BEST Pancakes I've Ever Had - Pai's Lockdown Kitchen!

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do you want some pancakes huh hey everyone welcome to another episode of pies lockdown kitchen yes it appears we are still social distancing so still at home so I thought that since many of us are not going to work not going to school we're staying at home many of us are not having to get up so early have a little bit more time so I thought I would share with you a breakfast recipe now that we have time to make a leisurely breakfast so I'm going to share with you my ultimate pancake recipe it's the best pancake recipe I've ever had like I've never had another pancake that it goes like restaurants brunch places that's better than this I know that's saying a lot but trust me it's so good in fact that it's one of the few recipes that I have pinned permanently to my refrigerator so and this is a recipe right here I've been making it for years and years and years it has never failed me it's so good that I named it epic pancake the original recipe calls for all-purpose flour which is really hard to come by these days there's a big shortage so I'm gonna do half all-purpose flour and half cake flour which I've done before and it makes for super light and fluffy pancakes because of the cake flour so I think I'll just stick with that this is all the flour a half left now and so fYI when I measure flour what I do is I just if it's been sitting in the bag it can be quite compacted so I use my measuring cup to fluff it up and then I scoop I'll just use a straight edge and it's great if I were to only do all all-purpose flour I would not sift it but because I'm doing half cake flour half all-purpose flour I am going to sift it because cake flour gets a lot clumpy err Oh one teaspoon of baking powder and I used this sort of paper edge here as my straight close enough and one teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and then we'll sift all that together so this part if I know I'm gonna have breakfast a pancake breakfast I do this part the night before because I want to make sure if in the morning there is the least amount of things possible that I have to do see how these clumps that's all cake flour that's why you sift if you're using all all-purpose just whisk use a whisk to mix everything together then you don't need to sift anything that's our dry ingredients that did pretty straightforward wet ingredients so in the original recipe it says two cups of buttermilk I do not want to use buttermilk because I have to buy a liter of buttermilk and then I end up with half a liter left and I never know what to do with it I don't really want to make any more pancakes so I just like forget it we're not doing buttermilk we're just gonna do whole milk yogurt whole milk yogurt tastes a lot better than fat-free yogurt 1 cup of milk and I drink lactose free milk so that's what we're using you can use whatever milk you have but not skim milk well I guess if you're gonna do a skim milk you just want to up the butter a little bit vanilla there's one teaspoon we're just gonna oh that's way more than 1 teaspoon but that's ok the key to this recipe is you want to separate the yolk and the white so that you can whip the white into a meringue let's see if I can do this without breaking my yolk and that whipped egg white right there is gonna be the key to the wonderful fluffiness of this pancake this pancake is super fluffy there you go so the yolks go in with the milk whisk that together and this by the way this mini whisk was my wedding favor so butter you can meet three tablespoons and a tip for butter is measuring butter by the tables is kind of annoying so if you know how much that weighs so one tablespoon of butter is about 15 grams you can just weigh it and it's so much easier to way better than it is to measure volumes of butter oh that's exactly 1 tablespoon okay there's butter I'm just gonna get that in the microwave and the butter goes in and because my ingredients are cold I want to pour the butter in and as I whisk so that it doesn't because the butter is gonna solidify back up so it doesn't solidify back up into like a big chunk then it's got little bits of butter spread throughout that's it so that's that so you can even do this part ahead of time just mix everything together leave the egg whites you know little nuts in the fridge this will sit in the fridge do it the night before have that mixed together and then in the morning it's just combining different things okay I got buttermilk Jos Manila melted butter good so for the egg whites we're gonna make a simple meringue so you want to make sure your bowl isn't greasy your hands weren't greasy when you are separating the eggs because any extra grease will prevent it from reaching its full potential so fingers crossed with this I don't know what's going on but in the past like few times I've tried to whip up a meringue I have failed so I don't know if it's the eggs Costco eggs or is it like some like my mojo my hands I don't I don't know and let's also hold that the baby will not wake up okay once it's foamy I'm just gonna gradually add in sugar which is gonna be the total of three tablespoons okay so here it is we so you want like a soft peak so you lift your whisk and you know like you've got like a peak that doesn't slobber everywhere but it's got a little bit of a bend to it right here one more time see okay oh thank goodness I was really nervous does that ever happen to you like something works and works and works and works and all of a sudden