BEST OF ERIC THOMAS - BEAST MODE #2 | Best Motivational Videos - Speeches Compilation 1 Hour Long

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[Music] one day i made a decision that enough is enough i'm tired of being average [Music] i'm tired i'm tired of being good i'm tired i want to go to the dealership and buy the best car i want to move to the nicest neighborhood i want to fly first class i want to go to hawaii i want to go to australia i want i made a decision enough is enough it's show time will the real eric thomas please stand up some of you in the room right now you are where you are you're giving 60 when you have 120 in you why because you've never made a decision those of you in this room you already there your problem is this and stuff you don't want to give up you're talented you just don't want to give up sleep listen to me powerful power any agent in the room bound for power motivational speaker power for power entrepreneur powerful power athlete power prop weight lifter power power whatever you do i guarantee you when you do it nobody can do it like you do it the problem is you don't hardly do it you love sleep too much you love that alcohol too much you love that substance too much you love that vice too much there's something that you love more than yourself than your dreams then your goals watch what happens when you have a goal they only have two reasons see how long that lasts watch a goal that has 50 reasons and see how there's somebody called me the other day on the interview stupid question e.t what do you feel like on the days that you don't feel like i said ask the question again please what do you do on the days that you don't feel like someone be honest with you i'm way past that every day i feel like every day i feel like eating every day i feel like giving my wife the best life every day i feel like driving in a nice car every day i feel like flying first class every every single day of my life i feel like giving 100 every single day somebody said yesterday e.t you gave 120. what you gonna do tomorrow i said i don't know get 140. i don't know but i don't have days where i don't feel like it why because i'm counting on me my wife's counting on me i don't have days to waste no more fifty percent no more no more seventy percent no more i wanna say eighty-five decline i want you at 85 and climbing if you're 80 i want you at 90 and i mean moving rapidly it's not rocket science and the universe is not responding to you correctly because your body language sucks your spirit sucks it's defeated i need you to give me that 120. i need you to give me everything you do i need to start giving me that 120 and everything you do bring it all all together bring all the energy all the passion bring it all together and dominate but i got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful you have to give it everything you got no more tv no more parties no more playing if you don't have a 4.0 what you need to be doing is studying get off the phone sorry i'm not available until the end of this year no i'm for real you reached the right number but you called me at the wrong time call me back january 1st i'm about to get busy now stop being this high school dropout stop giving up stop sleeping on the street stop walking up and down finkel avenue like you ain't got not and get your ged stop being afraid to take a test i gotta commit my very being to this thing i gotta i gotta breathe it i gotta eat it i gotta sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there i guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want when i went to college guys were way smarter than me 4.0 3.0 they went to the ivy league high schools came to oakwood from these great high schools most of them are not doing what i'm doing why because it's not about where you come from it's about hearts you come to a place where you know being smart ain't enough you got to have hearts don't go to sleep until you succeed there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you gonna do about it we're getting out of college and we have the faintest idea what we want to do so i always ask the question what would you like to do if money were no object [Music] what how would you really enjoy spending your life well it's so amazing as a result of our kind of educational system crowds of students say well we'd like to be painters we'd like to be poets we'd like to be writers because everybody knows you can't earn any money that way or another person says well i'd like to live an out-of-doors life and ride horses i said you want to teach in a riding school let's go through with it what do you want to do when we finally got down to something which the individual says he really wants to do i will say to him you do that and forget the money because if you say that getting the money is the most important thing you will spend your life completely wasting your time you'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing which is stupid better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way and after all if you do really like what you're doing it doesn't matter what it is you can eventually turn it uh you could eventually become a master of it the only way to become a master of something to be really with it and then you'll be able to get a good fee for whatever it is so don't don't worry too much that that's the everybody's somebody's interested in everything and anything you can be interested in you'll find others who are but it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on spending things you don't like doing things you don't like wake up from your dream and make your dream a reality wake up wake up and understand the significance of the purpose that you have within yourself [Music] understand that if there's something that you are truly ultimately seeking in your life then you got to go after it there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you gonna do about it how are you gonna go about doing the things that are necessary to get