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oh I'm hearing Noise Okay that's a good sign oh I didn't read that okay so now I got to go back to my settings wherever the hell that is here it is Graphics full screen unlimited oh my God does it look weird for you guys Maybe not maybe I'm crazy that was weird it's like my capture card was like whoa what's going on all right uh why can't you type come on guys what your is it let us type you know holy [ __ ] this a little too slow all right well aim is hold something tell whatever happened here so what's all this tab this is my my locker 20K m4s has everyone start with an M4 I feel like everyone I've seen has an M4 all right what do we got open up the map take a peek Hannah abne tickle me pink vendors okay we're doing the whole attachment thing huh guys okay don't like that but that's all right all right so who gives me the tasks here uh name's L everyone's doing their best here's the deal I want you get a nearby Town check the area around the gas station be need store I'm assuming everyone's quests are the same okay this guy have a task find the mark cach in one of the town's warehouses and lumber yard hand over supplies to the rat the water tower so I got to do water tower cashes and Warehouse Lumberyard gas station convenience store okay but like but like like all the way down here or like over here I mean I'm assuming the town is the town closest to me oh you can't go anywhere else you could only go to the lzs here and here you can't go all the way out here the hell's Ground Zero [ __ ] is that Roger Raven is in the air and heading to base camp Raven reporting I'm on my way ETA 30 seconds what are my buttons I have binoculars or anything hello Raven here ready to head out let's go jump in all right later where my audio go what the [ __ ] my headset die my audio break What's Going On 30 what's happening what's going on this is their loading screen I guess all right so we got to later that looks cool can I zoom in more or oh it's when you hold breath okay so there's no like there's no like zoom in button which is kind of cool you know like Daisy and [ __ ] and Bohemia has got the zoom in button with your eyeballs I don't really like that there's no zoom in button here besides I guess making your fov a little bit if you were to go do here and then go graphics and like make your fov 50 wow actually having lower fov would probably be the play here to see a little bit easier not maybe not 50 maybe like I don't know 60 or something I didn't see in the settings lowering your gun I'm assuming this is the lowest your gun can be positioned yep we're just loading it in all good he runs like Warden yep can I jump oh I'm I got a debuff I got a debuff fatigued what does it do I don't know it's gone oh there's a bad man I wonder how close can I get to them before they like realize I'm here okay my Crouch button bugged I can't uncrouch I'm stuck in Crouch position that's okay I like how they're just waiting for me to peek around the corner it's good dude I can't stand up I guess you can't actually hold the Crouch oh the rag dolls are cool well else isn't the warehouse can I loot these guys' guns how much like back space we talking here o not much where'd that go okay I got a little backup gun bandana food okay sure oh dude I mag dumped bro holy [ __ ] that's not good I need to chill I don't have that many bullets someone's Landing next to me oh an AK yo can I have two primaries I can't oh hey there I don't really have room for this I mean I could drop this [ __ ] and then pocket oh there you go boom beautiful we got an AK we got little back up you don't need a slot in rig oh they don't drop when you reload oh that's nice I don't know the quick loot button shift click shift right click control click ah control click okay all right so what are our tasks again they don't really tell you what to do like they're not on the map you know I have a com in from behind my tasks are Town's water tower warehouse and lumber yard and then a gas station convenience store and a demolished building so let's just keep our eyes peeled for that I guess I don't think there's any point of looting buildings I don't think there's anything in them I'm pretty sure can I open this door can I help us okay now I'm stuck in here back over I got to aim at the handle to open I don't think whoops all right hit my keyboard since s is a little too slow oh there is loot oh fun there's actually items you can kick it oh okay doesn't open that way oh oh hat all right whatever hey hey dude hey friendly friendly there's a contact in the field they just dropped me in here I don't know what I'm doing here the [ __ ] out of me dude in the field yeah there's a there's a contact in the field let's blast them nice I'm your newest Squire oh you're my Squire perfect let's go fire we got to go find the water tower you got your quests oh oh there's one more no I don't he's down all right we got to find a water tower a warehouse a gas station uh contact left here you down yeah all right a garage a water tower oh oh up our Hill to our left 9:00 I'll check it out let see watch it right oh up the hill I can't see anything I don't [ __ ] all right I'm going to ignore that guy on top of the hill I can't see him bro I'm not going to have enough bullets for this [ __ ] can I uh like mount my gun on [Applause] the oh I'm [ __ ] up P up uh bandage use don't know if there's a hoty that I need some morphine or some [ __ ] all right put down you need a what do you need I'm just I'm Giga [ __ ] I'm like double bleeds and [ __ ] I'm just I think I need morphine or painkillers I think I have some don't worry night I had Oh weird flx all right nice is that friend I'm not sure here's a magazine uh on your front foot okay Fresh Magazine uh drop my empty one thank you um :00 is there any do we have any loose bullets are you soloed or did your squad die I'm solo yeah I did not bring enough ammunition it looks like either yeah I kind of just forgot about it's all good let's just take their guns use them oh there's some loose ammo on these uh yeah I got I got an AK I'm going to rock the AK for really use the AK for a little bites boy hide hide hide those aren't friendly I don't think sure they were not getting pvpd in the first town that would be crazy I'm going up oh my ears my ears got tickled you good yeah I'm good that was kind of close no those are voices didn't show up on the map either we got friendly kind of behind us but we also have some contact in front I'm just going to stick on the side here you need AK 762 mag I have a decent bit I just yed some I'm good for right now there's more right there damn this thing kicks like crazy' be cool if you could eat from you know like from this option I haven't seen any water towers but is there any descriptor to the garage you're looking for um well there's coordinates 140 163 let's see what that looks like 14063 is that not even here oh no 14063 okay that's uh I'm holding yeah we got to go right more we got