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yo what's up guys it's MO that kind of sounds [ __ ] everyone knows I'm kind of me I'm not gonna lie I'm wearing damaged yo what's up guys it's MO what's wrong with me uh yeah what's up guys hope you guys are doing well um I know yeah I'm actually just [ __ ] I thought I was like an act I swear to God but I'm just [ __ ] it's showtime [Music] get beat up yeah I got beat up and dudes shaving my head for me they jumped me and then shaved my head but if I was in the business of jumping people yo I doubts would violate their shits straight up like I I you know I would just carry Clippers and scissors around and I would just cut their hair when I knock them out [ __ ] their [ __ ] up no would probably jump people in November and beat their meat you sucks as hell for that share that piece of [ __ ] on your head that you call Hair bro I don't want to go bald this is all I got going for me I look like TF blade I don't get TF blade but my tweets aren't that bad [Music] again uh yeah you play awesome you want to play like me wow we want a little back yeah that made sense too oh no oh no what we're gonna die you're gonna die yeah no you won't you're over here wow yep I got that one yo he's taking the head yo he's taking you guys say hi hi I just realized everyone in L.A talks to me like how Mo talks to him oh that's actually true Olay see I talked to Ole like uh like you know I mean I actually totally normal because only speaks good English but when I speak to like someone else like Korean import I'm like yeah uh-huh you want my blue buff yeah you do who's a good boy racist that's not racist I'm babying them there's a big difference between babying someone that's called being [ __ ] all I'm saying is this this twitch tournament that's coming soon yo I'm about to run this [ __ ] you guys heard about the twitch Rivals tournament I'm playing it or no oh we have to think of a team name oh our team name's gonna be the homos yo do you guys get like copious amounts of dick pics from your viewers I wish I mean no not really I even asked them sometimes like no homo but I like okay I got a question for you guys you guys ever send your boys like your friends like picture your balls or [ __ ] like that or like you know what I mean so I was talking to my viewers about it and they're all calling me weird and I'm like all right you guys gotta try it out and if you don't got friends like you know I'll take one for the team like I mean like you're not like it's soft dick pics right no it's not well it's mostly no no okay now you you're making it sauce okay I'll talk about straight balls just not yeah that's not nothing wrong with it you're the friend to send the dick pic though Liam you sent me a dick pic before what are you talking about I've sent you one too but you've sent me one before you sent it first you sent me a dick pic I replied with the dick pic I don't know that how is it not gay because they're not doing it for the dick pic you're doing it as like you saw my dick it's like it's like the if a girl asks me for a dick pic like say I'm girl I'm talking to ask me for a dick pic I wouldn't send it to her is that weird but to my boys it feels more natural like I swear on my life I'm not gay I swear my entire life like you guys have to like I don't know you guys have to believe me man send a dude to close the fridge with his hip [Laughter] yo spread my life sending your boy a picture of your balls is one of the best things you can do on Snapchat all right let's do the gay test okay what is your age I am 19 years old are you male yes okay the psychological test explore your sexual orientation if you're looking for a testifying if you're okay first realize that using gay is an adjective then go elsewhere who's more attractive left by far threats jawline is sharper than mine what this is dudes indicator is more attracted by how much nothing the left the right guy looks like Batista this last dude looks good [Music] I don't [ __ ] know bro okay this is straight up my voice this man packing heat no yo these are porn stars 100 I've watched too many of this these guys videos I I know Kieran yeah I know Kieran Lee I don't like God damn bro I could I could like no homo but I could see his dick right in front of me right now what is this bro this is some next level like that whoever donated this you mad gay for this you that has mad sucks for this [ __ ] I'll close my eyes is it girl come on man please stop why like yo if the girls are attractive I wouldn't I'd be like I I'll take I got an excuse me you have text QC test is complete chat wish us luck bless RNG you will of scores 135 now consult 134 and a 240 almost certainly not heterosexual could be homosexual or bisexual that's just [ __ ] honestly like I'm gonna be honest with you guys this test is [ __ ] [ __ ] for for real here I got an idea look chat there's only one way to decide we're gonna simulate the [ __ ] whether I'm gay or not this you guys aren't entering there's two balls there's a gay ball and there's a not gay ball all right let's go not getting not getting running this [ __ ] let's go get some music off yo what's gay for zooming oh my God yo why yo catch up bro yo my guy got cooked for no reason you move your ass bro you gay just wait wait yo yo where'd it go yo what the [ __ ] y'all move this guy's zooming Yola we're not gay is can you move no he's gonna hit this [ __ ] boost where am I why no did I just [ __ ] did I [ __ ] die no no no please land please please no yeah some people always lie straight up not okay he's actually eliminated girl right a lesbian girl sends me her picture of her tits right now because I asked for it does that make her straight no she just sent me a picture of her tits she could still be gay that makes sense to you guys in your head I hope it does please so if I kill a person I'm not a murderer since it was only an active murder okay there's a big difference between that no because but just wait a second until I think of one what was I saying okay if I that's like saying if I okay no no what you did basically is stab someone you stabbed someone you're like some dude pulls up to me in the street I knock him out okay he's in the hospital Chad's calling me a murderer I'm not a murderer I just punched some dude it was self-defense if I'm Gonna Be Gay and open his dick pic I have to send him one back to me so based on your example you're just an attempted gay [Laughter] you send dick pics to boys and you're not gay okay I wouldn't send dick pics to random boys I would send them to the boys big difference okay watch has been in a fish cat Pride shows ball pictures Kappa Pride less getting [ __ ] by Pawn cap Pride not gay cap Pride I'm not gay Banana Fish best anime of all time not a gay anime two I sent him a picture of my balls to friends out of disrespect like did you guys see slicker's reaction yesterday when I saw my ball picture on stream like he was so mad it was funny like it's so funny it's like hightail it out of there [Laughter] I sent him a picture of my balls on my wrist and I said I think I got a tumor on my arms I put my balls on my wrist and it looked like a little lump and I sent him and I was like yo what does I think I got a tumor on my wrist what is butter made of cheese Wait Almost in a tight situation he has to get out what is Mo gonna do almost down he's on three HP he's on 3 HP wind towards the walls he jumps over it he gets over to the big rafter and he's trying to dash through it but he can't they're chasing him down what is he doing yeah can I put that in the video put like some uh thing of Monte Cristo commentating on Faker right there me trying to dash through it and then edit it to make it look like I did jump over it some more I can only do something for once God damn it behind me I know right I'm like even though I only have a man on the floor I think he's in the bed oh Baker may be in trouble your death Mark tries to clean it up for Ryu oh look at the glass look at the moves thank you what was that wait trick is your real name Owen five thank you how does his face [Laughter] why'd you get happy like because definitely not the best choice of boots this game oh damn no because they had so many like 80 Champs what happened oh my mic's not muted my bad [Applause] yeah that's what I was gonna do when the mic was off my bad yeah I need to do some RuneScape questions I I I I never said that or anything I think your build is perfect the way it is you your child said you were too [ __ ] to tell me chat suck my dick yeah you should Rush Source your build kind of sucks I'll be honest you gotta remember our Pig's botline aren't for Lane face like that lunch is obvious yeah for the outside of learning phase for sure so like ori's Alt no Nocturne here female blind I'm naming all that kind of stuff like anything you want to watch an eye oh easy money back easy easy money yeah hello this thing on hey what's up man get back all right ready on my way I thought you were on your [ __ ] wife oh man 900. come on man it's me and you we don't who the [ __ ] are you saving who are you saving right now I way I use my flash every time for you every [ __ ] die that's my fault that's my fault so just ignore everybody [ __ ] our ball Lane [ __ ] our Top Lane and run it down like I'm actually still triggered man I'm so triggered right now actually I need to get in there I can't play more I can't like I don't understand what the [ __ ] Mo you need to calm down dude we cannot have drama on this channel listen please [Music] tells Asian girl to buy Wards like say you're on the you guys don't know when you're on the barber chair you're just chilling like this you know what I mean you're sitting up like this and the barber walks by and you're like his balls just raise your hand yeah that used to happen to me back in day too much honestly yeah um I didn't make the girl cry in case you're wondering um uh it wasn't me okay it was her she was being a straight line dude he walks in a straight line hello hello Mohammed you are Muslim you make girl cry because you're Muslim just like other Muslim thank you very much and we got the five coming up we'll see what Super Metroid can do against Revenge Revenge has no flash he's popping the pots early uh Metro looks like he's just gonna cue Flash the game is over um the lifestyle doesn't come into effect too much here but we have Adrian just doesn't get doesn't give a [ __ ] what the hell and he hits the old one clean hey doesn't care what the [ __ ] right now Revenge getting Soul killed again I got it off of him what is going on we got a post game interview going on what's up man how you feeling shut the [ __ ] up listen hey shut the [ __ ] up okay what do you think your chances with your team I honest [ __ ] love my team like everybody on it is so nice and supportive the morale is at an all-time high all the time blame each other nobody has cried during our scrims it's just a really lovely fart nice nice okay I'm constructive criticism there's a big difference Pokey okay just end please for the love of God River's on her way [Music] you dumb [ __ ] oh my God you lucky [ __ ] that was [ __ ] I love that you know how many games like that baby yeah I think I think I blew it like throughout my back honestly I was boxing I was doing some VR box and I was punching the air for like 20 minutes I think I actually throw my back oh yeah [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] congratulations [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is that what's up [ __ ] what's up [ __ ] oh Dodge when it's right okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at me let's run our [ __ ] balls off I'm fighting for what I [ __ ] like it a little [ __ ] crazy this shit's no joke like you guys you guys think this is just me [ __ ] swinging but it is tiring no joke this [ __ ] is [ __ ] hard like this is a crazy workout trust me I'm sweating more than I do at the gym looking at a shape homie look at me army look at my arms look at how big I am this is out of shape are you stupid are you stupid look at that look at that yeah you scared you guys are [ __ ] scared no joke you guys are scared right now oh my God yo yo yo what are you doing I want to rematch Now give me like a redo or some [ __ ] why am I playing the [ __ ] I know look at this dog yeah [Applause] cool boy starts as soon as you push buttons hey what's up oh my God [Music] I'm sweating look at me y'all think this is a joke look at me huh you see me I'm it says not Joe joke but yeah let me figure out slicker's a way out thing what about you what's with your girls how the girls doing basically I don't know you know what I mean um I had last week there was this girl called Stacy I had to drive to hers you get me it's a blasted a quick time no long thing and she was like have you got any spare money I said shut your mouth that story is fake goddamn fake okay no girl with any type of brain cells is gonna let you smash then ask for money okay first of all you cannot say she's fake when you dated a girl that you paid fifty dollars for she's a [ __ ] fake bro don't talk about mine I didn't date the girl I just I I bought dinner this is a big difference and I didn't even buy it was 50 50 but I got scammed by the waiter to be honest did you did she know you stream by the way yeah dual cam oh I should actually put your cam on too here hop on camera can you I know yeah wait can I say wait let me look a bit clean for this maybe Paul can come and chat now we're fine I I wasn't looking so we're good yeah I'm about to touch this guy with my butt naked look at my booties damn his nose is long which one which one's which one's longer mine I think this is you right yomo what do you think of my nose here you go let me seeing me all tab [Laughter] actually wait yeah you better start saving up for that surgery I'll tell you that hey yo what's up oh my God [Music] hey you already know I'll distract the nurse you go do some stupid boy [ __ ] that's me hey you know I'm calling the goddamn nurse all the tracks I'll start smashing and then you dip wait can I do for you thank you I didn't leave them I didn't do this I don't need help I don't need your help dude this guy 267.7 IQ it's karate mean do you not know what karate is I do but I'm saying like listen karate is self-defense if you're gonna come up to me Mo basically you're gonna come up to you're gonna punch me I'm gonna touch it if you guys have to put money on this you have to put your entire house you're not not your house your dad's house house your mom's house your house your family's house put your car your wallet your phone who are you putting your money on right now if you guys who's Jensen you guys are goddamn crazy [Laughter] dude I'm getting trolled what the [ __ ] am I watch the King Kane called Earth W are you can't hit those spot [ __ ] hell bro ah thank you [ __ ] homie my life injured you tell me if you or someone is trying to kill you all there might a sniper was out to kill you you wouldn't yell you'd stay quiet think about it buddy dude I should try drawing I'm gonna try drawing right now what do I use to draw paint self-portrait self-portrait time self-portrait okay let me make this bigger I look like a Ninja Turtle what the hell is this I don't even know actually what I'm drawing this is hard how do people draw oh I'm [ __ ] zoning him look at the top look at tough ah why mommy Ezreal bro you invited Ezreal what does Ezra sound like Mo tell me okay here I got this thank you idiot oh yeah I actually talk so much I got 10 pound donation he'll tell you so to shots I'm gonna meet him right now one sec dude why do you think it's all donation like you're like oh you don't read who cares about reading donations read about reading your chat the loyal viewers okay not all of them can afford to donate just because they got money doesn't mean they're a real one okay it's about who's in the chat on The Daily talking to you that's what it is okay that's why I read my chat over donations I tell them not to donate you see it's liquor you're a fake well let me tell you this let me chat let me tell you this he's saying this do you know why he's got multiple sponsors true so stop being stupid and thinking I'm the thief he is the Fate he's sponsored by his channel he's sponsored let's discuss about your sister now yo your sister uh yo don't make me I've seen her I've seen the pictures I can't believe you even said that holy [ __ ] dude no I'm I want to know okay all right will she follow me back on Instagram this why have you seen your Instagram you see the amount of followers you got okay this is how you know he's a fake guys he's all about fellows and all this [ __ ] so here I talk to you you have like six followers on Twitch okay