you where you need to be in your life everybody has a dream but how much are you applying to that dream how far are you pushing that dream when are you going to realize that the dream is not going to work by itself you got to have the ability to rise up and push yourself and believe in yourself and make that dream a reality what's your why hey if i don't give y'all nothing else you better start that what's your why you know why i do what i do when i do it so passionately because my grandfather was a high school dropout my father was a high school dropout i was a high school dropout and we about to break the cycle i do what i do so my son won't have to go through what i went through when i was at the football game my old dude went with me i saw other kids where they fought i said that'll never happen to me i do what i do because my daughter says she's going to hard work it ain't even about y'all i'm about to come here and blaze y'all why because i'm trying to get you all the nfl i ain't bout to miss this opportunity this is the first nfl team i've ever done in my life and i'm about to lick it i'm about to give everything i got and i will know if i don't get another gig it won't happen to do with the fact that i didn't put everything on the field what's your why why do you wake up in the morning why do you put on that jersey why do you go out and practice why i gotta commit my very being to this thing i gotta br i gotta breathe it i gotta eat it i gotta sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there i guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want imma grind i'm going to fight i'm going to work i'm going to press toward i'm going to learn i'm going to do everything in my power every single day i'm going to do everything in my power to become a victor not a victim let me tell you this the wolf that is on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf that is climbing the hill and so you got to get hungry and you have to stay hungry you have to guard your hunger i need you to develop a healthy dose of self-assurance when you feel like you care when you want to let go when you are surrounded by doubt fear and anxiety you are going to have to pull up your resume and remember all of the things that you have made it through there is no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential no excuse what do you want somebody told you to just graduate high school graduate college get a job work that job the rest of your life have kids get married and die somebody told you that what do you believe you were destined to do and then you gotta spend every single solitary day for the rest of your life going after that dream what do you have to have what is your dream when you think there's nothing left in the tank look yourself in the eyes [Music] and say i can i will i must the nightmare is to reach our 60s our 70s our 80s or even our deathbed and to talk about everything we should have done i should have done that i should have invested in this i should have made the relationship work i shouldn't have got a divorce we sit around and talk about all of our shoulds we talk about all the things we wanted to do but never got it done that that's the nightmare that's the nightmare that we all must avoid this is the time to establish your dream [Music] all of the pain all of the trauma everything you have experienced the turbulence you have to garner up all of that hunger i'm talking about you got to think of everything you've ever wanted in your life and you gotta put it toward that goal and there are things that you have been called to do that no one on earth has ever done this is important seasons are always temporary everything has a season crisis is not a permanent condition and crisis is a human description it's just a season [Music] and the key to life is outlasting the season the key to life is outlasting this is if you can stay warm long enough summer will come in other words the season for you to leave the job you are on has come why there's a better one up ahead he got to prepare you for that so we got to close out one chapter to open a bigger chapter get ready for something big big big bigger than what you had what will you do with your pain will you let it break you or will you let it redefine you seasons of crisis everybody say it with me overcoming seasons of crisis that no one can do it for you but you and even though you face disappointments even though you will experience some setbacks it goes with the territory you must understand that life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through life has taught me for every level there's another devil life has taught me the depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success [Music] what will you do with your pain will you let it break you or will you let it redefine and hear me everybody's got a dream everybody's gotta go everybody wants something in life but many of you in this room right now your beast mode is idle your beast mode is not turned on and when you leave this place i'm telling you your life is going to go to a whole other level if you can learn to turn that switch on and keep that switch on i need you to recycle your pain i want you to recycle your pain now many of you when you get this water bottle you might be thinking this is the first time that this this is the very first time this particular plastic was formed and we don't know this this could have come from anywhere right so you gotta do me a huge favor because what you're gonna discover as you're going towards your dream that you're going towards your goal they're going to be they're going to man so many distractions they're going to be so many people that are haters so many people that come up against you so many obstacles so many trials so many tribulations when people ask me eating like for real for real eat i know you can give me 20 things that you've done to help yourself to become successful but e.t i just need like one or two can you give me one or two and one of the things i