like soft afternoon light   it's so nice [Music] here so we've made our way  to one of the most pitous streets here in Cusco   and it's also very famous on Instagram but Max  is really rushing us cuz we're supposed to be   making it to one of the mirror doors Before Sunset  look how cute this is it's very pretty so [Music] nice on it finally M that looks yummy sun is  pretty much G because you like husco is in a   valley surrounded by mountains so I guess the  sun sets a little bit earlier than we expected   but it's still beautiful view it's gorgeous sun on  that side of Cisco over there beautiful mountains   we have a beer and another beer for $450 each  and we have a snack of peones with five so okay   I've been wanting to try these almost since  we got to Peru when I found out about them   but I've just never seen them anywhere so the  first time I've seen them these are kind of   like a Peruvian donut the dough is made from I  want to say sweet potato but I know it's either   sweet potato or pumpkin I can't remember which one  and then they put this sweet sauce all over it so so good yeah it's so yummy it's like  a donut but just like a fluffier lter   donut like it's really fluffy and light  but the outside is super crunchy s my   love cheers guys perfect first day in [Music] p [Music] good morning beautiful people from  another sunning day in Cusco today we are   actually joining pering cooking classes we're  going to take a stab at cooking out on Peruvian   food I think it's been pretty clear in this  Vlog that we have absolutely loved Peruvian   food so learning how to cook some of the  local Cuisine ourself is going to be so   much fun we don't usually do cooking classes  but I think when you're in a country where   the food is this good learning some  of those Secrets is probably a good [Applause] idea H Jack what oh Pedro and look how cute  this little kitchen is so we're signed up   we class we're trying some local fruits which we  always love it's always good to learn the actual   names is a lan Lan Pepino [Music] [Applause]  Pepino so to make a p Pisco s we need two oz   of Pisco one medium sweet potato fresh corn fish  and potatoes good shopping sorted we to the market   we just went through the recipe and figured out  what they already have in the kitchen and what we   actually need to buy to make it so he's giving  us some toe bites and it's time to go to the market the white St dry me this is [ __ ] which is the  most important in the be chili   we have atis this stuffs are from  the jungle for example it's calledo   guys we have this nice uh potatoes you  want to PE potato so light oh [Music] wow so we just made our way to the San  Pedro Market again today we're here to   pick up the ingredients to make our  recipes for tonight like the first thing the sections you can still find like uh  local grains from the Andes you can find some   uh kinoas you can find corn we produce  about 300 tpes of corn 300 tpes of quino   he says that if you actually want to come  to the market to eat he doesn't recommend   this Market he recommends the S blast  Market we have had a chance to get there   but if you do come to Cusco take the Local's  recommendation and go eat a some blast [Music] Maybe you count no there is a simple guys  look where potatoes are round and flat ones   that means it's a watery it's good for  frying the potatoes are round on this   means are good for smashing boiling okay  we got all of our groceries here from the   market and now we are on our way back it's  time to cook some food guys I'm starting   to get hungry and love we get a chef hat  time to go from regular people to cookie style so we haven't actually said this  but we're starting off with a pis girl   Sal Pisco as you been watching ourian  Vlogs are is the local drink wine loal   like more like a spirit cuz it has such a high  percentage and so we're making the Pisco Sour   is that shell yeah it's good consistence  that's a lot of shell in there [Music] bartender [Music] like this I was doing exactly  the same that was a proper [Music] [Music] workout perfect no short why am I short  I've been Shake enough no you didn't shake it hard   enough I just told you hard this is actually  our first Pisco Sal the whole time I've been in all right time to get  cooking now let's get [Music] cooking okay so now we are going to be  making some Ceviche for on treay course   so we just sliced up some fish fillets so  for the ceviche obviously some fish then we   added lime juice salt pepper chopped coriander  and chili and Pete says that ow saiche should   always be spicy so we added a nice amount of  chili so on top of the ceviche we're making a   sauce on the sign we got the leftover little  pieces of fish we chopped off like if you've   got fresh fish like straight caught from  the sea that day you only put it in the   juice for five minutes and then it's ready  it is so quick and easy and so delicious out wow wow now we are making our main  course which is lado lado if you don't know   is actually derived from the Chinese influencer  improv so it's kind of like an Asian stir fry   with [Music] rice [Music] there's so much going  on this wet chopping things things are being   plated things over there cooking cleaning  it's a lot there's a lot going on for this meal Cooks the uh the milk uhhuh if you don't   make fast you get like big uh uh  lumps oh my God that smells so good cheese we drink this oh this very popular   like the sou find but we ask for all  right we're drinking the saich juice Sal wow o that tastes so much better  than I was expecting it to so good   is delicious M yum best kind of shots I  do at my age you want some but [Music] delous no [Music] that's I made a home [Music] W woo yay that's [Music] M  perfect wow it looks so good well [Music] done [Music] yum no longer shifts yeah but I think  my hand is so cute I love it the best part of a   cooking class is that not only are you getting  the experience of learning about the traditional   food you also get to eat the meal you cook so good  it's like a two for one so we have our s a fresh saiche that is so good that is delicious  oh my God I'm so glad we learned how to   make this cuz now we're going to go back to  our families oh my God just so impressed them   with this delicious saiche dish oh this is  so good amazing oh my God I like we cook   this we made this meal oh my god well done  come how good this is and it's like as good   as any meal that we've had in any restaurant  here yeah and we made it go ask I slice this meat it is so nice here honestly having the  cooking class it's a really nice experience   I don't we've only ever done one other  cooking class in Sri Lanka when we first   started traveling and we did not even  film it for YouTube too yeah that was   a great cooking glass day it was amazing  but this is such a cool experience I love   that we get to learn about the food make  the food and then eat them [Music] food D gracias wow that was delicious so good so  Pet's cooking class also has a chocolate shop   right next door which I highly recommend visiting  so for dessert as a part of the cooking class they   have given us some chocolate Tas so we tried  these yesterday in the market but these ones   are like fresh from an artisinal chocolate  shop Heaven what flavor just almond almond oh peanuts wow m m m oh my God it's just perfect  Pisco Sour heaven like a St main Co dessert   all your taste buds are satisfied all local  peria food M thank you to the amazing guys   it's not just the chef it's the Sue chef and  everyone and the actual Chef Pete thank you so   much like delicious amazing I can't believe we  cooked it yeah thank you so much the chocolate   as well D perfect little touch thank you thank  you so much definitely come and try peie class   we will leave a link in the description  below that it was an amazing experience   delicious food and go to the chocolate  shop it's so good oh an amazing amazing   hours if you liked this video make sure  to give us a thumbs up and a subscribe it   really helps small channels like ours grow  and I'll see you in the next one [Music] time
Channel: Max and Jacqueline
Views: 8,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours in Cusco, san pedro market cusco, street food, peruvian food, peruvian street food, travel guide, things to do, places to visit, travel, price, places to visit in peru, things to do in peru, peru travel guide, peru food, south america, cusco, cusco peru, travel cusco, cusco travel guide, andes, plaza de armas, plaza mayor, convent of santo domingo, san pedro, qorikancha, inca, inca empire, inka, things to doin cusco, peruvian culture, quechua food, food in cusco
Id: N-_bla7gCIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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