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I'm not sure how confident you are if you hit Q we can play I wait here at like 123 we just don't skill anything just don't skill anything if you hit Q or like see an angle to hit Q go Q if not go e you want me to ever e the ter I mean if he uh if he un fret you can e him away just e away and then yeah it's fine I'm doing the thing you ass like it's fine it's fine okay nice now just now just push now just push m p I came to L late that's okay I get P back now he just wanted your up Lally just right now okay I'll PR you now now it's my hit the minions hit the minions so we get level two first and then we're going to get level two no matter what bro what it's up B chunks he's missing XP mhm okay all if you want to just play okay bro you are playing incredibly bad y can we go on this this I'm behind first I mean don't you agree need to push one more go for ball on you I'm going to go kill the balling here yeah fine I guess we get practice let's get some practice at least scared of aing no like me here you can't eag me here you are playing completely horrible maybe I can N I don't think I can kill [ __ ] that guy actually got Shields 15 times um I think it's not that's sad I fre top if you want to come we can try fing his time was too late but I could push then come yeah I now just play for like farming and [ __ ] all tar if you want to come b side with me then we could actually look for a play on uh a play on uh F soon no he's in now he plays horrible and then Flames me and play this they're spotting me but I'm going behind um they don't see me by the way they don't see me they don't see me they don't see me like walk up so let's go let's go it's too late for you on this go just leave just leave if this guy goes all the way we can by the way turn it again you want to try yeah yeah this is not legal by the way push is here how is this legal now I got feared okay not too bad whatever we can look for damage on this do you have a Que Jesus he flash on there really slowly passing too this is weird um maybe we can kill the ear I'm almost there I ignite yeah you can walk up on him play him nice okay huge I kill I kill holy [ __ ] he's going to kill you oh nice I should be fine here I'm SI soon 24/7 yeah I mean the thing is I do still have to farm though like I can't just no but what fiddle's doing yeah but fiddle is still like farming though like he's finding this ispl yeah just this in my op haven't even played that's the issue this guy loses his mind after playing bad for the first three and decides to just focus what he just plays scared the entire Lane phase shut up shut up don't talk it's disgusting no no it's disgusting like your ego can't handle that you're just playing bad happens I don't have to talk to you I can literally go over the vot right now with anyone like that is like actually like over above gold and they will all flame you who are you talking to oh he's yapping or spr T it's fine uh do you guys want to look here we actually can we have gun PR like I'm coming I mean you're a bit low Ian like one HP he's going to you know no it yeah um I just back off that's fine you are so tilted yeah I'm so tilted playing with a literal gold player on support and I think actually gold player would play better early Lane then th does not going to lie and the fact he can't even take critique also like how how how does he like how does he like think he played well by the way is this like isn't this crazy we are playing against the tari kalista early game complete early game setup with exhaust and he wants me to just sit in Kalisa and out of when she hardcore out damages me the entire level I literally played Lane Flawless I'm not even trolling I legit played Lane Flawless early game you can't tell me how I could play this better it's literally just support Gap Deluxe that that's it that's just it and you can't handle it's disgusting disgusting I don't want to even [ __ ] play anymore fres I have no games on I don't understand yeah but then I want to play no yeah but then after this we know that REM we can play one more fast though at least okay I am Go kalista please goist oh Jesus Christ yeah I wasn't expecting them to be F yeah no just I think REM to okay I guess REM make it there remake of course I'm not playing one more second of this joke can I jungle this last game please like okay I don't know why you want you're not yeah telling you thresh is the hardest [ __ ] Champ in supports by the way I don't I don't know why I'm being forced to play champ I don't want to play and this guy doesn't like sorry to say but like his laning is subar okay so is bad you say that's interesting to talk about thres we quite literally have been talking about thres for the last like four days the thing is we asked him to play five to 10 different Champs I put the time in effort in but we don't have five or 10 different Champs on our players so what's the issue here ADC wants to play two Champions jungle w as well so why do I have to learn five to 10 different Champs when I have a good pool as already what five 10 different Champs have I told you to play like I I don't know what I mean at this point I don't know what conversations you guys have had like in person like other than like