Amber & Kristina’s Relationship Timeline | Teen Mom OG

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- [Amber] My name's Amber. My life took a huge turn six years ago when my daughter Leah was born. My relationship with my fiance Gary quickly went downhill. I was charged with domestic assault and struggled with substance abuse, so I was sentenced to five years in prison. But I only served 17 months, thanks to a special rehab program. Who's all here? - [Man] MTV. - Hi, how are you. - I'm good. - I missed you. - [Amber] As of now, I don't have custody of my daughter, Leah. And since Gary is in a new relationship, it makes dealing with him harder. (phone ringing) - 'Sup Portwood? - What's Oosky doing? - [Gary] We're just sorting through some coins here. - [Amber] Let me talk to her for a second. - Yep, here's Mommy on the phone, honey. - Hey, Momma. - Hi, beautiful. You wanna come to my house? - Yeah, you can come get me right now. - All right, I love you, I'll be on my way to get you. - Can I go look out? - [Kristina] Look out the window. - [Leah] I'm gonna go with my mommy. - Should I bring you to your classroom? - Okay. - You look cute, Boo Boo. - Are we almost there? - Yeah. - [Leah] There's Kristina. - Oh my god. - Mommy. - What, baby? - You get to meet Kristina. - No, I'm not meeting Kristina. - Yes, you have to. - Stop, Leah. - If you're dropping me off at this school. - Are you going in? - No, I'm not going in, peace out. No, I'm good. Love you, Boo Boo, have fun. - [Gary And Kristina] Love you. - She took it like a champ. She gave me a kiss and held my hand tight as I walked in. You good? Amber? Is that a no? Amber? (dramatic music) - I love when you think a day's gonna be good and it's ruined. Because you just... God. - [Producer] Are you cool with us coming in? - Yeah. - Okay. - Executive decision. I know. - That's the only thing that got me through life in prison was thinking about when I got out I was about to have Leah and my family and the saddest part is I've come to terms that he has made a whole family with Kristina and I don't (beep) fit there. - Right. - I really don't fit there. And that was abundantly clear to me this morning when Leah was like, Kristina! So I just let her go. - Did you feel like Kristina takes the place of you in Leah's eyes? - No. With the love that me and Leah have, I know that she wouldn't be able to take that place, but I do think she's too big of a part of Leah's life right now. Like I said, I think he's made this whole family with her and there's no turning back, honestly. - You are still a good mom. - Hi, Stinky Boo Boo. - I'm Stinky Boo Boo. - I know. - [Gary] I need to talk to your mom. - For why? - Is that cool, I talk to you for a second? - No, for why? Just because we're filming doesn't mean we need to do all this. - Well, I just wanna tell you something before you hear it from Leah. So you're aware- - I love you so much. Are you and Kristina getting married or something? - [Gary] No. Not for a while, if ever. But I'm having a baby. Kristina's pregnant and before Leah said anything I wanted to tell you. - Oh my god. - [Gary] So Leah's gonna have a little brother or sister. - Oh, Jesus. You have fun with that. - Okay, well I just wanted you to be aware. - Well, that's weird for you to say that and then be like, we're not gonna get married, if ever. That's just weird to say. - Baby doesn't mean you're getting married. - You're supposed to get married and then have babies, you know that, right? - Yeah. - Well, I mean, the thing is you have to think about her feelings when you say things, because this is on national television, if you say something like- - Oh, that's fine. It's true. - Hold on. If you say something like we're not gonna get married, if ever, and then you tell me she's pregnant, where is your head at? - Where it needs to be, it's right here. No seriously, I told her the same thing. - You should be thinking about like marriage. - Well, I am thinking about that, but I'm making sure it's right first. Just like obviously Leah didn't keep us together. - That closes that door so good. - Hey, if you and Kristina were friends, you could come to the baby shower. - I'm good. - You took that rather well. - Huh? - [Gary] You took the news rather well, I'm proud of you. - How else would I take it? - I'm just saying. - How is your relationship with Kristina, Amber? - In the beginning, I obviously didn't like Kristina, I didn't wanna meet her, didn't wanna talk to her, but as of a couple months ago, actually when I went and picked