calm down uh what is slicker sister's Instagram no you leak that [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] name I'll continuously like all your pictures I'll continuously like all your sisters [ __ ] Instagram hey man hooks look her up with your sister it's to create some strong family tie what's wrong with you helicopter man and Slicker why are you saying true what's wrong with you people man give psycho a chance with her man think about what he's done for your children Chris [ __ ] you you know I thought yo yo Chris you lucky honestly but the name titters come from I like kids I also don't know what I expected [Music] they're literally all one HP [Music] oh man why do I have to play with [ __ ] diamonds players man how the [ __ ] does this make sense season eight Diamond five season nine Master tier like I'm playing with a diamond five player as a jungler in a ranked game we're gonna introduce positional is that a fake nose with the glasses okay my nose is not big man stop I don't look like the freaking Mr [ __ ] Potato Head stop saying that don't look at my face for a sec look my nose is normal still beaming now I can't unsee it yeah me neither I look in the [ __ ] mirror all I see is a [ __ ] schnoz when you kiss a girl does she get mad when your nose pokes her eyes you guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] my nose isn't big you bastards okay yeah we know you probably could get Hella Girls by telling them that your song is okay bro your nose dead ass like a double barrel shotgun dude my nose is not big I wish my dick was as big as your nose when Mo pulls his dick out the girl wishes he'd use his nose instead [ __ ] bastard bro it's straight up it's the glasses it's a [ __ ] he glasses I swear look at my glasses dude I let's look here I'm gonna hide the camera look look right now look at my nose small why is my nose this [ __ ] big all of a sudden bro you guys did some [ __ ] when you [ __ ] girl's eyes you think it's chat no legitimately I kissed the girl my my nose hurt her eye and I all I can think of switch chat I'm like wait is my nose bigger am I just like did I misplay was it your first time kissing a woman no I've kissed in my entire lifetime nine different girls you get around weird champ true I do you know you know I get around I'm a player it is how many of them were related to you I'm not one of those weird people who kiss my family members on the mouth that is weird any way you spin it no matter which way you spin it I will never kiss my family members on the mouth okay hey what's up dumb [ __ ] do you want to Alpha Male here what's up everybody what's up dude you know God damn well I'm sure man that's the only reason you don't have over 20k viewers all right you big ugly big nose same insults everybody what happened to you man don't start with me up tilted okay hey bro wait look at this character I'm hovering you [ __ ] bastard shut up you bastard bro I've I've heard all the jokes in the book at this point I'm just fake laughing for money that's a good one when you go for a place under Tower they're called nose Dives you even had a girl sit on your face in your nose slip in her butthole no no man I finally know why you're so good at yasu your nose gives you war with passive on Yasuo can you at least try with these jokes these nose ain't loyal any jokes these are EU jokes I mean with these na jokes the EU jokes because you could tell cause you barely speaks English how's your big your noses I don't know why that big ass knows making me feel claustrophobic in this room you already know my name's Mo hello you know yeah what's up yeah like I said I know girls watch My Stream they sent me DMS too I'm used to it I'm not freaking out right now or anything like that yeah girl Lux is on the board that's all I'm gonna say sorry I didn't mean it um Jinx I got it ah yeah all right let's go next guys how you guys doing how old are you guys I'm 18. nice nice 16. next month March is [ __ ] on tyler1's big ass forehead and then April is [ __ ] on eu's yellow ass teeth oh my God that's so funny oh I hate you guys are here whose [ __ ] is red man it's [ __ ] useless dude [Laughter] I'm gonna hook you up with some girls I'm gonna get you some [ __ ] when I go to L.A when I'm moving to yep you just gotta sit there look pretty I'm gonna do the work for you okay okay sir I'm almost here please guys just [ __ ] let me down please help me please help me God it's just you man your album's here oh it's fun what what is it what is this what is this I actually got [ __ ] so hard how many girls have you dated uh zero my mom is old so if you ever walk around naked I'd be traumatized for the rest of my life bro I saw my mom naked ones bro showing my dad's room I was talking to my dad my mom didn't know I was there she walked out the bathroom boom naked mom titties in my mama face didn't want to see it I saw it I'm scared for Life bro and you just reminded me of it so thank you I didn't say in my mouth I meant in my face okay you guys need help now [ __ ] I'm thinking about it man stop stop please for fungus story what do you mean there's no story about foot fungus man chat just came someone came in it's like yo Mo you got a picture my foot fungus sent me it on Snapchat I said yo don't send me your [ __ ] foot fungus you nasty bastards Pinoy took that put it on YouTube and then everyone started sending me foot fungus on Snapchat because of him literally for like months I just got I that's why I stopped using SnapChat every time I opened it I just had foot fungus there all right boys listen up here's what we're gonna do Mo needs 14 000 followers on Twitter to hit that fat 200k and this idiot doesn't launch his own videos so this is our little plan if at least 14 000 if you can follow him on Twitter and send him pics of feet he literally can't complain because he'll be too busy nutting over a number on a shitty website you're out of place no [ __ ] I'm out of place bro same shirt oh you dumb [ __ ] oh you stupid [ __ ] Slicker how much money would it take for you to kiss and do it on the lips how much money someone have to give you to kiss me on the lips no homo I don't want it at all I'm serious [Music] I'd probably say like at least 1K does someone give you 999 you wouldn't do it yes I'll still do that what the [ __ ] you for 950 yes but about eight hundred dollars uh wait it's just a little kiss and that's it right yeah yeah 800 that's fine at about 750. yeah I still do it what about 600. I'll be I think I'd actually do it like till 400. wait you did a 400 so would you do it for three 3.99 [Laughter] listen what's so [ __ ] touchy subject is this bro why are you coming up with a subject why do people listen it's more like the question is how much would you suck my dick for that's a question oh this is a question how much were these gross his dick remember no no not in a billion no well we had to know no amount of money no amount of money no spiking because that's the only way you can get a girl in bed okay my problem isn't getting a girl in bed I swear on my life it isn't my problem is keeping a girl in bed for more than four seconds and not nothing okay I got problems and be real with you I have something wrong with me and I don't know what it is dude literally holding a girl's hand gives me a boner okay I I I don't know why like I'm not even kidding like I literally I was out on with a girl and literally we were just walking down the street holding hand had a boner for the next six hours I swear and then I came home blue ball jacked off unless I like had sex with a girl anything she does gives me a boner kisses me once kiss me on the cheek hugs me holds my hand I just gotta boner for the rest of the day I swear it's weird man why my brother sent me up at this clip wait my brother sent me this what's that what's that we need to continue making fun of Moses my brother sent me this what the [ __ ] that's so awkward that's what my brother just sent me here listen chat listen problem is keeping a girl in bed for more than four seconds and not nothing okay I got problems and be real with you yeah something wrong with me and and I don't know what it is what it is literally holding a girl's hand gives me a boner brother just texted me that that's so awkward what the [ __ ] oh yeah oh [ __ ] one sec I am not wearing pants give me a sec I saw Tyler play Yasuo oh my Lord out to God none of you guys saw that the worst thing I've ever witnessed in my life I'm not gonna lie thank you which champ would you go to pound town on too many to listen bro out of this game wait this Castle even have a booty bro straight up she got titty she could do the job Caitlyn could get the work Talia let me see Talia not a chance all I'm saying is I still got no pants on your mouth and wait for my next message let me put water in my mouth and see the next donate let's see the donation messages guys wants to laugh out let's see thank you hmm then game donated two dollars now tell me do you spit or swallow you're a dumb ass for that are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm here oh come here stop moving man you're going in a circle wait is that me going in a circle what do you mean yes that's you oh oh that's me okay no no you idiot what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's gone I think I can make it wait wait wait I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah wait look it's gone yeah yeah click on the buttons click on buttons no you don't need to make portals drop it down nice okay stop making portals just listen listen now here okay wait there's a pattern wait wait wait wait wait wait okay what whoa what oh I was so nice to them so nice like what more could I have done like fed them with my [ __ ] hands I basically I put food in us in a spoon and I was like choo choo who's to go with the airplane you want me to I can feed them with my mouth that's what they want from me what am I a [ __ ] bird [ __ ] hahaha I'm gonna have it open I'm watching not even on Steam Mo I'm watching some qualities wait did he die hey blame me for your trash oh it's gonna be some good bubble party show time this is why I get paid the big bucks you're gonna die first oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] boys [Music] [Music] you you [ __ ] team up oh [ __ ] can we say team up on my voice come on dude get off that's a boy oh you only get one life yeah you know we have 100. yo stop farting that's how this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh wait get the [ __ ] away from me where the [ __ ] Tyler hiding where the [ __ ] are you serious no yo get away from me please please please please please [Music] oh [ __ ] no no no no [Music] no Tyler I got a present for you smart [Music] We're The Rock let's go because the rocket takes you to like the ghost so since you're right there I didn't know that I didn't know that oh yeah I'm assuming that's right [ __ ] I'm understanding shut up dude I'm not [ __ ] around I hurt you bad your boy's [ __ ] good oh you're on this one buddy [Laughter] laughs you no wait your voice oh my God I like that game yo Jessica is a big role you know [ __ ] you look good laughs the [ __ ] out of my way man [Music] well they switched the controls for this one what's up man what'd you eat [ __ ] you dude you getting hit oh [ __ ] no oh you're straight limo you don't got this one bro wait tell her something no no no no no oh my God let's go [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh he's gonna lose a turn [ __ ] if he gets it no [ __ ] way if it portals him in no what trick one no quick mode force quit are you serious on me guys bye boy bye Tyler I hate you like yeah first place too Tyler's so angry yo Trey knock his ass out you got items are stupid as [ __ ] you can [ __ ] do by the way monster I got to use some [ __ ] I rolled one please low roll oh wait please give me all them no this is stupid you a [ __ ] do ignore it or you're a [ __ ] too [ __ ] free baby no we take those yo guys real one don't open it winner POV winner POV winner POV Victor Jesus Federal win winner POV yep you weren't saying that when trick was with you good game good game congrats played that wow man played that well buddy and we take it good morning good morning what's with this title I don't know I was I was trying to make my title family-friendly stream or something my first thought was to make my fan my title family friendly streamer dicks kids down and then I realize that's probably not stream appropriate so I didn't use it bro I had a problem today I was showering and every time I showered and washed my hair like this hair was coming out what's wrong with me chat am I dying hahaha why is tea one so salty and toxic because he's little man the thing about Tyler is he's so tiny that all his anger doesn't like flow throughout his body into different parts like for me as I'm tall you know almost six feet tall if you round up a little bit like I got anger here here here you know what I mean and I can like spray it's spread out so when I don't need to use it I don't use it ham all his anger's in one little spot it's compressed because he has a tiny body holy [ __ ] you do lift her eyebrows up and down dummy no I don't what do you mean we forgot about you saying that you sent pics of your balls and [ __ ] what I do what the actual [ __ ] is that okay also what the actual [ __ ] is that that's so weird I think it's because my glasses are like they feel uncomfortable on my face so I'm trying to move my face like my trying to like lift them kind of with my eyebrows has he always done this oh it might be his glasses it is it is David donated [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you're all [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] inside does a better job smile I probably scared the living [ __ ] out of him he's probably shaking him he's probably like what the [ __ ] is that he invited me we joined team one's Lobby and say sorry yo what's up dude [ __ ] yeah your [ __ ] song I thought you were featured on the song yeah don't do that I knew you were scared leave me alone [ __ ] go away I knew I should have made him [ __ ] his pants I knew it I knew it let me explain my story now so you guys can get an understanding of where Mr Moe is coming from basically woke up 10 a.m in the morning I was ready to stream because I'm a very productive guy first thing out of bed was on Twitter for like 30 minutes and I was gonna I was about to line this [ __ ] up and I'm like wait I see something here I [ __ ] up a little thing here and I was like all right let me clean this up so I go like this without the guard and I go like this and boom I lost my whole entire beard fake story oh real story so Mo woke up at 12 today um I went to the store some random homeless guy was like give me more I'm like I'm broke I don't have money Tyler's gonna take all 10k of mine and he's like I boom punched me knocked my whole beard off came back home went back in time two hours and now I'm live at 11. but it's not even about the 10K honestly about the pride did you have to sign an NDA when you smashed Pokey yeah y'all weird for real he has never is there no such thing as a man and a woman being friends like do you guys really think that this whole entire time I've been talking to Pokey being friends with her I'm hoping for a relationship with her and like hoping for something more than just friendship and that's the reason I've been doing with her and playing with her and dming her and non-stop helping her and hosting her and subbing to her and buying her merch and buying her Pokey palette like you guys really think all of that is to be more than friends with her I just want to be friends Kayla said Moe you're a mad cue and Tyler's one ugly [ __ ] keep up the good work don't sweat that you demoted Tyler's ugly ass big head ass deformed head ass the motor like four times he also got a little dick true true Michaela what the [ __ ] Alphas [ __ ] look how it doesn't care God damn respect yeah we're using day one right now and who's in Masters Drew and it was about to stream League after this it's true who's about to go play RuneScape no no no I'm good you're a stupid ass music man I respect for your music you lose anyway man hey I won last time the [ __ ] out of my way I wish it was close I would knock down this big head out right now Tyler you're shaking you're shaking it's just like the bet I'm always ahead of you this is I'm always ahead of you wait if you're actually how to make a toast I'm not even [ __ ] kidding one two no oh god oh let's go ah [ __ ] all right you can't talk if you're out what do you mean [Music] I'm still in I got one word 144 boys [ __ ] go baby boy here 144 Hertz doesn't matter Tyler okay let's see who wins whoops oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm in voice League now oh my God I'm actually mad damage yeah I'm gonna leak on my own too boy this is all planned Tyler don't choke just don't choke Tyler seriously it's gonna be just like the bet well you're [ __ ] man [ __ ] off Drake [Music] okay remember that but oh my God you do that yourself man get out of here boy [ __ ] you up yeah I got one objective this game get the [ __ ] out of my goddamn base get the [ __ ] out of my base [Laughter] let me remind you guys that you guys are bullying in 19 or teaming up on him dude I don't give a [ __ ] I am and I'm proud of it I wish I was kind of blowing you when you were 17. how does it feel knowing that a 19 year old is going to rob you of ten thousand dollars that's with your age today I don't know man honestly I got nothing else going for me I'm D1 you're right wait boy you baited me that was actually I've already went Wet I've already went [ __ ] nine what are these Scrolls dude how the [ __ ] did I miss those on his head yo trick don't get lost man he's ready he's choking those chicks wait you're exactly brain damage and it's snowing through can you get lost in front of your eye look dude look at Mo look at what most standing on what the hell it's absolute [ __ ] what happened I'm insane I'm actually insane your play against Tyler free money this is plus 20 off the off the bat foreign ten thousand dollars all right starting March I'm asking right for two and ranked accounts when me and Tyler are gonna race from unranked to Challenger man listen no it's okay no one trick listen Das it's actually crazy that people think Tyler's good it's not who fit hurts to challenge her first so it doesn't matter if he's putting in 40 hour shifts [ __ ] you guys right dog [ __ ] company your rank system [ __ ] stop trying to force it on us dude I'm gonna get so much hate if I lose the bet but I won't lose chat chat trust me trust me trust me I won't lose them two lost two wins One X one check One X one check if we follow the pattern we're losing this game but we're not following the pattern we're gonna win next game baby that's what I like to see that's what I like to see there's no way Tyler wins this bed like if Tyler wins is that dude I'll shave my head ball that's it yo we carry Tyler the Masters we carry him to Masters you're so bad you got Carrie Carrie carried bless RNG don't demote please please raise please man I played well please we get a round of applause for Muhammad for D Modi to David one Ryan it's why I want mid lane LOL Tyler one is better stronger Master taller more attractive more successful and he always will be Twitter I'll call it I'm not pulling out Tyler can suck my dick okay straight up send this clip to Tyler Hill Tyler tell you [ __ ] big ass [ __ ] all right you could suck my dick there's no pulling out I'm gonna show you this [ __ ] bed mo when trading with L9 confirmed you saw it here first Mr greasy sports are resilient a little tyler1 subreddit verse Tyler am I am I versed I forgot that he was in queue honestly I gotta focus and get you focus focus no Focus we win these this is a big win these are big wins because this isn't one win 20lp I'm taking his 20l it's mine now so I'm gonna take his 10K I I take the money and I take the lp and I like I keep it yep [Music] okay Tyler's gonna wish Tyler's gonna win he's shocking he's shocking oh he's so mad foreign let's go easy money [ __ ] on tyler1 my mic is muted what I'm gonna do is win this [ __ ] bat baby let's go I feel like Tyler got more people emptying on the enemy team than his team to be honest like whenever someone has a bad game on his team whatever someone has a bad game on his team he calls them a win Trader and enter but if they have a bad game on the enemy team he calls them dog [ __ ] T1 lost all right boys let's go we won let's go let's go winner POV it's in the [ __ ] bag there's no way we lose now good looks boys that's all you that's all you they're all the [ __ ] struggles through all the [ __ ] shitty silver gold stream Cypress the [ __ ] enters on my team there's a Katarina jungle the Katarina [ __ ] support prototype's bald ass head metaphor shitty ass mental we still [ __ ] made it to Masters 278 [ __ ] LP Tyler doing a [ __ ] 20 plus hour stream still hard stuff Masters battle demote to D1 it's just a rap man plus [ __ ] 10K foreign I had 200 LP lead I was scared to go to sleep and wake up and he's like 200 LP I was [ __ ] shook the BET's over the homos took it we took that [ __ ] we run twitch yeah I'm so smart I love myself actually my head's hurt sometimes from how smart I am how big my IQ is Mo I'll draw I'll drop for you to jack off you're welcome what Tyler's chanting Momo under his breath while MO is begging for more and more sorry I had to tell her bent down to capture his lips but was slapped across his face hard my most fastest nose instead he reached his ears and whispered beta [ __ ] boy and to that our favorite yasamine came hard screaming Tyler's name followed by Tyler who groaned in response Moe looked up at Tyler's striking blue eyes and realized what had happened just now he thought of all the things that led to this moment who knew agreeing to simple but with Tyler [ __ ] won would lead to this he honestly thought he'd win Tyler's is bad at league so what happened is he not as good as he thought himself to be there's no way you can pay ten thousand dollars after using all his money to buy Pokey merch yasu was flat out broke so after weeks of Sulkin you said skulking sulking he finally swallowed his pride and came to tyler1's house to settle the debt by any means and I look up to Tyler he felt small and insignificant what was it was I good Mo asked shyly averting his eyes from Talent intimidating I'm not gonna lie to you kids side Tyler you better continue getting a final pass because that nose keep getting in the way deep throat okay that's enough for me I think I'm just warming up my brain for Bashi because if I get all the Tilt and the anger and the autism out now I can't possibly get tilted during Bashi right dubashi's gonna make me lose my mind I'm gonna be playing sonic for like four hours today I'm beating Sonic today I will beat Sonic today I promise Sonic you're such a dumb piece of [ __ ] I'm I found Sonic for so long I'm beating him today I can't see the bastard I will not get off the stream until I beat Sonic do you hear me chat he still hasn't killed Sonic it's hard [Music] thank you [Music] BBM you get it [Music] what's up what's your best pickup line to get into a girl's pants like straight away without saying wanna [ __ ] I'm rich and famous no I don't use pickup lines bro if I'm if I'm trying to like I don't really not that I don't believe in pickup lines but I just like I feel like it's easier instead of being like hey girl are you the trash cam because I'd like to take you out sometime and just be like yo what's up so what brings you to the club you trying to get [ __ ] down tonight like I mean it's like it's a lot easier just work like that rather than saying a pickup line this guy said one of my friends was trying to DM a girl yesterday on stream who's streaming and he wanted to DM this girl and he's asking me what to say and he's like what do I DM her I said because one if she replies she thinks you're cute and like like if she like what is she gonna say she's just gonna be like the [ __ ] you talking about it starts a conversation if you say some [ __ ] like hello Madame may I suck on your titties because they're quite nice today in the afternoon with the sunlight glistening on your breasticles like if you know if you say some stupid [ __ ] like it's a win-win either she responds to you and it says what the [ __ ] LOL it's like a joke be like what's wrong with you I'm saying like you know you can't go wrong it's a win-win it's smart you guys need to use your brains I'm in Masters now nice that's how you can't go wrong you really just can't go wrong it's a win-win situation you may just conked himself yeah but it's like a win-win you know I mean it's either a funny conversation starter where she's like yo what the [ __ ] does mean and then you can work from there or um like if she says like what is mean what the [ __ ] you could just be like yo honestly I don't know I didn't think I'd make it this far some [ __ ] like that and it's a rap that's you know that's a goat line two if she says the [ __ ] is wrong with you be like what's wrong with you I'm saying ooga booga calm down like it's like you guys gotta take notes from the king the boy I got girls all the time I may not show them on stream but I got like you know what I mean so what plans you guys got what's the next big thing hard drive I'm sorry I don't know I've heard drugs that'd be a good video testing out drugs that was a joke you can do a series like offline on weed offline on shrooms like just like do it do a new thing every video do a new thing every video and never get a sponsor ever again yeah it sounds like it's good content that's actually I might do that mow on weed mow on cocaine I think I'd get a lot of yours there is no way you're gonna do cocaine have moody so guys what are you talking about huh we're talking about crack oh cool yeah what about crack I want to do it okay all right cool okay I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back toast take over uh [Music] okay cool cool can't help but notice we have uh three mid laners in this uh um actually I'll go ABC me and a little bottling or something oh no wait go ahead what's that is scary sometimes [ __ ] that is not scary they're [ __ ] feet how about someone oh okay never mind oh sorry did you want I'm sorry and I was gonna say we each name each other a champion to play oh my God you're going all out okay wait someone named a champion name a champion happy nine months um yeah all right do you have school star Guardian it's gonna be so cute okay sorry Guardian I got it nice try let's try it that was actually really good that was good that was good exactly what does my e do just do your best we win this one let's be honest easy money yeah okay and on to the next one on to the next one oh oh oh okay coming behind for a gank oh oh yeah exactly we got that nice well played mochi let's look at this look at this look at this oh protection yo this should be kind of open to be honest with you guys ladies just imagine this it's 2 am you and Moe are in a hotel room and he goes like this what you gonna do yeah smack him introducing first the American All-Stars I will dominate meet Beast Yasuo and Nikki Taylor yeah yeah come and line up with me guys awesome stuff [Applause] there we go yes well you are on a main stage right now I know that you have had many years of being in League of Legends and playing how does it feel to be in a competitive environment with your teammates here today uh excuse my voice but uh hopefully it's fun hopefully we win I know damn's probably gonna end um yeah okay I'm playing with the gospel players how do we play with this guy Donna's like the worst mental in all of League of Legends because not only okay that's the winning attitude of the interview on stage about dude okay all right that's definitely the winning attitude that you need on your team I'm gonna come here what do you what do you think of the teammates you're playing with today well it sounds like we've already surrendered yeah you've got to change your attitude if you want to win this Saturday I'm gonna throw it on there right guys please go and take your season get ready best of luck to you I think we want to go in because they are in just today they are imperial players I like that Justin a wow okay come on then I would have [ __ ] talked a little more but I don't even know who I'm facing so wow wow I can't even speak right now we've just had curse words all sorts of stuff boys what do you think of that bro what do you think is with my voice I had [ __ ] on me all night he was sleeping dude I put it in his mouth would you suck toes though me I personally don't want to suck toes nor would I ever think about it but if a girl came out to me she's like yo I really like you and I'm a real like she's a baddie and she's like yo I'll accept your dick be sucking my toes you tell me you ain't going crazy well she got duck feet then duck feet going to my mouth I'll slurp those toes up bro I'm gonna grab some of my boys and go knock out my barber bro this is disrespectful what he did to my head too short I didn't ask for it to be the short man you want to show them the picture I showed him disrespect in my life bro for no reason too I got so many Nudes on my phone of myself these are the pictures I showed him you ready I showed him this do I look like that false I showed him this and I showed him this yeah I'm just [ __ ] ugly you're gonna learn we're gonna take the American ad you make you a true European I will kill you okay man you're gonna kill him why are you why are you say kill him while I love you what's wrong with you people actual Apes I'm gonna get murdered and you guys are gonna laugh about it I'll go through 11 hour flight just to die you guys are [ __ ] brain damage yo chat stop typing that one of you crazy [ __ ] is gonna be like chat tell me kill him stab him true true true and go stab me stop I said I have TF blade near me bro tell everybody's gonna be my little bodyguard not in The Bodyguard in the sense where he's gonna protect me but if someone comes at me I'll just be like yo why beat me up when you can just beat up template and they'll be like true imagine being nna and being fat and bad true true right you people yeah yeah and they uh [ __ ] you n a idiots I'm European I'm gonna be there tomorrow please don't kill me guys on my way to kill Mo Little W maybe stab him hold up okay man that's just um my door is locked do you have my leaked address no he did not dimple did not leak our address already I wouldn't even be surprised the sad thing is I wouldn't be surprised Dom is dead you guys are brain damage you guys realize you guys are laughing about killing a human right now America [ __ ] sucks dick am I right and they fat how many people are fat oh fat [ __ ] today people they'll kill him in Brazil a little W yeah that at that point yo when I go to Brazil you guys can't load W kill him anymore he'll do it they'll be like haha They say kill him kill him funny and then they'll actually kill me I did Imagine Brazilian losing his promo too I had to run the [ __ ] crazy stuff dude I gotta make sure I don't flame any Brazilians there that's number one if they say [ __ ] stupid Gringo American piece of [ __ ] get out of her server I'd be like I'm sorry man I'm really stupid and fat yes we are you think Brazil Bad Country let's see you make better country kid Okay Brazilian I didn't mean that I don't take it that way bro don't kill me I'm just saying you guys are tough you guys are strong us Americans were [ __ ] we have to use knives you know what I mean us American bad bad Gone Gone Brazil tough strong use anything they speak a different language they're not [ __ ] what are you talking about okay I'm saying Brazil strong why am I speaking like the brain damage I'm boosting down soda game for real that's any oh this [ __ ] stop you [ __ ] this reads our actual [ __ ] degenerate just show it dude I'm not showing that to you how did you know so when a chat told me to check it off Twitter he tweeted out he retweeted the most awkward interview of all time uh my name is Moe uh I'm trying to do a quick little interview all right so what are your favorite Champions to find solo kill Joshua he's really fun obviously not as good as you but I feel like if I'm sitting in my lane then if we were to do it yes I want to do someone between us who do you think would win and why would you put on someone else like yesterday it was very messy but everybody sucks yeah all right thank you all right thanks dude why did you tweet it out man it was not off stop suckering up the Bjergsen interview that's number one I'm about to remake that that's just gonna haunt me for the rest of my life isn't it but also it was not awkward no stop it well I guess that concludes Twitch Plays all right you guys Twitch plays South Park and we played Mo loser fruit well I guess that's it yeah thank you for watching let's play this game appreciate it and have a good night or morning wherever you're from or afternoon or noon no no whatever yeah yeah no I try I'm a nice guy all right I'm a nice guy all right everyone in the chat typer dick size no troll no trolling type the size of your penis right now and let's use centimeters you centimeters since I'm in Europe no trolls don't lie there's no point in line like No One's Gonna know just say it I'm curious hey all I'm saying is I measured