BEST OF Julian Plays Pikmin (OneyPlays) UNOFFICIAL

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with friends welcome to MBTA's this is my this is my special channel I'm taking over for Chris and I'm playing one that one of the few games that I'm any good at he's playing Pinkman welcome to Pikmin with dingdong and Julian and also Chris's there thanks Julian yeah what are you doing he's grabbing the flour why'd you attack your friend stop playing with my rubber chicken could you get it aren't they supposed to make noises yeah they're supposed to go there's the ones that scream yeah yeah will you push down them fifty at once [Music] don't throw it back a matter a bag Do You Know Who I am I'm holding it like a gun isn't that funny yeah I like when people hold their cats paws and break them into weird positions so they pretend they're machine guns oh my god break them is that a thing that people actually do yeah they pick up their cats by the front and hind lanes oh I was just gonna say that's the only place I've ever seen it now I've seen people do it lots of times that it wouldn't work they would their legs would Bend yes people do it anywhere in the Cask Oh [Music] is that the sound of pushing the box chris is pissing me off Julian Chris I wanted to ask you earlier if if I just if I just ripped open ding dongs pants and started sucking his dick would you stay like would you stay in the room I don't have to be into it you could just be like what if he saw you could be like uncomfortable and trying to focus on something else your pants they start sucking your dick well then of course he believed I'd probably leave then maybe I wouldn't I would not stay in either of those situations like how frantic sweetie would you try to escape or would you just accept it I would I would just say can you guys please stop he was doing it to you I would slap him right on the head really hard day one the dolphin is emulated what would you do if you don't fish don't smell good when you put them on land what would you do if dolphins just grew like human legs and walked around they would then they would be raping everybody you think it would be an epidemic they put them back in the water to stop it I can't stop burping Chris are you saying that there's a reason he may not like it I think there's a raisin way he mean I like what's the raisin his principal hand him in a raisin said that's all you get nobody made that cartoon that's actually that's pretty close to how he screams and what what's your favorite color of pikemen pike yeah originally the game is called pikemen is about tribal people and then everyone said oh no no no no don't do this they were Pike men and there were pikeys for short pikeys community of forking pokey miyamoto has the famous quote where said pike should take a hike hi there's a one photo of him showed on screen when he when he was throwing the Pikmin at the audience at e3 oh yeah and he looks really a little fit a rage they start attacking the audience Reggie's scary Reggie yeah yeah he looks like a monster if you freeze from any point of time when he's talking he always makes a really ridiculous face because he doesn't have a normal facial structure looks like he was grown in a petri dish [Music] by the way we went to Denny's I feel sick to my stomach after eating it yeah we went to Denny's and it was like a [ __ ] carnival and it was seriously every table the guy sitting right next to us looked like did you see what he was doing he was getting up and stealing things from every single TV where a lady was pocketing some of it melting version of Trevor from GTA yeah you kind of did and then as we're leaving this whole family of a there was a really fat one with the ponytail that he was like marching in y'all shut down there I'm gonna get table frosting precisely half of his teeth in the wrong order yeah what's the right order to be missing your teeth well it was like you gotta ste has a tooth missing a tooth has a tooth missing a tooth it was like there was such big gaps between his teeth yes so he can clamp his mouth down further than most people can Julian why do you like Pinkman so much I don't know I told you it's a fun game I like the I like the mood and I think it's fun to play it was an episode of Kenan & Kel where they kept doing close-up shots of his face it was really shitty and then I turned off the TV as a young boy he got scared just Wanda you just want to grab his face and squeeze as hard as he could hop it all at once did anything ever scare you when you were a kid that you're watching TV so you would like run out of the room not run out at the only time I ever did that was with Final Fantasy 7 was at the beginning of the game when the when the timer was going off right before the city exploded I turned off the PlayStation and ran out crying I didn't play it again for a few years it's adorable it was very scared my dad felt really scammed when he bought that game why so we went to Dublin for my birthday and I bought a bunch of Tasmania stuff that was obsessed with passing time and my dad went into a game store he's like what's a good game to buy no and the guy was just like oh Final Fantasy 