How about a life update!!!! IM BACK!

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do you guys want a live update if you don't you don't have to watch I'm in my boyfriend's apart did I even tell you guys here on YouTube I have a boyfriend he's pretty cute okay so I am going to I can't I don't have a tripod I'll talk to you guys like this okay so I'm just going to give you guys a little update um first off your girl highlighted her hair this morning by herself and I'd be looking blonde I'm going to insert a little video of what my last month has looked like [Applause] dancing [Music] I am finally back on YouTube sharing my life I missed this I just had to get through some life okay next week is a house tour I think I hear Cassandra coming up the stairs he's probably gonna watch this and be like is that what she's doing in my apartment while I'm at work and I'm sure you're wondering why are you in his apartment I'll tell you why uh this year has been really fun and really exciting I do cheer coaching on this side because my daughter is on the team cheer has my heart I'm really good at it I grew up doing it so that's what I do so I spent a lot of weekends away because it was cheer season so last month I did two really big competitions my team made it to world and I'm just like overwhelmed with all the blessings coming my way so I went through a year of like how am I even going to make it alive where's my next meal going to come from how am I going to pay my bills to so much opportunity and blessings coming my way that I don't know how to manage at all and so now it's like just the complete opposite problem I would choose this hard over last year's hard any day let me tell you I'm just here like so happy like just me and the kids are so happy but in the divorce papers it was you get them on Christmas break and summer break in any other school break or anytime you want to see them you come here no child support help me pay for transportation and that's that so at the end of the summer the day my son graduated that's also something that happened May was so busy man um oh also another exciting thing that happened in May was I finally found a space for Body by Mac I really think that like I felt like timing sucked for the past four years and now it's all unfolding like why did I go through an affair the year my mom was dying Why did um I go through another affair right after she died and then it landed me in Florida and I'm like oh my gosh like my life was so bad that's the only way I was able to find the courage to move to Florida now I'm here in Florida and then life went bad again the whole MTV thing went down and it's like oh my gosh and then divorce and then I'm like the timing sucks that actually timing is perfect it's perfect um if I was still on the show I wouldn't have gotten divorced and both needed to happen my future plans for Body by Mac is I do one-on-one coaching online um all the the it's down below if you want to fill out that form and I really want to teach classes again but I like was looking into reading spaces and the amount of money I was going to need just to start and to get it going was not only a lot um when I decided I was willing to do that and figuring out how to do it even though it was really scary I couldn't find a space I literally could not find a space and so a space popped up and it's just perfect like it's a small space so I am going to be showing you guys the build out of that because right now it's just like bare walls and concrete floors so I get to make it what I want um and hopefully like outgrow it like this is the beginning of hopefully something really really big um why I'm in my boyfriend's apartment we will get we're getting there we're getting we're getting to to literally the whole point of this video like I said the kids go to Oklahoma for the summer my kids are seeing their dad and my family back home [Applause] [Music] [Music] I went home for a week but needed to come back to Florida for work and stuff um I spent a week in Oklahoma catching up with my dad and family and friends and hung out with my kids and told them by and now I am back here Cassandra and I are finally getting to he doesn't have kids and we are finally getting to just have like this one-on-one time together and so it's more fun and like a little cozy apartment than a big house like that house feels so lonely and empty without my kids um but we've never had like time with just us without the kids so we are actually going on a trip to Jamaica so that will also be a YouTube video uh Jamaica is where he is from and then when I come back my dad will be flying my kids back um and then we'll do Fourth of July so anyways I'm updating you guys on my life how everything's going down how everything is going I am just such a happy person like life is so good you know it's so good so a lot of exciting things are happening and some of you guys have been here since the beginning which is absolutely crazy um so those of you who have just supported me day in and day out like yeah so I'm back on YouTube if y'all want to support my business check out the links below and please subscribe so I can grow this Channel and start sharing my life with you guys again love you
Channel: Life with Mackenzie
Views: 16,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hnT41WYDaNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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