Best of Season 1 Rick

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know what that was all a testimony just an elaborate test to make you more assertive it was sure why not I don't I don't know you know what this is a me seeks box let me show you how it works you press this I'm Mr meeseeks look at me you make a request Mr meeseeks open Jerry's stupid mayonnaise jar Yes siree so me seeks fulfills the request all done wow and then it stops existing how about some Scotch whiskey you got any of that around here or just a bunch of nonsense words Rick I'm I saw her I thought I should get her pregnant and then she'll have to marry me I beg your pardon Rick inappropriate sorry please proceed with your story about banging my daughter in high school I'm not sure you want to take romantic advice from this guy Morty his marriage is hanging from a thread summer you can't have a party because I'm having a party [ __ ] what Rick you can't what is my purpose pass the butter thank you this why am I the first Ricky pulling every time a rick stubs his toes you have a history of non-cooperation with the council yeah so does the scientist formerly known as Rick why isn't he here in handcuffs because he's dead too take a shower with me Morty what listen to me Morty get your clothes off and get in the shower right now boy you you gotta trust me more Club you're lucky a trafalorkian doesn't hear you say that is that like their n-word it's like the n-word and the c word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews listen for the resonator and my grandson wants the sex robot all right Ruffles what's his name Snuffles Snuffles Shake roll over go to the bathroom what about that Morty okay okay you got me on that one oh really Morty are you sure you haven't seen that somewhere in real life before no no I haven't seen that I mean why would a Pop-Tart want to live inside a toaster Rick I mean that would be like the scariest place for them to live you know what I mean you're missing the point Morty why would he drive a smaller toaster with wheels I mean does your car look like a smaller version of your house yes fellas oh hey Morty listen I'm really sorry about all the stuff I said earlier about your adventure I'm having a good time Morty it's not so bad let's just go home okay what uh anything else what is my purpose you pass butter oh my God yeah welcome to the club pal and I I please there is no emergency oh there's an emergency all right up emergency when's the last time you got laid purrs it has been a tonight Playa what it's my bad guys I'll I'll take care of it what do you think you're doing Hey listen you guys quarantined the house when summer brought olives back from Mexico I mean this thing could grow to the size of Delaware I mean it might eat brains and exhale space AIDS we gotta be careful there you are Morty listen to me I got an errand to run in a whole different dimension I need an extra pair of hands oh geez Rick what'd you do to Frank pretty obvious Morty I froze him Mrs boss gave me a microscope that would have made me [ __ ] oh boy Rick I don't think you're allowed to say that word you know Morty I'm not disparaging the differently abled I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope it would have made me mentally [ __ ] okay yeah but I don't think it's about logic Rick I I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing well that's [ __ ] Christmas Jerry I'll be with Reuben in my workshop while you guys are having another day in Phil Collins proverbial Paradise hey Rick squanchy party bro squanchy is there a good place for me to squat around here scrunchie you can squanch wherever you want man Mikasa as a suit cost a dog all right I like your squanch we're gonna take control of this plane we're gonna 911 unless Morty Smith gets better crates in math hey I said nobody move buddy yeah everybody over 30 do this with your hand everybody with a red shirt jump up and down [Applause] thanks dumb dumb I said thanks dumb dumb go get more makes it fall in love all right Morty I just gotta combine it with some of your DNA oh well okay my hair Morty I need one of your hairs this isn't Game of Thrones I don't have time to for you to wrap your little Walnut around everything just hold your breath until the process is over or your lungs will collapse foreign [Music] [Music] specific old stuff from a mysterious and secret thrift store that gives you Powers but with you in unforeseeable ways bring it to curse Purge plus I use science to uncurse the items for cash and you get to keep the powers worry about it Morty there's plenty of them you little goofball nothing wrong with just a little bit of horseplay every now and then little fella work Morty okay I'll just cure it and then okay well I can't cure death this is bad Morty you're trapped in a dead man relax Morty look Mrs pancakes it's a parachute come on the possibility that she made the whole work thing up maybe davin's digging around in her insides grandpa so gross you're talking about my mom well she's my daughter summer I outrank you it's gonna be fine Morty relax I whipped up an antidote it's based on praying mantis DNA you know praying mantises are the exact opposite of old Morty I mean they they mate once and then they you know decapitate the partner it's a whole ritual it's really gruesome and totally opposite there's no love at all I I basically mixed this with a more contagious flu virus it should neutralize the whole thing Morty it'll all be over very shortly listen if the situation keeps darkening do yourself a favor and pop by pirates of the pancreas obviously I'm biased but I think it's great Morty it's a bunch of pirates running around pancreas we don't whitewash it either Morty I mean the Pirates are really rapey you don't know me all right let's go maybe that's why I could use a little cleaning up every now and then