tell people is i outlasted the pain i outlasted the pain when i was sleeping in those abandoned buildings i kept telling myself one day you'll be a homeowner every time i walked into that abandoned building i told myself that this might be your current circumstances but this will not be how the story ends all you have to do et is to survive today to survive today when they kicked me out of school i knew that i would not be a high school dropout for the rest of my life i knew i got to get through this one day for those of you who didn't meet my mom last year me and my mom been through a lot my mom and i have gone months and almost years of not talking to each other but every single day i kept telling myself one day i have a great relationship with my mom one day when i didn't grow up with my biological father he wasn't into my in my life until i was 30 years old but i told myself today your father is not in your life but one day and so every single day when i wake up homeless one day every single day when i woke up in that abandoned building one day one day is going to be et's day but that day can't come if i give up today so every single day when i woke up i kept telling myself today might not be the day but soon it will be my day and i will recycle my pain what will you do with your pain will you let it break you or will you let it redefine you i outlasted the pain [Music] i just want you to do me a huge favor cause i'm this is uh this is a serious moment for me and what makes this moment serious for me is that i'm sitting in a room of people who have the ability to make their dreams become a reality and we live at a at a time and live in a country where we can make that that dream a reality and you gotta you have to understand that there are times that i speak um for instance in prisons and i'm talking to individuals who will spend the rest of their lives in prison and they don't have options they don't have a lot of choice that what i do when i come in is i provide a sense of hope and i provide some inspiration but i'm not able to help them to bring about the change that they want to see out and i'm so excited to be in this room because the words that i say in this moment can fuel the rest of your life right so i'm so excited like that for me this isn't like i won't um i won't ask you for anything over the next hour other than the things that are going to take you to the next level um but i'm excited because when i leave i i literally have we may never see each other again but i i have the ability when you walk out of this room to make you operate in a way you've never operated before and once you do that because i know of you in this room i know there's something special about you that once you leave this room and you go from 70 to 120 percent they're going to be some things that happen in your life that didn't happen before not because you didn't have the ability so this is not an ability room like this is not we're not talking about ability we're talking about activating this greatness that's in us your abilities are your abilities i'm not going to be able to today i'm not going to be able to help you to do anything that you do better like i'm not going to be able to give you a gift that you don't have but what i will be able to do is help you today operate in a way you've never operated before right i will i will help you to operate in a way you've never operated before i'm going to help you to do some things that you've never done in your life before and as a result you're going to be able to go to a whole new level so this we have to start here we have to start here just just write down those those those those things one or two or three things that that you have to desperately get done before this year ends it's it's desperation i don't have a choice i don't have an option you got to get that done got it like i just want you we're not and i'm not talking about stuff that's kind of important i'm talking about the stuff that that has got it the balls dropping and you can't keep talking about it like you will not be able to rest if you didn't get this done i want you to write that down i want you to write that that's what we're starting i want you to write that down e.t like i gotta get this done e like e there's no this is no option this is not like a vacation this is not you know just making a couple more dollars for the sake of buying a car a house like e this is some life and death stuff like this is some change the trajectory of my life stuff e this is like this is like it's gonna put me in a place like where i'm just gonna be able to get to that that place that i've been trying to get to i want you to write that down and it was look guys i'm being honest it was like random it was like just totally random it was out of nowhere it was a the christmas holiday and carl our videographer had his family over and we live around at that time we lived around the corner from each other now we live on the same block random right christmas was over we're just going to the house just eating dinner it just was a random a random night and somehow we got to talking and carl's wife is from barbados and she didn't have citizenship so unfortunately she was in the states without citizenship and so she had to stay in school in order to eventually get her citizenship so she did her master's degree you know she was in her phd and it was weird it was just like yo e.t i don't know how it happened but it was like yo e.t my wife is going to get her degree before you get her yours right i'm an american citizen like i had already been in the program for a few years and you know she was and it was i don't know but have you ever heard like you know when it's your time like you know it's that moment it's like enough is enough i can't tell you people have asked me for eric when you get your phd i'm like i'll get it done e.t how far are you in the process finish all my coursework i just got to write the dissertation but it was something about that night that was different it was