SwaggerSouls Best CSGO Moments 3

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dude good nice what kind of burger I'm just a normal burger dude you spit some into my mouth I want to try come on cough it up is he is he like stink of protein and stuff he's just smell of testosterone and big muscles get in the way of everything have you seen Cougars [ __ ] yet by accident like dropped a towel by accident I have to getting out of the shower all steamy you know after the shower is like you know like flick each other with the towels your job comedy 101 the classic wait three seconds then say [ __ ] routine yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation oh yeah run a sold run no I'm planning the explosive he can't get me no this isn't even charged he thinks I can't see he thinks I'm dumb the gay baby meme needs to be aborted now so baby now it's like three or four months old but [ __ ] it's never too late Gandhi picture it is a Gandhi picture what's the quote don't dog the boys Gandhi with such a visionary hey what are you gonna install your [ __ ] vibe so complacent be honest stop [ __ ] riding my ass about that 360 oh nice after sushi just so I can [ __ ] record yeah see you can hear me through Swagger's mic ready i'm gooping oh I have coops have coming my britches what on earth of my list this the first thing I buy inaudible guys ever taste sure I'm pretty come cannot be neither if you haven't done well I don't know it's a random survey sir magazine says 8 out of 10 guys have tasted their own pre-cum admit that we only surveyed like 20 guys there were all at a gay bar but the facts were do we have to present the hostage yeah we have to pretend things yeah yeah I can't remember her rolls were terrorists he's bald overtake him yeah he already took them go go look at Bish's hairline what hairline like on one side he's still trying to make an effort like he's combing over porn there's a girl with three tits getting [ __ ] in the ass cool all right oh can you send me that I've seen that one there's a woman wearing like like a retainer for your mouth but on your [ __ ] oh that's pretty weird that is pretty weird thanks Siri my penis deals in the radio you should get on it I've always wanted to get up your radio baby maybe maybe two months I was a little bit fee I'm saying Einstein be back seriously faster right done I can check up with Boca this girl's so loose I can be ambidextrous when I fist her all right moving on that is so not epic two dead leaves two dead animals dead human Harris we handle it all prey Stalin Oh [ __ ] commie Krabby Patty secret formula hey buddy you [Music] it's kind of school you got a nicer knife than me I accept defeat yeah I put on my cheap knives the best part about having discord dm's open is like I have a portable youtube comment section of just trash here's a supreme Jerry with yo bro I'm a big [ __ ] love you thank you break down shooters like Fleming the quote on earth itself unless it go on earth you just described Fleming your [ __ ] earthly flim this isn't Lord of the Rings bro I have Nelly oldest prize there that's Paige I know all the news if you want Pokemon right there I mean the Bible's pretty [ __ ] up if you just think about how it was back then in general himself yeah thanks cries well if you didn't stand in front of me and my bullets you would have not received the penalty of death death chose you oh I did not put that's upon me and death might choose me soon well does choose me I do not know yeah Krispy Kreme I've always been good at and you know a little bit of the finger action what's their technique to literally scroll the mouse wheel that's my technique scroll the mouse wheel yeah I mean like let you try to go all the way to the bond with a Wikipedia article just keeps loading it's one of the perks of being a PC gamer you know console but you know what I'm gonna get you know rotate my thumb stick on that clip for the nipples do you got to get on the game is great with their fingers mate yeah how would you know how about Pia Griffin and rewind you know I thought about Peter Griffin for an hour last night when I got stoned and then I watched best of Peter Griffin compilation that's true because I did the same exact [ __ ] amounts when I was watching like like bestest seasons [Music] so this runs that one time when you were [ __ ] crippled well Peter I am the chicken server to the comedy and Family Guy is something unfunny going on for way too long Chris Brown down oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I know a good jump here hang on shuffle the passive-aggressive [ __ ] stand by the car away from the slammer faces old always payback time curse like a chant your name night is crisp and roasting - he'll do something more tasteful the best is when I was when I was in middle school and got hit with that [ __ ] now it was a pillowcase filled with oranges got a childhood like they started pointing in the North shake they called me that the human juice maker cuz they'd smash their oranges until it made I had a I had a friend who aid to edibles we hate to edibles and went to Krispy Kreme and he it was really [ __ ] high by the time he got up to the counter and he goes up to the person like the Clark and the clothes like what do you want and he goes to at least three times if it's it's surpasses porn on has a million views think I would just tell you about something that had ten view I have almost a [ __ ] ten thousand views for the god just commit to it dude what we would he watch she's getting ready to fart on the cake oh look look I got a good clip from cake I think it was a one-off thing man the key I don't think she went to work from 5:00 to 9:00 okay I don't think she went in rush hour to fart on cakes she must be having a good time I mean wouldn't you you're getting paid mad bucks to [ __ ] fart on cakes I mean yeah that's a good deal on the only the only thing that's like weird about eating [ __ ] is it's kind of gross with a beard because like and why does the [ __ ] have a beard [Laughter] look at your fade bro look at the fade on the back look at the back of cujo's head line down it look at this see in specifically on my request okay look at swagger he's just black anyone ever guessed it before that before see what it was they're [ __ ] what I mean the title says cake part I mean it's kinda hard to guess it was China it was the chocolate cake one investor one Donald Trump and president Z a beautiful slice of chocolate cake [Laughter] [Music] I'm so happy that I literally have five French bread pizzas in the fridge right now there's Dean reasons why Peter Griffin is my favorite Family Guy character number one he's [ __ ] funny number two he has a silly laugh number three Louis is hot any Thole bangs number four giggity-giggity number six we have to watch an hour-long video on autism I felt really bad alright bet that probably is how you should feel up to watch it kind of videos Becker I hope you're not gonna make a joke out of this God thank God I don't have any of that stuff sorry I'm tasting like I don't swim off to a horse that was smooth that's worth remember when they had slaves it was more recent than you think yo if I had a slave I'd give him a YouTube channel I'd say like you'll make like a youtube channel about being the slave you get so many clicks that I get to take all of his and round it's perfect I'm just like a multi-channel network sneaking out of masses house every time you stutter that's a micro digression are you micro digressing me but you micro digressing this conversation right now you shot the hostage you shot me you're shooting the hostage oh here you go all right it's over the game is over we lost good [Music] idea for a joke where I [ __ ] night I have an ice tray and I just [ __ ] end up dropping it on the ground I drop my wrists I was imagining that joke on stage going like this [Applause] are you able to use no yeah sure they're so [ __ ] distorted this yeah it's like an easy okay claimed you might have thought that these were important papers or even a script but they're actually the first to addition to the Rick and Morty comic-book series I bet you feel silly now
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 516,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS:GO, Fitz, SwaggerSouls, Misfitz, PUBG, Battlegrounds, SMITTY, SMii7Y, Zuckles, McCreamy, Kugo, RaccoonEggs, Kroz, Grizzy, IAMWILDCAT, Fortnite
Id: cU61fOe0QgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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