7 it's the best thing ever my dad put it in for like an hour and he stood up she left it there then I played it and that was right when that happened and I turned it off it's adorable and I've only ever played this one second one was pretty good the second one is good I like I mentioned before and I like that they improved on the gameplay a lot but I think it's a little too fantastical I like when I like this game being very sort of grounded in reality which ones have the noses the red Rhys Chris that's a real life thing what you can't talk about red people you can't talk about anything Julian's true purple bastard name was cyan but she was not that color fine white yes let's actually say things that we can use in the episode is that if you say so that's fine what's wrong with that I'd leave everything kill the whites it's fine you can't save everybody but you can't save the game if if there was a Plane full of chintz Julian that got shot down do you think they'd survive no why did they get shut down imagine 15 chimp carcasses not desert why did it get shut out the beginner Chris mmm-hmm why did they shoot it down one of the chimps was making serious threats to who girls online so like that a plated shut it down from the grunts ed translates to that that's the chip that was harassing my dog and then imagine that was like what ended up happening was that one person on your flight harassed someone online so they shot the whole have you seen the video of the baboons in the South African town no tell me well they're smashing through cars and [ __ ] [ __ ] everywhere why are they doing it well people settled in this place where there happened to be baboons and if I'd be funny to give them crowbars run through the to countryside with the chain slapping dogs to death like that they settled down and they're like family and then all the baboons start breaking in their homes and stealing their oatmeal and [ __ ] everywhere we've seen the hyena shoving his uh his little head up the elephant's rear I'd like to see on the inside of the belphins behind is that actual a real yeah and then the elephants behind explodes or if he runs away it's not too silly it's real [ __ ] fact it's not reason hygiena shove head of elephant's rear true on Snopes there's Bollywood films there's was our fun I've never seen one actually have you seen that robot movie that everyone loves you showed us the clip it's a fun one what's it called again the funny tumble man that's the one I'm the funny double watch my film my wife watch my real but you like [ __ ] TV I promise never to kill myself wait what if I used to you stayed at Bill Cosby's house every time I expected something god damn it every time you expected something you just what did say anything you could understand who's really mad at you I just made a I made a massive rookie mistake in front of thousands of people what was the rookie mistake I didn't catch I didn't gather up on my pikmin before the end of the day I'm sorry Julius just sleep well knowing their own hell there's no they probably don't have souls you see them come out yeah you see their souls coming oh yeah that's a good point that's true welcome back to [ __ ] Chris welcome back to the worst game ever on these bonis welcome back to blue yellow red every color every day slap your thighs together neighbors downstairs are gonna hear that wonder what's going on Rose downstairs I think I started the wrong file like everybody this is for the second time this is the actual safe file now Chris was you think you're funny no okay I don't either think oh I said I think Chris is eysan I don't think I'm funny oh let's fish for compliments I think you're kind of funny that's a they found out by complimenting people you can get them to do anything funny joke took my little Chris laid-back and pulled his legs in the air you have to commit commit to what [ __ ] water on the knee deleted my safe [ __ ] what would you want to be a ghost they even say in Harry Potter that if you're a ghost and you guys stay ghost you're stuck like that relieved in Harry Potter Julie yeah Harry Potter is the ultimate Bible Harry Potter you get a choice so now all you can do for the rest of your universal days is [ __ ] inflate incited vorb ghoul on a plane where you surrounded by other eventually exactly so you left behind your friends Andrew their lives just to get sick of something after a [ __ ] hour is there like it would be an hour I'm sure he would enjoy it for like a year it probably would be about a year is there like a ghost society no well I mean they'd be all hanging out it's like just imagine a bunch of manta rays it's that kind of a society around yeah in space yeah I probably saw that's what I I the ideal afterlife for me is just being able to float around in space and like see random [ __ ] that's why you'd want to do because you want [ __ ] but poke the fish's brain and make him do funny things a poke his cerebral cortex meets a and then you would find neocortex Chris dude walk years what would you do what would you do if you found out you were related to doctor knew your Okoye techs go to the doctor and see if there's anything wrong with me