when I was at offline TV and I had 16. I think how much is 16 16 . true what I wanted to do with my boys I'll buy a ruler for this household for me Don's have like mid-beast we each put a ruler in a basket and we just measure it we don't we don't put our name on it we each just mark it and we don't know who measured where and then we're about to find our dick sizes one way or another that's like a real bonding experience you know what I mean maybe I'm just weird though true bro I like making sure my ass is clean very clean okay maybe yo okay Chad tell me this say you fell into you you were walking down the street you're walking to Moe's meet and greet as you all would be doing and oh you fell into a pile of [ __ ] right would you take toilet paper and just wipe the [ __ ] off your hand and keep walking or what no that's just not getting all the [ __ ] off your arm why why are you telling people gonna get the [ __ ] off your ass that's why I use a bidet or baby wipes Smart Mode smart good boy yes you are most knows Tyler's head you get a Minecraft villager bro my nose Dom's uh crack at eyes Tyler's head um template shitty ass haircut and Cutie Pie's teeth and that's Exodia imagine this this they're this High they're this high up on the floor trying to get to me bro I would just wave one bro five okay literally yesterday we're all just chilling in the room like I'm in my room right here um I was showing them they also a bug in a custom game and then they were just sitting next to me on the bed watching and for whatever reason TF blade just like feels the urge to slap the [ __ ] out of mid B's back like literally for no reason out of nowhere and we're like what the [ __ ] wrong with you like literally just like out of nowhere we're literally just watching the PC and then he's like and it's like what is wrong with this child and I was like you know what he probably just wanted to be friendly like he wanted you know he just wanted to like get into it but didn't know how he still shot whatever we're showing in the live in the living room and we're just we're just talking to each other and out of nowhere in his mind he had like a flip-flop on like some slippers in his mind he's like [ __ ] Jackie Chan Bruce whatever the [ __ ] and he's like I'm gonna kick the [ __ ] up in the air and it's gonna go over Mo's head and people they'll think I'm sick in reality what happened is he throws his flip-flop with his foot like he goes like this look at me he goes like this is flip-flop and the flip-flop goes indirectly smacks me in the [ __ ] nose like it's literally like he throws a flip off my face and at the point I swear God was also I was about to knock him the [ __ ] out like I I was like I asked them I was like do I hit this kid like is he [ __ ] like do you hit a [ __ ] kid we're literally just talking and he's like and just kicks kicks his flip-flop for no reason ow what's this clip let me see this clip quick if you don't see more no Hamudi I called him and then he called me back and then I think he might be playing in Rivals right now are you guys are we I think yeah [Music] I think I laughed at like that that's kind of disrespectful I'm not a lot of [ __ ] who's the better player I'm leaning against Dom like what would you do if you're hitting the enemy Nexus and you're about to end the game then Don just comes along out of nowhere and knocks you out and you lose the game it knocks me out I would wake up and just fight him that dog is so bad this Nautilus is definitely trash yeah it's not notice is trash he's probably ugly IRL too what do you guys think honestly I'll say he's an ugly [ __ ] not lying my shits his pants too oh [ __ ] it's Dom what the [ __ ] you're so handsome I know I am at the moment I have a question swear to God maybe you guys think maybe this sounds weird but I think I've been there's something wrong with my dick straight up I know 90 of the stuff we talked about on the street but I have a legitimate question here um crack true but so like I feel like I can't keep my dick hard like it gets hard but if like it doesn't last so I feel like my dick doesn't get hard like it gets hard but then it runs out it's like on a timer donated two dollars and then what you look like I've been like jacking off soft I swear to God like or I've been nutting soft recently when I jack off like straight up I'm jacking off I lose my boner while jacking off and then I'm just like [ __ ] I just nut while I'm softish I'm like mix half chubbed I don't know maybe I'm [ __ ] even Dom's ugly ass looks good in my merch Don thought he was a model and then I roasted his ass it's a big news [ __ ] you no found in the wild I have a few questions where do you think sugar comes from okay sugar let me think sugar is probably from that's a good question where does sugar come from sugar canes I knew that what the [ __ ] is a sugar cane bro cane farming here we go what the [ __ ] Minecraft this is a Minecraft gamepedia what the [ __ ] is this stress is horrible uh vent when you can I will I will bro I'm telling you I I was at the point yesterday where I just wanted to cry like I felt it in my heart I was like dude I need to cry right now and let this [ __ ] out but I was like I ain't no [ __ ] he probably cried still a little W I did not cry okay so basically this is what happened I went to Turkey three days ago because my family is all vacation tournament we're not Turkish but they were vacationing there because my dad likes turkey a lot he's been there a few times so we go to Turkey or I'm getting there I go to the airport and my passport expires in two months apparently to travel to Turkey you need your passport to be valid for three plus months and I was like oh [ __ ] they're like yeah it's fine you just have to pay a penalty since your passport expires in two months I'll make sure whatever I don't care 100 euro that's fine but my question to them was if I get go to Turkey am I allowed back in with this passport they're like yes don't worry you pay the penalty you're fine I get the turkey no problem Pay the 100 100 euro penalty get the turkey I leave yesterday at 8am I leave my hotel because my flight's at 12 30. so I leave a little bit early so basically left left my hotel at hey I told I tell him the address my flight's at 12 30. I have four hours to get there taking me to the wrong airport doesn't take me to the airport I tell I show him takes me to a random airport and so which is an hour away from the other one I got to the airport and it's 10 o'clock because I get to the airport and I I get in whatever get through security and I look at the like the thing because my my ticket doesn't tell me what gate I'm at so I have to like check the it's like the bulletin board or whatever and it doesn't have my flight number and I was like wait why and I'm looking I'm looking and I check I'm like I look and I realize I'm at the wrong [ __ ] airport because the guy take me to the wrong one and then I asked someone I'm like yeah they're like yeah you're at the wrong airport room I catch a taxi he takes me to the correct airport and my my taxi ride was like forty dollars in in Turkish lira but the thing is I don't have any Turkish that on me all I have a 100 Bill and I'm like you know what [ __ ] just take my 100 Bill bro just [ __ ] you know what please give me some good karma or some [ __ ] I get to the airport my flight's in like an hour and a half there's a big ass line I'm like you know what I'm gonna skip this [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] run past it talk to lady and I'm like yo um ooga booga I I told her my thingy my password's gonna expire in two months I was like yo I know but they told me I can get back she's like nope we can't do anything for you you can't board the flight I'm like the [ __ ] you mean I can't board the flight you guys told me I could when I when I came here no she's like nope you need three plus months there's nothing you can do I'm like is there no like fine I can pay amount of money she's like nope you have to go to the Embassy get a new passport or whatever after like an hour trying to figure [ __ ] out at the airport I couldn't get my flight my flight dipped I go to the Embassy get to the Embassy and as I get out the taxi at the embassy I fill my pocket I'm like where's my phone my phone's just not with me anymore I'm like what the literal [ __ ] my phone was in my taxi and I see him driving away I mean like taxi wait taxi I'm running after the taxi I catch up to the taxi I get my phone and I try to get into the embassy they're like do you have enough when's your appointment I'm like the [ __ ] you mean when's my appointment they're like you have to have an appointment to get in and I'm like yo I'm about to knock you the [ __ ] out homie like let me the [ __ ] you and your AK-47 strap around you I don't give a [ __ ] let me the [ __ ] in but I'm like I don't have an appointment and they're like okay call this number or go on this website fill out this form and then within two days we will contact you back and I'm like I'm stranded in [ __ ] turkey I don't have anywhere to go they saw me I was about to cry they could tell like I don't have anywhere to go like I was [ __ ] I was fuming I swear to God I wanted to kill someone at that point and they're like they let me in or whatever I talked to some lady that's actually like American or whatever and she's like um okay it's like an emergency situation um go across the street go get your picture taken um and then come back with your picture be within 30 minutes because we don't have time whatever I I get my pick shaken I go to the Embassy I wait there for like two hours they give me a one year passport like an emergency one-year passport it looks fake as [ __ ] straight up because it's they made it on the spot it's like emergency one year like no one like I mean whatever I get it I'm like thank the Lord I'm looking for a taxi ride there's no [ __ ] taxis and I the only flights in like five or seven I was trying to catch the five five PM flight because I'm like maybe I can stream if I catch that flight I've been playing around like like people are yumming me like yo I live in Turkey if you need anything let me know someone one of them hit me up um he was like yo my I look 10 minutes away from the console if you need anything let me know I'm like yo homie come pick me the [ __ ] up I'm struggling out here he pulls up in his BMW sick Whip too I was looking I was looking hella cleaning that [ __ ] you already know brings me to an airport that closed down a year ago so he took me to the wrong [ __ ] airport whatever then he takes me to the correct airport and I buy him some food and then I get on I I buy a flight but yeah we then we get to the airport I buy my flight ticket I buy a business class seat for like a thousand dollars I do not give a [ __ ] if you don't understand how stressed I was chat I buy a business class flight because I'm I'm like yo I need to sleep like I'm I was so stressed and tired all day long because I thought I was gonna be stuck in Turkey for like three days I thought I was [ __ ] to be completely honest with you I get the airport by the flight and then I got me and my Omer get food I say what's up say thanks peace and then I get to go in I my flight's about a board in like 10 minutes while I'm there and then they're like checking passports and they see my passport and then they question it like they don't say anything but they look at it for like a solid minute and I'm like is there something wrong but they ignore me four more like security guards and Airline people come up like try to show my people check out my passport and like sir come with me please and I was like yo I'm about to kill you I swear to God I'm gonna murder you I was so goddamn triggered like 8 A.M to like six it was like 6 p.m 7 P.M was my flight like I'm just running around Turkey like trying to figure out [ __ ] I'd be like yeah your your [ __ ] looks [ __ ] fake and I'm like oh my God I'm gonna kill something I'm so pissed I'm so [ __ ] bad like I decided standing at this moment in my head I'm human and they're like yeah it just looks fake and I'm like no [ __ ] it looks fake they just made it on the spot bro [ __ ] does look really fake like let me see if I can show you guys without leaking anything and you guys could you guys don't understand maybe this is the picture like how fake does this look like do you guys see this [ __ ] like look at the lining the lining is just not even equal [Music] like it just looks fake I can't even blame them but like I was like you have no idea like how pissed I was I'm like yo I don't have time for this [ __ ] bro let me on my [ __ ] clean this [ __ ] make me look fat bro yo when they say the camera adds 10 pounds it's actually true this camera adds like 20 pounds I'm not this fat in real life just playing a lot he looks hella short in that chair now that's one thing you don't disrespect you don't disrespect my height bro look at this look at this tall ass man tall ass individual you already know I'm tall bro you guys can see my height in HD wait why did I look so short on feds I look so short here I swear to God talk about the red light district uh yeah that's a red light district yesterday literally over and over what did you feel like because I was wearing my Gucci hoodie because yeah I'm trying to flex you know what I mean I ain't looking that good I need girls to be like yo come here come here come here they still didn't do that but I could afford one but straight up um every single every second every like few minutes why are we walking someone to be like yo Gucci you want some coke like some [ __ ] like that I'd be like you don't know man like no I'm not buy coke from you that someone came up to Dom was a Coke and Dom was like yo this dude just trying to sell me Coke I was like nah he's trying to buy coke bro bro I'm walking down the street I pull up to your [ __ ] not your girl your [ __ ] because that's what she is to me pull up like this with these arms you ain't saying [ __ ] dragon is in our face the battle is doing this look at what you're sometimes I just wish I wasn't a streamer so I could just flame so hard right now kill her it's a 1v1 you absolute [ __ ] brain damage to eight she got solo killed I'm so sad man like are you [ __ ] kidding me this is my fourth Master promise I lost I lost four Master criminals you realize you realize I lost four Master promos it's just it's it's it's it's it's it's just [Music] man I'm so close every time I'm just so close no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] [Music] you're giving me depression what am I doing no [Music] [Music] I salute you for kind of this far but I'm afraid that this is the end of the road no no no no no no no [Music] no no I'm [ __ ] brain damage Mario [ __ ] idiot to fall below this you can't lose the game this is kind of hard no no no oh my Lord I couldn't see my leak popped up riot games I want to [ __ ] fight you [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] be generous nice to see you back at the snow area [Music] okay I'm so good I'm so [ __ ] good man oh what the [ __ ] why am I so quick jumps on what [Music] oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god man I am guys you know what whatever I'm done falling for Content like I don't I don't want to play the game anymore oh this game is not an end baby no in this game baby no and let's go no end I'm feeling it you're not 510 Jason you're five six man stop being fun of my height dog what's wrong with you I'm 511 if you round up swear to God I'm gonna go to my Instagram right now your career just look at them this is me next to Nature how tall is Nate shot let's see Nate shot height huh five feet two inches what this [ __ ] is [ __ ] let me look up Mo Yasuo Yasuo height I got something hey why did I say five six man who did that man like absolutely which one of you [ __ ] did you can edit this page for sure like there's no doubt in my mind [Music] boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom if I tell my mom that I want a white girl big ass he's like all right homie he randomly pull up a picture of like some 16 year old and be like yo or like a 17 year old be like yo this girl she just graduated high school very smart marriage I'm like hell no all right oops [Music] I swear to God 100 serious right now I was discussing this with it yesterday with other peoples and my friends I am the best mid laner in n a right now that is not for real that's a fact hello stylish question mark this man probably was in his head like hello stylish shifter's got an old Mac shifter and land two bro tell shift to the queue up see what happens bro listen I'm the best mid liner today I I'm telling you that's not pro I