to go where these guys are fighting our homies all right okay can't Vault that can I Vault this you can't B that either you going to run out of bullets just like me is this your water tower um you good bro friendlies friendlies brother friendlies holy [ __ ] Friendly Fire Jesus Christ I knew that was going to happen I knew they were going to shoot us I absolutely knew it that was so obvious that that was going to happen [Music] look at your map they AR forther yeah they are that was the same faction what is this the friendly fire is going to be a [ __ ] show yeah unfortunately they're just going to need to make markers you know they're going to need to like none of this no HUD stuff they're going to need to there's going to be too much Friendly Fire for sure I mean I don't know why these guys would think we're enemies but you know what I'm going to loot them so do I need anything else like what am i coughing dizzy is there anything else I need like what what do serve do no I think I'm good I think I just wait this one out I lost a lot of blood those are the friendlies that I think blasted us all right what you got my friend what you got I do need your bandage Can I stack this you can't um Jesus Christ um I don't I don't know I mean it's all starter stuff you know he like he had a dusk cever I'm not even going to go close to those guys I'm afraid of my friends I'm just going to let them do their own thing and then I'm just going to sneak up behind them and get the quest done so they don't [ __ ] kill me and my squad but I do know where I need to go I need to go 14063 which is kind of where they're going which sucks yeah this kind of blows I don't like this whole Friendly Fire [ __ ] I L like I know they're going to kill me can't Vault this is there a different button that's not space bar to Vault like a separate button so how do they have so many [ __ ] bullets [Music] oh one of them died who would have killed them can't die to these NPCs right I don't want to get close to him cuz he's on edge he's going to [ __ ] blast anybody that moves still know where the [ __ ] to go 14 0 1 163 so it's one more to the left I'll let that guy be stressed byself okay convenience store what am I supposed to do in here oh that's it now we need to go 141 165 oh that was the building I was just at I just never went in backpack someone in here I thought I hit him in the head I think that same guy that died is coming back I see him on the map I'm assuming NPCs can't shoot through glass I don't know maybe they can anyway I got to get to that damage building and then hope I don't die to Friendly Fire I'm going to meet back with my buddy at least I think this is my buddy he's right there got a pistol and don't want to shoot him but I also don't want him to shoot me I think that's my friend oh this is the warehouse I'm supposed to go to I think how far is the vo it seemed pretty far actually uhoh this was the warehouse this Quest is done cool got some experience points dope um I have to find a cash in the warehouse how the [ __ ] do I get in unless that was the right area uhoh I had the tracker I don't have a Tracker uh I was probably supposed to buy a Tracker or something I don't know doesn't say anything about tracking something though new Squire reporting for Duty welcome back did you know you got [ __ ] Friendly Fire yeah yeah I saw his uh like his you top or whatever and I said friendly and he shot me in the face yep yep that's going to be really annoying in this game there's going to be so much of it yeah I don't know how they're going I don't know how they're going to penalize people for that either it's going to be tough is the wicked getting on uh yeah but he doesn't wake up till like noon how the [ __ ] do I can you use oh you don't have the quest or did you grab it I did grab it it says hide the tracker do you see that oh I've seen the tracker I think it we have to bring him from our stash mother like a one by one item all right anyway we can go to the we'll go do the that's the water tower did you get the water tower completed I don't I think it's a bigger water tower oh [ __ ] up can go back to the colon l z and get a Tracker we know where this is at do I have to use like a serve I I don't know if I have to use this but I'm using this I'm like [ __ ] up I I keep yeah I don't know H you have pain killers I do but I just keep taking it it's not going away so I don't know if I'm supposed to like I don't know what's end deployment do oh I was actually supposed to use a surf kit interesting I would have never known that all it said was dizzy and coughing and what fixed it the survival kit fixed it the yeah this Ravel kit fixed dizzy and coughing I would have never guessed that all right well I'm down for whatever we can go back to base and grab some trackers we can I'm worried about all the friendly fire Bro [ __ ] um yeah uh we could do the other we could do the other Quest so I'm done I'm just you to have a good time a squire does not tell his Lord what to do 141 165 that's where we're going which is just over this way towards the friendlies also one of your quests if you got them all is in that convenience store to the right where this guy's hanging it's kind of [ __ ] up [ __ ] Fallout Jesus Christ oh our friendly just died our friendly in the road our friendly just died he got absolutely blasted Jesus and I almost got blasted you good I'm good they're all missing uh-oh we're getting shot by a friend oh Jesus I'm going back here I swear to God that's that's the same guy friendlies friendly friendes friend I'm at the back I think that friendly shooting at us again so [ __ ] annoying I hate that don't like it don't like that at all that's a solution they're going to have to try to find they're going to have to try to fix that okay we're not he's not shooting at us we're good this is our friendly that's dead loot him of course naturally pillage him for loot I'm taking his aviators he looks [ __ ] damn good he's got 100 bullets of FMJ or oh he is not doing very [Applause] good all right we walk in here for the quest I'm going to check my task Why didn't it finish still unchecked weird for some reason it didn't finish for me but it get po The Prompt popped up I thought I had different tasks not sure I'm not too worried about it I see a really big watcht right there dude uh 195 from us like 100 m 150 M you see that oh that might that might be the water tower I think that's it dude there's a lot of bad guys I've been eating my cars my Lord perfect shot right shot right contact right on the street got a friendly friendly coming up yeah yo what's going on guys friendly what's up yo what's up bro listen the friendly that's up ahead he is uh not so friendly so we're going to try to go around him all right did you talk to him I tried to talk to him but my man's a [ __ ] Savage shot friend us right no he'll kill us he already has cont oh [ __ ] I'm just kind of hoping he dies in there is that [ __ ] up no nice to meet you shroud hey I like your glasses