other than us talking about thr for the last four or five days only we talk no one even talked about even work why does he pick guys one second though we already establish that in the game we're not going to be talking about how we should play how cringe is that this guy M me because I am the right one in this conversation check how he plays early game and don't Scorch your eyes out Jes never going to mute this guy until he stops yelling by the way I've had a mute for like 10 15 I'm yelling I'm no reason he just being I'm not yelling okay let's watch I can lit not play this better like at all this is [ __ ] why we have both brushes wed someone exp he want to get brush control so we have both brushes warded because uh play was who the middle brush who wor the middle brush I did I did why why because blade said you can also drop a ward in the middle and we when both teams face check the brush in the middle you will have vision of them walking the brush you see pass behind the brush that they're walking toward J jungler doesn't we middle brush in B either Anyway by the way you never wor this middle brush your what does the Z matter just watch the VOD just watch the V let watch one he finds a hook he says hook kalist I do TR look at how playing literally Flawless we win the trade this guy complains we win the trade this guy complains by the way why is it dead silence I mean ghosted for no reason lost half half life I mean you guys have each other muted I mean I don't like mean this is not this guy has cancer I can't take this serious whole time I'm going to sit here and I can't take this serious he has literally cancer I put this guy on J I don't want to play anymore hold on hold on hold on hold on so let's watch cuz the first trade was fine like there was no issue with this L PR right now full on Lane PRI full on Lane earlier I didn't see why would he even ghost when we have three free autos on the CL I don't understand is that what he did left click I think I need to leave I can't I can't bear this cluelessness I can't bear this cluelessness I I I mean I go to dodge the the ghost is literally proper in my opinion if he doesn't the ghost is fine I'm saying the aftermath the aftermath where he walks up and Tak everything is fine with this trade the trade he's kaisa I'm losing hard that trade what he hard end of the trade was not necessary what end of the was really good yes this is all great four people tell him it's fine tra and he still doesn't believe it sure is he talking I course he's talking but like just [ __ ] up though like what is this m just don't even know what to say I'm not going to mute this guy all is yell like a [ __ ] artist I'm not going to deal with that [ __ ] Jesus Christ I don't want to pay I'm sorry if he doesn't see that this trade is good then there's no hope just put him in general legit get me the attentional support he's going to play enchanters and put low key I think he's talking I mean so again I play play The V play The V let's see let's see because again you haven't lost the lane at this point you're actually doing guys lost it it was like what needs to be understood is that you guys will get level two first you guys are still pushing inami team frankly I think you push a little bit too quickly actually one and two level two for free I don't know why here here for one you guys even though you won the first trade and it's a bit hard you pushed a little bit too fast you can try and like attempt that's the entire point I'm getting Vision yeah there's yeah you can get Vision again it's fundament so scared he's so scared of this Lane I don't understand why why are you so afraid well I don't answer on here but he's just he's not even autoing the tower here they have to last hit the creeps for level two like five damage on the tower three free Autos here let's play Let's Play Let's Play look what he does look look I'm on the tower isn't what like what tower and he gets mad at me how can I play if he's mad at me he play like this he he should Auto the tower he he does have he does have the op getting Vision so safe I'm getting give them Free level two not pressure them and then have the waves slow push back into us and like how can we play I don't understand like what his purpose is like does he not play The V play the play The V and watch how he plays play The V I can't I'm begging for level three PRI here because I need level three in this Lane to dodge T done he's hard pushing for for level three is what he wants to do but again like misses hook they they go aggressive now because he misses the hook and look how he walks up now look how he walks up now when we two M off level three while he's walking backwards can you just I missed hir can we can he even walk look how M he walk where is he walking go back go back go back go back go back go back we're two to three melees off level three correct I missed hook sure I I'm one for two if that if you care at all why is he so afraid explain I can just F them away why is he not hitting the W from Level tell me please spell he's tanking every spell and even that I look how I play here this this tra walk our and kill us is is kalissa ter that op I don't understand taking our wave to Frank like yes look how you're playing look how he why is disagree