almost the end of the year and i remember carl listen to me very closely guys i'm being real with you i didn't even have a conversation with carl like we never even talked about it afterwards i never said anything to him about it but i felt like i felt this this guilt i felt i felt like this embarrassment like if real he wasn't like speaking directly to me he was just saying you know hey i think my wife's probably going to finish her degree before you finish it and i'm talking about like it pierced like it pierced and i and i just remember like we were talking afterwards i didn't hear anything like have you ever been in a conversation and it just shifts and somebody's talking to you and like you can't hear the words that are coming out of their mouth i didn't hear anything he said i just kept it like e when are you gonna get this done e like yo e are you ever going to finish this and it's not about a degree but are you ever going to finish this like are you going to get it done and i remember excusing myself like all right carl hey great time love you guys gotta go gotta get up in the morning i'm telling you guys it's not even a five minute walk and it felt like an hour all i could think about when i was going home was like enough is enough like i'm through i'm gonna get this done okay just help me out you're in the room you ever had that enough is enough moment raise your hand for me had that enough is enough moment right so i need you to be there like the next 30 40 minutes i need you in that space that enough is enough i'm not dumb like i can get a phd has nothing to do with that it has everything to do with the fact that i just didn't say all right this is the year right and so that thing you wrote down i need you to be a huge favor i don't know if you have a pen or a piece of paper i don't even know if you can do this on your phone but i want you to kind of put a year next to that for me put a year i want you to just put a year on that for me like don't make up like don't do it for me a real number just give me like a real real solid number right and i remember saying to myself like yo if we come back next year for christmas and your family's here i remember saying to myself we come back this time next year i'm gonna be dr thomas we come back we'll come back to your house next year as a matter of fact i will pay for your parents to cut like i want to reinvent this whole like scenario again next year like i want everybody here let's do the same meal let's sing the same songs let's twilight zone this thing up i want it to be exactly like it was except for this time i want you to say dr thomas like this is going on in my mind i'm not having a conversation with anybody and i'm saying like this is it guys this is it so i put a date on it i put a date i said 2015 2015. we're not going to have this conversation 2015 this time next year i'm finished it's done right good so now i need you do me a favor i need you to put a month next to it yeah i need you to put a month next to it now you got january all the way to december i need to put it i think you put a month on it for me give me a month uh did you put a month on it for me right right now now as you're writing the month down what i want you to think about is okay so write this down too i'm sorry i i know you came to listen i do a lot of writing i apologize but i really need this i really need this i really need this i really need this i need you to write down three people you love next to those goals three people you love just three people right give me give me you know give me the next write the names down i don't put son mom give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me right write their names down now this is what i need you to think about what i need you to think about is how this goal or these goals will revolutionize their lives like i really want you to think about okay you can do this later when you get home you can do this later but i want you to write down for each one of them give me three ways please do this when you get home if you really love them like you say you love them when you get home i need i need you to write their names down and i need you to write down when you get to this place when you finally make this thing happen how is it going to empower them how is it going to change their life and all i can think about is wow if i get this phd like i can just like change the zeros change the zeros like i just remember thinking like there were doors that were closed to me in the united states of america right because of the nationality that i come from or the part of town that i come from and i specifically remember remember people picking other people over me for speaking engagements that weren't that weren't as good as i was i remember i remember people using the excuse of of you're not you're not qualified enough and i remember the phd we're going to solve all of that like no more e.t ain't qualified no more like we're going to pick this bird over this bird like no no no this phd is going to open doors for me that will once closed which means it's gonna open doors for my daughter which means it's gonna open doors for my wife which means it's gonna open doors for my mother which means it's gonna open doors for cj which means it's gonna open doors for carl and so every day when i woke up i remembered the people that this degree would affect and so the days i did not feel like studying the days i did not feel like riding the days i wanted to sleep on the plane i thought about cj and his family i thought about carl and his family and i said e.t keep going listen to me very closely the reason why you stop and start and you stop and you start and you stop and you start is because the goal is not meaningful enough there's something about the goal that if you quit it's not going to hurt nobody if you quit it's not gonna change nothing if you quit it's not that deep look that's what i need you to do so immediately when i left that house and i made it up in my mind that i was going to