These HABITS Will Make You POWERFUL Beyond Belief | Brian Tracy | Motivation Radio 2024

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[Music] welcome Seekers of greatness today we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation a journey fueled by the power of habits that have the potential to propel you beyond the limits of your imagination in a world brimming with possibilities it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the vastness of our dreams and aspirations but what if I told you that there are specific habits you can cultivate to not only reach but surpass your wildest dreams imagine a life where every action you take every decision you make leads you closer to your most audacious goals a life where Success is Not Just A Distant dream but a tangible reality a reality that exceeds even your own expectations that my friends is the promise of the habits we'll explore today from the moment you wake up to the final moments before you drift off to sleep these habits will serve as your guiding lights Illuminating the path to Greatness they will Empower you to break free from the shackles of mediocrity and embrace the extraordinary potential that lies within you as we journey together I invite you to open your mind and heart to the infinite possibilities that await let go of any doubts or limitations that have held you back in the past and dare to imagine a future where success knows no bounds so are you ready to embark on this transformative Journey are you ready to discover the habits that will take you beyond what you ever imagin possible if so so let's dive in and unlock the secrets to a life of unparalleled success fulfillment and joy the more responsibility you accept the more control you have the more control you have the greater Freedom you have you're about to hear a speech that will change your life by Brian Tracy relax take notes and watch this entire video so you don't miss anything that could have a big impact on your life in life you decide to be responsible or irresponsible being irresponsible the top 10% of people is being fully responsible these are leaders and you can be a leader without followers you can be a leader without a team a leader is a person who behaves like a leader and a leader is someone who assumes total responsibility total responsibility the more responsibility you accept the more control you feel you have over your life not just physical and financial control but emotional control you feel like you're in charge the more control you have the more freedom you have if you were to ask people why they want to start their own business why they want a lot of money if you ask them again and again the final question they will always give you is to be free we all want to be free we love freedom no human being has ever said I have too much Freedom please take it away there are politicians who believe that voting members of the public have too much freedom and believe they have been elected to take away that freedom through taxes and regulations but there is never a person who says I have too much Freedom please tax my income please regulate and limit my behavior so that I do things you believe are good for me when you put it that way nobody would ever say that and yet this is one of the great dilemmas of the day so the more responsibility you accept the more control you have and the more freedom you have the more positive emotions you have there is a direct one-to-one link between responsibility and control freedom and positive emotions at the lower end of the spectrum irresponsibility leads to a lack of control feeling out of control a lack of Freedom you feel controlled by other people and you have negative emotions I spent hours in several years of my youth studying the concept of negative emotions this is one of the most important work ever done based on people from all over the world because the only thing standing between you and a fabulous life are negative emotions fear and negative emotions if you don't have negative emotions since nature abhor a vacuum what will your mind be filled with if you don't have negative emotions the mind doesn't stay empty what will fill it it will be filled with positive emotions love happiness joy and exhilaration the big business of life is to eliminate negative emotions and eliminating negative emotions is the key to unlocking the power of your subconscious and superconscious mind how do we do it well I found out how and it works like a dam we say here the trick of negative emotions now this is my creation the tree of negative emotions it's something I designed and in the tree of negative emotions what you have here and then you have the trunk and then you have the root system here's the ground in the tree of negative emotions the fruits of the tree of negative emotions grow which are anger fear doubt and then there's Envy the greeneyed monster then there's Envy you know Envy is the main motivating force behind most modern politics those who have less Envy those who have more and vote for people who promise to take it away and then there's its twin sister resentment oh envy and resentment go hand in hand arm in arm and then there's self-doubt and there are all kinds of fears and there are about 54 negative emotions and these are like trees these are like fruits on the trees so how do you get rid of negative emotions well we say the first thing you do is you starve the roots to death because if you starve the root system the tree will wither and die so there are two essential factors that maintain negative emotions that create them and keep them alive justification it's when you say I'm entitled to this negative emotion because of what this person did and what this person said and what this person told me at that time I'm Justified and what we do is we continually talk we have an ongoing conversation thinking of all the reasons we're justified in being angry upset and negative about this person all we think is I'm entitled to this emotion the other factor that creates negative emotions is identification identification is taking things personally if we can't take things person personally then what happens is we can't attach any negativity to them if it's not personal for example if someone robbed a store in Bangladesh two weeks ago and took all the money from poor people we