up Boo Boo from school, she was there, I said, hi, how are you? - [Dr. Drew] What changed? - I think I literally just got over it. Plus she's great with Leah. I never hear anything bad about her when Leah comes over. I didn't have a reason anymore. - Can I have my hat, please? Trying not to get a sunburn. We can have Easter out here, baby. - That'd be nice. You gotta kill all the dandelions, it looks like a ton of yellow eggs. - We can see about inviting Portwood. - [Kristina] Okay. - I mean, for Leah, it'd be good for her, wouldn't it, if she can wake up early. For Leah, it's nice to have her mom be included in things and I want her to feel a stability between Mom and I and I want her to see it. I mean, it's up to you, I just figured it'd be nice for Leah to have her mom and dad together. - That's fine. - [Gary] Are the baskets here? - Yeah, I kind of separated everybody's stuff per basket. You need help with eggs? - [Gary] Yeah, obviously. - Why do you need help with eggs, you got candy in front of you and you got eggs in front of you. - I'm just saying when you guys get a chance I could use help with eggs. - [Amber] Thank you, that's nice. - Well, you guys can go pick up Leah and me and Matt will do all this if you want. - Okay. - You guys chat. - [Amber] What are we chatting about? - Whatever you wanna chat about, Leah and girl stuff, I guess, getting your pedicures. - I'm just gonna end up talking all this smack about you to her. - So be it. - And ask her if you're still doing half the stuff you used to do. - Yeah, ask away. - Bunny! Bunny! Boop, boop, boop. - [Gary] You guys need to go get Leah from school. - Oh my god, it is freaking hot. How did you and Gary... I seen your ex, he's not bad looking, like what happened there? Like, honestly? - I don't know. - You though, you can tell you love each other and you know, it's like, I think he needs to warm up to the fact of me bringing her to school and stuff and she wants that. She's said that to me. - We're working on him. - I haven't even did anything. I don't have anything to prove to him anymore, I really don't. - And I always tell him, do it for Leah, you know? - Everything is getting better, but he still gets on my nerves. - Still some work in that category. - I mean, he has to get on your nerves sometimes. - Gary's Gary. - I mean, come on. I don't know. Hi, beautiful. Hi, honey. Are you surprised? Did you have a good day? - Mommy? - What? - One time Daddy asked me who was my favorite person in the world, what did I say? - Emilee. - I can answer it. - What is it? - Your mommy. - Mm-hmm. - That was just the other day. - You only say that 'cause you miss me. If you saw you me every day you'd be like, I'm done. We've been in Florida for almost a week and we're leaving tomorrow, but I'm really hurt because last night I found out on social media that Gary and Kristina were calling me a bad mom on a recent episode. The one thing that I do hear about is Gary and Kristina talking mad, just a bunch of crap, so for them to act like I've just been an absent mother, you know, that's bull (beep). I'm not an absent mother, I'm there for my kid. - Knowing that summer break is almost over and things and I know Leah, I think she saw Amber like a total of two times. - Mm-hmm. We've had the same issue today we had three years ago. Amber's not there. She is a come and go kind of mom. Some people wanna be parents, some people are parents, and some people just don't give a (beep), I guess. - Like, it's not right for them to do that to me, (beep), it's not even true, first of all, because I saw her three times, not twice, it's just bull (beep) that they even try to make it into that, and obviously I don't deal with my emotions that well with my mental illness, I'm not as strong as people think. Sometimes I'm broken. But I don't need people to understand that, what I need is for Leah to know that I love her and I feel like if her dad and her step-mom is talking (beep) about her mother, she's gonna start thinking these things if she ever hears it, which that stuff bothers me. - How do you wanna handle talking to Gary about this? - [Amber] I already called him, actually. - You did? - So when I found out everything, I called Gary and I said everything I needed to say to him. You're two-faced. I try to defend myself on social media against what Gary and Kristina said about me, but it doesn't seem to be working and now people are saying some really horrible things. ♪ Warrior, warriors ♪ ♪ Warrior, warriors ♪ ♪ Warrior, warriors ♪ ♪ We are warriors ♪ ♪ Yeah, we will rise above ♪ ♪ We are warriors ♪ - So yeah, Amber's starting some stuff. She is making things sound negative. - Well, yeah, of course. First off, the restraining order is to keep my daughter from filming. Never have I ever had a restraining order for cheating on my ex-husband. The sad part is why would she go off and put it on social media, on blast. - Well, that's what happened, I'm sitting here doing nothing... Well, I'm probably doing something. - Not only that, what about Leah? I mean, you gotta realize that her teachers have social media, these people at her school's parents have social media. And if they're at home talking about Leah's mom's Twitter rant, and they go to school, she needs to think about her daughter. - Yeah, if you think about it the way you said it with the school watching. - And not only that, attacking somebody that is there for their children. I mean, I always have been and that's a huge attack on me because my children are my life. It's very hurtful. You think about how far we've come in co-parenting and then it just seems like when this happened, not only was it two steps back, I feel like it's 20 steps back. You know, what do I do? Do I apologize for something that I said? I just hate the tension, I really do. - Amber, I kind of feel like I'd like you to talk to Kristina, because I feel like that relationship was key and it's been sort of ruptured a little bit. I'll let you guys just chat to each other. - I mean, it was pretty rough hearing the things that she was saying and I just wish that she could've, I don't know, maybe directed it towards me or texted me or called me, because she was sending me pictures of Leah when I was around, she was making sure that we were always connected, and I really appreciated that from her, so it hurt my feelings, it really did. - I apologize for hurting your feelings, you know, we are there for support for you, we always encourage Leah to be there for you as well and she loves you to pieces. - And Amber, I heard an apology on this end, how about on yours? - Yeah, I am very sorry for anything I said that is hurtful or anything like that. I'm a person that will admit my faults. I mean, it might take me a while sometimes, but I will. And I just wanna start this new era with everybody, that's important to me. - All right, okay. - [Amber] I'm still in LA and I'm really excited because I asked Gary to bring Leah out here to visit for the weekend. - How's my hair, babe? - [Amber] It's gorgeous. - Yeah, it's that mid-life, just had a baby crisis. (Amber chuckles) (door bell rings) - Sissy's here. And he's waking up. Come in. Hi, baby. You guys got stuck in traffic? - We got detours everywhere around here. - Oh, god. - What's up, guys? He's up now. - Go give him kisses. - [Gary] He's gotten big. - I love you. (Amber laughing) - Ready? - I'm not on you. - Naked baby! He's got his wee wees out. - What do you think about doing a girls day with Leah and I and maybe get a mani and pedi? - Oh, nice, yeah, where at? - [Gary] I'm going. - No, you're not. - [Kristina] I was also thinking I could watch the baby for the night if you guys want a night off. - Listen, if you really want to, I definitely could use a night of sleep. - You wanna babysit James tomorrow? - No! - No? - Hear that, baby? We're getting a night off. (Amber laughs) I really appreciate Kristina offering to babysit James so we can get a full night's rest. So next time he wakes up, he's just gonna want a baba and he's diaper change and play with him for a couple of minutes and he's out. He's chilling though. - [Gary] So what are you guys gonna do now? Go home and sleep or party? - We're sleeping. Yeah right, that's our party. - That's the new date night is sleeping, apparently. - See you tomorrow. - Good night, guys. - Good night. - Have fun. - [Kristina] We will. - [Amber] It was amazing to have a night off and today I'm supposed to have a girls day with Kristina. But I want some one on one time with Leah, so I planned something special just for us. - [Gary] Something smells ripe in here. - It was his butt. - I know. - Did you have a blow out? Last night was really good, wasn't it? - [Gary] It was good. - You wouldn't even know, you wasn't over here. - I was sleeping, I needed it. - He slept really good. - I got a message from Andrew and they wanna take Leah parasailing today. But if it's kind of like one or the other, like mani/pedi or that. - Amber had asked me if I could watch him for an hour and a half to go parasailing. I didn't know the mani and