swear to God when I try no one can beat me even Pros probably can't beat me how was the day yeah my date last night was 3 A.M it was quite late I didn't even want to go on the day honestly girl kind of forced me to but you already know me I ain't no [ __ ] cause like I run this [ __ ] and you know we're making money moves it was a rap basically we went on a date on summoner's Rift chin fighting me to normal game it was 3 A.M I was really dead tired but I couldn't say no because it's my only chance of ever talking to her basically all I'm gonna say is the lobby I have three females and mo gay best friend Lil w what [Music] yeah my mental is good yo let's go let's [ __ ] goal [Music] [Music] my mental good yo let's go that's what I love about me being so brain damaged no matter what I do I'm big today no matter how weird I am people just like shrug it off you know what I mean like I could do the dumbest [ __ ] in the world and people would be like oh just Mo being [ __ ] brain damaged again like No One's Gonna question me I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want back to yaso yaso first round picks 80 carry prismal where are you going with next take your time talk us through it all right so the question is on content or do I want to win um [Music] but I'm gonna have to get hard you just did that to trick TG no you just did it you you said you're saying that quote you saying that quote in isolation would sound really bad I just want you to know that please tell me he doesn't mean support like in what world do you just rush movies spell book swap run it down they could get juicy donated two dollars and one cents both on the roll man what the [ __ ] is this region what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] man like what the literal [ __ ] they're both on their roll are you serious don't move from New York to plan 70 ping okay I'm not going to plan somebody paying I'm going for the girls okay calm down New York girls we don't got none of them here we don't got no e-girls La girls sure they're clout Chasers you see what they got here okay I don't care about their cult Jason explain this clip if this is a dumb clip you're getting banned for a while why stop I'm Banning you for a while listen do not clip stuff from my stream from five minutes ago and Link it to me at like what oh I what is that like I did that's my noise what do you mean like people link me clips from like two minutes ago they're like yo look at this clip mode I just did that that's me no no no no no no no no no no no no man why are you shoving man ow are you [ __ ] dumb stop hey minions Man hitting minions stop [ __ ] hitting minions man please God do your laundry it's not that bad look at my laundry basket bro I'm like playing [ __ ] Django with it I got all the broom is there for balance bro I need help we can't just sit topside all games there's gonna three man this Tower and take it I'm gonna give it a tier two for no reason bro nah man I'm getting so [ __ ] triggered like why is my nunu clearing red Buff when they're just sieging look at my keyboard man I don't know how I'm gonna play look at this [ __ ] I don't know how I'm gonna play this [ __ ] I have to find the [ __ ] keys quick bro you could have just [Music] keep wait he's actually insane driver's logic would make you think you would get better the more he plays but no moga's first half time every game true dude I'm a beast I just don't think if I used my brain that's what I think I can be the best player in the entire world I'm so [ __ ] good at League of Legends but the thing is my brain is on 40 of the time Max it is estimated most human beings only use 10 of the frame's capacity imagine if we could access 100 percent interesting things begin to happen are you more prone to [ __ ] if you get [ __ ] rather than do the [ __ ] so someone said if I hold rumble or I can move it the way I want to right if I hold it down is that how that works can someone confirm hold and flick it dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] Chapman dumb pieces of [ __ ] in the [ __ ] chat room man what do you mean [ __ ] hold it down I didn't like go my R key and it just [ __ ] went to Africa for no reason man hold it down that's not holding you man I didn't let go of the keys but it's so frustrating it's like bro it's like going going to a [ __ ] place yo imagine imagine LeBron pulls up to end the NBA and he's like yo let's run it bro let's get a quick pick up game and then he gets [ __ ] like three people from twitch shot gets two toddlers on his team donated five dollars that's just what it is LeBron James bro it's it's a good example I'm the LeBron James of Challenger I'm the LeBron James the League of Legends for real think about this so you got [ __ ] LeBron James at the hot like say say your LeBron James that's I'm gonna say Tarzan's I'm not I can't that's just respect to LeBron James one if you wanted me for a host or you suss for that shut your ass up man I don't want your six of your hosts that's like saying yo Michael Jordan what if you won bank account for bank account in League of Legends or in basketball one he'll take my bank account but like what you think my six dollars and 42 cents on my McChicken wrapper is gonna like help Michael Jordan out like obviously I want Michael Jordan's bacon count but what world does Michael Jordan accept that trade you can't just call him a [ __ ] be like haha Michael Jordan [ __ ] [ __ ] want one if you want me for your bank no it's not she'll be [ __ ] bastard listen I'm just having a bad have you guys never had a bad day are you guys all perfect you think MJ or Lebron since I'm the LeBron James of league has never had a bad day of basketball breaks Had a Bad season of basketball you see him on the [ __ ] Lakers bro I just wanted to wake up stream early in the morning because I said I would I'm a man of my word chat what have I ever lied to you guys name one name one scenario where I've ever lied to guys what team is the strong team and I can replace the mid laner I would just take Team Liquid roster impact Smithy and then doubles chord AJ and the Smurf mid lane because like they need them they need a good mid laner that's me that is me I can do that I'm good enough to replace rookie right now I'll get rank one your desperately needs me who does Europe got I'm the LeBron James of Challenger I'm the LeBron James of League of Legends for real that's what I thought I'm a real one I'm the real streamer on Twitch TV swear to God honestly I I'm gonna be honest with you guys my thoughts I feel like gets more credit than he deserves I don't know how many times I gotta say this I'm like so triggered and so tired of reading comments on my YouTube channel and on my Reddit of like yo most handsome man alive Pinoy best editor World dude he just cuts Clips to my stream holy [ __ ] no you got me Mo I'm sorry bro you're right all I do is go to the clip section and sort my 24 hours the Secret's been revealed the editor police are after me they went for DK editing first and now I'm next My Stream is the same [ __ ] every time let's be real here Mo you've got two YouTube channels your League of Legends Channel and your empty husk of a vlog Channel and when you do upload a life of Mo it's always some [ __ ] like hey what's up guys it's Mo here uh today I'm gonna show you why I'm the LeBron James of League of Legends All right so I decided to spice things up we're going to be attempting the 50 while I'm telling I'm telling why I'm the LeBron James of League of Legends just imagine if LeBron James had a really big nose and was about five six dude okay imagine think about this say fake right or let's say LeBron James who saw that one coming boy some more than only analogy Andy why do you guys call me analogy Andy do you guys not like my analogies I like them whatever I make a good analogy I'm like smart mode smart how 18 000 people watching thing is I'm stupid but if you're watching the stupid person what does that make you smart smart that means I'm not stupid oh this is the flank of a century wait new skin allows you to flank enemies and wait this is so crazy [Music] wait that's a kill with the new skin flash I should have waited I need help someone's Frontline for me please man I'm so triggered whatever I'm actually I'm actually pissed dude Banana Fish is the best anime I've ever watched I'm buying all the art I wish I saw more I went to like I I literally I was looking around for that the only thing I was looking for I was looking for banana because there's full metal alchemy stuff there's not stuff everywhere you know what I mean so I'll come and buy those but I was looking for a banana shark and when I first saw something that looked like a blonde Ash I was like wait holy [ __ ] and I just started yelling like I swear to God I got hyped the lady the lady that was like selling the the art guy hella happy um you should have asked for yours the Yao section would have found banana fish art sooner haha we got a funny guy in the chat dude banana fish is not gay I don't know why you guys keep saying it like it's literally just like sweet all right we'll see you guys gotta see the zero game oh one out of one you already know me out here let's go over [Music] can you please tell me how you feel after watching this yes oh man yes I don't want to see this on stream what do you need Kayla yes I think moto moto likes you chase you still think you ain't dead that's crazy what's the angle should I do the math oh my god it worked you know the mechanics are there you know what I'm saying Mia Mia we can leave we can leave yeah I'm on my way guys don't touch me I can't turn the boat it's stuck it's stuck Mia do you live with your boyfriend I do how long have you guys been uh dating a year and a half now yeah but it's an open relationship right it is it is um but it's not like I really do it's more we put that in case um there there is someone that we want to hook up with oh [ __ ] can I ask you a question [Music] um you watch hands before you touch your dingling if you think that that way it's more cleaner why they say thanks to blade for carry and honestly if you think about it it is cleaner to wash your hands before you piss because if you wash your hands then touch your dick how's your dick gonna get dirty so why would you have to wash your hands after touching your dick think for about that for a second that is smart but if you think that's smart you ain't getting [ __ ] what do you mean you wash your hands because I'm gaming all day so I go to the bathroom wash my hands and my hands are clean and then I touch my dick to pee an IP and I'd say I leave the bathroom that would be smarter I don't do that what I do is I go in piss and then wash my hands after but if you think about it like it shouldn't be that way you should wash your hands before you touch your dick because your dick real estate shouldn't be different dirty why are you washing your hands after touching your dick is your dick dirty or are you dirty your dick with your hands am I stupid like think about this right now are you guys [ __ ] stupid all right you wake up you shower your hands are now clean your dick's clean um and five hours go by you eat some food with your hands your dick's still in your pants you know me you're not touching your dick you're not jacking off you jack off at night you're not a weirdo you don't jack up in the morning what about the sweat and pee from your dick where's the pee coming from man where's the pee coming from what are you talking about you think you just pee well when you need a pee you start peeing on in your pants like what are you five if you're circumcised your dick nearly always clean I am circumcised but that's not my point okay let me explain stop talking in the chat man stop talking over me let me explain you wake up shower your hands are now clean because you showered your lips clean you put on your clothes right everything's clean about you you go about your day obviously your hands are going to get dirty throughout the day you eat some food you do some work you play some video games you touch your mouse your greasy ass Mouse mouth you you're itching your hair all that now you go to the bathroom to piss you open the door you're even touching door handles you pull out your dick and touch your dick to piss isn't that dirty to touch your dick instantly wouldn't you open the door wash your hands to clean up then touch your dick that's been in your pants all day then put it back that makes more sense you're touching your sweaty [ __ ] but would you rather touch five dollars have sweatshirt germs and dirt from outside like the sweat is natural the sweat is coming from your body that's better to be our on you than dirt from eating food and touching your mouse and itching your hair and opening doors like it it just makes sense I'm trying to help you guys out chat this isn't this is my logic I go I wake up in the morning right I'm chilling I shower in the morning right walk around my day eat food clean stuff up play video games touch my greasy keyboard so before I go to the bathroom and pee I wash my hands with soap making sure my hands are clean then I touch my dick I piss and then I just wash my hands with water it's not like it's not like I hold my dick like this and I'm pissing like this my hands aren't getting that dirty when I piss my I'm not like getting like my all my [ __ ] body weight like holding my dick like what the [ __ ] you think this is bro I go like it no I'm kidding I go I usually I just go my hips honestly I just pull my pants down use my phone and give it a little Direction with two fingers sometimes like I'm like here you go like just a little Direction that's all you got to do [Music] I don't know I'm taking over this [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] is he doing guys we're we're streamers we never genuinely laugh s [Laughter] sorry okay we're working hacking their event CS I don't know maybe we should just say like wait dude this give me a beatbox okay do it do it for me yo let's go yo yo yo yo get me out in here on the streets Manchester 016 when you get me don't repeat I don't repeat you repeat my repeat repeat you get me cause I'm on a DJ section doing this section [ __ ] okay okay yo give me a beatbox give me a b-box what the hell that was what the hell is that that was pretty good can I get this Ace guys shut up okay we're in two different games I've already given you um good job I'm watching Nemo you better clutch this I tried jumping I don't want to just scare you in today I just I [ __ ] it we're gonna do a nightmare man I'm telling you scary games aren't a joke for me man my heart already hurts so so some [ __ ] over there do I just run towards her holy [ __ ] why does she look like Master Yi bro oh right here oh I'm right now [Music] what the [ __ ] oh Lord am I just dead no counter play or what kind of not hide anywhere how's the shrimp looking nope all dark never mind [ __ ] you [Music] wait he's not there on camera though [Applause] wait is he a fake image I'm hearing footsteps and I don't know if it's in my apartment or not no he is there bro say what's up then [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude that was such a sick play I'm so [ __ ] man bro that's how you know I'm getting too big like I almost broke my whole entire house Ultimo would have been like I'm good like I almost broke this [ __ ] I'm too strong for my own good I gotta stop it in the gym that was Smurf she got executed maybe they can't bear it anymore they can still do it but we gotta kill she could steal it now if she steals this hundred thousand get picked up 100. oh no no I'll give 100 I'm not giving a thousand [ __ ] that [ __ ] like a thousand hundred what the [ __ ] it's going hard as hell Pokey you're a solo I need a recall bro there's donated two dollars hey I know you can't do horror games but Outlast two was super entertaining you should definitely try playing again sometime in the future for your world loving your old W bands it's funny so long so ignite doesn't kill me and I still died foreign [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] dude I just kicked my computer by accident because I laughed so hard at garen's item are you guys ready to see garen's item look what Garen started why why would you start no magic ever man ever ever foreign [Music] [Laughter] okay this guy not Dodge [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dude this game is [ __ ] this game is cursed thank you oh my God let me reconnect what do I do MO my hair is so [ __ ] now man dude wait what does this mean you guys see this little arrow here I mean my hairline's [ __ ] it looks like the Batman signal bro it's angry I mean maybe I actually Avatar Southwest not 195 I see