'Let Me Show You Some Freaks' Rob Zombie's 7,000 Sq. Ft. Home in L.A. | MTV Cribs

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[Music] hello i'm rob zombie and uh this is my house so uh come on inside and i'll show you some weird stuff well in the entryway we have our armor because every house needs a suit of armor every tv show i've ever seen monsters adam family there's always armor why i don't know the main thing in the front entryway is our jackalope i hit that driving in wisconsin a couple years back felt bad for the guy so i cut his head off and mounted them on the wall because i thought why letting good jackalope go to waste here's the living room which i don't know why it's the living room because there's a lot of dead stuff in here [Music] this is a polar bear from the addams family the original adam family not the movies or anything else the real one let me show you some freaks how many people have one of these it is a mummified man fish this is actually real good there's a pee pee hanging down there on tv i was in kindergarten i went to tijuana and this thing was in front of a sombrero store and then about 30 years later i saw it again and i bought it this is a chinese wedding bed there's no nails there's no nothing it's like a giant jigsaw puzzle it's very comfortable why wouldn't i sleep in this it's incredibly comfortable here's my electric chair doesn't work anymore i broke it pirate bar it wasn't a pirate bar but it looked like a pirate bar so we made it a pirate bar we got our captain hook and our skulls and our jolly rogers and all the things make it for a good pirate [Music] uh this house was owned originally by this guy dan blocker on bonanza now it's owned by me i get vintage movie posters everywhere that's my big thing i collect and if you look around here's a good one here's a window card from dracula but it's not from the movie it's from the stage play when the ghostie was in the play freaks is a good one munster go home i got a lot of monster stuff that's a big thing that i like here's the dining room i got here once last year [Music] here's our halloween booze closet we like to pass out wine to the trick-or-treaters when they come to the house get them all hooked on the red stuff there's a lot of secret compartments in this room but i'm not going to show you because that wouldn't then they wouldn't be secret it's just the kitchen we redid the whole kitchen and when we were done we looked at it and thought it didn't look that different from when we started our fake stained glass window was just a regular window and i spray painted it and it looks like stained glass we never know our fridge is pretty sad because we're leaving for tours so we only have things in there that won't rot over the next two months but we do have our jack-o-lantern jell-o mold as you can see didn't work out so good i was sort of putting charge in that and poured mostly on the floor by accident that's it pickles and chunky salsa [Music] here's where i slap up all the gold records and stuff because i don't know what else to do with them uh this is just the tv room but there's more uh vintage posters and things [Music] this is where we watch television we don't watch movies in here leave a special room just for watching movies look at them knockers this is where we really watch movies [Music] [Applause] mostly just watch horror movies in here [Music] all horror movies i buy everything i see and now i'm re-buying everything i see on dvd even though i already have it on a laser and i have it on vhs so it's a sickness i thought this pretty much sums up everything i liked as a kid hot blonde sitting on a monster car that explains it don't ask me anymore our thought for the bedroom was to make it look like a cross between a haunted mansion and a cheap whorehouse and we succeeded we went and tried to find every tacky thing we could find and it kind of feels just like you know a guest bedroom at the haunted mansion here's a good painting check this out it's me and my girlfriend from the living dead girl video and if you'll notice the ceiling we had some guy in here forever painted a stormy sky in our ceiling it looks pretty real when it's dark in here [Music] here's another bedroom we have here which i didn't decorate i had this brilliant idea before i moved in that to paint the entire room like a mural from a nightmare before christmas i put about a half an hour's worth of work into it before i decided that that was really not a project worth pursuing here's the pool and as you can see it's the most neglected part of the house because i don't really like to swim i don't like water i don't like being out in the sun [Music] the jacuzzi broken when we moved in still broken wants to sit in a bucket of hot water it's hollywood if you don't have a pool [Music] that is the end we're done get out time to go bother wayne newton or somebody i'm done goodbye [Music] you
Channel: MTV Vault
Views: 3,534,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Zombie, freaks, LA Home, Rob zombie home, rob zombie mtv cribs, rob zombie movie, horror, master of horror, horror films, rob zombie house, rob zombie mansion, the devil's rejects, house of 1000 corpses, halloween, michael myers, halloween 2, the lords of salem, 3 from hell, 31, grindhouse, ozzy osbourne, feel so numb, living dead girl, superbeast, dragula, TV Series, MTV, Reality TV, Real Life Stories, High School, Teens, Youth Culture, Voice
Id: 6JlN6ph0JQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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