pedi thing was off though. What are you thinking, Leah? Do you wanna go get mani and pedis? - [Leah] When? - Well, we was gonna go today. - We can't go today. - I know. But at least you get to go parasailing. (Andrew knocking) - Hello. - Welcome home. - How you guys doing? How's he doing? - Good. - Did he keep you up all night? - No. - [Amber] All right, Boo Boo, you ready? - [Emilee] I wanna go too! - Oh honey, you can't go bye bye. - I don't wanna leave when there's two kids crying, I feel horrible. (babies crying) We'll be back real quick, okay? - I wanna go too. - [Andrew] It's okay, we'll see you soon. - I'm sorry, bye. - Bye bye. - I wanna go too. - I know. (Gary sighs) - [Amber] I'm really excited to teach Leah how to shave her legs. I can't believe she's growing up so fast and I wanna make sure she knows I'm always gonna be there for her. - They need to make cars bigger. - [Gary] Who is that? - Hi, Booger. - Hi. - All right, so I've been talking to Kristina, and I remember you saying something about wanting to shave your legs, no? So I asked Kristina if she would be willing to help me show you how to shave your legs for the first time. What do you think? - Okay. - Does that sound good? You think you're ready for it? - No. Somebody need me? - [Amber] Come in here. - Oh, Lord. This is no man zone. - No, she wants you to see. There you go. - [Gary] Oh good job, Leah. - You're doing good. - Don't torment me like this. You're too young for this stuff. - You're too young for this stuff. - Adios. - Bye. - Hasta manana. - There's two dogs walking down the street one says, I bark and I bark but I never feel like I effect real change. - [Amber] She officially knows how to shave - [Gary] That's horrible. - We done it together and it means a lot. - Yeah. Well, I mean I just don't want her feeling uncomfortable and if it's to the point where she's wearing pants 'cause she don't wanna wear shorts to school. I mean, that's obviously the time. - Absolutely. - Even though we probably feel like... I know I feel like I don't want her shaving yet. I want to be here for moments like this and always be around for when big things happen or things that she'll remember because I want her to remember that I was there with her too. - She always knows you're there for her. - Sometimes I feel like my past creeps up behind me with her. Last night when we were going to sleep and she said, "Are you gonna be here when I wake up?" I can't do this right now. I feel so (beep) bad. I left her for so long and I just don't (beep) want her to feel that way. I know why she's acting the way she is. You know what I mean, it's like the damage that I'm trying to fix is being there for her, trying to stay healthy enough to be there for her. And the thing is, okay, you guys have primary custody, you guys get to see her every day, honestly, what's going on lately is literally she's saying she's busy and stuff. I'm like you're tripping. - We had a conversation with her not too long along because she was cutting us off. - So she's doing that to y'all too. - I was like, don't be like that towards me. - It still hurts my feelings when she says things like that, but I do understand my past and her dealing with all that stuff and up to now, but I don't want her to keep thinking like that. No matter what, I'm still gonna be here for her, no matter what has happened in the past. Even between us fighting and arguing, I want her to know everything is not that way anymore. Cameras are not allowed in Leah's school, but I picked her up and we went for dinner, then we met Kristina at bingo and had a lot of fun. ♪ When will I see you tonight ♪ - I'm home. Are you having fun with Dad? - Watching some TV. - Yeah. - [Gary] Was. - [Kristina] Show your dad your winnings. - Well, Mommy's winnings. - Water bottle and a bag, eh? Did you have a good time? - Yeah. - [Kristina] So after school, Leah got picked up from Amber. - [Gary] Did you guys go have dinner? - Yeah, we went to The Bank and I got steak. - That's good, honey. - I pulled up your mom's text. Told her it was a fun night and let's get together soon for another girls day. And she said, "We'll plan something very soon "and tell Boo Boo I love her "and hopefully see you guys soon." I think Leah really enjoyed the one on one with Amber that she had. - That was really nice. - Yeah, Amber did mention that she was gonna have to go home from bingo and take care of Andrew. I guess he had nose surgery yesterday. - He okay? - I'm guessing so. But I think it was a wonderful night, a good example