BEST Oreo Cheesecake Recipe

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- Everyone you're watching Preppy Kitchen in the new kitchen. I'm John Kanell and I teach you how to make delicious home cooked dishes to share with your family and friends. Today by popular demand we're making this crazy delicious Oreo cheesecake. I wanna thank all my followers who recommended this Oreo cheesecake recipe after watching my Oreo balls video. So delicious, I can't wait to share it with you. Let's get started. I can't tell you how excited I am to be in my new kitchen filming and no, it is not done yet. But this is done enough to film in and if you hear any murmurs or shakes or whatever else, there's a lot of work going on in the house today, so bear with me. Let's get started. We're gonna be doing some pulsing in the food processor. If you don't have one or you wanna like it out, just get a plastic bag and start crushing one sleeve or 12 Oreos right in there and let's pulse it up. Don't mind if there's like some big pieces in there, that's totally fine and actually good. All right, these guys are gonna get folded into the batter later on. So let's set them aside for later. And now we're going to make the Oreo crust. On my cheesecakes, I like having the crust go on the bottom and the side but a lot of people just want the bottom for some reasons so if that's the case, just use less Oreos. This is 24 Oreos, but I'm gonna use about 30. Whenever I make any recipe with Oreos, I always have to buy an extra package or two and hide them because someone named Brian just like sneaks and bites like (mimics nibbling sound) pulse pulse. Here I have half a cup or 113 grams of melted butter which in a drizzle it has... This looks perfect. Sometimes when you process the butter and there can be a little pool in the center, that's fine. Just mix it in by hand with your spatula but this cannot be perfect. I'm doing an optional step here. It's not a crazy person steps though because if you ever gotten a cheesecake off of this springform base you know, it can be a little harrowing. You've been through a lot you're like this cheesecake it has to work out. A little bit of parchment paper at the bottom will make things so much easier. I am channeling some elementary snowflake vibes and I'm just going to fold it several times and then estimate the center and cut cut cut. Ah! Look at that perfect. You can add a little bit of butter at the bottom just to help it stick. It's not like you're buttering and flowering a pan though. It might be 13 degrees today so this butter is rock hard. This is like one of my East Coast lessons. I'm learning that like seasonal baking means that things are different for butter. Okay, just tap that in there. Dump this in. Spread it out. I want to spread towards the edges, that's where most of the crumbs are going. I only need just a little bit on the bottom. Now we're gonna get a glass. You want to have like a nice vertical side to it. And just tamp tamp tamp tamp tamp tamp tamp. So move those crumbs on up and if you have like a blank space on the bottom, don't worry about it. There we go, nice. And if you want to make a mud pie, which is like so rich and chocolatey and delicious, click up here for that recipe. It is just the business it's like very indulgent. This gets set aside into the fridge to chill out for however long it takes you to make the butter you just wanna firm it up a bit so it's gonna be a bit more stable. Into the fridge we go. This is the fridge. (chuckles) For the filling we need room temperature cream cheese. So if it's really cold like it is right now you're gonna want to have the microwave warm this up for you. Take it out of the foil first though. I set this really close to the oven and it warmed up really nice. If it's not room temperature, you'll have like little, little granules of cream cheese and it just won't be as smooth as you want. Alright, that's 24 ounces or three eight ounce packages of room temperature cream cheese. You can add in your half teaspoon of salt right now, as well as one full cup of sugar but well let's run this first. One cup 200 grams of sugar. You let this run for a minute. But, first let's just give it one little scrape. Now, run it on high, let it run for like a minute, two minutes. You want to have a nice creamy cream cheese sugar combo. Look at this. I'm gonna run this on low right now and sift in my three tablespoons are about like 24 grams of flour. Now I'm going to add in half a cup of sour cream. Yes, nice creamy cheesecake. All right, mix that sour cream in there. Mmhh! Look at this. I'm gonna scrape the bowl down but... I will scrape the bowl down but I want to show you these are like beautiful glossy homogenous peaks. That's what you want. If you're really struggling with your cheesecake and it totally happens, it's not your fault all the time. It's never your fault. So if you have like lumps no matter what you can make this in a blender or food processor too. Did you know that? It'll come out very smooth. But you don't want to mix too much air in there so you know don't go crazy. We're so close to being done with this. Cheesecakes are really a joy to make. All right here I have four eggs, no, no, no, three eggs and one yolk, they are room temperature. We're gonna add them in slowly. One at a time. You do what you can and lastly...quickly Is this done? No, no, we're missing a couple things. Nice splash of vanilla. So there you go, it's a good splash. And two, the Oreos. Okay, let's add those in but we're gonna fold them by hand. And here's the deal, you need to dump all the Oreos in that you roughly chop or you can layer them in. I'm going to layer them in. Look at this, oh my gosh! Okay, I don't want to over mix this. Fine, you can have some streaks of Oreos, and a couple blank spaces too. Let's grab our crust and ready to go. All right, we're going to pour a batter into like three layers. So pour a third of the batter in first, spread it out just a bit. Now you can add in a sprinkling of your roughly chopped or just you know, broken up Oreos. It'll look nice and give you a little bit of texture and play of tastes. Add a little bit more. I set aside 12 Oreos for the rough chop but you could use less, I think I might skimp a