what would be wrong with you well if you got bored by a whale and he was feel like he's got like a million STDs or something what what do you got bored by monstro and he was in there neocortex is in there and he's inserting crystals he's doing sounding with them just saying that over and over I try and like kill him when he's not looking I'd feel very threatened actually I [ __ ] what doesn't crash ever do anything cuz he's a stupid boy why do we always talk about crash no I don't know why can't we talk about Jack Black in his career from 1994 through 2005 he was in biodome what we want oh he was yeah he was he was a minor character I remember they showed us biodome in biology why it's not educational it's not good or educational was it like a film study course no in biology they were teaching you how certain human minds does not function certain human minds can ago tell tell a deep dark secret I had no idea you through that right my hair is gone stop doing the stop patronizing me with a chicken hey give it to me give me the chicken Chris is stretching its legs out there's don't ruin my rubber chicken what are you gonna do about it hey get that dog out of there that's where get the dog out of the sidewalk he's about to get into it like he's flipping into it is he like vibrating this is supposed to be about the dog [ __ ] get that dang dog out of there my god the dogs don't know holy [ __ ] dude he was murdered every Pigman ever how many was that like 50 yeah how did you manage the heads because a bunch of them were holding bombs rod cut this off cut this a in rod good to my left into pieces if you were taking a shower one morning and then you're your neighbor let's say you're not one of your neighbors who lives above you yeah you're taking a shower and suddenly a pair of legs noclip through the ceiling and they're dangling above you and violently shaking going I wouldn't touch them because I feel like they break my arm back no um I would go straight to the authorities arrest this woman her legs are just stuck in my ceiling I'd call the police and say something really [ __ ] weird is happening and you can come check it out they come and try to handcuff her and then they get thrown around and I start rag dolling around the room I would just go straight to the table put straight mr. Trump yeah say your country's mr. Trump you gotta do something the person's Tomblin I won't stop then he'd come over and he and he goes over to the official White House keyboard and opens the console the White House controls the world's gravity and [ __ ] just with one shitty old just give me a beat we need to drink it or what you I'm skipping my mom is hippin my eyes are dripping trump is no clipping his wits arms are flipping through the sky he's ripping the whole town through the ground his shoes are slipping why can't this be real what no could be I want to pose Trump to be the world's like weapon that flies around in destroy cities at random what do you guys think of songs that tell you to kill the police it's a noble cause I put it on loud and when the copper come I say yeah oh [ __ ] I won't comply I put on when when I'm an uber driver I put on the song I'm going to [ __ ] kill my Oberer passengers my favorite song it's funny when I get onto a plane I play blow up the plane a great classic flow up the plane I have no shame fly through the sky and make it right I want to lie on a bed of nails and then why shouldn't okay so the next person who lives on it gets infected they're not gonna see it obvious well I'm gonna evenly spread it across each nail obviously and they say what's the brown stuff on the nail and they say dross don't worry about it okay little slipper and grease it makes you lie better you go get acupuncture what do you think is a hold one of the needles up and there's a huge turd on it and you go what is that it's cream haha have you seen the video of the guy who's trying to steal copper from an electrical outlet No and he grabs he's a he's being electrocuted and he's he's awake and aware of it and he can't let go because when you get electrocuted like that your brain makes you cling on and you can't let go but he's awake and he's he's aware and he's getting burnt so badly that the hole opens up in his back and you can see his lung poking out breathing it's it's [ __ ] real I swear it yeah just fictional but at the same time too you have to keep in mind that whenever you see videos I guess yeah it looks because you you're not used to that he's fully aware cuz he said look at this funny situation this will go this will be on my last play let's play with man's playing with copper what and then a copper showed up but he said you're under arrest a chain of people tried to free him they all sound electrocuted that would be really satisfying just like coating a floor with a million bugs and walking an elephant over it Jesus you killed so many of them and who's the most repulsive human to you guys huh Rita Repulsa who's the Power Ranger oh she's pretty repulsive it's not really the spring odd craze she is though she's an awful thing she's like 20 years old that's clearly not her real boy yeah she's an Asian lady she's cute