get the phd i remember immediately doing a tgim saying all right it's over it's over a year from now i will be dr thomas and i just didn't speak it into the atmosphere i spoke it to people who would hold me accountable write it down write it down who's gonna hold you accountable who's gonna hold your copy who's that person who's that person and some of you been a part of the real estate program some of you just coming to hear me when you leave when you leave i need you to call that person that guy that young lady that mother or that fat like i need you to call that person and say yo i got to do these three things before this month and before yup and this is what i'm doing it for and this is why so just somebody real quick over here because i gotta we gotta make this real somebody over here real quick we got to make this real somebody tell me who's that person you're calling over here who's that person you're calling who's that person that on this side that person who's going to hold you accountable who's that person you've identified that person on this you raise your hand for me tell me who that person is yes sir who's that person good good look i need you to hear me here's the last step and we move it forward the last step is i need you to identify that person and i identified that person after i went on youtube and said hey guys i'm marching may matter of fact i turn it into an event [Music] listen to me very closely i read it out of space i put the deposit down i tasted the food like we didn't taste it i decided what food we were going to eat the linen we had to decide where to lit it this is eight months before i even graduated never forget one of the professors came to me and said e.t there's a lot of paperwork to fill out we got about two or three months left but i'm just gonna be honest with you you waited on some things you because you weren't in school and now you're back but i just don't think you're gonna be able to make it happen then i laughed i chuckled she said no no no i'm serious there's a format and there's a way and then some and you didn't and it takes this month for this long 30 days for this six weeks for that and i just you just didn't put your paperwork in time and i said ma'am i'm sorry but you don't get it i called my grandma and told my grandma i was graduating [Music] like no i'm being sick like i called my grandma and my grandma said baby you know i'm on a fixed income so if i buy this ticket grandma i can't get her money back i said man i told my grandma that i was graduating and my grandma already called her hairstylist and told her how she wanted her hair to look grandma went out and bought a dress my grandma bought a dress for the graduation you got to hear what i'm saying cause you're listening to me but you're not listening to me this is what i'm trying to tell y'all i'm being real with y'all my biological father wasn't in my life hear what i'm saying my mother hear from me who my biological father was yet my grandmother's always been in my life that don't go together my my grandmother said to my mother if you want to hide the identity of his father that's cool but you can't take my grandson from me and so ever since i've been a kid my grandma been to everything she's never missed anything and when my grandma called she said you better make sure you graduate baby because i'm coming [Music] and so what i'm trying to tell you is i didn't get the degree to get the degree i got the degree because i called my grandma i'm trying to tell you the reason why you're not doing it it's not because you don't have what it takes to do it not because you don't have the ability to do it but but whatever it is you say you're gonna do dominion not strong enough somehow the meaning is not strong enough you've not put enough value in it you don't have enough skin in it you played around with it so much that you don't have nothing to lose if you don't do it what i'm telling you is you got to create the type of scenarios not the goal the type of scenarios that if it doesn't work you lose everything and because you cannot lose everything you gotta make it happen glenn came all the way from australia you can't play you can't plan your graduation in two weeks you can't buy a ticket from australia and then call somebody and say glenn's not gonna happen now was that a refundable did you get a refundable ticket [Music] so i need you to put some value because if you put 120 value in it 120 meaning in it and you get 120 accountability on it every single goal you write down [Music] every single dude that i that i knew that was about about it in business they were disciplined right discipline now this one right here is spooky because i met a lot of men who were very successful financially and they thought because they had money they didn't have to be disciplined and they end up losing everything they end up losing everything they weren't disciplined right they became alcoholics right um sex addicts right um didn't move with integrity that's the one thing man i love about man y'all man for real i'm telling y'all y'all got to get with the right crew y'all when y'all hear maul talking about getting up and working out they don't got nothing man i promise y'all they don't have to do with like i ain't following no man because he got muscles [Music] following him all because he got muscles that come from discipline like i promise you you called them all like your mom the podcast you heard the podcast your mom we want you to go see this they try to you know what i'm saying get more to see his billboard that's out there trying to trick them all like i can't do it they're like we need you to come right now you're like this is my workout time whatever you trying to show me work out i gotta work out i'm trying to get on this scale and be the same hot the same uh weight i was when i was coming out of college that's discipline i was like you on a scale win he's like every day i was like that's my that's my problem how you been on the scale i've been i'm scared about