Best Motivational Speech Ever | 40 Minutes to Start Your Day | Jim Rohn Brian Tracy Steve Harvey

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[Music] here's the definition of success and failure just make this note here's failure a a few errors in judgment repeated every day now you can automatically assume Mr Owen I say I can understand that a few errors in judgment repeated every day for 6 years I'm with my father I think I told the story the last time I was here my father 88 years old he's never been ill still hasn't retired not long ago midnight we're getting ready to go to bed we've drilled a new well got some extra water got some more Acres going he's all excited at midnight we're getting ready to go to bed my father's eating what he calls his midnight snack a little bite to eat before you go to bed don't have to go to bed hungry and I'm watching him eat this midnight snack guess what he had an apple a few graham crackers and a glass of grapefruit juice I said to my father so healthy my mom taught us all those good health practices taught me when I was growing up right I'm an only child I've never been ill that's the Big 5 Z some time ago my two daughters 32 33 never been ill my grandkids never been ill I'm telling you the Legacy lingers on as I watched my father have this midnight snack suddenly it occurred to me I know that's part of it an apple a day that's gotten to Dallas Fort Worth right an apple a day keeps the doctor away good question for this intelligent audience what if that's true you say oh well Mr Owen if that's true that would be easy to do then what's the problem it's easy not to do it's easy not to adopt it as your own personal philosophy or the guy next door says a Hershey bar day say oh no you've been watching too much television it is not Hershey bar you've got to be smarter in philosophy than to fall for the Hershey bar a day when it's an apple a day you've got to be smarter than that and if you make that kind of an error in judgment every day for 6 years I'm telling you it'll accumulate into disaster sometimes in the first year you say well you know I'm so healthy now what difference is it going to make you got to be smarter than that just because disaster doesn't fall on us at the end of the first day doesn't mean disaster isn't coming you got to be so smart that you look down the road and say will the errors in my present judgment or philosophy what's that going to cost me in one year 6 years 1 month 6 months I'm telling you the money cost and the health cost and the success cost is too gigantic if you look down the road a little ways and say are there errors in my current judgment like an apple versus a Hershey bar is that just a good illustration of some of the rest of my errors in judgment if it is that's where I found myself at age 25 I started working when I was 19 I met my teacher who helped turn my life around when I was 25 that's 6 years at the end of the first 6 years of my economic life I've got pennies in my pocket I've got nothing in the bank the creditors are calling saying hey you told us the check was in the mail I'm embarrassed I'm behind on my promises I live in America I'm a 25-year-old American male I've got a nice family every reason to do well and I messed up now what's messed up I used to think it was the community that was messed up and the country was messed up and the government was messed up if those Democrats ever get in the White House that'll really mess things up if the Republicans stay in power that'll really mess things up the economy was messed up interest rates were messed up I thought all this stuff was messed up then I found out that's not what was messed up I was criticizing the only thing I had to work with what was really messed up was my own personal philosophy my own errors in judgment and my own personal philosophy brought me in 6 years two pennies in my pocket nothing in the bank and trying to explain why I wasn't doing well Living in America a 25-year-old American male got a family every reason to do well once I understood this here's the formula for failure errors in judgment being LAX about developing your own personal philosophy killing it's called accumulated disaster it doesn't matter whether it's your health or your bank account a guy's got an empty bank account probably has high cholesterol why over the last 6 years he never paid attention to either one and it doesn't matter whether it's a dollar whether it's your money or whether it's your cholesterol counts all you've got to do is commit the errors and just because disaster doesn't fall on you at the end of the first day that you don't eat an apple you say well I didn't need an Apple today and tonight I'm not ill well you've got to be brighter than that someday you've got to leave first grade reason we make those first grade desks so small so they won't fit at age 25 I mean right you don't belong here anymore let me give you the secret to success the formula for failure a few errors in judgment repeated every day for one month starts the weakness starts the disaster process you can imagine what happens in years now here's the formula for sixes a few simple disciplines practiced every day and you've started a whole new process called a whole new life a few simple disciplines practiced every day and if you decide today to go for the Apple instead of the Hershey bar I'm telling you you have begun the process of turning your life around and if you keep up that process not only with your health habits but with your money habits and with your communication habits with your sales habits and management habit habits and every other habit that you've got if you'll start that process eliminate the errors and replace