just because she says she's 3-under doesn't mean she's 303 she's probably like 20 years old I think she's a 600 she says it's been one year it's been two days and the trapped in here for three hours I think three hours is ideal that's a good now it's time to conquer Elva who is she she's scary you stupid robot she's got an attitude hire her clothe her five times sword on I mean alpha know what if they broke sword ons like cage and you just walked out of a limb no I just walked out of it he's a giant have little tiny legs and arms thank you he was he's he's trapped in a time skip or something doesn't make any sense he looked even goofier almost like the people who made it didn't give a [ __ ] okay tell me this did you watch the remastered episodes no boy do you know what they did to it no okay so yeah they ABC kids they were they were airing oh it's no weirdo Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remastered my friend Black Hawk 64 was very excited to watch it and say come on guys let's all watch this it's gonna be really fun and I already like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for how goofy it is I was like okay we all stayed up and watched it and I remember how furious he was because they just they didn't like just clean it up or something then remaster it like that yeah for whatever reason the people who were editing it got really bored with whatever software they were using so there's all these strange edits that they do so in the opening when she bursts and goes they cut her out and make her look like she's in a comic book for no reason and they put like a lens flare behind her oh no they started doing things like that I remember and one of the episodes bulk and skull get pie on their face or something and they're walking away and then there's 3d text that slams down in the background and says epic fail let's watch it yes during a commercial break they they edit it together and they stole it - they stole the [ __ ] Street Fighter 2 versus screen text and they put it over they said Zack versus Billy dance battle and they edited that one of the episode you need to watch because they made it even goofier funny be modernized with awful [ __ ] hmm I didn't know that that he sold the channel of he sold it to like some company and then they they're trying to get little kids to run it but they haven't uploaded in a year you are the CEO yeah you are the vice-president you are the you're the main man a giant red button that says post video and there's a bunch of four-year-olds running around you're the assistant to the manager of Treasury you're the creative producer here's the equipment you're the IT manager manage those IT bastards [Laughter] bad boy oh no I killed it you there hide the body he was my friend I think you looked away funnier when you were playing Knights of mysterio with me he was just a little wine by that I mean a big one that's my favorite version of beautiful you drew his mouth he's really going I didn't draw him it's a picture you're really Chris you're actually a little Doughboy yeah I'm a child [Music] everyone at home send in videos will display them all live that would be terrible here's a video we'd go to public prison where he saying Jules here's video aid oh right show us put on put on screen anything you want yeah literally anything you know it sucks get that off screen put on a picture of Lisa Kudrow DNA and put Lisa Kudrow's face off okay they're funny ride delete all footage roll on back to the dawn of time and sing this song with me [ __ ] you I love it it's one of my favorites but it's really a dinosaur it's not real it is real it spoke to me now it is the other things hello little man we're talking about this before segues if anyone's ever if you've never seen videos of Segway accidents please educate yourself because when you fall forward on a Segway it keeps going so it drags you along with it and I'll just scrape your face up on the ground sounds good [Music] you [Music] I like oh boy trees trees are okay I like B why are they only okay I mean they're not getting up and walking they allow you to breathe it's true they look nice yeah they cows birds and insects that's true well the insects are gross and icky Chris I agree but you can hang a tire swing from one yes you can burn said tire swing with child inside you can also not do that yeah if you push the kid around super fast he was lit on fire by himself push the kid around how fast are you pushing really you're just pushing well then wouldn't you cats on fire minute Roger Karen I Drive by and I push him really quick ism' you're not pushing it man you're [ __ ] running him over okay this is a bad argument what you made you're attacking me they idolize the human body the I believes the human part and so is it's depressing when you tell a joke that's so stupid everybody you know you make the poopoo says a certain laughing at yourself so I can't stop laughing my sister did really [ __ ] weird [ __ ] in her sleep we were in Spain as kids and she got out of bed just sleepwalking and she she ran down the hall to a fire escape door which is pretty much just the door that leads to nothing and you fall out