five years i'm just guessing i'm 189 you know what i'm saying see i feel 189. that's it the way my pants fit 189 all right let's go here's where me and my wife get into it so my wife was like first she said you know um you need more structure i was like am i coming i don't need no one struggling for y'all struck training to prop i'm gonna show you a whole bunch of structure i said i got a sweetheart i'm not willing to make the adjustment but i don't run the type of company where i want to get up every day and uh what's the way i'm looking for see like i don't want to get up every day and be nobody boss does that make sense like i don't want to get up and micromanage nobody right so the challenge is at some point you're gonna have to learn to be disciplined you're gonna have to learn if you say you're gonna wake up at eight o'clock you're gonna get up at eight o'clock no matter how you feel like you gotta be disciplined and to get to the next level of success you can't just have energy when you got energy i wanna make sure y'all catch that if you're running a business and it's 365 then 365 you got you got to wake up every day and you got to go get it you got why because if you don't hunt you don't eat so here's the deal if you hunt it in january and you got enough food for january you don't get to chill february you got to get up in february and go get enough food and so what a lot of us do we aren't disciplined like we're not self-motivated we're not self-regulated we need outside people to push us and that's not how the creator made us he didn't make us for all the people to be over us so here's what i told my wife sweetheart if another human can tell you to get up and go to work and do what you ought to do why can't you pretend like if you need another human being be the be the human you be that human if you need somebody to tell you you need to lose 100 pounds be your own voice to tell yourself you need to don't go pay nobody 50 000 to lose weight when you can do it yourself and i'm not saying don't get a person but at some point you got to cut that person off why because if you don't have personal discipline you'll never get to the next level the next level is not something that's far away like maul said the next level is execution is not something that you know we do is something that we are and most of us aren't disciplined that i got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful you have to give it everything you got no more tv no more parties no more playing if you don't have a 4.0 what you need to be doing is studying get off the phone sorry i'm not available until the end of this year no i'm for real you reach the right number but you call me at the wrong time call me back january 1st i'm about to get busy now stop being this high school dropout stop giving up stop sleeping on the street stop walking up and down finkel avenue like you ain't got nothing and get your ged stop being afraid to take a test the nature of love is self-abandonment not clinging to oneself throwing yourself out as in for example in basketball you're always getting rid of the ball you say to the other fellow have a ball see and that keeps things moving that's the nature of life i gotta commit my very being to this thing i gotta i gotta breathe it i gotta eat it i gotta sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there i guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want when i went to college guys were way smarter than me 4.0 3.0 they went to the ivy league high schools came to oakwood from these great high schools most of them are not doing what i'm doing why because it's not about where you come from it's about hearts you come to a place where you know being smart enough you got to have hearts don't go to sleep until you succeed there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you gonna do about it we're getting out of college and we have the faintest idea what we want to do so i always ask the question what would you like to do if money were no object what how would you really enjoy spending your life well it's so amazing as a result of our kind of educational system crowds of students say well we'd like to be painters we'd like to be poets we'd like to be writers because everybody knows you can't earn any money that way or another person says well i'd like to live an out-of-doors life and ride horses i said you want to teach in a riding school let's go through with it what do you want to do when we finally got down to something which the individual says he really wants to do i will say to him you do that and forget the money because if you say that getting the money is the most important thing you will spend your life completely wasting your time you'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing which is stupid better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way and after all if you do really like what you're doing it doesn't matter what it is you can eventually turn it uh you could eventually become a master of it the only way to become a master of something to be really with it and then you'll be able to get a good fee for whatever it is so don't don't worry too much that that's the everybody's somebody's interested in everything and anything you can be interested in you'll find others who are but it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on spending things you don't like doing things you don't like wake up from your dream and make your dream a reality wake up wake up and understand the significance of the purpose that you have within yourself [Music] understand that if there's something that you are truly ultimately seeking in your life then you got to go after it there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you gonna do about it how are you gonna go about doing the things that are necessary to get you where you need to be in your life everybody has a dream but how much are you applying to that dream how far are you pushing that dream when are you going to realize that the dream is