of what co-parenting should be. - Rock solid. - Definitely. - [Gary] Do you like your mom and Kristina being friends? Good. - [Amber] Recently, my relationship with Gary and Kristina has grown. And they're really supportive. I've been living in a rental house for 15 months since I allowed Andrew and my son James to stay in my home. This was the first house I ever bought and I really miss it. My rental house is an hour away from Gary, so it's hard to make that drive every week. - It's a good thing we have all this land to be able to come out here and do this. In Indianapolis there's a rise in cases and the mandatory masks, and you know, where Amber is at, she's there by herself. - Yeah, she's living in a small house. Her brother's out of town, her mom's like an hour away, we worry about her over there by herself. - I mean, you and I go over there frequently too to help her. - What if we put something out here? I mean, we could do a modular home and have Amber rent it because she's already paying so much money to this place in Indy. - Would you want her here 24/7? - I wouldn't want her over in the house 24/7. We'll put some ground rules down. - No funky business, like you sneaking out at night. - Why would I sneak out over there? I don't have those feelings for her no more. I care about her, but not in that romantic way. It's just... I think she'd be happier, so I think the next step is to talk to Amber, obviously. - Yeah. - Like, for where you live, you're living over there, would you go outside your house, in the backyard, I mean, do you prefer to or no? - I would, in my backyard, wear a mask, people walk by, they don't wear masks, it kind of makes me angry. - I feel so blessed to be able to have this property because I don't feel cooped up in my house. - I would feel blessed to have my property. - I know Kristina and I have been doing some talking and there's a possibility we could put something out here, maybe. - What? - That you could rent. Like, put like a modular home or something with working appliances. I'm being dead serious. You could be close to Leah, be able to walk out of your house and walk around house, not touching other people's houses. - Wait, are you being serious right now? - You would obviously pay rent for it. The point would be if you live here, any money that would go there it would support Leah too, and what you'd pay it'd be cheaper than over there. - Like you said, you'd be earning money by coming over here. - [Gary] She'd be saving a little bit. - It would be nice to be closer to Leah, but the privacy aspect of it is not there. - I wouldn't want you having every Tom, Dick, and Harry over. - I don't know what your father's talking about but Tom, Dick, and Harry don't come over. What if I moved close to here? - That's still a possibility, it'd have to be walking distance though. - You know, honestly, it's a really nice gesture. I think that, you know, give me a couple months, I'm gonna think about it, for sure. - The only thing I asked, if you're on this side and we get a divorce, I go on that side. (Amber laughs) - [Amber] This is turning into sister wives. It was really thoughtful of Gary and Kristina to invite me to live on their property. It's a big move so I'll have to think about it. But for now, I know I can count on their friendship and visits. She brings gifts. - Hello. - What is that? What is all that? - [Kristina] Some baked goodies. - Well, I knew about the pumpkin pie. I didn't think I was gonna get all of it though. - [Kristina] So how do you feel about the offer? - I don't know, I'll think about it. All I know is I'm happy in my life right now. You know after I went through all this therapy this last 14 months, I've learned it's time to move the (beep) forward. - You've been through a lot of struggles, but where you are today, we are so proud of you and it's so wonderful to see you doing so well. - This has always been me though. I just couldn't give it to you guys. - Don't make me cry. - Always something in the way. I have so much guilt. I did a lot of bad (beep) back in the day, you know? Just like with Leah, I felt like she was better off kind of without me. I felt like she was better off with you for a while there. But you know, after we all started talking more and I started realize she did need her mom. - She does need you. She definitely needs you. - But that's when I was like, okay, get off your pity party bull (beep) and she does need you, just as much as I needed her. I just kind of held it all inside, you know? But at least now I'm