it with disciplines practiced I'm telling you you can start this process of life change immediately after today you don't ever have to be the same again only by choice you don't have to walk out of here the same as you walked in today only by choice you can start a whole new process and you say Well Mr oh and is it that simple yes it's that simple where else would you start but with an apple you don't have to start with something staggering what if you should be walking around the block for your good health and you don't what'll that do in 6 years I'm telling you the word is disaster you could and you should and you don't here's an even stronger word you won't I mean no might mean you're careless won probably means you're stubborn and either one is called disaster could should don't I'm telling telling you that's why at the end of 5 years I've have six years I found myself with pennies in my pocket nothing in the bank creditors calling could should won't could should don't us called disaster now how do you change all that the next 6 years I got rich the next 6 years I became a millionaire by the time I'm 31 I'm a millionaire how about that you say Well Mr Owen what happened well strangely enough during that second 6 years of my e omic life the government was about the same I'm telling you taxes were about the same my negative relatives were nothing I'm telling you the economy was about the same and prices were about the same and everything else was about the same circumstances were about the same then how come I got rich how come I totally changed my life I was not the same somebody says well what did you go to work on to do all that I started with My Philosophy I started started amending my Errors By doing some better thinking changing my mind and coming up with ideas that I didn't have before I met my teacher and once that whole process started for me I'm telling you I changed my whole life within a six-year period I was never the same and I've kept up that process all these years one of the reasons why I'm here is to continue my craft I don't want the day to come someday somebody says you should have heard Jim Ron tell years ago when he was really terrific I want people to say I heard him 10 years ago but you should hear him now I'm telling you the man works on his craft I'm telling you the man's done some extra reading I'm telling you the man doesn't miss a trick I'm telling you he's worked hard on himself that's why he's able to deliver like he does the same thing can happen for you as a teenager it can happen to you as a mother as a father as a business person as a salesperson running a business doesn't matter management wherever you find yourself this is the process called personal change and what I say to start with is start with your own philosophy your philosophy is going to determine whether or not you go for the disciplines or continue the errors that's called potential disaster and everybody has it within their power what was so happy for me to find out at age 25 Mr show said Mr own you don't have to change country but you do have to change velocity and if you'll change philosophy not country you can turn around your income you can turn around your bank account you can turn around your skills you can become capable powerful sophisticated healthy influential all the other equities that you could possibly want out of your life using the only stuff there is and not trying to change any of this stuff appreciate all of this stuff with all of its ups and downs with all of its mystery of why it works and sometimes it doesn't work don't challenge this you don't have have to ask for another planet you don't have to ask for another country just ask for another book ask for another seminar ask for another idea and you can start this whole process of personal life change now I can spend the whole day on philosophy that's where it is if I could get you intrigued with that enough to study it enough to ponder it to where you'd pick up the commitment like I did say hey as simple as an apple a day as simple as a walk around the block Why not start right there if you don't start there where else are you going to start might as well start where it's easy and then go to the more complicated discipline because if you can't handle the complicated the simple disciplines how can you handle the complicated thoughts held in mind produce after their kind what you think becomes your reality Earl Nightingale in his audio program The Strangest Secret says that you become what you think about Ralph Waldo Emerson summarized this idea more more than 100 years before by saying a man becomes what he thinks about most of the time the law of mind is extremely powerful and is in many ways a basic law for explaining many of the other laws that refer to mind action the natural extension of the law of mind is the third law of success called The Law of mental equivalency this law says that your primary responsibility to yourself is to create a clear and accurate mental equivalent of what you wish to experience in each dimension of your external life if you want to be happy you need to clearly Define for yourself and create the mental equivalent or picture of exactly what happiness means to you if you wish to enjoy health and long life or happy relationships or financial prosperity you need to create in your mind an exact detailed picture of what you desire as a result of a whole series of other laws that I'll be discussing this becomes the critical starting point that begins in inevitably to lead you to the realization of your dreams and goals the fourth law of success is called the law of Correspondence this law has been talked about for perhaps 4,000 years and it's one