of it and die and she opened it my dad grabbed her and shook her awake and another time she pulled me out of bed and like stomped me on the floor and got into my bed though she might have just been awakened pretending to be asleep that's like you try to be of a scary thing that happened yeah I won't carry thing but I was living with Niall he was getting annoyed with the clock he takes the batteries out and leaves it on the counter the next day the clocks back up on the wall I'm like god damn it cuz I didn't like it either I take care of the batteries put it on the counter and then we both find out we did the same thing and we're like what why did what was the batteries put back in the clock then and neither of his knew why there was weird [ __ ] that happened in that apartment where my [ __ ] ketchup just exploded out of the cupboard one night are you saying your apartment was haunted Chris yes there was a ghost and he made to catch a blow-up I don't believe in ghosts he made me leave my food out I got mold I don't believe in ghosts but ketchup exploding from inside of a cupboard doesn't make any sense do you remember what happened when you stayed in Ireland with me Zach yes you tell the story anyways who staying with me in Ireland and he had his smelly [ __ ] girlfriend stayed to the boot stayed in the guest that's me I stayed in the guest room this is what happened I go to bed I wake up walk into my kitchen just ketchup all over the roof exploded it of the press and I was like Zach you were [ __ ] [ __ ] why did you do this and second I the bed was a little morning wood he's like what happened I'm like why didn't others come from just ketchup all over the release what happened it was all over the walls and another night Chris was on his computer and there was a there was a clock that we never [ __ ] use yeah and the clock was behind the microwave right yeah and then for some reason the clock was on the [ __ ] wall the next or that night and was working and it was at the right time and I was like oh weird Chris must have put the clock on the wall but it had this ticking noise and I know Chris would never do that and I was like wait this isn't like Chris wouldn't like a ticking noise lately think about it and then the next morning I woke up and the clock was on the sofa and the batteries were out like as Chris would do if there was a ticking noise in the room and watch Kyle go Chris why did you like assemble a clock at and put it back and what to get apart yeah and take it apart and he was like I'm sorry I'm sorry I the ticking was annoying me and I was like why are you sorry I didn't put it up there and then he was like I didn't put it up there and we were the only two people that lived there literally the only two people in now I just said I don't believe in ghosts I'm just saying it makes those sad he pushed his friend down the stairs why does he say it was either a rape victim or a goblin yeah it can only be one of those two things What did he say goblin Dublin's aren't real Chris how dare you we're gonna disprove scientific fact why didn't he say GU Lee was that a GU Li and a goblin doesn't goblin isn't as funny as grouille yeah that's like if he got scared by a ghost he with Jeepers Creepers I love the idea though that he's like a demon that just like like just adjusted the human life and just [ __ ] with people did you did you like how he carefully peeled his face off to hang it up at the end yeah that way you can see he's spooky - the Mack oh my god right on he didn't peel off his eyes he just cut two big holes through his head I didn't say peel off his eyes as they peel off his face cuz he did and let's do it we didn't know it yes he did no he's hanging his face no the creepers real he blew up my house dude that'll be the reboot is that they find out some minecraft creeper do you think they would do a reboot of it I don't think it was popular enough it doesn't matter there was very good-looking chips movie so it was a popular hill reboot it eventually everyone knew about jeepers creepers on a frozen element jeepers creepers where'd you get those babies oh I like that song anyway me too I don't know what I would say my favorite movie mom he's just cool cuz you don't know anything about him all are the pale man he's awesome just a guitar man charm is awesome I would say he's but I like to pay oh man better because of the fairytale setting Terman doesn't really have any mystique to him though he's just some guy I mean that's it's part of the magic Chris I know creeper though you're like who is he he's a demon why I'm saying that but scary because then you see him and you know goofy he looks cool he wears a hat he's like yeah he wears the cowboy hat and he's he likes music and he I mean one must assume since he makes a song play that scene in the second movie were rips off the head with his wing is really scary and I like we're live or the subtlety and a turn normal activity 5 when there's like the thing that goes by in the back yo know what it is it's a ghoul or is it yes no it's the person operating the camera that's really funny thought maybe some of the hugest scares in those movies were just people