targ down he's dead all right let's get to that water tower I'm going to run on [ __ ] bullets bullet Situation's rough we have a firm pecking order around here new guy I was Squire first so that makes you the lowest rinking Squire Here I Am The Squire Squire you know yeah look at that you kind of got a promotion you got your own Squire Squire things are looking good fallout Fallout be taken over who was that good huh people [ __ ] with it game looks good runs pretty good Unreal Engine 5 this is pretty basic Unreal Engine 5 but like step in the right direction for sure getting us closer to using this in full force careful the Friendly's on our left we got to avoid this guy I didn't ask for your opinion on running Squire sorry bro I'll get my mouth shut from now on okay bad news the friendly is sneaking up on us and I let's just keep let's just keep moving let's keep moving fast if we them they won't kill us I see what you were saying Squire this looks like [ __ ] don't it got to get inside go go go go all right we got it at the truck contact moving right he's down Nice kill sir thank you all right we're looking for we're looking for some find medical supplies probably in this tent I hear movement on the other side of the wall we climbed on were you doing anything else here or is it just the quest to go look at it do I need to pick anything up we got to pick something up I don't know where it is right right okay oh I have a door over here it's not give me interaction I'm going check inside this building do we need a key or something maybe so can you not like shoot without [Music] adsing oh just like a little uh medical Bay back here I can't get in man I can't get in harder oh there's some sunglasses here need some sunglasses uh I need some sunglasses yeah right on this table right here oh oh they're the dorky ones okay it just just popping up out of nowhere some like actual medical supplies down here oh I think this is it the onar medical supplies right here on this shelf it looks pretty big though it's a four slot apparently got it easy yeah yeah got if you safe pouch that I have 5.56 in my pouch now but I wonder if you turn it in later all right easy everyone grab their item it's a 2 by two yeah all right so that one's done we can't Bo the caches cuz we didn't bring markers so we're not going to worry about that uh gas I the markers but I don't know where the stuff is okay we can go back for it how many markers did you bring two only two I can give you one if you want but no no no you're good you're good where'd you get the markers was it from a vendor uh so when you accept the quest if you check your messages he should just give them to you oh okay I mean if you accept the quest they might still be in your messages is the messages T can I access it from here [ __ ] am I stuck what what is are you stuck on something here try to go forward fine by me you can't go you can't you can't move past us is there something here uh that's a spiky fence oh it's not rendering for me it's just there's nothing there's that's what you're talking about there's literally nothing here okay you are the world wor Squire you watching our Lord walk into so confused bro uh but yeah you can uh get the the like reward for your quest by just checking your messages and accepting it now did you do the abandoned like Warehouse already uh no no is that in front of us I'm not sure [ __ ] grenade check the area around the gas station convenience door and demolish building at 144 161 141 all right who here knows how to read a map I know how to read 140 161 I could do it I could do it are we going to go 141 161 is um this direction are we going to get your markers done first or no oh yeah we can do that first I'm done for whatever so the first marker was in the abandoned building over here to the left this way think this might be something we need to exp oh no up that's fine there's no more friendlies here so like we're good sure so your marker is uh oh it's in here what's up Matt have you tried no rest for the wicked no is it cool oh yeah the W house he has a box in the back here I tried I saw my messages I tried to collect the markers I clicked collect and they didn't go in my inventory so I'm assuming they went be your stash yeah yeah my bad my bad all right yeah done okay uh where's the other marker the other markers no like you know timer like talk or anything just immediately done 141 16 141 161 oh I think that's where we just were oh oh my God staring at my map you scared the [ __ ] out of me all right so now we're heading down this way I'm glad we cleared everything we just kind of casually stroll on through yeah I wonder how long these guys will stay down for or if they'll call in reinforcements or what I don't know but I kind of like that like you can clear them a little bit and you feel a little bit more safe I'm really hopeful for this game like armor to Daisy kind of Vibes no zombies yeah is this clear place out and you're actually safe is this came here when when you guys ran the other direction I went in here cuz I thought we had to explore but I didn't get anything we're looking for the lumber yard for his tracker it's not in here this just looks like a really cool Market oh yeah there's cre there's yeah there's enemies here careful [Applause] bro bro [ __ ] hell my boys alive you guys good in there yeah we're good we're clear so far it's clear I think okay run well what is the Glock feel like let try the Glock out Glock out with my [ __ ] out baby yeah so far the shooting is um I don't know little off something's like the rag dolls and like when you're hitting them is cool but like something about when you shoot your gun just doesn't I'm not really feeling it you know like it's like a weird in between either give me L tin bottle of sriracha you finding food in there tooy uh not really finding much you find anything uh no just these bodies got some guns if you need some food I got got mine I started with I don't need it yet I have upgraded from a helmet to a baseball cap that sounds like a downgrade how do I look you look so 1441 161 can I make markers theg in this country is all right we're heading we're heading down here real quick for the convenience store I think or not the convenience store but it's one of the objectives can I jump over this oh cool I'm honestly a big fan of these games not having jump I think jump is like whatever like that would that would have felt better if I just vaulted it rather than like doing these weird ass pops and then missing why did I get so low to the ground there that was [ __ ] crazy bro I was on [ __ ] single these guys just didn't move I love that that was scary all right this is the the lumber yard I think you got to put a marker here let me see yeah I'm looking for the point yeah there's a this is where your marker is oh is it oh no I'm I'm not right here but oh I got it found your markers did you just shoot no no contact south if you come in here on the left hand cargo boxes you can plant your marker