Best Of Teen Mom: Mackenzie’s Most Memorable Moments | Teen Mom OG

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- Whoo! I'm Mackenzie. When I first met my boyfriend Josh, we were always on the go. I loved cheerleading and he was a bull rider. But then I got pregnant at 16. - Oh my goodness. (laughing) (gentle guitar music) - [Mackenzie] No! (baby crying) When my son Gannon was born, I felt like we couldn't be reckless anymore. How 'bout you sacrifice riding and rodeos for me and Gannon? - I'll do it. - Since quitting rodeo, Josh has been looking for a job. Gannon is now six months old and I'm in my junior year of high school. It's hard to juggle everything. Oh my gosh. But thankfully my mom helps me out and on top of everything else, I have type one diabetes so I have to take insulin shots every day. Love you. - All right, love you too. - Josh and I live separately with our parents and we're now engaged and wanna get married after I graduate. But since we had Gannon, it feels like every time we try to talk, we end up arguing. - What (beep). - Stop cussing. - Shut up. - Stop. We don't go out as much as we used to, but tonight's our anniversary, so my mom is babysitting. Do you wanna come with us, Gannon? Be gentle. Good job. Thanks. When do you wanna get married? - I don't know. I let you and your mom do that, decide. - No, that needs to be our decision. - I don't care. - So I can choose it inside and have you wear a tux and make it a Barbie wedding. - No. - Well then you're gonna be making suggestions about it. - Yeah for what I'm wearing, yeah. - Aren't you excited that we've been together for two years? - That is a long time, yeah. - Think we'll make it to three years? - We'll see. - I want you to have that positive attitude, like yeah we for sure will make it. (Josh exhales sharply) Can you make eye contact with me? (somber music) I tried on this date. - Are you serious? - I tried. I tried talking to you, I tried loving you. - Oh, so you're gonna play that card, huh? - I don't think you understand. I just want love back. Gannon's gonna put on a tux. Woo hoo. Tonight is prom and my mom agreed to watch Gannon. - Oh there it is. (laughing) Look at me, dad. Look at him. Oh! Look! Look, you guys match. How cute is that? - I'm gonna get my camera. He's not sure about his hat. (laughing) - Look at him. Let's go jump on the trampoline! - She's driving me crazy. Okay ready, one, two, three. Oh my gosh, I did not get that. Don't do that again. - Come here, Josh. Don't break me. - Ready, go. - Okay, let's go. It's weird carrying Gannon to prom. - Oh yeah. - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, Mackenzie and Josh. (clapping and cheering) Josh decided he wants to make his living riding in rodeos again and I'm trying to be supportive. Oh my gosh. You should be a circus man. I couldn't find anyone to watch Gannon, so I'm taking him with me to tumbling practice. ♪ You're not scary ♪ ♪ You won't believe ♪ - Better? ♪ And that won't change the way you feel ♪ ♪ About me ♪ - [Matt] Okay, hold it. Ready, one. - [Cayla] That was better. - Well that was exhausting. I'm not in as good of shape as I used to be. - You gotta be careful. The wear and tear on your body is rough. The only reason I say this is because I think that you have the ability to cheer for a school like Oklahoma State, but you gotta set yourself up to do that because I mean you're gonna have to work because eventually you're gonna be talking about paying for school too. That's when Josh comes in because the rodeo's just starting all that. - So he'll only have money when he wins rodeo. - Yeah. - So then my concern is that you're banking on him making enough money from rodeo to support you and the baby and you don't even know how successful he's gonna be at rodeo. - No. When I talk about stuff it stresses me out. I'm living day by day. Here we go. I. Hold it. Look at me! - Gannon! Look. - Okay, let's move on to the heart. Okay, now hold the heart for love. Cheese! - He's so cute. Last but not least. - Last one! Here. Oh yeah it's sitting there. All right, Gannon look! Look at me! - Gannon! Yay! (laughing) - All right. Good job, Gannon. There's miniature Josh, right there. - Either the ground was wet or he peed through his diaper. - Aw, you peed? - Cheers to no boys and fun girl night. - [All] One, two, three boys suck! - Oh this is so exciting. - So I know we're not gonna talk about boys, but like where do you guys stand? Do you wanna be with him? - I do, but like when I told Josh that I caught him lying, he said "I just wanted space." - Yeah, but he should've asked for his space and not lied. - But I think, like a lot of boys tell you what they think you wanna hear instead of tell you the truth. - Yeah a lot of boys and you have a baby and he needs to grow up and be a man. - [Mackenzie] I know. - Like me and my boyfriend talk before it gets out of control. - That's probably our problem, but we're just so young and like bringing a baby into it, it's so hard. - Why are we talking about Josh? - Sorry. - Oh my gosh, seriously? Darn Josh, always on my stupid mind. - Well, are you gonna be the one to finally ask to see each other or are you just waiting for him? - I'll just wait for him to ask me to hang out. And if he don't he don't, there's nothing I can do about it. - Yeah. - [Victoria] My butt cheeks hurt so bad. (laughing) - Hi Gannon. Hi buddy. - I'm ready to take off my shirt, get a little bit of sun. (laughing) - [Angie] So who's going first? (water splashing) - I think it's good that Josh finally came and did something with us, you think? - Yes I do. - Maybe he'll realize we're not so bad. ♪ Take a ride and swim the coast ♪ ♪ Won't you come with me, come with me ♪ ♪ Listening to sound on the radio ♪ ♪ You send me 'cause you send me ♪ - Gannon's birthday. Ready to hit it. - Gannon's turning one today and I'm really excited to celebrate. Yay, Gannon! (camera snaps) (baby cries) Yeah! (camera snaps) Yay! Hi girl, how are you? That's so cute. - [Brad] There we go. - [Angie] There we go! - Yeah Gannon. Yay Gannon. (clapping) (laughing) Well hopefully we learned from his first year, like we didn't know how to be parents we didn't know nothing. I think the fact that we're still together means something. What do you think? - I think the same. Why won't you say it. - Say what? - What you think instead of just agreeing with me. - I think that sounds good. - Josh. You can't just agree with me all your life, you have to think of stuff. Good to talk. Communication is a big part of this relationship. Our love has to keep getting stronger. If we do relax, it'll fall back on us and then tear us apart. But Josh and I worked things out and we even got married. After the wedding, Josh found a good job and I started fitness modeling. Life was good. We had our daughter Jaxie and another son Broncs. - [Angie] Mackenzie, you tried it on the other day. - I told you guys it didn't fit. They told me it was a small and brought it over, and I'm like awesome, like I'm a size small. No, it's a children's small. But gosh dang it, I gotta be Elsa for this girl's birthday. (child screaming) - [Mackenzie] Why are you screaming? - I'm scared. (child screaming) - Gannon, take it off. I hope this doesn't all stress mom out, but I'm so glad she's coming. Oh! - You're stepping on the dress. You're gonna rip it right off of me. Okay. Hey! Look at you, did your shoes fit? - [Mackenzie] Jaxie's the luckiest girl in the world. ♪ Happy birthday dear Jaxie ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ (clapping and cheering) - Blow it out! Yay! - Yeah! - Horsies! - We have so much to be thankful for and grateful for and God is so good and I am so excited to be able to be here for this birthday party. This is just making my heart sing. This is happening! All right, smile. - Got it. Look at that top deck on there. - Okay. - Mom, I bet this air is so much better for you to breathe in than what we have back home. - It's a lot cleaner, that's for sure. - Maybe the doctors will tell you that you need to move here. - I'll move with you. - We'll all move. - You guys, we're on the beach together. I mean ocean. - [Angie] This is not the beach. - Okay we're on the ocean together. Dolphin! - [Angie] There he is, right there. - That is so cool. Ready, go. - [Angie] Go, Broncs, go. Are you watching Broncs? Go Broncs, go. Woo, he's doing 'em, Mickey. - [Mackenzie] Good job, bub. I've forgiven Josh for lying to me while he was away at the rodeo and he's staying home for a couple of weeks to help me with the kids. My mom is starting a new chemotherapy treatment as a last resort to cure her cancer, so I really need his help so I can focus on my fitness business. I'm gonna cook some eggs real quick. - How come you make eggs for yourself while they eat pizza? - I'm prepping for a show. - Oh. - Yeah. - What are you prepping for? - A fitness competition. I started my company, Body By Mac, a few years ago and it's been the main source of income for our family. In order to get more clients, I'm always making new videos and I started competing in bikini fitness competitions. I have a competition in a couple of weeks and it's really important I'm in top shape for our business. I'm having a hard time accepting my mom might not be around much longer, but I feel like I need to let the kids know, especially Gannon. Hi baby. Oh, oh. Come here. You kids wanna come sit by daddy? - Yeah! - All right, okay. Mommy is gonna have a talk with you guys. It's about nanny. - What is it? 'Cause she's sick? Really sick? She has cancer? - Well, things have gotten really, really worse. And I know you can't see much on the outside, but on the inside of her body. - What? - It spread throughout her body. - What will happen? Will they have to fix her? - [Josh] They're trying. - They're trying, but sometimes you can't be fixed. It's not like a cold or it's not like when you get fever or when mommy's blood sugars get messed up. - What? What happens if she can't be fixed? What happens if she can't be fixed? I wanna know. - Sometimes you just have to go be with Jesus so you're not sick anymore. - How will you go to be with Jesus? - Sometimes people just get tired and they go to sleep and never wake up. - They never wake up? - So I just need you to enjoy every moment you get with her. - [Gannon] Okay. - [Mackenzie] So you can have those memories forever and really remind her that you love her every time you see her, okay? - Okay. - You too. - What did she get sick from? - We don't know. Sometimes this just happens to people. And it happens to a lot of very very good people. And we don't understand, I don't understand. (somber music) You okay? - Yeah.
Channel: MTV's Teen Mom
Views: 405,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teen Mom Mackenzie, Mackenzie McKee, 16 & Pregnant Mackenzie, Teen Mom 3 Mackenzie, Teen Mom OG Mackenzie, explosive moments, Best Moments Teen Mom OG, newborn babies, Best of Teen Mom, Teen Mom, memorable moments, Ranked, Teen Mom Ranked, Teen Mom: OG, Teen Mom 2, Teen Mom 3, Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant, Young and Pregnant, cute moments, motherhood, young mothers, moms, marriage, relationships, finances, high school, college, job, father, teen pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant, MTV
Id: mKYMpEYmej0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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