don't suffer any negative emotion because we don't take it personally we look at unfortunate experiences that happen in the world earthquakes and tsunamis and so on but we don't get excited about them because they don't really affect us how many people went to bed writhing crying over the Japanese tsunami and the closing of the nuclear reactor we read about it in the newspaper and then just watched something else on TV went to the comic section or sports for us there's no emotion associated with it because we don't take it personally and so if you stop justifying and creating reasons why you're entitled to the negative emotion and stop identifying with your negative emotions they begin to wither and die how you starve the fruits of the tree of negative emotions you become non-judgmental if you can become non-judgment in that case you simply refuse to judge you simply refuse as they say that prejudice is the bias and so what you do is you don't judge in the Bible which is a book that gives many insights into peace of mind it says do not judge lest you be judged for with the Judgment you use you will be judged also in other words if you judge other people they will judge you so what you do is you don't judge and if you don't take a side or an opinion you have no Associated emotion you completely disconnect the emotion so when you hear something don't get upset or angry about it just don't judge you say well let's look at all the facts I have worked with great leaders whose companies face tremendous crises and in all cases they remain as calm as water they are calm and passive and don't judge they say well let's see exactly what happened and so they ask questions I wrote a book about this called it was about to be called crisis moment they called it crisis point but what it basically says is that it teaches people to stop the clock stay calm get the facts and not judge they don't get angry they don't get upset they don't get rattled they stay calm and the measure of how successful you are as a person is how calm you can remain when there's turbulence in the world around you instead of getting stuck right away the second is identification don't take things personally and so we say here we become non-judgmental and secondly we disidentify bonding is non-bonding it is only when we bond to an outcome when we bond to money when we bond to a relationship ship or bond to a job it is only when we Bond and get emotionally attached that it can cause us some unhappiness anger or resentment or negativity that's why it's so important to step back and emotionally detached from it so as not to get upset about it and say well it's just like thinking about things that happened in the past we say well things just happen as simple as that things just happen and you say things just happen well this happened yes things happen you know the old rhyme with what happens yes things happen and if you can say that then you stay calm now here's an interesting point calmness is what leads to Peace of Mind calmness is also coextensive with self-esteem confidence Effectiveness and creativity when you emotionally engage in anything all your higher creative mental powers are shut off and you go back to fight or flight your lyic system fear anger and so on as long as you emotionally engage you can't think clearly there's a line from Francis Bacon that says it makes a man not able to be true to his own ends in any way in other words we get so excited about it that the key is to stay calm that's why they say take a deep breath count to 10 stay calm detach get the facts don't get upset don't get involved well that's how negative emotions are eliminated you'll find that people who don't have negative emotions are much calmer and more positive than others however there's something even better and that's that the key to getting rid of negative emotions is to cut the trunk of the tree which is blame blame is at the root of 99% of negative emotions if we remove blame we cut the tree and it's almost as if these negative emotions were lights on a Christmas tree and the Christmas tree is plugged into the wall if you unplug one light from the Christmas tree from the wall what happens to all the lights simultaneously they all go out and when you stop blaming all your negative emotions stop and as long as you're not blaming your negative emotions stop you have no negative emotions and at that moment your mind begins to fill with positive emotions so how do we stop blaming well this is so simple and so powerful that it literally is life-changing for me I still have to use it every day because your life is full of difficult people and unexpected setbacks of course it is so the only question is not what happens you can't change that you can change how you respond your responsibility so nothing and no one makes you angry there's no anger or negativity in a situation by itself it has no emotion attached no more than a rock any emot in a situation is AEM motion that you put into that situation by the way you interpret it for yourself by the way you justify identify or blame so by removing blame and negative emotions remove them using the law of substitution the law of substitution says replace the thought of blame with this affirmation I am responsible now this seems so simple and yet I still think about it and use it every day it is impossible to blame and accept responsibility at the same time one cancels out the other so it is impossible to be negative and accept responsibility it is impossible not to feel empowered when you accept responsibility so say these words say I am responsible now I want you to think of any negative experience in your life that still causes you anger sadness or unhappiness and simply say instead I am responsible just think to yourself I am responsible I am responsible now what I learned that had a great impact on my mind is that rationalizing rationalize your mind to think of all kinds of reasons why we are entitled to our negative emotions so instead of using our mind against ourselves by committing emotional Haru where you cut your stomach and stab yourself and make yourself unhappy and miserable you use your mind to eliminate the expression of negative emotions so if you think of any negative experience in your life you simply say wait a minute I am responsible I am responsible and then you