of the fundamental laws that explains Human Experience it simply says that as within so without it says that your outer life will tend to be a mirror image of your inner life your external world will tend to correspond almost exactly to what is going on inside both your conscious and subconscious mind there are four major areas where you see the law of Correspondence working all the time the first is simply in your attitude whatever your attitude is often before you even say anything people will reflect it back to you in the way they talk to you in the way they talk to you and treat you as within so without the second area where the law of Correspondence is evident is in your relationships your relationships will almost perfectly mirror your attitude and your personality if you're a good and happy person you'll have good and happy relationships as you become a more patient and tolerant and loving person your relationships will reflect this almost immediately very much as a mirror will do the third area of Correspondence that you see is in your health much of your health can be directly traced to specific attitudes that cause you to suffer from minor and major illnesses the extensive work that's been done in the area of holistic medicine seems to suggest that there are corresponding attitudes of mind for most illnesses that you or I suffer from the common cold and flu all the way up to the most serious illnesses that are often lifethreatening whenever you're anxious or upset or unhappy for any reason for any period of time your body will begin to reflect those feelings the entire basis of psychosomatic medicine is the conclusion that your mind psycho makes your body Soma sick what your mind Harbors your body eventually expresses the fourth application of the law of Correspondence is that your external world of material accomplishment will exactly correspond to your internal world of preparation the more knowledge and skill you gain that helps you to be more effective in your work the more you will be paid you can't hope to acquire or achieve anything more on the outside until you've acquired it or achieved it on the inside the law of Correspondence Reigns Supreme the fifth law of success is the law of belief which says that whatever you believe with emotion becomes your reality you always have a tendency to act in a manner consistent with your innermost beliefs and convictions your beliefs in fact act like a filter or a screen that edits out incoming information and only allows into your conscious awareness the things that you've already decided are true about yourself in the world William James of Harvard said belief creates the actual fact in the Bible it says whatever a man thinketh in his heart so is he for example if you absolutely believe that you are meant to be a great success in life and that no matter what happens nothing can stop you from achieving the greatness that is yours you'll act in a manner consistent with that belief and you'll eventually make it come true if you doubt your ability to be successful for any reason this negative belief will be demonstrated in your tendency to hold yourself back the most important part of the law belief is the necessity for you to question your own self limiting beliefs these are the beliefs that act like the breaks on your potential these are the nagging doubts and fears that people have about themselves and their ability that cause them to sell themselves short when you have self-limiting beliefs you have a tendency to settle over far less than you may be capable of self-limiting beliefs revolve around your ability to lose weight or quit smoking or earn a certain amount of money or be attractive to members of the opposite sex or develop new abilities that are more conducive to your success and happiness one of the most important steps you can take toward achieving great success is for you to question these self-limiting beliefs beliefs you might even ask others who know you well what self-limiting beliefs they seem to think that you have that may be holding you back remember self-limiting beliefs are often used as excuses a good way to test your self-limiting beliefs is to ask yourself whether anyone else with the limitations you perceive you have has nonetheless gone on to achieve success you can also look at your own actions to decide what it is that you truly value remember it's not what you say or hope or wish or intend that is a true expression of your values and beliefs it's only what you do children are very aware of this and they ignore the aware of this and they ignore the advice of their parents when their parents say do as I say not as I do uh the fact is we all seem to know that a person's actions are the true reflection of their innermost convictions there's a great deal of confusion and unhappiness in the world today because many people feel that if they say something emphatically enough or right about it it means that they truly believe it but but this is false you only truly believe what you do your actions do speak far more loudly than your words for example if you truly believe in the values of persistence and dedication it'll be evident in the things that you do every single day if you truly believe in the values of honesty and integrity and self-discipline you'll demonstrate these qualities in your every behavior in fact you can tell what a person values by looking at what they did in the past when the pressure was on it's only when they're forced to make a choice that you know what it is you really value for example when you have to choose between family and work or between money and work or between money and honesty your True Values come out the wonderful and important