I disagree I disagree I dis there's no [ __ ] way just give me there's no [ __ ] way bro there's no way no there's no way there's really no way look at their health bars look at our health bars and I missed every ability and this guy just walks backwards per yo yo blade do you think I did not play Flawless here in this go back 15 seconds again go back honestly like I think one game just support one game I think this will be like not bad going to be honest yeah I I really the is for sure no no no no no no worries guys no I I I don't even think there anyone who playing the issue like to to be frank I really don't think either of you played conceptually that bad I played Flawless why is he so afraid of level three here together put Gushi in this call put gumay Yushi in this call he will lit say the where my standing first of all like how can I play he's just so scared in Lane play of course he can't play if he gets hit by everything he can Auto kalista when she Autos me correct cuz she can't she doesn't have run Hurrican at 3 minutes he's just sitting 10 screens away's in Auto attack range and he's always blaming me when he plays like this it's absurd I can't take this serious I'm sorry this at certain point in time like I've had enough of this you play so bad I say nothing I I do my best to play and you get mad when you play like this he has me muted by the way yeah I what am I what am I supposed to say about this play like there am I wrong get get an LCS B no we're not going to swap support like either I'm playing I just want to show you that com you guys are not Cs on anything like my this guy speak he doesn't want to speak what do you want me to do he has to be muted just let me support W just to show you like we're not going to do that I refuse no I refuse we're not it's scms it's limited terrible idea who agrees with this idea though who no I I just it what is this idea it's such a [ __ ] idea who's going to play top it's to build up the Cs of like how we should be the com so you have better with the playing bot Lane what the [ __ ] does that accomplish for bot Lane in general what does that even mean doesn't do anything an example that you should likee it yes I'm talking as much as I I can and this guy doesn't say anything can this guy shut up for once please I think lowkey just let me mid actually like just let me Midland I can't bear this [ __ ] this is unbearable might as well just put the tension CH Auto attacking me gets mad best we have not kiding insane this is unplayable I can't every single laning face I get [ __ ] by T just not knowing how to play it's unpl [ __ ] I me yeah so I mean Jesus [ __ ] Christ um for me icba this is it's way too early in the morning for me to to get this type of energy to be honest to deal with this [ __ ] but like I really just like [ __ ] roll out of my bed and um like I have to talk about this I mean for for one there there there's certain fundamentals here right if you if you just pause for one yes thres doesn't have hook so of course that's what the enemy team uses to to walk in and try and punish right if kaisa tries Auto she's under threat when it comes to exhaust and again kaisa can't fully finish off kalista because she'll just kite with exhaust right so because of that if you if you play the actual VOD the enemy team goes in this is completely legal from the enemy team to try and chunk thrash right if kaiso walks into the enemy team she'll get she'll get exhausted and then won't be able to win the full trade or or burst down kalista straight fundamentals kalista doesn't need to commit on kaisa she'll just kite kaisa because her tra though if he just walks away well no no finish go on frankly frankly if you go back what should happen differently is what should happen differently him not throwing his hook and walking back in yes the yes the the hook is bad BL just play right let's repeat for the 10 please let's go another time so everyone sees it Kaa instead should hit tck instead of walking towards that's the only thing you can do instead of flashing that's wrong sorry how is that wrong how would I not attack the kalista what would I get from attacking even flashing my question why is he flashing I'm flashing that kalista that is going to one shot me are you talking to me he's no not you I'm talking to Yamato obviously right I can't I can't take serious I'm leaving I'm leaving this is two cancer goodbye cancer patient CB is [ __ ] disturbing I can literally put a bronze player on this call and he would agree with me how can the how what is this ego that he thinks he play I played bad here
Channel: Fanbased Highlights
Views: 61,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yamatsodeath1, Yamato, yamatosdeath, best kassadin, l9, ratirl, tilt, qiyana, kassadin, talon, challenger, yamato rage, yamato toxic, yamatosdeath tilt, yamatsodeath flaming, lol clips channel, league of legends, ratirl and yamato, high elo, yamato and ratirl, leaguefunnymoments, leagueclips, leaguefunnyclips, doaenel, dantes, tarzaned, tf blade, tfblade, detentionlol, detention, scrims, na scrims, yamato scrims, yamatosdeath scrims, twisted fate, taliyah, taliyah mid
Id: y9tT8SXkg_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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