not going to work by itself [Music] when are you going to realize if you're not hungry enough then you are not going to be able to satisfy the hunger that you have within yourself so if you're a dreamer sooner or later you're going to have to wake up from that dream and while you're walking down that path concerning yourself about things that you may not be able to control at that moment focus on what you can control within yourself because there will come a time when while you're applying yourself and you're going after that dream this reality kicks in bam you got to have the ability to rise up and push yourself and believe in yourself and make that dream a reality what's your why hey if i don't give y'all nothing else you better start that what's your why you know why i do what i do when i do it so passionately because my grandfather was a high school dropout my father was a high school dropout i was a high school dropout and we bout to break the cycle i do what i do so my son won't have to go through what i went through when i was at the football game my old dude went with me i saw other kids when they fought i said that'll never happen to me i do what i do because my daughter says she's going to harvard it ain't even about y'all i'm about to come here and blaze y'all why because i'm trying to get you all the nfl i ain't bout to miss this opportunity this is the first nfl team i've ever done in my life and i'm about to lick it [Music] i don't believe in the word procrastination like i don't really believe in that word i told a young lady in australia who told me she was a procrastinator i said look if i told you to meet me here tomorrow at 5 00 a.m i'm gonna give you three million dollars where would you be she said i'm gonna be right there at 459 ready to get that three million dollars and i said so there's no such thing as procrastination what it is is it's not important to you right it's not it's not meaning for you to you it's not it's not something that's urgent to you and when something is not urgent you put it off so yep you're in school yes you probably aren't getting grades et cetera but if it's not meaningful to you if it's not important to you then you're not going to make it a priority so what you have to do is find out how can you make it meaningful how can you make it purposeful how can how can you make it stick and when you can find that out i promise you you'll get up early you'll get there first and you'll do whatever it takes to make that goal or reality so for me no such thing as procrastination is a such thing as it's not a priority to you you said that you were going to graduate this year you were going to finish college this year you said you were going to run a marathon right this is what you said out of your mouth all i'm doing is i'm saying i'm not telling you what to do i'm not telling you you should do this you should do that you shoot this i didn't tell you all year what you should do but what i did tell you is don't talk about it be about it [Music] you should be tired all right you should be tired of talking about it and you should be at a place where you're doing something about all right the reason why you have not become successful the reason why you are not like a locomotive the reason why you're not having success in your life is because every single day you got an excuse and i need you to do me a favor i made my last excuse yesterday my last reason i came up with my last reason yesterday of why i can't do what i'm supposed to do and so i need you to do me a huge favor all your excuses all your good reasons everything every everything that's keeping you from doing what you're supposed to do i need you to put it behind you and say yesterday was the last day for that foolishness yesterday was the last day to say i don't have enough money to do this i have enough money to go to school i don't have enough money to get a computer i don't have i don't have what it takes i'm not smart enough right i don't write well enough i don't sing well enough that's why i didn't do my cd i didn't write my book because i'm not on that level listen to me you better hear what i'm saying yesterday was the last day that i want to hear an excuse it's over with i was embarrassed i said listen to me no more defeats no more defeats man no more i was tired of feeling defeated i was tired of talking about i was gonna do it and didn't do it and i hated the feeling of when somebody asked me yo he read a book i ain't got it i was tired of getting beat i was tired of defeat i said i'm gonna get it done [Music] every time you set this big goal you never get it accomplished because you never break it up in manageable pieces this is it i'm talking about procrastinators you still have time don't quit don't give up you still have time you can do it you can make it happen but you can't do it procrastinate you can't do it talking about it all right so i just want to go back and recap because i want to make sure you hear what i'm saying but i i dare you i double dare you to do exactly what you say you were going to do when the year started because it's not too late [Music] i'm gonna say it against i'm gonna hurt somebody i'm gonna hurt somebody i don't believe in the word procrastination like i don't really believe in that word [Music] she said i'll be right there in 459 ready to get that three million dollars and i said so there's no such thing as procrastination what it is is it's not important to you right it's not it's not meaning for you to you [Music] don't really want to get up and get out of bed yeah i get up and get out of bed [Music] i don't really wanna work out i work out i really don't want to hammer on a project i hammer on the project now as an overall rule i do not like procrastination you need to get things done but if you are going to rest that is one thing that you should procrastinate on that's the one thing i want you to put off until tomorrow now these could be signals that you need some time off and those signals might be right they could