him you want to join our Minecraft Adventures really that could be so poggers [Laughter] did he's already better content than Slicker yeah [ __ ] it you're with us can you marry Yasuo please sure if he asks okay boys you know I just want to see your y'all so I just want to see you back up while this [ __ ] talk you know okay I mean no no I'm not saying I'm a better yaso I'm just saying you're gonna get overconfident all right I'm ready I'm ready to see it you know what you're talking about this whole time she 'll only have my kill what happened I'm hustling what happened aren't you the yasso man aren't you the awesome man bro yikes what pain do you play on that's what I want to know I live in LA bro 70 ping just like you don't make me don't make no excuses [ __ ] don't make no excuses yo hey uh can we make that a title can we make that a title please yes no I actually have a lot of experience in Wukong one of the ones you fell for my trap Mo you fell for my trap you're garbage you're [ __ ] garbage thank you for 150 bucks bye bye buddy one trick you're a little [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] garbage thank you for 250. bye bye bye bye buddy bye bye thank you for a hundred bye bye buddy bye bye Peggy bye baby are you gonna win by cslow you're [ __ ] garbage buddy you're [ __ ] garbage take it for 150. thank you that's cool you're so bad bye bye buddy I even flush and place your garbage bye bye buddy see you on YouTube you better put Pinoy put me on YouTube nice you know what happens here HP wait wait wait yo wait this was your page guys I forgot that was his pick I should have tried wait you you didn't even do it how did you win you already know what we're playing I already told you before and you made fun you said that really is no problem that's I I remember you saying that [Laughter] I'm so bad you just can't choke like me bye that much confidence oh bye no no no I'm a new a new hundred thieves streamer 100 thieves Mo who's Yasuo he's the face of twitch he's running YouTube he's running every social media you can think of he's pretty handsome he's tall he's very smart I thought you just found it oh yeah so wow last but not least Point number five he also has absolutely adored and beloved by everyone just ask Pokemon Moe's editor hard carries his YouTube channel so so so hard okay Pinoy everybody his name's Pinoy great guy does great work great dude Pokeman never lies but I haven't explored at all this is nothing there's 400 000 people here yeah Wayne's performance is kind of lagged we can't even understand what you're saying honestly like I speak a little Wayne and I still didn't understand a goddamn word from his first song [Music] foreign [Applause] pops off I'm just gonna say it to me and keep flaming the Oswald which is me yes I think League's a good game yeah yeah I enjoy it yeah me too he got one kid oh no he didn't I got the kill he died off that yeah are you [ __ ] kidding me bro what happened what happened is your computer fell on the ground but you have to hear that that was weird yo what happened my phone fell on the floor oh okay I thought you're like your table collapsed or something okay I can kill everyone oh my God first never mind maybe we have to reset because I mean uh Tyson's not here I need to get it damn I do no damage to Pantheon that artery is kind of clean there shifter you guys watch any League Shimmers never mind [ __ ] me I guess [ __ ] me I wasn't talking you guys play any sports this [ __ ] is still like [ __ ] fun they're ignoring me they deserve to get into they deserve to get into they 100 know you are no because if they knew who I was they wouldn't ignore me I don't mean to sound like ego like you know but like I feel like after that ignoring me that much I'm also doing it as a joke yes by any sports oh they can't hear me this whole time my mic hasn't been working that's why third time's a charm yes by any sports oh he did he did you know what I'm gonna reset just think the red buff and recall yeah right okay it's [ __ ] awesome just take my whole wave mid sorry again I hate this guy I forgot I took off push to talk so just laughing in their ears I'm getting [ __ ] boy you get a crown come on come here and get a crown yo this [ __ ] Yasuo is actually trolling through why do you ping it sorry right there are we all right oh silly after Spencer oh we did steal it good job you don't like him nice I do these guys all right yeah I was the also I don't know I was just [ __ ] trolling you guys I don't know why my bathroom twice bro yeah you were the Yasuo I thought you were akali no I was just [ __ ] trolling you for no reason I'm just so weird though my bad bro that's fine uh did you even your name man what yeah it's it's l-a-mo and your name on this car is small dude yeah yeah what the [ __ ] did we just play full game with yasua and I didn't know yeah yeah ggs guys have a good one man yeah bye [Laughter] that's so [ __ ] funny that was a good cover for you yeah good job of Collie you're a [ __ ] beast that was so [ __ ] funny dude when I took his tour right Buffs and he was like [ __ ] return He also dude they ignored me like six times when I asked if they played sports like once my mic was muted they easily ignored me like four times dude the thing is I'm [ __ ] funny handsome and tall and sure you guys are watching for my gameplay but when my gameplay is there it's Top Notch you know like when I play well I don't play like QD I don't play with Tyler and have like one pop-off moment it's a it's pop-offs non-stop no one's this game so quinoa can play the Montage Music it's in the Montage Music nice he also [ __ ] he also what's up today my yasu is so bad I played this champion in two weeks [Music] it's a family-friendly stream yes sir I'm teaching you guys charitable acts as you can see I am being charitable towards the sorelia because I'm a much Superior player so I am giving her a chance to win this game foreign [Music] you doing great buddy thank you see that's what I like to see positivity this is what this is what this is what this community is all about positivity that's what makes the homos so strong for the mo game Rider [Music] wait my knock-up ran out dude wait I'm so bad at Yasuo holy [ __ ] I'm so bad oh Lord save me um [Music] I had to sneeze so I couldn't look at myself I'm serious 100 serious I have to sneeze so I looked away like that was a really bad luck [Music] foreign [Music] wait I'm telling I'm like I'm actually 100 serious we can still win this game I'm 100 serious [Music] I actually went on 18 report made this report me man just report me straight up just like shred that's all I can say just report me what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] shame shame shame I hope you get man I hope I get banned too if I don't get banned I have no faith in this system you haven't got a positive KD and you also have 15 games do you know Ricardo I know a lot of the time you guys give you guys asked me like Mo what's girl advice and I've always spending you guys advice and you guys are always like why would you ask Mo for girl advice and then I go on to give you my whole Spiel of how I'm so good at talking to girls okay I'm here to say I was you know maybe I'm not as good as I I thought I was so Master some girl and at curiosity I decided to message you know obviously you know I'm curious I'm you know I'm spin game you know what I'm saying like you know what the [ __ ] going on and I never I didn't realize until today I was wondering I was like hey why didn't she message me back and I checked and you want to see my messages with her maybe I don't know how to talk to girls honestly look at this [Laughter] I'm such a creep I'm gonna go where do you live and where are you from we gonna hurt with those arms Little W shut your ass up dude dude dude the angle on this photo I need to fight whoever took this photo I think it was Ibrahim I'm gonna fight his ass in what world congrats are me and Tyler in the same picture where we look the same height how do we look like we're the same height how does that make sense the thing is people are gonna believe this because when you look up let's see Tyler won height five foot six inches Yahoo it says I'm also five [ __ ] six and then you go to Instagram where the same height they're lit I'm not five six I'm not it's not are you stupid I'm not gonna Sue spectrum because I'm lagging I'm gonna sue them because they're a dog [ __ ] company that's been throttling my internet they've been throttling my internet their website literally says you know I I I I was looking at spectrum's website the other day like yesterday because I was trying to figure out information on it how pathetic of a [ __ ] website how pathetic of a [ __ ] website you have to be to actually have to mention plus there are no data caps and we will never throttle your speed they mention that they don't have to throttle our speed because they [ __ ] follow us speed why would you mention that on their front page that's how you know they [ __ ] thrown on my internet speed that's how you know because they [ __ ] mentioned dog [ __ ] company I'm like yo yo agent yo what's up bro my internet's dog [ __ ] I can't play games and then they're like okay get a pin and put it in the back of the router and restart it [ __ ] you that's that's our call every day that's why I get angry because they don't actually help they don't help they tell me to turn on and off my my router they're like okay I'm doing some testing from our side wait put me on hold for 10 minutes and tell me to restart it every time that's why it's so mad I get so angry it's literally the same [ __ ] and they don't fix [ __ ] hey my cute sucks please lol this guy's a comedian oops wrong chat I tell you I tell you my internet doesn't lag when I'm out of the game too they wait for me to get in a league game they're probably wind trading and there's probably like [ __ ] Spectrum employees on the enemy team actually win trading swear to God once I forgot to slap himself on his butt cheeks while masturbating in the mirror I actually okay I'm this sounds weird man this sounds weird but when I was younger I would like you know when I was like think thoughts and do stuff I would okay man I don't want to say it out loud explain go go go like I was literally I would feel my ass to like be like oh [ __ ] like I'm touching an ass you know did anyone else do that like please tell me I'm not alone I'm not this weird man you guys definitely did that [ __ ] too like this is normal yeah I gotta go crazy with the push-ups ah [ __ ] arms hurt what's your type when it comes to relationships what's my type I like big titties and I like ass Blastoise like I know Tyler one already commented on this but like that come on man that Tick Tock like I don't know if I can go out with you anymore I'm gonna be honest like we're still friends but like just not public [Music] [Music] that's the grown man [ __ ] like if I started my boy and all but if I catch him in public he's gonna catch his fate that's why he's gonna catch now like I'm no longer dapping him up I don't know man like if I saw a cute girl do what Blastoise did I would have been like okay hot girl doing it okay why are we listen to Beethoven because I'm trying to educate you guys okay all you guys listen to is music like yo [ __ ] money [ __ ] Weed yeah I be robbing dudes and in my cleats uneducated Mo only classical he knows is Fur Elise what is Fur Elise oh it's the song's name oh [Laughter] hey how did he lose that I actually just like I'm [ __ ] yeah today my day today is not my [ __ ] day I'm just infant for fun nowadays like dude is money not important to me or what am I doing dude I'm in I'm actually oh why are you linking that helicopter we're champ where do you even get this from actually why are you linking me this and we're champing me I was literally like I was literally like 13 in this picture man why how you linking me this and we're champing dude yes when I broke my arm I broke I broke my arm twice in my life actually hairline nice you guys he's 12 years old Klein [Applause] real mature what is this one I think I posted this one before look at my pants yeah this is a wild guy okay I broke my arm twice when I was a kid I broke my arm once when I was maybe in like the second grade or something I was on the monkey bars with my friend him it was me my friend and his Nanny and she was like watching over us while we're at the park and she was like okay it's time to go and I was like oh I want to sell Monkey Bar Monkey Bar and also the monkey bars my friend's like we gotta go nanny said we gotta go I'm like Monkey Bar and they pulled my leg and I and he pulled my leg while I was like climbing like going on the monkey bars and I fell on my arm and broke it why would you willingly move to Florida when it is nothing but like 700 degrees there like when you're in Florida you feel dirty when I went to Florida like I got out the plane and I just like I was like a lot of times especially with teammates like that because if he has that tiny of a brain he should be thankful I call him a dog dude honestly I woke up today I looked at the mirror and I'm like damn Mo looks scared bro I walk in the street and I'm like this I look big you trying to have kids God not right now hell no I got a Life to Live what do you do with your life anyway like what would kids stop you from doing you go out traveling man yeah so would you rather have a daughter or a son if you could choose one like I don't know son first honestly if I had to say it at first you know sexist thing but like I want I want a sun first because you know like I want like a mini me a little old yeah turn around a little Habib yeah I'm gonna like slap my son up like I don't want to beat him up or like beat him you know but I'm gonna like slap him up he does something wrong what's wrong with you not like okay that sounds wrong I don't mean like beat him up but like how do I explain it okay this sounds bad man child abuse slow now I don't want to beat my son's ass I just wanna like you know how people like just push their like okay there's no way for me to say this correctly but I don't want to like fails cringe kid cringe is your new favorite word I feel like cringe is just the perfect word to describe them that's all it is like I don't say cringe really often but like is this is really [ __ ] cringe how they just keep swapping like where I'm not even I'm not even playing the game Fringe kid these [ __ ] cringe ass Diamond players I swear to God this reluctance literally like he's literally just trolling he's sit level six still this guy's level eight I'm almost I'm level seven and a half he's still level six and he got first blood it's it's so cringe like actually now you're dying you [ __ ] cringe ass [ __ ] crank dude these kids are so [ __ ] cringe man they're actually so cringe I swear to God like that's my favorite word now I actually love saying the word cringe gift one sub per time you say cringe French [Music] ass kids yay where you at cringe kid cringe kid all right for every time I say the word cringe starting now I'll give this up 3 000 gold is crin all right man don't stop saying the word because I don't want to read it out loud um I find the word cringe pretty crunch to be honest this stuff sugar to watch right now I'll suck it up thanks that's four it'd be pretty cringe if I didn't kill him right guys couldn't Jazz Caitlyn true oh that was pretty cringe quirky oh my God twitch that was pretty cringe no more exhales popping faded French cringe there you go there's a few more feed the boys you flashed and I went for one but I'll give up 200 extra gold but I think I'm getting flash is worth it we're 1V ones I missed some pervert why are you call me a pervert man I haven't heard the word pervert in so long actually but word no one says the word pervert anymore now I think about it but I used to hear that a lot I mean well no not like about me I mean like I I think people just like replace the term pervert with pedophile straight up not to me once again all right keep talking I'll put my balls back in your mouth again oh you're disgusting Moe John molester wait how old are you so 15. okay um we got a good stream guys all right gonna watch KSI versus Logan November 9th no I don't give a [ __ ] I don't even know the date I don't care I don't care maybe maybe if KFC I mean I said KFC I would actually be pretty good at prison not good at prison but like dude if I went to PR dude I always thought like no joke like maybe this sounds [ __ ] up but I always thought that if I was homeless I would succeed foreign [Music] wait what the [ __ ] later [ __ ] this one's funny you just hide anywhere yo he's stunned he's done that shrink you see you man sick you [ __ ] you [ __ ] for you too I'm up here I'm up here no you have to jump on the [ __ ] thing where you were now look at the left oh you're a [ __ ] punk ass [ __ ] under I'm good straight down straight down straight down and go on up that thing yeah oh yeah that's what you get that's what you get you're knocking him out get in you dumbass [ __ ] use the magnet at the empty spot he's troll I think bro what are you doing dude if he stole my keys with the magnet there was a chance I think but he literally Lost Cause trick didn't name me you I just wasted all the keys [Music] you're a piece of [ __ ] trick yeah it was a pleasure playing again guys dude what the [ __ ] man that's rightful [ __ ] King I promo party it's too easy it is too easy another pigeon look at the pitching on my thingy sharima that's his ear or is it [ __ ] outside my window let me see come on oh they pooped I knew they were going to Moe's the [ __ ] goat no joke MO is the goat like you guys gonna give it give it like three years remember remember this moment in the future remember this moment chat remember this moment now you know remember this moment yeah I just yelled on purpose so next time in the future in a year and a half I'm gonna tell you remember that time I yelled like an idiot you're gonna think back to right now you're gonna be like yelled like an idiot what oh like my arm look so small where are they at though yeah where is my arms at right now wait why does it look so small I think I think it's the lighting actually like I think it's the end like it okay I know you guys are gonna think I'm trolling right now but I actually did take Neuroscience in the ninth grade and that means I started at an advanced rate and then all the other students in the peripheral classroom it's the angle of the microscopic lens that I'm using because I'm not using a normal lens like most streamers hello hi nice to meet you Moe Mo yeah nice to meet you yeah yeah my friend's ex-boyfriend yeah I love it yeah like I'm susp but I'm not fully gay nice to meet you Mo how you guys doing hey nice to see you man how's it going we're not me you already know what's up dude yeah sure I got you do you feel what the [ __ ] I know uh that's why I'm a virgin so I don't think that's the reason I'm kid now can talk to girls you know stop something weird man stop telling me to talk to random girls that's not how it works hey what's up how you doing the girls hey how you doing yeah what do you mean yeah I don't know you looked at me some type of way so because you said don't talk to girls um I saw my fault what's up yeah sure of course what do you want me to put it anywhere anywhere okay yeah did it in the front I was like all right here at you no Tyler went a [ __ ] hey she knows what's up sex her stop something weird man guys seriously stop being weird okay chill okay we're not 12 here I'm at an event yeah what up man yeah sure of course how you doing have a good one man sex him okay all right chill what's up box man how you doing oh board Oh Oh I thought you were standing in the Box [Music] nice pose man keep it up keep it up all day what the [ __ ] can you uh I have a cousin says Ryan he swears he's good at Yas U I got you I'm gonna snap I'm gonna take it a little far yo Ryan you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] say what's up you think you're good at [ __ ] [ __ ] I got you here you go you what up what's popping yeah how you guys doing good what's up how's your stream going it's great fantastic if you call me cringe they keep I'm not cringe they keep calling me cringe all right whatever man have a good day have a good day kill Tyler no man I'm not doing that on stream I mean I'm not doing that in general oh look [Music] it's kind of weird my bad so as long as no one stops me you're good you see what that says oh wait am I gonna get banned while I gotta run back up can we still do rides in this or how's this going this is going three rides until six can I hop in it yeah we're headed to I don't know man you take me wherever yeah catch you later John totinos I'll catch you guys somewhere hey we're Pizza rolling out yeah Totino's we love totinos I'm sponsored by them I think no I'm not actually yeah oh my God you gotta level up that couch that's been fast anyone want to join me my bad anyone oh yeah we can't take a circle I could get that girl yeah can we do a 360 and go get that girl hey I like that I like that excuse me Mrs Officer Mrs Officer oh yeah I'm trying to get that officer you know what I'm saying a blondie hello would you like to join me I have an extra seat you try to come I can't yeah come up pull up sure say no more we got space how you doing I'm doing great too nice to meet you what's your name I'm Teresa Teresa you said nice to meet you Moanna oh [ __ ] of course sharing is caring kind of romantic this is really interesting you look great right now thank you do you know what I am you are a police officer let me Superman high is what I see wait wait let me let me open Super Fresh is it Chad's gonna be like yes wait they're gonna they can help me out Boku no Heroes that someone said all right it is oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that easy yeah Jensen I'm running [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I watched that anime are you gonna say demons me too I love that too you're already bonding what the [ __ ] are you caught up I am actually I think wait I think I watched I'm missing the last half episode I was watching it this morning by enough time I'll catch up tonight or today maybe we could catch up together you know like I gotta stop the prettiest lady I see you know and get a date how's it going so can I get your number or something so he could contact you later after this date you know okay I'm gonna put this off stream you can write your number here I'm just having trouble like finding places because I'm underage yeah I'll tell you oh I know a place actually that's under 21. oh really yeah my room you know hey hey respect you already know we make him move I love tocinos I'm gonna give him 100 that's all I got oh by the way it's going that's all I got though actually you didn't miss out yeah we had a good time man thank you so much I appreciate the date bro how's it going man good luck thank you so much bro have a good one hey respect thank you buddy appreciate it how's it going guys okay I smell good do I yeah you smell great yeah you look great too but how old are you 21. oh thank God stop saying she's 17 man stop Chad stop what the [ __ ] wrong with you people it's liquor what's up warnings sorry this liquor is my like is my right hand guy you know if there's any girls I ever talk to as even a friend you know he just he gives me warnings he said he's just he's spamming what is this it's like there's a coconut we don't like him here I love Slicker too that's my boy you know my right hand man what he said how much do I have to donate for you to you to check out and and Shout out my girlfriend's modeling Instagram and I was like bro you know it's a baddie Lincoln you know I got you yeah and then he donates on the two dollars and said I how much to get it as a clip into one of your YouTube videos [ __ ] is fire this man's pimping out his girlfriend wait she bad link it oh my goodness okay oh my God she's not bad nah she's not bad huh now she's hot [Music] yo think about it not bad equals good use [ __ ] brain dog yo what's the name of the guy a guy called shmoopy doopy can get this girl oh it's over in the world man yeah we're struggling out here man so I I went in and some girl pulls up to me right she comes up and starts talking to me and I'm like damn she's pretty attractive you know what I mean like sure I'll talk back no problem and we're talking and [ __ ] and she's like she seems like pretty like she's a very nice person and I'm like okay she seems like very nice very talkative she seems like she's into me in a way and we're talking a bit later on I see her later that night and she hits me up she's like hey uh yeah like uh you know we should chill sometime whatever whatever blah blah blah and I'm like oh perfect you know whatever and she asked me from like my contact info my number or whatever and as I'm like even her [ __ ] she's like oh don't worry I'm not hitting on you I'm a lesbian and I was like because listen life's not easy life's not all tomatoes and lemons you're not gonna [ __ ] walk through life and it's just gonna be easy people are gonna call you ugly people are gonna call you stupid people are gonna call you fat you only got to do you got to make sure that you're tough enough to be able to take that and dish it back out even harder people call me fat all day long on Twitch chat you think I get offended right they say that oh sunshines and rainbows that's what makes that's it tomato and lemons bad as [ __ ] second day of school high school no friends hey bro that's fine I I don't you don't make friends the day you go to high school just have friends just how you should do go to class tomorrow without a pencil and get out of your comfort zone by asking people for pencils and then that way you make some friends you know that was what I did with my first my first day of high school except I didn't I didn't forget a pencil on purpose I was just [ __ ] all right I think we're ready where the [ __ ] trick at let me call his old ass chicken waffles let me help you [Laughter] what are you say this goes chicken in my first time you can help me by getting on your computer place a Pummel let's run it'll be lost we lost Showtime [ __ ] let's go baby let's go let's go let's go let's go how do you duck oh my God you guys didn't tell me y'all suck [ __ ] useless game [ __ ] you man you know you don't tell me Shut up [Laughter] one two three four okay [Applause] baby I [ __ ] doing it am I what it is yeah you got the [ __ ] that's not you Boomer coming through over [Laughter] when I eat a meal I drink two bottles of water minimum I need water to fuel my body I'm 90 water just know that okay dude okay man why are you why are you flexing yourself sorry we don't care I'm 93 93.4 water no am I going last year yeah nothing else to brag about it's gonna make him slower oh dude man let's go baby party rifle Champion dude games Brothers all right all right you're a [ __ ] loser can't beat me mean that's all right no but I'll [ __ ] beat your ass in real life how about that okay that's where it really [ __ ] matters what we're actually fighting for our lives all right this kid's actually watching porn live on stream oh oh [ __ ] that must have been some good stuff bro hook me up sorry I zoned out watching porn true I don't care I was enjoying myself I'm a disgusting Yasuo and Trick Pony I'm a little more this disgusting Trust me uh no you ain't I'm a former number one of the Austin hero and I'm current slash farmer number one yes world this guy's trying to [ __ ] something that he used to be a number one he also in Europe like okay bro great for you man and I'm just the better player wait is he going to trust or Caitlyn if it's Caitlyn's not as good that's Caitlyn Nautilus I think that's pretty [ __ ] for them actually all right thank you speaker and this [ __ ] took my Yasuo ah no [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me you [ __ ] you Yasuo piece of [ __ ] I'm yasu and you took may also when I'm verse Faker you dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna be you're not taking my Lane this guy just said are you stupid this he also took my Yahoo and asked if he could take it mid lane that's fine I'm not I'm not worried I'm not shaking seriously guys I'm not [ __ ] my pants right now don't say I am a man's Broken Blade closer and Faker I probably should have went for an early word honestly since it's Talia or Kiana but keanu's Flash and tristani's exhaust so it's gonna be really hard to kill me now or for me to die actually at least [Music] we're chilling we're good we're good okay you also got a kill I just gotta ruins fakers Katie a more so people like say I just stomped in this game you know nice maybe we can end here descent oh no he's not dancing can I send them we filmed from the back nice I have red buff so I can reach into I just gotta make sure I don't get one shot we just go bot we win here let me get a blue trinket there we go let's [ __ ] go we won let's [ __ ] go baby let's go let's [ __ ] go toxic I'm kidding obviously chill imagine being moisture talking Faker hey all I'm saying is a fake face Faker in Lane three times I've won twice and I've lost once now yesterday we're trying to figure out something to do after our streams right so we're chilling and we're like yeah what the [ __ ] should we do and blade wanted to go out and I'm like all right Cheryl's running he's like you want to go shisha bar and I'm like you can do whatever and he's like yo check up for some clubs let's go to a party you know what he Googles to try to find a party parties near me if Eagle parties nearby actual story he literally talked parties near us nobody does that it's not a salt wait is the story true Did you Google parties near me confirm okay listen I was I had to go to the washroom I wasn't thinking straight okay you said you wanted to go to a party shut the [ __ ] up laughs mo why you single man it's a hard life for us man it's a hard life for us League streamers like imagine if I played Cod or something or CS go [ __ ] would be on my dick like actually if I played a shooter but girl like Lee Lee if I tell a girl I play League of Legends they're just gonna think I'm a nerd well you're a weird nerd I'm not weird baby do you think I'm weird respect thank you for the answer appreciate that baby anime hey man you can't say can't miss NATO but I don't know me remember when I used to just miss every single tornado you guys knew that was fake right you guys knew that was fake right dumbass oh gosh I didn't know it was possible to miss your cue hold up [Music] yeah I knew that was fake right I wasn't actually that bad I missed it for concert I missed a tornado and fall off my chair that was my content from Faker yeah first game of the day we won it was sick yes man we get it she said like 10 times already okay I'm leaving chat yeah sorry man see you okay there's new people in chat BB not everyone's the same okay we're not as cold-hearted as you death is inevitable death is natural you can't avoid death like said uh well I'm really sad my dog died and I gave some some of my advice like saying like yo it'll get better man think of happy memories and I was like BB any advice and he's like death is inevitable death is only natural you can't avoid it like what's wrong with you man were you was that closer guy your jungler or no it's just completely different yeah okay I just ran it down so sorry I'm the filthiest Reserve all time I just choked on my hiccup Chris if you add anything from the last the college game I'll I'll fire you I warning is that I'm the worst player of all time I'm the worst player of all time I'm the worst player of all time I'm the worst player of all time and I don't care the worst player of all time that was just so [ __ ] disgusting oh Tarzan you good oh my God oh my God oh my God that's a combo for Yasuo oh wait I just all the Ford this is this is the most important moment of my entire life [Music] yeah that's that's my shot I just shot it uh in your own words to find what a calorie is calorie is why you make my life harder than it has to be man 50 seconds [Music] I hear it everyone come here I'm gonna set up a fat W I sit in this bush everyone sit here yeah I know it's fine I'm just gonna I'm gonna hit him with a fat W all right I'm prepping I'm prepping it let's start going on all right you ready yeah okay go [Laughter] no time you come out and do a pool again no it's not even dead bro oh my God five seconds it's so [ __ ] stupid when we fight Penta Montage synapse yeah my bad guys yeah you misplayed there you misplayed oh my God where is dude is our Rengar AFK bro no ringer is just dude not doing much literally is okay where the [ __ ] is this brain damaged ape man okay [Music] he's playing Roots game he's playing he's playing RuneScape come on do it right [Music] I just walked into the [ __ ] wall okay LeBron's not balanced freestyle man all right we need a freestyles anymore no no hahas in the chat I only want fog chimps and fires okay don't put me down don't put the boy that way it's coming up wait I gotta wait for the B drop what's that one sec I'm not doing it started I'm getting twitch Rivals was this week oh trick 2G is a freak huh sanchovies TF blade is a yeah I'm out what else we got one second twitch Rivals just started uh-huh yeah MO is going off did you guys watch yesterday's games uh huh man he took off yeah oh oh [ __ ] what's that uh-huh yeah this beat kind of sucks though this be kind of stinky it was I need a better beat I need a better beat this one really sucks like it's not the rapper it's think about it's the art behind the rap yo twitch chat stay in hating uh-huh they just don't want the money yeah um most been on that grind been spending time so wait okay now I'm out I'm out sorry I'm tapping out yeah we don't got nothing I got nothing in the tank yeah there's nothing up there he's so mad dude I can I can smell the Tilt in hashension can you guys smell that I smell it I smell it oh we're winning this [ __ ] baby you already know what the [ __ ] going on honor me I'm gonna keep saying honor me after every game whether I want to be nine or whether I'm 9v1 like doesn't matter I'm just gonna say honor me until I got honors it's gonna work dude I can't believe that Zed really flash I can't believe that Zed Flash no don't jump I feel like I'm in tiltable are you [ __ ] dude why why would you shove that weight do my whole entire keyboard's messed up you're gonna tolerate my disrespect with those shrimp ass arms homie yo arms are catch me in person bro like do you really think these arms are little but yes yeah like the explosion radius of the curvature of this banana vein like look at this this ain't no normal arm box me you stick set a [ __ ] day let's go dude if I'm gonna box someone I probably want to box a league streamer just so I can knock their ass out like you know it'd be so satisfying to just like just knock someone out straight up you know you feel me Faker told you to get on your knees and suck his dick would you do it what's wrong with what is wrong with you man dude no never step into RuneScape in my environment what am I would smack you with your wrist fighting RuneScape like I think why are you rich yeah man all right bro listen ah [Music] yeah keep laughing [Music] I haven't played this game in a long time chill sit the [ __ ] down you [ __ ] dumbass [Laughter] I was eating [Music] [Music] show the bull video there's one on Twitter let's see yo your dumbass wasn't even up you weren't even on the ball [Music] come on man a lot of people be playing set in ophelios but won't set their mind to talk to their boys about feelings and say I'm feeling you uh yeah you didn't have to say all that Chris cut that [ __ ] out I think HP uh no [Music] uh I got ophelios no say sorry say sorry and we'll move on oh no it's happening yours I need the nine moving speed Advantage what's happening yoss no no no what's happening y'alls no bad you're fat no oh trashu no need for that there's no need for that no there's no need for that no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] chill chill I was confused it's confused [Music] dude stop stop laughing I'm not showing my hair stop laughing it's not funny it's not funny stop it stop it stop it dude my man's [ __ ] me for no reason I better be getting this goddamn boob up I'm playing work I'm putting in work saving mid top and Bob and jungle I I knew it I like I I I smelt it I smelt it I smelt to death you know I smelt it but I was just playing risky like I'm just I'm a risky player you know what it is you know what it'd be yeah I cut down on the cheeseburgers still got mad titties though hey come on man they're packed yeah I'm actually looking pretty good now I'm gonna lie I'll send you a picture today oh it's all good news don't worry about it I got you got you now I'm triggered man you're so [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] company man I I'm so triggered man I'm still triggered like there was no reason for me to be three minutes late to the game there was no reason for me to be three minutes late there was no reason for it so we did see graceanna me and my boys in the Discord and cream's a part of our group you know I'm a part of their group and I got someone else Shaker Santa I got them like shoes they wanted in the color scheme they wanted and this is what Kareem got me sanchovies you got me me and Faker or me and doingby he printed it out number two he printed out me and Faker I mean Uzi on a shirt and then he also he got me a Louis Vuitton passport holder like At first like real gift I guess the other ones were like kind of meme funny ones and cute ones and then he got me like a passport holder so wouldn't be on my expectations by far like I didn't expect like gonna go all out but he went crazy what'd you get him nothing hey well if you're just tuning in now we have a very special game coming up it's going to be a grudge match between Tyler one and Yasuo let me hear you for tyler1 and who's here to see Yasuo take it I think there may be more tyler1 fans here but uh casters what do you think how do you think this is gonna go I mean talk about personalities right talk about talk about what streaming is all about and adopting and really owning your personality these two guys have it what are you talking about [ __ ] 17K how do they get past three of you guys you're such a [ __ ] oh my God what like what the [ __ ] I got you had a Content out of yell real quick [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay kill somebody you lost 10K to Mo right relax I gave it to him you take like a mortgage on that like you good [ __ ] you and I blue yo Pokey can we get a test scream huh I know she's gonna screaming games I want to test how loud it's gonna be I need to prep my ears before I get caught off guard oh my God she actually did it oh my God you've lost the ball I've never lost better not get out juggled by Trick 2G do not start your screen that's the music man and we're in the game chat okay cool let's check out the blind pick and where people are going yes well has already insta-locked yes well that's great and Tyler is hovering the Draven so everything is right with the world I'm locking in and I'm looking back yo can I ghost can I see what they pick oh yeah who got Yo who got Vision who got Vision look behind us my vision bad what what are we waiting on now all right I'm going to sleep good night Motors flipped me off [ __ ] I can't find for that yeah I think he's mad or something okay this guy that's what I'm talking about the kill both we kill both that's like the scene let's [ __ ] go trick let's go baby we're starting off kill him all right let's go home let's go home here top no flash no yeah it's just easy baby this shit's a dub you sliding we slided we really are sliding it's over it's over it's over it's over they're trying too hard man they're trying too hard yo perfect Perfection good [ __ ] guys uh you gotta get that last guy right there you're good you're gonna do it nice oh easy [Applause] let's go wow that was amazing that's a beautiful game one the fake recalls the end see that all right we go our winners huddling up get hyped real Team champ just celebration all right these are professional exactly now okay let's go down and hear from our team captains who are standing by with avali thanks guys I got Yasuo and tyler1 right here with me and I mean you guys were going at it as you were coming down off the stage so uh Impressions after that game honestly expect a little more of a challenge but hopefully they can bring it back game two like I'm giving them a little boost because I feel bad but my team trolling me man you're too strong ly trolling you got Lily Pichu it doesn't matter they're trolling me down sugar and plants are for the minute I don't think he's ever played in his life and I mean okay well did you put this team together was this your dream team actually yes something it sounds like uh the source of the problem may be closer than you think nah it's not my fault it never is I'm hearing a lot of blame all right well well okay so then with that you also took game one his team looking really good and actually you pulling off those double kills when it looked like they were about to collapse around you yeah I'll show a little bit I'm not gonna lie into the good amount boy yo Shout Out Boy Boy really good olds but the rest of the team kind of sucked uh gonna be another easy game yeah Yasuo is so hard to play and he's just so balanced it's not an accomplishment yeah we'll bring a different Champion next game I'll see you in game three two you feel you feel confident enough to tell him what Champion you're gonna play a game ah [ __ ] he's hard stuck 200 LP and so look you know so I mean season this week probably means a lot to him sadly he's not gonna get that either but everyone else stick around because when we come back we're getting game two [Music] foreign declared he's not playing Yasuo by the way wait what yeah then he offered me to choose a champion for him but I don't think this Petty changed dude no I don't need his [ __ ] handout but he said he's not playing [ __ ] so keep that in mind actually you think he actually no he said it on air if he doesn't people call him a [ __ ] so yes he's not playing Oswald actually gonna play LeBlanc didn't say you ain't gonna play Yasuo I'm getting in their head I told them I'm not playing Yasuo and then I'm gonna bring out the also smart good boy good boy another easy dub I think we're ready to start playing escape plan here we go with the draft and Pokemon's gonna go straight onto the Morgana again let's see if we can get more bindings but Tyler I love Tyler just insta interlocked the dravens no I don't even need it all right we gotta get the dog we gotta get the fine fine yes we'll just locked in yeah SOLO wow so he's a liar because it's some good Mind Games right there cheater this kid's ego wow it [ __ ] change dude wow that's fine wow dude top side I need help I'm flashing to you ah we got [ __ ] it's all good just run away damn sheesh it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah don't worry don't worry about it don't worry about it yeah I've been ran away yeah that's what he said hey what I tell you about the egg good day okay this game is though look at that 13 assists [Applause] Redemption Redemption maybe can I go talk [ __ ] for sure too much early pressure [Music] let's go I gotta kill this kid's ego check the checks I gotta kill this kid's ego I don't got a [ __ ] ego I'll let myself be carried I'm banning all their Champs too I don't give a [ __ ] all right everyone welcome back to Twitch Rivals we are about to get into our third and final game of the grudmat grudge match between Yasuo and tyler1 that was quite a game too but something that I want to point out was uh yeah so you said that you weren't gonna play Yasuo going into game two so what happened all right listen let me explain I got a big brain I know we're going blind pick blind picks third game is going to be draft pick they're gonna Target man he also if they won the game two so they're gonna ban it next game and now I'll play a different Champion or I can tell you what really happened he loaded up champ select he realized oh I can only play Yasuo so he locked it in a lot of talk from someone who's getting carried game after game but you know you keep in touch but you probably won't I'm coaching my team like a true Captain well you're sitting over there flaming trick 2G I get it a thousand damage in a game he's 35 years old what do you want to do that is age right get his age right don't disrespect my teammate or I'll come after you I actually do want to point that out because we just spoke with boy boy and uh game two it looked like it really picked up for your team after you said they were trolling in game one man I told you didn't I right I shipped them into shape I gave him a Stern side you were going to play better you're taking the bus home I told him that and well it worked I hope he remembers this moment of him being happy because he's going to be really pissed out I'm gonna kill you [Laughter] I'm terrified I'm terrified how many of you guys think tyler1's team is taking this in game three who is voting for Yasuo to take it in game three good luck of luck we got this we got this baby we got this yeah okay astrology okay strolling play smart talk a lot open mouth open exactly that's like the here it's [ __ ] Showtime hey let's get it I'll play safe for now nice [ __ ] let's [ __ ] go [Applause] yeah yeah uh we're gonna flash on it's your stopwatch so I can't walk up okay yeah flash yeah oh nice baby good [ __ ] good [ __ ] [ __ ] good [ __ ] hey watch out watch out okay I don't have a son he flashy flashy flashy flashed Hey That's My Boy and here I'm here let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go baby she's gonna have Crocs yeah [Applause] yeah it's okay it's okay the tank they're low they're very low I got a son oh can I run two faucet nice let's [ __ ] go we're good we're good good [ __ ] good [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you [ __ ] popped off there I can tell your critical man dude we're gonna have Flash's next fight too yeah I got one right here let's go baby watch out wait for it baby easy money get the wave let's go let's go let's wait for my old [Applause] ER can't tower Tower Tower next tower Tower tower Tower uh wait a minute [Applause] wait okay huh seriously wait we need it let's go should we get in him or Elder whatever no no uh go for it try let's see we'll keep an edge we'll keep an eye we'll keep an eye there no I'm in this [ __ ] game okay okay okay that's good I hope you can do it mathematically oh they got the season right too baby it's 17. yeah let's go wait a little bit try it go for it [Laughter] okay almost almost ready ready end the game [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks guys team Yasuo congratulations that was such a close game three I'm sure everyone in the audience was sweating how about you a little nervous I can't lie I can't lie but bot Lane held it down they did work topplan was doing work trick was doing his thing breaching you already know and then you know we came clutch late game so it was good it was a good game okay one of the things that I thought was just amazing was boxbox when you were trying to make that back door play and you were like what two hits away from finishing that Nexus yeah so I I've always kept in mind after watching um fnatic vs OMG where it was a one hit off I always told myself the moment I'm ready for the back door I'll buy a Sheen buy an Elixir I've been telling myself that for about four years I finally had my chance I forgot what was that like Premiere uh Team captive Captain perspective honestly that I was like yo good try I wasn't mad at all when I saw a trick at the end of the game go to the back go to the Nexus and stand there and not Auto attack and BM I was gonna I was gonna get out of my chair like I swear to God if we lost that game he did work though I like he added the VM to it I thought you got bubbled no I had a stopwatch so I was good I was gonna stand there pop it all right and they kept telling me to end I was just I was like I can't join the fights so and I died like two or three times useless and um finally we got control of the game and um better jungler wins yeah I was gonna ask you to tell me how you really feel because night blue shave his head all right well the one thing that we haven't addressed yet was what did you say to Yasuo as soon as you popped popped up and took the win huh oh I said let's [ __ ] excuse me Tyler what oh I called him a [ __ ] can I say that sorry my bad my bad listen I listen I'm gonna just be honest when we were up here he was talking all [ __ ] I told him to remember that happiness because it's gonna go away real quick so just shut him down guys any final words to your fans who are cheering you on today uh to everyone who came out or maybe to even your opponents we'll start with you oh yo shout out to everyone uh the crowd was nice the setup you know there was no bugs at all it was good no pause times was good [ __ ] I enjoyed it thank you for having me hi uh I wanted to publicly stayed up last night saber lost a bet to me he owes me fifty dollars but I told him that if he carried the game I would forgive it so you're forgiven great job [Applause] yeah sharing uh yeah I want to say Gigi's to the other team trash talking's fun but it really was very enjoyable uh thank you to tribals for having me and I hope the viewers enjoyed I actually want to say I wanted to put on a good show for the viewers so we just stand back we're stand backing Mega game three 40-minute game and I hope you guys enjoy it uh since I'm last I'll just drop a drop a layer [ __ ] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Yassuo 2.0
Views: 54,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, league of legends
Id: M-69HeDUwrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 50sec (11450 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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