right there thank you thank you it's done all right last thing I don't know why I didn't get the check for this what is he doing he's also a apparently [ __ ] hell the Optics are kind of hard to use they are a little bit it's a bit Dusty you know when you're looking through it what was the other area you needed to mark that was it now we got to go uh East head east across the way here we could do it I think we knew the area we met is where the maybe the gas station convenience yeah no we met we met North we met north side we're on the opposite side need to place a marker I don't have any markers I was just doing it for that guy I didn't know I needed markers someone's moving my I think they're trying to line up like a uh fight one of the sadron he's done tried to just hit him in the body that was not worth it close one more by the white done bro you move so slowly when ads [ __ ] balls move so slow like bro come on all right what are we supposed to do here I here does anyone know how to get rid of the headache serve I think have you drank enough water today I had to use the serve when I was dizzy and coughing so like I don't know oh I got to go back to the demolished building for some reason my legs apparently by running too much I guess by running too much I haven't been hit yet this game really is realistic interesting you guys get the quest complete yeah all right cool Mar from 141 16 but I don't have markers in my inventory I see what you're saying yeah up on that Northern side is one of the objectives let check the other one I don't like how I can't use the food from the inventory I have to like bring it to mine do the thing all good it looks like we have our other two objectives are on the far north and the like most western side where the warehouse checkpoint is yeah I need to go get my markers did you already do the um like the gas station all that stuff yeah but the demolished building didn't work for me for some reason I think ryo's on his way here uh I think he's running up to us you have RI oh okay okay I was probably I probably went to the wrong building that makes more sense all right I'm rolling north wait should we wait uh he'll probably link up it looks like he's a click out so do need the demolish building on the Eastern side it's pretty big I saw that earlier and then we need the um was the convenience store up on the Northern side we did the convenience store I'm pretty sure that one we just did yeah we just need to get all the way I'm going to go around here I'm not going to deal with these guys I'm going around this way all right that was the gas station we I don't have yo [ __ ] it we're gone there guy just staring at me back there my boys are fine they' never been more fine they're all good they sound great over there they're doing they're doing God's work they can handle themselves we're on the move you don't really even need to shoot these guys they're kind of like Bots They Don't Really they just kind of look at you and then they sometimes hit you look at this guy [ __ ] idiot [Applause] I think you only really want to shoot them when they're like close besides that you just move move move move move move PVP in this game I could tell is going to be um not great the the way the movement feels with the gun play it's just going to be whoever whoever sees who first and whoever's standing still is just going to win right it's not going to feel that good unfortunately it's not you're not going to be able to move around well that's cool badass know they did that dude there's enemies everywhere holy [ __ ] balls trying to hit him in the body but no just takes so many shots you have to hit him in the head heing this [ __ ] AK is great dude the dlss is tweaking holy [ __ ] there's so many is my my boys good oh we got the backup oh we're all split up it takes like six shots to the chest this gun how do I throw my grenade G no I don't know he's bleeding I hear him or like [ __ ] up the guy I shot kind of cool think he's dead I'm not going to shoot those guys they're to um all right what do I need to do demolish building 14165 isn't that what I marked 14165 so it's somewhere in here it's probably did I pass it can I open this I don't like how they need to open some of these up a little B more I don't like how they're all like Vault around like all the shit's Vault Vault Vault they need to crack some of these open the spacing is like weird I don't like it many men many men many men many men oh that guy Blood Out is that my homie helping me hey friendly yes yeah holy [ __ ] you left us there was many casualties did he die did our bomi die I don't know it got it got bad I ran I'm almost out of ammo and I got shot a that all right all right we got to find a demolished building in here and then we can go to the LZ and get the [ __ ] out of here let's re resupply you know there was a lot of a lot of contact across the way oh [ __ ] took around I'm get down oh I didn't even feel like I took around what the [ __ ] there was that was like the what hello where's my Flinch or something weird let's save ammo go look this building yeah I don't know it's somewhere it's somewhere in the Square that we're in I think it's going to be where those enemies are we could cross on the left maybe I still have good blood I'm still chilling it appeared to be leaking all right oh is that it right there yeah look at it there a rubble right there construction site right there oh uh there's a demolished building after all yeah oh you good I'm good I'm just my Char struggling to get all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here I didn't bring my markers let's go to LZ let's go to LZ Let's uh head out head out this way and then just head north yeah I got one more bleed I got to fixed and I'm out of here I'm out of Med all right you want to go to South Evac or North no we can go north maybe we just go wide so we don't deal with all these it'd be cool if we got experience for them but we don't really what that guy say his name was Echo uh I don't know I just heard Squire Squire I'm out of breath that's all two down one more I think we just cut get some Stam send it yeah the um the game looks good visually the animations and ragd dolls and [ __ ] are good the guns feel like they don't have enough weight to them they don't sound like they have enough weight to them um no real impact when you're getting hit invisible walls that's kind of my cons so far okay I guess I just all right I would love a vault button instead of hitting space bar to Vault I would love uh like how pubg does it where you can split up your Vault and your jump bro can I really not Vault this I can't Vault around this we got to go around okay yeah my character got hungry okay it's been an exhausting Voyage yeah I know you've been you've been alive for a while I guess we both have but I've just beat I've been eating the enemy snacks you know is that why they hate us so much yeah been stealing their [ __ ] devs don't listen to him leave Vault on space that's just