thankful that we're all a (beep) huge family. - We always want what's best for you 'cause Leah being in the mix of it. If you're happy, she's happy. If not, then it worries all of us. - She makes me very happy. - She's just like you. - I love you. - And we love you. I love you. - I really do love you, and now I know that she's better with all of us. - Yeah. - And that's what she wanted, I just didn't know. A couple weeks ago Leah got really upset when our plans fell through. So makeup for Leah and then I bring it over to her. And things have felt a little off ever since. Oh my goodness, her big girl bag. Her birthday is this week so I hope we can be together. ♪ Here I come, just like a smoking gun ♪ ♪ Here I come ♪ - [Kristina] You get to sit next to the queen. Are you excited for your birthday? - [Gary] What do you wanna do? - I wanna do something with friends and go shopping and get our nails done and go to lunch. - So what do you wanna do for the family side? Who do you wanna invite? - You, Kristina, Emilee, and Grandma Tonya. - Your mom? - No. - I tell you, it's really important that you spend time with your mom. - I don't want to though. - Is there something that happened or something, a way you feel? - We don't really have a bond like that. 12 years and she hasn't really done anything, that's kind of been Kristina's spot. - I'm just a bonus mom though. - Yeah, I don't want you writing your mom off and saying I can't have a relationship with her and that kind of thing, 'cause you know at some point you should be able to have a relationship with her. - All she did was give birth to me and then she just kind of left me. - She took care of you too, she might not have always been there, but she was there. I just don't want you missing out on something that could be there, but if you're not letting her come over and you're not letting her spend time with you then you're never gonna have what you missed or don't have, you see? I mean, if she's gonna try and repair it and vice-versa, are you gonna let her? - I don't know. - Your mom's important. - I mean, I guess that maybe she can come to the family party thing. - So I wanna message your mom real quick. We are doing a birthday thing for Leah. You're invited if you wanna come. What's up? - I just think there's a lot of misinformation that's been said. There was always an excuse. I'm priority and I'm not getting my one on one time. - [Gary] What are you talking about? You don't have girls day, you don't do things, all of sudden you want to. You know, you don't like going out of the house, you don't like to go out to eat. - For about a half a (beep) year, I chose to just be a hermit, for good reason, I think. - [Gary] It's not about your drama and my drama, it's about Leah. - You know what? Boop, I'm done. (light music) - I had talked with Amber and she's like saying you and Kristina hindered my relationship with my daughter. It's like all of a sudden you wanna start doing something with Leah. All of a sudden, like after how long, you know? - Leah wants to give up and you're the one that's encouraging it, on going and I mean, I support that. I want her to have that relationship with her mom but I also want Amber to follow through and put Leah, for once, first. - Leah's just hurt. - She is, and it all stems from the past, it stems from her going to prison and then getting out of prison and she got with Matt and pushed Leah to the side, then comes back to Leah, but then gets with Andrew and pushes Leah again to the side. - I just have a problem when she starts batting off at you. How she's like, Kristina needs to scoot over. Basically saying that because she wasn't there as a mother and now it's somebody else's fault. - She feels threatened, but I've never been there to step on her toes. I've never been there to replace her. - And Amber's not gonna wake up every day and take Leah to school. - I wish she was a little more respectful and grateful for what you do for Leah and even what I do. I mean, yesterday I took her and got her flu shot, today I took her to the dentist. Amber don't do those things. I mean, she can bad mouth me all she wants, but I guess I can sleep at night knowing that I've done good by Leah, and if it wasn't for me then Leah wouldn't have a mom still in her life. You know what I mean? Think about this, how long did it take Leah to talk to her, 12 years to talk to her own mother about the way she was feeling. To get it off of her chest, it took her 12 years. I'm over it. - You've been a good role model, Kristina, thank