wandering on the set what if that's all the first movie was was that they actually weren't like just filming their house at night and they were going by a couple times to check the cameras but you know what yeah it was a demon maybe they just like set up secret cameras in the couple's home and there's one in her ass themselves dose the couple's like no get out home intruders they probably did do it for you well you bored that little blood if if you if you think you can ride such a good Halloween movie then show me you just write something goofy and okay we'll give me a plot go on let me the the man thinks he here's the thing on the ceiling yeah and yeah he he dismisses it as nothing but things start falling down from the roof no and he sees a bone on the ground it's a bone on the ground and then he doesn't know what happened what happened and one night his his roast beast feast he was going to have mysteriously has been taken into the attic and he hears the noises and he doesn't know what's up there but he keeps offering it meals and then the next morning it has gone wheels wheels wheels wheels okay and it rolls out of his garage it would be called that's good whatever you went to see a horror movie called cerebral and the and it's about a giant brain well the the trailers make it seem like it's a really intense horror movie and you go to see it and it's actually just about a man with palsy I was like it's a great big emotional struggle it's a drama okay here's my movie dad is tucking his son in says good night son I love you and his son says I see a spider on the ceiling that that kills the spider unbeknownst to him the spite of which the spider was slain still has goop and the group of the spider turns to no it falls down into the little boys face and then he goes to to its dad's bedroom and spits on his that space Oh No and they both start getting spider-like appearance and then they both go out together with their new lung legs I have to get long pants but nobody will serve them because they've got spider legs this is very like this 9 it's funny and it's cool daddy longlegs Hey ok Julia now it's your turn to come up with the horror movie we didn't have anything or about it they're spiders there's mine didn't either and drove out into the road what does that mean okay the mother is afraid of her family now that's the horror aspect the horror aspect chase our home Julian what's your movie we're making we're making our own creep show what s'mores there's there's a it's a new age there once was a boy and he won't man tuck it he had a big dick you could pluck it [Laughter] sorry to be the trucks this time that's a horrible story it's a horror movie because everybody feels really uncomfortable my dick you can block it boys I guess it makes everybody uncomfortable because they have to look at this little boy's dick for and I was half I bet his dick came down and knocked off her crown and then he plucked it after Julian that's the weakest one yeah I imagine I'm not funny that'd be the one they show in the middle Julian you were the weakest link goodbye I remember that the the segue I was hoping to make with all this was that we saw a Cloverfield Lane recently I never actually had seen it before Julian did I already knew all the history I knew all that I knew about the ending Nia went into it still I was like okay I know the endings gonna be stupid whatever I'm just gonna hold my attention towards the actual movie part because that part's actually really yeah enjoy really good yeah it's [ __ ] great and then it gets the ending and I was anticipating it and everything and when it came I just remember thinking like holy [ __ ] okay as much as I've been warned about this it still exceeds it I didn't know is that bad yeah it's terrible it's oh my god and it keeps going to JJ Abrams jerking himself off - it wasn't brief it goes for way too much time yeah what can you do JJ Abrams gets another book I like wouldn't a funny sauce or sprayed to fart cloud after that did she action-hero kill it yeah and then she heard the radio and they say we need help and she go I'm gonna [ __ ] save the day and she drive off and it goes she looks at the camera says I'm Anne bean bang boom I'm saying woman are [ __ ] yes okay filthy [ __ ] what they all come over here now [Music] no I can't go back oh my god I'm coming so [ __ ] hard what I was scraping like pee off your toilet and eating it and I came good I'll be the angry video game nerd and you you be the game you've ever heard you be the game okay oh what is these pieces she asked me et I'm the video game oh [ __ ] [ __ ] dude okay [ __ ] put me in the Atari I put you in my oven instead no that's not where I belong and now you're broke you did it with a CG effect no Leanne okay Wow so that's what it's like to be the video game why don't we look up some animal facts okay yeah list off okay the grunkle no men that's not real and okay blows in its eyes the ostrich is a big fan of walking on one for the car stretch is quite literally a big fan that fans other animals for fun you just have to ask it really nice let's look up ostrich facts Chris the ostrich male is called a rooster and the female