an option my point is you should separate the an AOG or something Vault and jump should be two different options if you want them to be in pubg it works the same way in pubg space bar is jump and vault is also space bar but you could split the two and then you can have like control B Vault like I use in pubg and then Space Bar B jump the option to have both is definitely way better and trust me you might not like having two different buttons for it but it'll feel a lot call the Evac from all the way over here I don't know how do we call Evac I think we have to go like to it um yeah you can no no you can go to your map and click the LZ and then it'll uh it'll call it in oh how do we get in a squad so we can both get in the same helicopter to your current position I called in the LZ so [ __ ] did you get it yeah yeah did you get that request if you in the top right okay invited the squad all right I invited you to a squad oh I invited you to a squad I don't see that one I can't oh oh yo The Trackers if you go if you go to your messenger you can collect your uh I think it went to my um my oh I see you went to your stash yeah wait what the [ __ ] I hear you on the radio Roger Roger over oh that's cool so that means if we're Ving in game we're Ving like let's go far let's try it real quick can you hear me now oh I hear you what about now I hear you let's gool I wonder if other people can hear us probably oh like still in vo yeah yeah I think so I wonder if we can swap like radio channels that go between voice and radio I'm not sure also I called this but it's just not here should I try it again I'm going to try it again negative the destination is in your immediate vicinity I sh a call when I said negative yeah I got negative as well there command's going to make us to walk home request denied destination too near to your current position up oh you click on Main base and then it picks the LZ closest to you it's coming oh yeah thank God you I was going to walk no way you were going to walk are you [ __ ] kidding I would have Al that forward before I would have [ __ ] Al that for this [ __ ] before I walk are you kidding 10,000 steps a day I would say if there was like stats and [ __ ] where you're like building endurance okay maybe oh be careful of the helicopter it'll run you over someone perish okay we [ __ ] these guys up while we're waiting oh yeah you want to open fire I'll take the one on the left all right ready 2 1 [ __ ] Leaf is in my way nice beautiful bro the the second you said 321 I had a little LEF that was blocking this dude's [ __ ] head that was crazy just instantly missed those irons are weird like they have blur on them for a while when you you aim I couldn't figure it out exactly I got up a little Lake this I live in Hawaii so it started at 4:00 a.m. Jesus yes I don't have a crew to roll with right now I'm at the hurry up and get in well we got to go get our markers huh strap in we're heading out this is cool yeah but like what happens if like a player sees us can they kill us up here or are we Invincible like the second someone gets into a Cho or are they just God mode probably uh I hope I hope they can get shot out but we'll see getting close seconds do you know how many people can be on one server I heard thesection I heard 120 but I don't know if that's true okay you probably get a lot engagements actually with that many I think I think it's 40 per faction oh no 40 oh never mind 48 okay I got correct 16 per faction 48 okay that's like nothing lots of ammunition meds and markers I guess the map isn't too big well it's quite large actually pretty big all right oh yeah pass Bach Jack available run good oh yeah I thought you were an NPC talking to really welcome back to base soldiers yes sir yo what's good man how you doing good all right well I got to head out you boys have a good one good baby back in you can always wait around we just need to drop off some over our [ __ ] get a quest and we can roll together if you want yeah I'm down let's do it how do we abon these medic how do I how do I invite you to our group Mr shroud is it not yes yes yes what's up how's it going man it's going how do I like oh make sure to hand over your medical supplies to the lab rat yeah I still need to when we're down there find those buildings I guess can you add me as a friend I'm examining you or I'm going to seeing what this does uh did you get that yep now I got to add you as a in a s mod somehow what is the difference between a gauze and a bandage did you get that did you get the invite y you guys got room for a little rat solo boy all right I'm in why does that voice sound so annoying something inside your head okay so we need these trackers um we need bull is Wiki going to play this I believe so let me let me see if he's in disc see if you drop magazines like tarov nah if you're full you're good water uh make sure you guys turn in your medical supplies and then should we buy anything I'm bringing some more bullets that's for sure out for the the chopper coming in all tab real quick [Music] boys it's going good man hell yeah Brothers my graphic settings are on custom and they all defaulted to medium our voices change when we're in a party right gives that like radio effect I think epic what does Epic look like maybe I don't know your sounds nice and clear my boy yeah it does it does make it like radio dude these Hollows are the most [ __ ] ugliest thing ever right just me I can't even figure out how to put them on super far yeah the dot is super far yeah I noticed that too fov increase is kind of strange Pockets drink gauze gauze some snackies instead of that uh what is this the stock stuff there's higher to ammunition than the vendor $2 a round two buckaroos can I buy an ACOG $2,000 for an ACOG for sure that's what we're using SP wait is this push talk thing all messed up want to bring an extra mag I guess hello can you guys hear me yeah I hear you yeah yeah yeah I can hear you all right I'm good I think you trying to figure out all right oh that's why I guess that's that okay so you couldn't hear me in the menu no yeah you can't yeah look at this look at my gun anyone you bought you bought the 2K the 2K [ __ ] ACOG does it look good like it uh yeah the housing is pretty big but it's bigger bag oh okay okay I don't think there I think I'm going with irons here think there's an option for just going to rock it all right shall I call uh the chopper let's do it I'm down you guys got room for a solo yeah just want to catch a ride with you boys try to think how do I how the [ __ ] do I add you wish I could just look at you and add you I'm just staring and I don't see I don't get any prompt for anything I like your little ponytail thank you brother my wife tied it back for me be it's beautiful can you add me as a friend uh hold on yeah that should work right now a blood bag okay it work I should have added to I'm buy some of that I invited you to the squad X confirmed on route to base I'm want to go play with the homies after