you. - I just hate Leah feeling the pain of the abandonment or whatever she feels. No 12 year old should ever feel like that. - Now Amber, how are things between you and Kristina lately? - I do feel like that Gary and Kristina definitely could help a bit more. If it was the other way around to be honest, I would be doing so much more, I would have Leah in therapy with me. We've talked about that before, but he just wasn't about the whole therapy thing. - Gary, what's the issue with therapy, why not? - I mean, I think any therapy is helpful. - Sure. - I mean, I think right now Leah has a lot of... And I wanna be very careful not to put words in Leah's mouth, but she just has a lot of feelings towards her mom and all that, so I don't know how to navigate that, but it's hard to do that when somebody gets online and always says stuff where Leah sees all her Instagram videos, whether it's Leah seeing it or Leah's friends and it's like, it embarrasses Leah. - If it's bothering your daughter that much and it's rupturing the relationship with her biological mother, I would think you would definitely want them to talk together, I think Amber's correct about that. - Yeah, she might be correct about it, but she's the same thing 10 years now, she's still having her own problems and can't get through herself, it's really hard- - [Dr. Drew] That's not fair. No, no, no, that's not fair. - It's fair to me. I see it up close and personal here. - I understand, that's a separate issue, but let's not deflect, right? - I want our relationship to be positive with her. - Wow, you know what I wanna say, I just wanna say to everybody who's going through mental health and the mental health community, please keep your head up and don't let people like this put your head down. Always keep your head up, stay positive. - I agree. - And love yourselves, because you don't wanna listen to negativity like this, this is not what you wanna hear. The conversation you had with Leah was super nice, but I think Kristina could've said a bit more than I'm a bonus mom. - I'm pro your relationship with Leah. - I know you are, but I just think that sometimes I get pushed to the side, obviously, she just said it. - You're right in the sense that these are very, very touchy emotional hot button issues, and of course you have lots of feelings about it, of course and I think Kristina would understand that, so let's not let that blow up into something, let's just say of course this is tender stuff- - Listen, I'm gonna stop this right now because we're gonna end this, I'm gonna end this on a positive note. Thank you, Gary, so much for that, I really enjoyed seeing that, that was amazing to actually hear you sticking up for me, but your wife is absolutely horrible. - [Dr. Drew] No, no, no. - Thank you guys so much. Gary, I appreciate you, you know it, we've known each other for how many years, 15 years now, and I'ma tell you right now, you are a great person, you have always been there for me when I've asked you to be there for me, you said I could trust you, and I did trust you, but I can't trust your wife, and she has sat there and got in the way of me and my daughter over and over and over again as you have tried to push me towards my daughter. - She's not getting in the way of your daughter. - Thank you so much though, honestly. You have a good day. I really hope in the future that we can have a good relationship, but me and Kristina, it's not gonna be like that. - Okay. - That's unfortunate. - Yeah. She's feeling she's losing her child to Kristina or something, or diminished by Kristina's relationship with Leah in some way, and you know, it's a work in progress, right? I do think that a professional in here would do you guys a lot of good. A lot of good.
Channel: MTV's Teen Mom
Views: 612,399
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Keywords: amber & kristina, relationship timeline, Teen Mom, teen mom 2, Best of Teen Mom, Ranked, Teen Mom Ranked, Teen Mom: OG, Teen Mom 2, Teen Mom 3, Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant, Young and Pregnant, cute moments, motherhood, young mothers, moms, relationships, finances, high school, college, job, father, teen pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant, MTV, Amber, Amber court date, Teen Mom OG, stds, sti, stis, std, Devoin, Briana, Kailyn, Leah, Corey, Sean, Jade, mom, teenager, mother, dejesus, new teen mom OG, season 9
Id: 25KOkD2KxoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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