it just stops working and you're like what did I do okay so now always wet into dry so all your wet ingredients go in there so with pancakes you don't want to overmix the batter because it'll get tough gluten will develop too much but because we're using half cake flour you don't have to worry about that too much you still don't want to over mix it but I'm just saying you've got a lot more wiggle room so you just want to stir until there's no more dry flour so rubber spot is good but lumps are okay and now the meringue so you want to go in first with just about a third of it just to and you can just mix this in quickly just to lighten up the batter so that when you put in the rest of the meringue it doesn't get deflated by the weight of the batter so this one is the sacrifice we're sacrificing this little bit of meringue so it can help take one for the team take one for the team very so now the batter is a lot lighter we can go in with the rest of the meringue oh yes look at this looks like marshmallow fluff okay so now here we go here's my folding technique I turned the bowl I don't turn the spatula like the spatula basically is doing the same thing over and over flipping from the bottom and I just turned the bowl I find it's a lot more systematic you get it done a lot quicker than if you were just kind of haphazardly folding flip and do all that stuff there we go look at this it's already so fluffy oh there we go okay I'm gonna do one more flip just to get rid of that final streak and then we are done okay so I'm gonna go hook the pancakes out the baby still sleeping yay stuff to put in pancakes you can do chocolate chip you can do blueberries bananas whatever you want I don't like to put things in the pancake I prefer to put them on top of the pancake it looks better then you don't have to like deal with the the fuzziness of distributing ingredients and all that stuff but you can put whatever you want in here okay let's cook this up but a third of a cup of batter per piece look how fluffy that is oh my god this is gonna be the best pancake just a quick note because the batter is so fluffy you know how like conventional pancake knowledge says will you wait till the pancake has a lot of bubbles on top before you flip it those bubbles it's not gonna quite show up the same way in these because it's such a fluffy batter so what I say go by is just take a peek underside at the color I mean you see the edges started to look like it's set a bit but take a peek on the underside and see what it looks like and go with that instead okay I think that looks good now the trick is how do I flip these without getting them on top of the other two pieces damn it there we go it's a little light okay so the first piece it's always uneven that is because the pooling butter makes that uneven that's why the first round never looks as good and once you have sort of like absorbed all the pooling butter and even out the grease on the pan then you'll get a nicer more even surface okay let's go okay you got to get the skirt out of the way but two pancakes per batch is just way too inefficient yes look at these look how perfect they look mmm smells good I don't think that was too much vanilla after all all right let me show you how I like to eat my pancakes first and foremost is um I don't drizzle syrup onto my pancake because I don't like how it soaks into the pancake on evenly so you get like a spot there's a lot of syrup and then I saw a lot of so I dip so I have a little bowl of pure Canadian of course maple syrup that I will use to dip and then instead of whipped cream I like yogurt I really like that tang it makes it more refreshing so this is my new favorite kitchen tool this is a butter crock one of my pet peeves is trying to spread cold butter on to toast and things so my favorite ways to keep room-temperature butter in this crock and the way it works is there's water in this bowl and then it just kind of keeps your butter fresh in there because the water prevents the butter from going bad for several we like three it's three weeks at least so there you go you got nice soft butter I just hate it so much in restaurants give you cold butter for your bread okay so first I want to like tear it for you just so you can see how fluffy this is excuse my hands but it's the only way to show maximum fluffiness is by tearing it with your hands oh look at this look at that yes that is all worth it from whipping all those egg whites just look so I'll do like a little dip and then a little slab of yogurt on top just a little man like I've made this recipe so countless of times and I surprise myself every time how good is it it is especially when I started using cake flour 1/2 cake flour and it's like whoa this is like next-level fluffiness mmm the egg whites and the cake flour makes it so much lighter it's almost like eating cake but not could it is a little more sturdy than cake but it's got that like light and airiness of a cake and it doesn't weigh you down and now I want to know if my baby will like this pancake do you want some pancakes so yummy [Music] hmm wait hey hey mochila come yet mum mum mum
Channel: Pailin's Kitchen
Views: 524,046
Rating: 4.8869667 out of 5
Keywords: Hot Thai Kitchen, Thai food, Thai cuisine, Thai cooking, Thai, Thailand, Bangkok, street food, Southeast Asia, Asian cooking, Asian food, Asian cuisine, Asian recipe, Thai recipe, Cooking, cooking show, how to cook thai food, how to cook
Id: xxNmH__ufck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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