this I think I gave Tyler a key and then Matt should be on this is Raven arriving shortly near your positiona second blood [Music] transfusion I don't see the uh invite it's in your messages it's not on the squad screen go to your like all righten oh you know it' be so cool as if fing shoot from this that'd be awesome get ready we're moving out guys I'm not going to lie I'm afraid ofs it's fine just hold on you'll be good hold my head Marcus I got you bro okay south of the gas station got a mark thing that I missed and find Canoa SAR clerk in the local construction shop where the [ __ ] is that I don't know it doesn't have cour here south of the gas station down next to the blueberries all right where's the destination boys where we headed I just follow markers um we got to go to Warehouse I think it's at 141 163 around where all those friendlies are at right now now there's a lot of wonder if wonder if it's going to be clear with all these guys yeah there's so many people that we might actually just be able to walk in not really fight too much yeah make sure to be on Full Auto if you you want to be what holy did you just do that yeah disappeared right [ __ ] [ __ ] ghost I didn't want to break Aion do we move faster with a knife I feel like we do do we have a knife I don't think do I don't think so yeah it's hard to tell didn't your mom tell you not to run with knives it's three I think I'm rebellious all right oh yeah this optic is the move let's let's race someone get on the road with me oh I like it okay we're all right you want to race yeah we're just we're just going to run a straight line up okay on three three what I don't think it's faster I think you guys are all the sameed I don't think I don't think it is oh holy [ __ ] we good everyone happy one more got him oh my God nice bullet that was cool all right we don't need to go in here I don't think maybe we do I don't know taking those AK mags go for it there's some snacks on them too you don't have to pack in this you can just unload it and grab the loose oh I like that okay all right we got some dead guys our friendlies are are putting in work what's up what's up oh it's shroud again what's up man I'm back oh my God down the hill hey missed you so much missed you squ friend what's up I'm [ __ ] stuck I figured it out yo help take my hand soier we just come down to you can you climb this I'm trying you can do it man let's go this is why you're only a private I don't know where these tasks are I don't even remember where the gas station was oh oh it marks it oh oh nice so we got to okay so once you Discover It restaurant Key like it's an ey key for the restaurant somewhere in town I have that cool if your limb is oh one of the warehouses is over here just survival K it back on wait actually no I don't know where I am some we got to go all the way down this this long road to the warehouse okay I think once you discover it it's on your map so we've already been through this I'm just hustling through it everybody already wiped these guys where's the PVP I don't think they're going to introduce you for PVP for a while I think they're just going to I think they're just going to have you do really like lame and like setup missions before they get you like closer to any bad people I also if I'm being honest the PVP is not going to be good in this game like I can already I can already tell um in the in the warehouse here you can place a marker in that little room there's a little box okay cool cool uh towns Lumberyard 141 163 got that don't worry guys I'm catching up I just had a traumatic injury with both my legs snapped oh be careful oh God damn I forgot my markers yeah yeah that'll happen no sorry I was shooting the that wasn't shooting you I know it look like I was shooting you all good did you get the marker the left side over here no what they do to Steve thank you sir no he was a good man it's going to be this brown box right yeah it was my brother ah got it thank you appreciate it it's all right you'll get over you'll get over oh man we good yeah I think we're good you're a good man see you later I'll help this guy out my brother you son of a [ __ ] man what' you do that for I'm sorry all right all right what's going on over here break it up shooting dead bodies man I'm sorry I'm sorry I was trying to shot my brother I was trying to bring him down all good all right everybody Focus up Focus up oh W oh we have a lot of friendlies in the area we're heading south we're heading south r l I've been talking to the sergeant about those war crimes you just committed Soldier all right we go in this Little House on the Left all these friendlies cleared all the bad guys for us so we're just kind of strolling Captain do you still have the Quest for first Recon uh no I did it what you I've done that convenience store and that's it um we're heading to gas station that's our next point and then the demolish demolish building is up for we we good you you good brother you good I got a cracked up opiate smoker over you good I need a bandage I'm not good that that would be crazy if you die dude your your [ __ ] a your ACOG would be gone that would suck H oh that's tough his glasses screw no no no I don't need to be put down I'm great I'm never even better actually uh marker in here it went from surprisingly good ping to surprisingly low FPS dude I put like 30 rounds in that guy over there I don't know what he was smoking going to be the same brown box like yeah yeah it's on the left so you guys found the chattiest British person in the world on the here all right now we're heading to the gas station it's just east and I think Friendly's already cleared this way cuz it sounded like it you said we passed the demolished building already we did it it was on the North side I forgot that we were still on that Quest I guess you guys are y have to head back there have any of you had your lungs collapse yet collapse yeah apparently your lungs will collapse and you die oh no that sounds awful that's what pesy told me his first death had that happen from vaping once that's the worst thing I've ever heard right my first death was spotting a a friendly telling him I was a friendly and then him shooting me in the face oh my God that's true I saw it happen and then they almost killed me uhoh my game crashed well we'll see where I end up I've read ACOG reduces FPS usually any scoped like magnification will probably do that yeah anything that's more magnified than like 1X how the hell does your lung collapse like how would that you know what I'm saying oh it's not going to work it's going to crash pretty sure oh maybe not oh well for um did my game Crash I'm not sure what's happening here that's got to be bugged all right let's uh hit the so how do we like the game so far let's find out this is what I heard last time okay so we're back at base did I lose my stuff I did not lose my stuff interesting so when you crash it just thr you right back at base dude I hate this hollow it's just a DOT I hate it