thing about your values is that you can develop them in yourself by disciplining yourself to act consistent with them even if you haven't yet made them a fixed part of your character I'll explain this later in the program the seventh law of success is the law of motivation which says that everything you do is triggered by inner desires and urges and urges and instincts many of which may be at an unconscious level and your attitudes and behaviors will be determined by your dominant motivations by what you really want and need in life not by what you think you want this is an extension of the law of values and it's very important for you to understand there's a simple formula called the ABC formula of human motivation and Human Action the IBC stands for antecedants behavior and consequences the antecedants are the things that happen before the behavior the behaviors of the things you do the consequences are what happens as a result of your behavior we know the psychologically only about 15% of your motivation comes from the antecedants from what you read or learn or told to do or not do however about 85% of your motivation comes from your expectations what you think will happen it's your beliefs about the consequences about the future that cause you to behave in a certain way the clearer you are about the consequences of your actions and the more intensely you desire to enjoy the consequences that your behaviors may lead to the more motivated you'll be this is why it's so important to have absolute Clarity with regard to your goals in each area of your life in order for you to be motivated to perform at your very best an important point with regard to the ABS formula is that your behaviors are not guaranteed to achieve the consequences that you desire but every Behavior or action that you engage in will generate a consequence of some kind one of the most important parts of understanding motivation and behavior is to realize that both actions and inactions have consequences what you do as well as what you fail to do will have a consequence in your future and sometimes the consequences can be dramatic and longlasting a good exercise and success is for you to write out a description of the type of person that you'd like to be and the kind of life that you'd like to be living the most powerful faculty that you'd like to be living the most powerful faculty that you have is your ability to think your ability to understand the more accurately you can think about who you are and what you want to accomplish and how to accomplish it the more effective and successful you will be the eighth law of success is the law of subconscious activity and it has several applications the first part of this law is that what whatever thought or idea mixed with emotion you hold in your conscious mind will be accepted as a command by your subconscious mind will be accepted as a command by your subconscious mind this means that whatever thought idea or goal you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis you can have because your subconscious mind will go to work to organize all of your thoughts and actions to bring it into your reality if you desire to earn or attain a certain amount of money and you think about it continually day and night and you use every means possible to drive this desire or hope deep into your subconscious mind your subconscious mind will begin committing more and more of its reserved capacity toward bringing that goal or desire into your life the second part of the law of subconscious activity is that your subconscious mind once you give it the proper commands will trigger your reticular cortex and its function the reticular activating system your reticular cortex is a small finger like part of your brain that alerts you to events and circumstances around you that are consistent with your dominant desires or concerns for example if you decided that you wanted to buy a red sports car this desire would signal to your reticular cortex that red sports cars are now of Paramount importance to you from that moment on you would see red sports cars everywhere even a block away you would become extremely alert and sensitive to red sports cars as well as to the means of attaining one of them if one of your goals is to Achieve Financial Independence and you imbue this goal with with intense desire your reticular cortex will cause you to be extremely sensitive to all kinds of opportunities around you that would help you to earn more money you would hear and see things everywhere that you might have been unaware of completely in the absence of having established this goal and planted it in your subconscious mind the third part of the law of subconscious activity is that your subconscious mind which controls your autonomic nervous system and all of your muscles nerves action and reactions also controls your body language and your tone of voice Professor Moravian of the University of California Santa Barber has concluded that when you communicate with others fully 55% of the message you send is contained in your body language 38% of the message you send is contained in your tone of voice and only 7% of the message you send is contained in your tone of voice and only 7% of the message is contained in the actual words that you use and your body language and tone of voice are largely controlled by messages about yourself and your goals that you've sent to your subconscious mind as the result of the way you think and feel for example when you've had a success of any kind you send a charge of emotional energy to your subconscious mind that tells it that you're a winner for some time afterwards you walk and talk and act and think like a winner your step will be