is called a hen house the rooster in the gusto an ostrich's eye is bigger than its other eye which one an ostrich can live up to 50 years 15 miles an ostrich 20 L could lay up to 40 or 100 eggs a year uh-huh an ostrich eggs can weigh up to 3 pounds that's the most boring fact I've ever heard yeah talk about how I'm a fool no I was gonna say make the actual sound that if I'd space does I make weird noises they go they make really weird noise no Fox sounds exactly like this look it's our friend oh there he is like held in those laughter yet again he'd been a big smile ding-dong Chris there's a beetle blaster smile some time there's a beetle blaster on screen yeah that looks like the Starship Troopers thing that sprays lava I was really dummy what was the funniest prank you ever pulled one time I pushed my father into a knife and it dad I never did any funny pranks unfortunately one time my dad was walking by me and I was a kid and I saw it in the cartoon where another character sticks at his leg and they trip over I remember doing that it did this to my dad and he just tripped and looked anyone hurt he doubled on the news needs to got backed up with his fists up [ __ ] no he literally was like oh are you Chris um 6 7 there was another time let me see if it's funnier you were so young yeah you got that anchor there was another time where I was just lying face down on the floor just like doing nothing and my dad walked into the room and he went Chris I did I did I just didn't look at him anyway Oh gum hiccup if you would God make cupping from screaming [ __ ] I needed to get this joke sorry do arc to it cuz you're correct why am i hiccuping every time I scream you wait good what do you look for well why what the [ __ ] you're doing that's lying here and I was really young Joey what would your urethra sound like it would probably it's it always strikes me is really dry it doesn't look like there's like a mucous lining in there so it's probably just like let's go a little peepee in there it's probably it would probably just go yeah ideally it would go and rubs its head on you have some water because you're holding it demand some water where do we have water in the sink give me Diet Coke through there give me a can of anything give me [ __ ] please kill me oh and sink the music Chris looks really miserable I'm so sorry I can't go away now if I never had a hiccuping problem on the show before it okay cuz it's only been a year well that's sad I know why they all do it I'm gonna hold my breath for a woman let's see if he keels over the size why that make you laugh cuz Tris look like a funny deform Asst performance what if my good friends lives in Finglas and every time I visited them there was [ __ ] weird [ __ ] going on outside the horses would fly some horses in the street there was shady characters at each corner there was a upright pianos lying on front lawns Dolly was like wacky land the taxi driver said never [ __ ] walked out here by yourself okay okay I said okay mister look at that and point out the window and you saw yourself walking down the street by yourself I said believe in here Tokyo there you know you're not he looked at me so cos is the tail of the scary taxi driver incident where you were inside of it and outside of it who was i outside and inside it was astral projection your [ __ ] retail store slug-like they're orbiting they're [ __ ] nasty what the hell are you talking about they're slug-like and we're orbiting listen they have a gravitational pull look this is the way I see it you get a pizza if it has too much cheese on it it gets real heavy it makes you sick if you get the light cheese you get that as I say it tends to ruin the crust yes you get the light when I say it's just enough and it makes it taste great will you put the vegetable bowl on the pizza did it make my teeth feel real Goods but would you put the extra cheese that's too much yeah so get less um this is not a joke get less cheese you asked for double sauce double saw oh my god and a handful of salami special that's Jesus a head full of salami would you do if that guy with the [ __ ] epic brow showed up and just handed you his slices I would be terrified that would be a thing he would do what if he said say oh sorry about the [ __ ] pizza here so if he said he'll open the salami I dare you what would you say there's a little baby inside no it'd be like a human face on the he said there's nothing wrong with salami and you just like peel it in half and there's just a perfect centipede just alive inside of it here you go you go huh that is my boy play trick thanks for the tip you a centipede Billy crawls back onto his finger and they both leave laughing now I crawl into his finger oh that's gross just do his fingernail yeah his fingernail opens like a little door come back inside little cinta pod Julianne yeah you're doing great I killed the ghost you know I think we've lost a lot of our humanity with this age of the Internet I feel like it's like kids these days they always got their face buried in their fight do you do you like all those political comics when a Pokemon go came out that it's all but the kids looking at their phone