all right let me see if Tyler's on I lost my boys but like whatever I don't care hey Tyler hey hello are you in game yet yes oh why' you say it like that yes helicopter was flying over his l oh uh what's your name scoodle oh Summit how do I already have Summit as a friend that's [ __ ] odd and how do I not have scadoodle as a friend added you to friends you invite me I did I think it goes to your messages tab uh wait are we on the same server though you know what I'm saying yeah let me go back how does that work let me deploy safely back to the main menu so what does like stuff sell for like uh okay 300 I can't sell this stuff I probably got to sell it here see if this works the bullets that I brought back 50 bucks 30 bucks AK so I could sell I have to go back to the main menu and Q usn oh you can't just like join me I don't think so there's no join option it just says you're on a mission there's no join option uh when I try to matchmake I get I get matchmaking fail okay you think I have to go back to the main menu yeah I think you have to queue Us in if we're in a squad how the [ __ ] do I get out of here safely and play e let's see if my game crashes I feel like it's like a 50/50 when you load in okay oh oh oh black oh and oh um oh and oh and I'm freezing okay we're good Jesus Christ your too everything was breaking that was [ __ ] crazy is this you this you yeah I hear you okay we're in a squad we're good did you get your quest yeah I got my quest first one okay I'm going to buy an ACOG I'm going to try it it's going to kill my frames but Fu it anything I should get here from base that I don't have in my pack already uh for your quest if you check the messages tab there's a quest then they'll give you markers you need to grab those markers and bring them on the quest so we can do them the only Quest I have is first Recon is that the first one or is there more uh there's more each vendor has one okay do I have to run up to them manually or can I just no no no you can just you can just go through the menus Tab and then task oh all my quests reset oh interesting my game crashed oh I I see the task okay oh it's some 5.56 okay I think this thing needs a rail or something I don't know what rail it needs does it tell me what rail it needs I don't [ __ ] know how am I supposed to know maybe this nine slot um I have no idea ACOG mount for $94 where is uh I don't see upper right side third row line six what SE some weird stuff in my life but nothing beats this [ __ ] Island what the hell is going on here how much food should I bring out ah you you'll get food from killing people it's not that big a deal oh I found this Mount I'm getting ACOG okay I hate this I hate this I don't want to do this I don't want to learn this I don't want to do this again I just don't I don't want to have this [ __ ] crazy in depth [ __ ] I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it one bit don't like it in tarov not going to like it in this game all right ready yeah I just want to throw the ACOG on really quick it looks looks nice you'll drop a lot of frames when you use it though so be prepared but it is a nice cleaner reticle you'll drop like 30 40 FPS I guess I'll put the serve kit in my ass I don't know for now in case I die may I and put a Glock in my ass how did you get it to become compatible uh you had to buy the you had to buy the rail which is $94 and it's oh ACOG ACOG Mount yeah gotcha the [ __ ] did you find that so fast you can also buy better bullets the ones for two buckaroos if want M1 93s um I think one 19 193s or maybe even the hbts the BTS for sure I think for two bucks Point versus standard 5.56 okay muzzle velocity I don't know which one yeah I don't know which one's better FMJ or the HB BTS I have no idea I does the hollow point have a boat tail shape reduces drag and enhances stability resulting in better accuracy and extended effective range but they both it doesn't matter dude I think yeah I'm going to try shoot in the head yeah I'm going try this true actually you shoot him in the head you're good what's happening why can't I buy this [ __ ] whatever I don't care all right I'm going to call the transport we're in an empty server I'm pretty sure this guy's running moving to base C [ __ ] Ethan down there is running dude is that the real Ethan I called a called the transport if you want to come this is Raven arriving shortly near your position also can squishy so be careful all right I make that mistake I'm trying to figure out what else to put on the trying to get the ACOG to work I bought the rail and the ACOG and that was it yeah and then you just take off the hollow and then you just put on the rail got work there we go yeah it out rber ducky yeah you'll drop the frame go Ren on station ready to pick you up now we chill get ready we're moving out seconds yo what the [ __ ] that's a friendly that's our [ __ ] dude people people are just not smart you know yeah the friendly fire in this game is going to be I mean we literally got friendly fire my first game I got friendly fired you see you see the everybody on the map it's crazy everyone's there all right all ass oh your lungs your lungs can collapse apparently I don't know what that means I think if you get hit in the lungs and you run too much you're going to just die or something I don't know all right don't know what that means but it has happened oh [ __ ] okay I guess this guy oh my God God holy [ __ ] did I pick you up no I'm dead hold on I'll be there in just a sec I'll just spawn I'll just cover my body cover my body request denied Raven is already in the air I hit him in the head and then he hit me in the head but uh somehow his no helmet saved him and my helmet did nothing like you know when you play other FPS games and you just run around roasting people oh my good how it feels to get roasted that's how it feels well what crazy is I hit him in the head just happened to you that's how we all feel we're facing you I [ __ ] shot the guy in the head his blood the blood came out of his brain he whipped on me and just one shot me just cover my loot for a sec hopefully this [ __ ] Ethan idiot doesn't come running this guy's going to kill us I just know it I just know it Raven wheels up for base camp Tyler you might have to put this guy down I could tell he wants to kill you I can see he's running right at me yeah he's literally running right at you I can tell that this guy wants to kill you this guy's a [ __ ] clap I I guarantee you he's going to kill you second is that Ethan like there no I doubt how do I Mouse over on the map to hold the M like move it yeah m is like all right I'm in the seat okay he's kind of making a turn so maybe he's not coming for you dude I that's my first death I can't believe I just died like crazy Fu Ming out he take your loot if he kills you like that did you bring a Lo out you come back naked I came back naked I died and I had just the knife out so he move out all right I landed oh they're popping all right where's my body it's to