brisker your voice will be stronger your eyes will be more focused and your body language will signify this belief about yourself your subconscious ious mind will accept your predominant emotional thoughts and organize your entire body voice and tone to fit a pattern consistent with it the ninth law of success is the law of expectations it's often called The Law of the self-fulfilling prophecy it's one of the most powerful of all laws because of its Simplicity and its predictability this law simply says that whatever you expect with confidence will have a tendency to materialize in your life you get not what you want but what you expect with the greatest intensity for this reason an attitude of positive self-expand hand with great success in every area of your life the wonderful thing about the law of expectations is that you have the power to manufacture your own expectations you can decide to expect only good things to happen to you you can walk and talk and act as though you believe the entire world was conspiring to help you achieve your goals you can become what w Clement stone is often referred to as an inverse paranoid you can become convinced that the entire world is conspiring to do you good the way that you apply the law of expectations is by constantly looking for the good in every person in every situation when you have a temporary setback you can look into the setback for the valuable lesson that it might contain instead of becoming upset you can say to yourself something like I believe in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life this kind of affirmation causes you to approm causes you to affirmation you do with a more positive and open and optimistic attitude the most powerful of all expectations are the expectations you have of yourself you should approach everything you do with an attitude of calm confident self expectancy you should expect to be successful more times than you're unsuccessful expect to win more times than you lose and expect to eventually achieve your goals if you carry on long enough the 10th law of success which applies to many other areas of life is called the law of concentration it says that whatever you concentrate on and think about repeatedly with emotion tends to become more and more a part of your inner and outer life some of the most important work in Psychology shows that if you dwell upon qualities that you wish to develop like courage and sincerity and persistence you tend to actually build those qualities Brick by Brick into your character and personality the law of concentration goes handin hand with the law of sub conscious activity and it largely explains the person that you are today whatever you've concentrated on in the past and are concentrating on the present is having a major impact on your conduct and behavior what you concentrate on largely determines the quality and quantity of the results that you get and the success that you enjoy the 11th law of success is the law of habit it says that virtually everything that you do is automatic and unthinking you are largely a creature of habit it says that from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed at night you have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance and to do the things that you've become accustomed to doing in the past you eat the same foods for breakfast you brush your teeth with the same toothpaste you take the same root to work you greet people with the same words you go to lunch at the same time you work in the same way now there's nothing wrong with establishing habits that enable you to simplify your life in fact your life becomes successful to the the degree to which many of the things you once needed to concentrate on such as driving your car have become automatic and unthinking when you make certain things habitual so they no longer require thought your mind then becomes free to concentrate on other things that can be more helpful to you in achieving the things that you really want there are several parts of the law of habit and the first of these is that good habits are hard to form but easy to live with the second part is that bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with it's one the hardest of all things to change are bad habits which are counterproductive to the goals that you want to achieve it's therefore important for you to sit down and think through the habits that you have and analyze them carefully you need to decide whether or not they are moving you towards your goals or away from them remember one of the most important of all observations on success is that everything you do either moves you in one direction or moves you in the other and nothing is neutral everything counts if a habit isn't helpful it is hurtful if a habit is not leading leading you to success it's probably leading you to failure the way that you overcome bad habits is simply to override them by the development of new more positive habits for example if you have a golf swing that's causing your ball to go into the rough you can override that habitual swing by taking lessons and learning how to hit the ball differently um if you have a habit of getting up later than you should you can override that habit by repeatedly getting up earlier until that new Behavior becomes the Habit that dominates your thinking and your actions it's by practic iing the law of concentration in conjunction with the law of habit and thinking continually about how you would be with a new habit or behavior you drive this message into your subconscious mind and you eventually begin to behave in a manner consistent with the new habits you wish to form this brings us to the 12th law one of the most important of all the