bit. Unlike a normal cheesecake where you kind of go crazy about having like a perfect finish, no cracks, yada yada yada! This one's easy breezy like it's gonna have little cracks in it. We're also covering the top with a beautiful black and white chocolate ganache and it's gonna look just bananas beautiful. And I'm using kind of a smaller like I think it's like an eight or 8.5 inch springform pan. If you want to go for the bigger ones, use a bigger one. Your cheesecake will just be a little bit thinner but totally delicious. Last layer I'm just gonna cover up these Oreos and call it a day. And if you think I'm not gonna lick this bowl clean, you don't know who I am. Pop this into the oven, center rack, 350 10 minutes, then take the temperature down to 300. Don't open the oven, leave it closed please. Bake it for 45 to 50 minutes until the center is wobbly but set. You'll see some like cracks, it'll rise up. It'll be a little bit brown on the sides just a little bit. And then you're going to leave it in the oven for about an hour. You can take it out, cover it and chill it overnight or chill for four hours minimum, okay? Your cheesecake really needs to chill and set that is the best way to have it nice, cuttable it's not going to be messy. You're gonna love it. Make it a day ahead or make it in the morning. Don't try and rush this step. This one chilled overnight, this might swap out and I'm just running a knife along the edge to make sure that there's no stray bits. Although you know, they are hard to find. Release that springform pan. This is the tricky part but you're going to use your palette knife and this is where I'm so glad that I used that parchment paper round at the bottom. Yeah that smells so good. It smells so good! Let's just take the paper it'll come right off and the whole presentation will atleast look a little bit more clean. There will be a couple of crumbs. Don't worry about it. Now it's time for the white and dark chocolate ganache, ah!. For that white chocolate ganache, we're adding in one cup of white chocolate. I'm using a double boiler but you could also use a microwave. It's totally up to you. I've been burnt, like chocolate before burning in the microwave so the double boiler seems a bit safer just simmering water not touching the bowl. So once you see the chocolate start to melt in the bottom, just move it around. It's the safest thing to do. One-third of a cup of cream goes in here and stir. And I'm actually going to take off the heat now. The dark chocolate is way more forgiving so I'm just gonna add in about two tablespoons of the chips. One tablespoon of cream and zap it in the microwave at 50% power in like 30 second intervals so just stir, stir, stir. You don't need a double boiler for it, but you could pop this on the double boiler if you wanted to. So my ganache really sets up pretty quickly. We're going to pour this onto our chilled cheesecake. Look at that, gorgeous. We're gonna spread this out now towards the edges of it 'cause it's a big pool and the edge is getting covered with whipped cream, so don't worry about that. All we're doing is making a nice little window to gaze into. Now a couple dollops of dark chocolate. Perfect, we're done. Just kidding. Okay, now we're using my favorite kitchen tool, the skewer and we're just going to loop this in and out to make a nice marbleized pattern. Look how gorgeous that is. The key is to not over mix 'cause then it'll muddy things up. But you can have fun with it, just trying to over mix. This can hang out in the fridge for a minute while I make that whipped cream, which you know is super quick. We're crowning this cake with some beautiful and easy whipped cream. So one cup of cold, heavy whipped cream into the bowl of your stand mixer. One quarter cup of powdered sugar, and just a little splash of vanilla. whip it up. Keep an eye on this. There we go, perfect. I want thicker peaks for this so on the stiffer side because we're gonna be piping the whipped cream. Okay, fill your piping bag up. If you don't want to pipe this you could just make little dollops with your spatula but it looks so much nicer. To get this look you're gonna pipe in a spiral as you move along and yes, I have the cake on a turntable. It makes it so much easier. A turntable is really a must, if you like cake decorating, which I do. But if you don't want to do this regularly dollops totally work nice as well. Little coils and if you need to stop you can stop, It's not, like for example if you didn't make enough whipped cream. (laughs) (upbeat music) That was just close enough. We're gonna garnish this cake with some Oreos, but it'll look nicer if they're cut in half. So I'm just gonna score mine with a sharp knife and chop. Someone was nibbling on my Oreo supplies so I'm down to the last ones. Just space them evenly apart, you don't have to stress out about it too much. This is actually all chilled and setup that ganache really hard and quickly. This room is like a refrigerator right now. (chuckles) If you liked this recipe, check out my mud pie. It has an Oreo crust chocolate, everything and you will love it. But in the meantime, it's time for a bite. Oh my gosh! That was so good. I kind of want just to keep like. I need to thank all of you for pushing me to make this recipe and saying yes, I want an Oreo cheesecake up because you're the reason I made this and it is really good. So head over to the blog, get that recipe and bake, bake, bake, bake, bake. You're gonna love it. Alright, if you liked this recipe, hit that like button and subscribe and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Preppy Kitchen
Views: 1,828,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preppy kitchen, cheesecake, cheesecake recipe, oreo cheesecake, baking, baking show, how to make cheesecake, new york cheesecake, easy recipes, easy cheesecake recipe, oreo, oreo cheesecake recipe, cheesecake recipes, graham cracker crust, new york style cheesecake, best cheesecake recipe, baked cheesecake recipe, how to make oreo cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake, how to bake cheesecake, cookies and cream cheesecake
Id: dPdTxGxCYSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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