think in what way am I responsible how am I responsible if you're dealing with a negative situ situation that you've had for a long time the first time I recommend it is very difficult because you've fallen in love with your negativity and don't want it taken away from you people don't want to give up their negativity so you'll have to play with this idea and say wait a minute let's say you had a horrible relationship and the person treated you very very badly and it ended in a terrible divorce and emotional stress what you do is say wait a minute I am responsible I am responsible now how and in what way could I be respons responsible well I got into the situation I married the person when it was clear it wasn't going to work out I stayed in the situation in fact even before I got married I knew this wasn't good but I did it anyway because my mother expected me to and we had already sent out the invitations and I could have backed out 38% of people who get married say that if it weren't for all the people coming they would have changed their minds already I had this great experience I was taking a taxi to the airport and I told the driver please take me to the air airport he said where do you need to go I said well I'm going to Vancouver he said it's nice to pick up someone who knows where they're going and I said really last night I had a passenger who was very interesting this woman called me to come to her house and pick her up but I was supposed to go through the back alley and wait and the passenger would come out so I drove found the address and there were cars up and down on both sides of the street lights on a big party in full swing and people everywhere having fun so I said I'm going to go around the block and he stopped in the alley and waited about 5 or 10 minutes later this woman came running out with her suitcases to the car and said take me to the airport he said great he started heading to the airport and asked where are you going she said the first plane out in any direction I don't care he said really he said I've never had that before he said see all those people back there he said that was my wedding reception I got married this afternoon and I knew I shouldn't marry that guy and when I got home and I was taking off my clothes changing after the wedding I sat in my room and thought my God what a mistake I've made this is really stupid he said I'm getting out of here before it goes any further he said take me to the airport I'll take the first plane in any direction and so he did and yet 38% of people who get married think this way this is according to marriage counselors by the way they count couples they find that around 38% on average based on a study of 100,000 counseled couples decide not to get married my point is this if you had a bad business deal who got you into it you did it to yourself you made the decision you made the choice yourself you had some doubts but you went ahead or didn't get enough information in other words use This brilliant mind of yours to think of all the reasons why you are responsible and when you do that you'll find that negativity begins to disappear and you stop being negative about the other person you say I'm an adult I made some bad decisions now that was really dumb and then you start telling yourself that was a dumb decision I was really stupid to do that if I had researched more or had thought about it or had listened to my intuition and so on now you're using your mind to keep yourself calm positive and clear and you keep saying hey I am responsible I am responsible and as you say I am responsible you pull the plug of the negative emotions tree and all your negative emotions stop this applies by the way to a negative situation in your life that still makes you angry when you think about it if you apply this within a few days every time that memory arises you'll cancel it by saying wait a minute I am responsible in a few days it will stop arising and eventually fade away and vanish and you'll say you know I haven't thought about that situation for two or 3 weeks and when it comes up you just brush it off like in the game of wakamo you just brush it off and you say wait a minute I am responsible ible and it stops again and soon it disappears forever and as we come to the end of our journey let us pause to reflect on the profound impact of the habits we've explored today from the moment we set out we embarked on a quest to uncover the keys to unlocking our fullest potential to go beyond what we ever dared to imagine now armed with the knowledge and wisdom gained along the way we stand on the precipice of greatness ready to seize the opportunities that await us the habits we've uncovered Are Not Mere routines but powerful tools that have the potential to transform our lives in ways we never thought possible as we bid farewell to this journey Let Us carry with us the unwavering belief that we are capable of achieving greatness let us Embrace these habits with open arms knowing that they will guide us towards a future filled with success fulfillment and joy but our journey does not end here it is merely the beginning of a new chapter one filled with endless possibilities and boundless opportunities so as we part ways I urge you to continue cultivating these habits with diligence and determination may they serve as beacons of light in the darkest of times guiding you towards your dreams with unwavering certainty and may you always remember that the power to go beyond what you imagined lies within you thank you for joining me on this extraordinary Journey may your path be filled with abundance joy and endless success as you continue to pursue your dreams with passion and purpose [Music]
Channel: Motivation Radio
Views: 147,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: These HABITS Will Make You POWERFUL Beyond Belief, Brian Tracy, Motivation Radio 2024, brian tracy motivational speech, personal development, brian tracy motivational video, 2024, Success Habits, Personal Development, Motivational Speech, Daily Habits, Self Improvement, Productivity Tips, Achieve Success, Positive Habits, Mindset Mastery, Success Mindset, Growth Mindset, Life Coaching, Self Discipline, Success Strategies
Id: Zdgp-H0-YJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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