laws of success and that is the law of attraction The Law of Attraction says that you are a living magnet and that you inevitably attract into your life the people events and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts this is why we say that whatever you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis you can have it's whatever thought you hold clearly and mix with emotion begin setting up a force field of mental energy that begins drawing towards you the things that you need to achieve that goal this Law of Attraction has been written about for hundreds if not thousands of years it's contained in the old folk sayings like like attracts like or like biget like or you've perhaps heard birds of a feather flock together my friend Mark Victor Hansson says that whatever you want wants you these are all ways of saying that your mind is extremely powerful and that whatever you think emotionalized becomes a form of energy like a magnet that's attracting the events and circumstances you experience into your life in music The Law of Attraction is often referred to as the law of sympathetic resonance it explains for example that if you have two pianos in a large room and you hit the key of C on one of the pianos and then walk across the room to the other piano the C note or string on the second piano will be vibrating in Perfect Harmony your resonance with the secs string on the first piano one of the most common examples of this law is when you enter a room full of people and you almost invariably have a sympathetic resonance or attraction with someone else in the room you'll have a tendency to gravitate toward a person with whom you are comfortable and compatible and that person will have a tendency to gravitate towards you very often two single people at a social Gathering will have a level of sympathetic resonance that draws them toward each other and into conversation it's by the same token when you have a very clear goal or idea you will attend to attract people to you and be attracted to people who have ideas and information and resources that can help you to realize that goal another illustration of the law of attraction is its opposite which is the law of repulsion when you begin to become a particular kind of person because of the way you change your thinking uh you will find yourself attracted to people who are similar to you and you will also find yourself repelling and being repelled by people who don't think the way you do this law explains why positive people tend to associate with other positive people and why negative people tend to associate with other negative people and why neither group finds the other group of very much interest you can begin to fill your life with the kind of people that you respect and admire by simply becoming the kind of person in your thoughts that will attract them to you it's the 13th law of success is the law of choice which says that you are always free to choose the content of your conscious mind but in doing so you are choosing every other part of your life your thought control your reality and since no one else but you can think for you the thoughts that you choose to Harbor determine everything that happens in your life the wonderful thing about the law of choice is that it says that you have complete freedom to think and therefore to be anything that you intensely desire the choice is always up to you the law of choice also says that you are where you are and what you are because you have chosen to be there if you are not happy with where you are and what you are it's up to you to choose to be and do something else it's the 14th law of success is the law of optimism which simply says that a positive mental attitude goes hand inhand with success and happiness in virtually every dimension of Life the quality of optimism is the quality that makes you into a cheerful and pleasant person a person that other people like and want to be around and help the most successful men and women tend to be very likable people the more optimistic you are the happier you'll be moment to moment and the more things you'll be willing to attempt the 15th law of success the law of change says simply that change is inevitable it's fully constant we have in life is that of change everything is changing even as you listen to this tape but the wonderful thing about the law of change is that nothing is fixed either all progress requires change and since change is happening in any case you can be and have and do anything you want by simply harnessing the forces of change and taking advantage of it the law of change also says that your life can only get better when you get better but not until it says that you can't remain the same and somehow improve the law says that if you don't take advantage of change you will will end up being the victim of change things will happen over which you have little or no control and you'll simply have to go along and adjust your actions and behaviors to whatever occurs now let me tell you a story that is true in more cases than not once upon a time there was a young man from an average home with an average education working at an average job and who had an average group of friends it's like most average young men he was primarily interested in girls Sports and television he liked to have a good time and he spent most of his money enjoying himself looked upon his job as a necessary evil that paid for his average Lifestyle and like most average people he was going nowhere with his life then one day something happened to him perhaps he read a book that woke him up or listened to an audio program or attended a motivational seminar whatever it was he wasn't the same afterwards he realized