be correct but don't take today off [Music] don't don't give in to the immediate gratification that is whispering in your ear [Music] shut that down do not listen to that little voice instead go through the motions lift the weights sprint the hill work on the project get out of [Music] bed are always wondering what the next step in life is and i say life's a little bit like a maze you know until you walk down one hallway and try to open the door you don't know if it's a dead end or not and people are trying to sit back and that's where the procrastination comes in and look real far down the hallway and i'm like just walk [Music] small and steady wins the race what's the fastest way to change your life for me i think it's understanding how to set up daily routines with alternating brain and body training and killing procrastination the little wind with your family when you feel like watching tv sets you up for another win the next day a little win of getting up at five o'clock and running your morning routine sets you up for a habit of a 5 am club morning routine small daily improvements over time will lead you to stunning results it it comes down to this i think you have to work hard like just so everybody knows we haven't gotten into this subject yet working hard is the cost of entry to anything you know zero people that are successful that don't work their face off you know zero people now they may have money because mommy and daddy made money and gave it to them but people that actually built their own success you know zero people that have had success that did not put in obnoxious amounts of work what's the most important key to success i think it's hunger it's it's not getting satisfied a hunger that doesn't go at hunger to learn a hunger to grow a hunger to serve a hunger to give a hunger to great breakthroughs most people are hungry until they make a certain amount of money and then they get comfortable and there's nothing wrong with that because but it's not about the money it's not about the business it's about your growth because every one of us either grows or dies people ask me all the time what does it take to be happy i say one word progress progress equals happiness because achieving a goal feels good for how long a week a month three months and then there needs to be something else and the reason for something else is because you gotta grow imagine a conversation with your future self in that let's imagine that the you of 20 years from now shows up at your doorstep and that you is stronger smarter wiser wealthier healthier happier and that you shows up at your door and it looks at your life and it looks in the eye if that future you was going to give you advice on what to stop what to start what's the first thing they would tell you to be or do take a step back right now and think about who we all admire in the world right they're all people that punted the system they're people that practice singing since they were five there were people that shot ten thousand basketballs every morning it's always that it's always that 99 of people right now that are listening to this are playing in the middle they're playing in a game that was structured for them they're risk adverse they fear and most importantly they fear what other people think look i believe that we're all born with lots of goodness in us but life throws curveballs life the the ambition of being alive helps us dream and if you've been given a dream don't discount that because you're not good enough yet develop yourself weaponize yourself teach yourself to be so good at something that is necessary to serve in the area of your dream that now you're never even thinking about your comfort zones your comfort zone is irrelevant what matters is what are you trying to do with your life how are you trying to contribute the one thing that discipline definitely does help you with is it it helps you get things done and when you get things done when you you you actually do things you you you you have more success if you have more success and sometimes a big part of success is just not being lazy and just doing it yeah just get that's like 90 of it is just showing up get there and start working like you're not gonna feel perfect every day if it's pretty much the same with everybody that if that actually gets good at something that you you get there's gotta be those days you push through and they're probably going to be more numerous than the days you don't and so the benefit of discipline in my eyes has always been that through discipline i get things done [Music] those days when i'm tired or worn out or just basically sick of the grind what do i do on those days i go anyways i get it done even if i'm just going through the motions i go through the motions so yep you're in school yes you probably are getting grades et cetera but if it's not meaningful to you if it's not important to you then you're not going to make it a priority so what you have to do is find out how can you make it meaningful how can you make it purposeful how can how can you make it stick and when you can find that out i promise you you'll get up early you'll get there first and you'll do whatever it takes to make that goal or reality so for me no such thing as procrastination it's a such thing as it's not a priority to you you
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 1,268,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivationhub, motivational video, speech, success, motivational speech, motivation, motivational, inspirational, eric thomas, eric, thomas, et, eric thomas motivation, eric thomas motivational speech, eric thomas motivational video, eric thomas speech, best of eric thomas, eric thomas beast mode, beast mode, how bad do you want it, Best Motivational Video, Speeches Compilation 1 Hour Long, 1 hour motivation, motivation compilation, motivationhub eric thomas, beast mode 2, et 2
Id: eZyExlbit5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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