or like there's a they oh they were doing it every situation because it's just like this is unhealthy it's a thing I have no awareness of so they would they was the one there's like a kid being tucked in and he said no tell me a story about Pokemon go or they they would they would show like all the kids with their faces down on there like a pokemon riding them on like a saddle like on their neck yeah like [ __ ] kids on their phones am i right people were going outside and [ __ ] like it wasn't a bad thing it was better than most like yeah he's on activity also I love those comics that are literally just like there's a big thing and it has the thing it represents written on it and then there's another thing that has a bad thing written on it that's the best but why did what's the point of that there's like literally no reason for that if they're just gonna write the word oh that's a joke I actually saw a really funny parody of that you want to see it 20 feet of couch right here I hit the microphone stand which is really thin yeah you right at it Jesus okay Julie we were talking earlier about what have you ever done to annoy me and I couldn't think of anything I'm sorry I'll remember that no it was it was funny it made me laugh Julian you're funny I can't get over it it was so much soft like their couch is huge and soft and they literally she also didn't do a gentle from them through it like a baseball I'm sorry Julian it's okay I still think you're pretty happy you know it would be a good mod Wyatt death Resident Evil meets Scooby dum Scooby dum was a character I'm not dumb I know about Scooby dum okay I didn't think I know a thing or two is gray he was Donald he had buck teeth he had a big [ __ ] scarf she had the down yeah but did have the doggy down he had a little hat yeah it had flippers he had a hula hoop [Laughter] I tried to get him to leave it behind but he wouldn't he wouldn't do it he had a long Japanese most - feathers sticking out of if they had his eyes closed all the time he could be a stereotypical character yeah good yeah you had the buck teeth did you like dog what was your favorite song from scooby-doo on Zombie Island I never actually saw it I remember all my friends like I love it still it's still cool I never saw it there's a good song in there which one is that is that the one about how there it's terror time again yes your window zombies on the prowl and they're coming [Music] I remember being animated pretty well it is it's a Japanese who is it oh it's a studio ghibli this is the game I say I say some trivia and then you applaud me Pickman was made in nineteen 2001 19 2001 it's so true Pigman was developed by a Redman [Music] bloomin onion they all shared a bloomin onion they said let's make a game okay here here's a fun new challenge uh-huh it's called the nail glue challenge it's where you glue nails to your face no it's where you lay down for bed you use nail glue and you weld your penis shut and you try to pee out of it it's called the the buck don't do that I could prank challenge you when you put a bucket above a doorway and you glue a knife into it and see if it could fall on the person's head I got a new challenge it's called the death in the dark challenge or you die in the dark and see if your friends can recover your body if they can revise you sounds like fun best played in the woods or on a beach I found her I was like six-monthly green though he looks like a green skeleton they'd be crying they're so happy you see this thing cut damn it that's Julian yeah what's that yeah that's what he's supposed to do they're kicking the [ __ ] out of them throwing them is really satisfying I love this game so much come on throw it obviously we do Planet of the Apes there were scenes in that where I'm like okay that looks pretty dang real did you see the new Apes of the planet I saw a planet you saw eight planet yeah it's just a planet with a big monkey face on it - monkey hands decide and screaming because it doesn't want to be applying to grab near planets but he can't did you do if there was another planet and that's what it looked like at a planet yeah I'd be terrified that it ever would drift close to Earth because I'm aware of pop it in its mouth without thinking twice no cuz he looked Julie he'd be like that his hands would be like at the side of his head so he wouldn't be able to quite grab anything why is this the final man this is the final man yes oh he doesn't seem like it right yeah I thought it was just a minibus the spider boys better spot a ball right they put it in the trailer and that made people think it was funny I've never understood it that's the reason and my if it wasn't a trailer people we go um what it's because the trailer does the thing where the music stops and it makes you go yeah oh that's funny Oh me get it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Chemist Web
Views: 66,552
Rating: 4.6081924 out of 5
Keywords: OneyNG, OneyPlays, Pikmin, Julian, Ding Dong, DingDong, letsplay, videogames, Oneyplays, pcgames, funny joke, haha tags
Id: i_duRM36iMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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