you know this one's wrapped up neat and clean because we did it Morty style don't care summer this place is the worst I want to go home well it really doesn't matter what you want because this is a sane place where women rule yeah you know what I have to say about that my ears [Applause] boy who let the frogs out huh guys Jerry hand me a scalpel and a bundle of dynamite Morty can you get to the left nipple are you kidding I'm hoping I can get to both of them Rick Morty I'm talking about Reuben's left nipple I was the only old person there Morty it looks like I was some sort of you know celebrity walking around I was fascinating to them there were a lot of attractive women there Morty and they they they they all wanted time with me I had a lot of fun with a lot of young ladies that was important to you wasn't it nope it was important to your dumb devil friend to me this was all just a bit like when Bugs Bunny with the opera singer for 20 minutes he tried to kill himself seriously holy crap and I'm gonna need you to put them way up inside your butthole Morty but I'm way up inside there as far as they can fit oh geez looks like golden fold has some predilection so shameful he buries them in the dreams of the people in his dreams including a pervy attraction to your underage sister yeah yeah it looks like payday at Neverland Ranch in here Zing that guy holy crap but you know what Grandpa Rick he's strong and he's never going to give up uh-huh yeah I don't care oh I know everyone knows you don't care so so have fun not caring I always do good yeah it is good it's the best okay well sometimes science has more art than science Morty a lot of people don't get that [Music] what are you doing here why why are you dressed like a waiter screw it we don't have time come on no hey all fondlers fall fondlers I can go for some ball fondlers hey I'll take it over Mumford and Sons zip this guy is on it I oxygen-rich atmosphere giant testicle monsters we'll be fine let's party hey Health Plan all right yeah put them on my ah I just got bored everybody out what about pirates of the pancreas I think it was one of the most underrated attractions Booyah hold your breath hey bro what the hell Rick what the hell what the heck man I liked her I really know Rick yes so I heard you you dodged a bullet Morty trust me puffy vagina just robots Morty it's okay to shoot them they're robots they'll keep saying we can run but we can't hide I say we try hiding but that's the opposite yeah well since when are we taking this guy's advice on anything hey you know what you got a really good point there Rick oh here Rick wow Morty lucky break grab that [ __ ] okay two parts plutonic quarks one part cesium great now empty the water bottle into the bucket and pour it all into the fuel tank goodness Morty you doing out of class we talked about this your parents and I are very disappointed in this Behavior no no takers he got these crystals [Music] babies just save them somebody play something yeah this is a bunch of bull crap who cares what stupid pun you make when you kill someone why don't you let the poor guy say whatever he wants what oh it reached the stand here and take this 40 to tell your parents the square root of pie oh come on Rick you know I can't square root of pie Morty go one point seven seven two four five three eight five forty let's hit it it's like Inception Morty so if it's confusing and stupid then so is everyone's favorite movie how do you like that don't pay Morty connection go be part of some stupid club like all those dumb Ricks you know maybe I don't connect because I'm the rickest Rick there is and you know it would go without saying that the rickest Rick would have the mortiest Morty it would go without saying huh yeah get Morty forever and forever 100 years Rick and Morty some things me and Rick and Morty and running around and Rick and Morty time all day long forever pants no no that happened before you went to sleep Morty you're sleeping in your crap right now out of all the things that happened to you that was the only real thing that you know is you crapped your pants I mean it's a mess out there I got some on my hands Morty and then I got it on the dream Interceptor and a piece fell in my mouth what what thing thing the thing is this is just like buttons on lights on it it beeps Rick that describes everything in your garage do you mean this summer for the win all right that should do it you simulated my grandson's genitalia you you bunch of diabolical sons of [ __ ] yeah what what's that Rick I love my grandkids oh psych just kidding my new catchphrase is I don't give a [ __ ] ing let me see what you got now Morty what do you say buddy will you hand me a screwdriver so I can finish my ionic defibrilizer Sure Thing Rick here's a screwdriver all right Morty thank you very much I got one screw turn and two screw turns the final ingredient what happened back there why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe Jerry oh yeah you can't they blew up ah granite wait a minute what put your right foot forward and your left foot back and slide around like on a Nordic Track move to the left step to the right wiggle your elbows and look up into the light [Music] thank you that's [Music]
Channel: Muffins&Dragons
Views: 1,253,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick and morty, Adult Swim, Jerry, best of, best, rick, Morty, beth, summer, mufin, muffin, Dragon, Dragons, Muffins, Season 5, Rick and Morty s5, Rick and Morty season 5, s4, s5, ep 1, s1, villians best of, villians, ficte, l tim-tom, warriana, Wonder woman, venture bros movie, metalocalypse, Athf, aquateam, HBO, Hank Venture, sotry arc, story arc, character, Development, growth, develop, ee, funny, montage, compilation
Id: UMdbCCKO_cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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