that he could choose to do and be something else he applied the law of Choice by the law of change he realized that his life could only improve if he began changing in a positive direction using the law of cause an effect he made some decisions about what he wanted to accomplish and then began searching out the causes of the effects he desired by the law of optimism he was positive toward himself and its possibilities he expected good things to happen triggering the law of expectations he went to work on his thinking and he began to dwell by the law of concentration on his ideal Lifestyle by the law of subconscious activity he began to walk and talk like the person he envisioned himself becoming he also began noticing opportunity to advance himself that he hadn't seen before as he changed his thinking he triggered the law of mind and the law of mental equivalency and he created a clear picture of his goals by the law of Correspondence his outer World began to reflect his new improved inner World beliefs about himself began to change and by the Law of Attraction people and resources began to appear to help him move toward his goal as he concentrated on his desires his values and motivations changed and he began developing the kind of habits that lead to success in no time at all by bringing his life into alignment and harmony with the Laws of Success he began moving forward at a rate that surprised to even him and so can you The Laws of Success are based on the foundational principle that in order for you to succeed you must first decide what success means to you you can then begin to apply these laws to your definition of success to bring it more rapidly into your reality get off of Instagram and snap and get off all these blogs get into something that can really really move your life forward getting successful is not a magic trick the difference between successful people and nonsuccessful people is here if you want to be successful you have to change this this has to change it's not what makes it hard it's your lack of belief that it can happen for you so if you're at a place in your life and you aren't happy with it you have to change some things you have to make a conscious interesting decision that you're going to change and it's not dependent on anybody else you get to decide if you're going to be rich poor mediocre plentiful happy sad it's really not important what the majority maity of people that are blogging are saying as a matter of fact bloggers are not relevant people so when you spend so much time in the blog world the Instagram world the chat world all of this you're wasting valuable time I was young and I had what you have and you're the brightest group of young people that have come along in a long time man Millennials are absolutely brilliant because you all have technology oh God Google you can Google anything you all have stuff at your fingertips that can make you great but if you could combine your technology with your parents and your grand parents work ethic yo you could be rich you could be rich man but you cannot erase the work ethic partner I hate it when I see young people wasting their time wasting all this technology just bold just sitting around in this world that's been created for you that everything is instant you've got to understand that success you can't Google success you can't Google it man I've seen stuff hopefully you'll never see and I've seen some things I hope one day you do see but go Google exposure it ain't going to take you nowhere I have a life of convenience now but in order to get at the life of convenience you got to have a very uncomfortable life stop trying to do everything the short way stop trying to figure out the easy way because it ain't going to happen you got to get messed up sometimes you got to get dirty you got to get your feelings hurt you got to get disappointed you got to get told no but at least then when I see somebody trying and I tell them no I try to at least give them something else once you get this y'all you can change everything negativity uh you can protect yourself from negativity and that's what stops most people for scene it's a real simple exercise to do I do it every morning before I walk out the door so I walk out as a positive I get tired sometimes because I get mentally drained from my job at times but to coach your mind from negativity the way you can put a cating around your mind is with one simple gratitude gratitude erases negativity if you wake up in the morning and start having negative thoughts I'm tripping I just don't feel myself every time you feel in the middle of the day if you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for everything you already have you can walk that's a blessing you woke up That's Another Blessing the fact that you can see think reason that's another blessing you can go somewhere and get yourself something to eat that's Another Blessing the ability to dream is a blessing start coding your mind with gratitude it can change everything for [Music] you
Channel: Motivation Radio
Views: 20,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Motivational Speech Ever, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Steve Harvey, 40 Minutes to Start Your Day, brian tracy motivational speech, brian tracy discipline motivation, personal development, brian tracy motivational video, 2023, Motivational Speech, Self-Improvement, Personal Growth, Success Tips, Positive Mindset, Goal Setting, Achieve Excellence, Motivation and Inspiration, Life Advice, Daily Motivation, Motivational Moments, Leadership Development
Id: xsxAXYpT0OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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