Best of NoHo Hank - BARRY

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I've never felt Hank was a villain: he's just a guy who wants a friend. At any cost.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TokoBlaster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I love North Hollywood Henry.

And I never noticed before, but Cristobal has a little raccoon mug like Hank’s fox one. That is so adorable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pugsnotdrugs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is new to me. Looks pretty good, ty! :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alright, listen up you clowns. (I'm just kidding. You look great)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_agreeordisagree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how he's a powerful, scary guy who has people killed regularly, but he also has so much vulnerability and insecurity. There aren't many characters like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoneForatLast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Yep? Hey man are you seeing this beautiful morning? What are you doing, how are you? What am i doing? I'm set up to kill Paco like you asked me to, what do you mean what am I doing? Oh right duh... Here's the thing I need you to wait BARRY just little bit longer for my signal. Wait for what we what what's signal why Because we sent bullet to the Bolivians! You sent a bullet to the Bolivians? What like in the mail? DHL it's actually really cool. So Paco is our informant within the Bolivians. We tell him "trust us" tell us everything you know. He tell us. Because he is stupid and now we have to kill him before he tell other people he tell us. Okay wha t does it have to do with mailing a bullet? See this way we send message to the Bolivians. Get inside their heads. They opened mail. Bullet. What. Phone rings. Hello. Paco's dead? What? Little what leads to big what for full effect. Hank you can't do this to me right now all right I'm fully exposed here I gotta do this now all right I gotta do it right now! They are sending Stovka. What! tender but he is beyond legend okay he is taking out whole armies by himself he must have murdered over what hundreds more way more he's an real simply a hey when I was kid I saw him once walking out the discotheque he flicks cigarette that bird knocked it on the sky when will he be here didn't our they said yeah real quick what does this mean for me marry kill you're on yet Oh watch your step here big one yeah you know if we knock down that wall it would really open the place up you know clean up the blood maybe add some French doors maybe a ping-pong table right there you know I'm just riffing now crystal ball will come here to us your fucking throats and we will be waiting for you yes because they are short right good and this is great physical comedy of you it costs it costs what I have presented Co for you okay I take photos old-time body no doing it body by fancy new clothes body help sex but not worry buying laptop computer know it you're so creepy man you're so fucking creepy here is all the fastest things maybe we donate towards the local veterinarian wrote them out oh we haven't guests I'm putting this out for them fucking cops come to ask me questions you want I should go get backup huh maybe two about that don't get cinnamon kinda makes me sneeze oh come on you guys are like flee the back you break up you get back together again and then you go out and make a great album like the best of leawood Mac just maybe more final than that we just want to eat your guys to get my back yes yeah well they late then rouble short I'm afraid they won't listen to me man but they will listen to Barney I'm so sorry are you kidding me I tried to screw you over man no you only tried to do this you because you cared about me look I love you okay can we just say that once and for all look I Love You Man and I just think with the heroin shipment coming in and everything you know we're sitting on a gold mine do subscribe for water on let's celebrate dear Bhatia and everyone back in Chechnya in short the LA operation is going super great now I know there is still some small reservation about teaming up with traditional enemies the Bolivians but were you not but here there are wonderful dudes they are unrivaled thieves and super great at acquiring cargo and you know we are good at repackaging said cargo it is like yin and yang meant to be isn't pod speaking of which Cristobal their leader is guru meant of highest order like baby Tony Robbins teaching us all the powerful way of getting shit done and wound the world while being totally chill Sheik had one of the best organic chefs in South America kidnapped and brought over here it took some time but I think his brain has been officially washed our recreational volleyball is becoming a legendary PS I am now known as bullet for my serve yes I think this is probably the happiest I have ever been in my life but here not only to live operation which may soon challenge Burmese mafia for next time spot on crime family rankings but I found a true friend and partner and crystal ball I can't wait for you guys to make him so you finishing let's be cool about the Bolivians as crystal ball often says we are more powerful together so true pink crystal ball wants to see you well that is a bummer because finest killers in all of Chechnya so there's the door Hank your men they are a little lacking in physical skill they are weak okay that is not true and also please keep your voice down okay they're right down there oh yeah I've seen this before yeah very cool okay sweet baby Jesus that is what I say how could we know what to be in business with this come on you got the shit together just stand up there as you can clerk you on yourself I just go jab I got shot too remember bow he shot me like precisely in same arm oh she's spot wow he's so good alright but I wasn't a baby about it was I come on get up Hank yeah fucking nuts taking shots at me my fucking girlfriend's in there you fucked our plan I'm dead man anyway so you know on just do it do it oh fuck oh my god that was so scary that was really scary whoa hey listen to me we can't oh oh oh my god I vomited no I'm sorry oh I'm so sorry this is gross I can't work for you anymore all right you got to find someone else what do you know any other assassins nope well what do you want me to do go to John wick assassin hotel with Help Wanted sign I mean what you got good guys right here man oh my god my guys suck balls you know it especially this motherfucker right here if I suck balls you are king of suck balls multi shut the fuck up ah all right listen up you clowns I'm just kidding you guys look great so we are super lucky today to begin exciting new project wondering all styles of combat from a very skilled special guest he's your teacher like he's my best friend barri cyclone n namuci personage had no approach to the senior broker partner of Oya nashville ocean popular gusta buried tomorrow for killers huh for real so how long until they become like actual army only 2-3 hours it can't magically wave a wand and make these guys an army their skill set sucks well you know what Sonny and Cher would say that's on you babe come on let's kick up the training a notch what do you think do you work here yeah you've got these pants on sighs maybe you those are women's pants shit okay I know what tank you know I know your brain awake I don't forget care what the fuck you doin here you remember how Gorman was going to kill you and I gave you tip off and you used it to kill gone and all my friends yes never yes garage yes and I did not tell him about it because if I did they would burn down Los Angeles looking for you yes well instead of telling them you shocked or on this morning I told me was after candy Burmese crime family why well because a I don't want you to get killed and be s there is throwing complete monkey wrench into my relationship with crystal ball so you kill her Goren's family will be off my tip and Cristobal will still think we're to be some pot classic crisscross it's not a crisscross I'm pretty sure it is right you get out of here as ready as ever gonna be it's shit man pretty fucking broken up about it I mean they're gonna want to say goodbye and thank you and oh oh body Oh ma'am you don't even know it's about to go off beep this shit body odd means um the debt has been paid you owe me nothing slides is clean and just because we're not working together anymore fucking serious are you fucking kidding me right now you just fucked this moment this beautiful tender moment with your accordion you just without your accordion you fucked it man god I'm so sorry about that um where was I it's gone it's gone yeah gone where'd you park my evil huh my liking my light my didn't evil or something oh my god I mean absolutely do I not tell you that enough you are like the most evil guy I know man you know I take no pleasure in killing people you know that right man all this talking is many of hungry you know what I could really go for Yoshinoya beef bowl
Channel: Haydesign
Views: 1,982,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barry, nohohank, noho, hank, HBO, comedy, bestof, best, of, sky atlantic, noho hank, funny, fan, compilation, tv, show, chechen, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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