my right okay I see you [ __ ] him up we have no friends this time so it's going to be it's going to be a lot of clearing one sprinting over to the right here all it's all you I'm loing myself I didn't bring any grenades where's my where's my gun there is on the ground that's cool all right oh they're pushing up close making a move got two down nice is it worth looting everyone um not really unless you need like snacks or bandages like extras cuz like they in their in their like you like this guy's an AK he's got a chocolate bar or whatever the [ __ ] you can grab their AKs if you want a secondary gun on your back I'll grab this guy akm why not is anyone ever just chilling in the house uh I haven't seen anyone chill in a house all right your mags don't drop like in tarov either okay so you can like fill them up I haven't seen anybody in my bag just in case okay I wasn't sure if the mag would drop or not [ __ ] I was supposed to bring a GPS tracker all good all right so your quests we'll do your quest first bro they're [ __ ] Invincible man they're head there they're [ __ ] hit rag is some booty cheeks you good I can't kick this door the kick is so [ __ ] back door is awesome can't get in this house all right we're just here to do our quests anyway there really isn't much looting looting which is kind of underwhelming you uh is there a MAG check uh yes I changed the key bind I think it was like control oh get in get in get in Jesus [ __ ] Christ I don't want to findy my beds either is a problem I am bleeding managing all right do I need a pain killer no I'm good all right fck right be this wall they're everywhere I believe one of your quests was right around here scared of these guys dude I just got one ta yeah oh and there's still more to my right somewhere here left left left behind you as well he's pushing he's pushing just hold it got him holding that's why I don't hold right oh he swinging is he swinging he swinging on your left yeah in the open road was he close see him he was like 40 m maybe friendly guy's getting close and I'm scared of a TK I don't see this guy am I [ __ ] blind I got one on the right he's close to the left I hear him I hear him and see him I don't like his sight he's pushing I can't see him I can't see him he's behind the truck or something hit him in the head it didn't do anything all good he's dead he's dead I don't like the sight I actually prefer my H this thing is [ __ ] weird yeah how many of these guys are there three bullets yeah I don't like this uh Y what up this is so [ __ ] annoying to shoot hit once this guy is [ __ ] Superman brother hit him that's crazy is there a different yeah we're in right now Mike's taking hits I've gotten hit a lot I've already died there's no different Sensi for different that's why that's why it feels like [ __ ] they don't have separate sensitivities for different Scopes so like like for example the hollow felt too slow and this feels too fast so like I there's nothing I can do about that besides I guess slowing my sensitivity down now all right uh how much blood Have I Lost not too much okay so one of your quests is oh my God there's so many [ __ ] guys bro oh he bled out that was the guy we hit in the face like [ __ ] six times let this way can you actually uh fight other players right now mhm yeah they're far as [ __ ] though so many guys okay one of your quests is to walk in here Tyler this little whatever area I see crossing the Run looks so goofy all right I got it okay that's one Tyler was hustling The Good the run is so goofy so goofy to take out I'm about to take out the [ __ ] AK and start blasting yeah oh this guy's an M SKS I grabbed an AK and grabbed a couple mags [ __ ] AK time baby all right another Quest you have I think is this way the problem is it's towards those guy that I think it's going to Friendly Fire us so I'm kind of scared it's actually exactly where that guy is right now all right and he will kill us I think unless we kill him for we just take him out the game [ __ ] it he's rank one doesn't know what's going on we could just kill his ass I we I don't think we could well they try oh yeah oh break my leg oh we're good all right he's on the Move we'll just take his spot right can you uh free Freel look your yeah it's middle Mouse head got you nice nice scared me you're one on the right I think I'm going to grab his mag yeah I got you I can't believe I died like that that's so close you just turned and po all right let's through here you got your marker right marker I think so no you'll know I know if you walk up here and it works like out game Crash bro your game Crash yeah my game crashed earlier that sucks yeah the game Crash is annoying because it reset you go back to base and it resets you got to go do the quest really quick again all right I'm just going to put you back at base yeah it puts you back at base not where you are like currently like the PVP is going to be really scuffed right now cuz like if you are in like a fight and you're low you can just Al more really quick and you'll just TP back at base good classic yeah how does uh how does sensitivity feel weird question but like it feels um pretty bad I don't know not great oh my God what I'm talking about right yeah I mean it feels kind of floaty like moving your mouse around and moving your and shooting your gun it feels like it feels like not as like extreme floaty as you think but it doesn't feel great either it's not like arcadey brole came online D awesome I should just ala for my game how do I join you I just deploy again uh I think I have to create another Squad let's see add members do get that yeah and then is it going to just throw you in still the main lobby let me I think you have to like come back I got to come back you said yeah I don't think I can join you while you're in progress okay Matt are you on no I don't have a I don't know where to sign up for a key oh I'll just give you a key well I'm going to Al for my game uh okay your game has to crash never mind you can't hold the for your game that's unfortunate what if you control delete it you know what I'm saying yeah I'll do that let see what happens what's the worst that happens I lose my gear don't care I'm trying it and I'll give you a key mat I thought you had one thanks
Views: 75,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cod, call of duty, call of duty warzone, valorant, pubg, APEX, warzone, cod warzone, shorts, short clips, twitch shorts, clips, youtube shorts, twitch, MMORPG, APEX LEGENDS, APEX NEW MAP, mw2, modern warfare 2, shroud, doc, 2time, shroud highlight, CSGO, CSGO2, CS2, COUNTER STRIKE, COUNTER STRIKE 2, SHROUD CS, SHROUD CS2, COUNTER STRIKE BETA, CS2 BETA, CS 2 REVEAL, CS 2 TRAILER, COUNTER STRIKE 2 TRAILER, battlegrounds, erangel, new update, new map, the finals, GRAY ZONE WARFARE, GRAY ZONE
Id: yNavcR3-Hus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 50sec (6470 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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