Best Mods for Age of Mythology?

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the original UI for agent mythology isn't great or at least it's not aged well in the last 20 years you can't see how many villagers are on each resource and a third of the screen is taken up with an opaque bar that you can't see behind basically just obstructing your view you can get around this though by downloading mods I want to share a few of my favorite ones as I get a lot of questions about it and also go through some useful settings and hot Keys as well there'll be a link to everything I talk about in the description first up is the UI my UI is called iot's complete UI and asking what UI I use is probably the question I get asked the most the biggest feature of this mod is removing the huge bar at the bottom of the screen and making it transparent so you can just see more of the map it's so useful to see hunt gold mines and the best wood line when you first load into the game you don't have to waste your time searching around you're also more likely to spot an incoming raid or the enemy sneaking around it also shows a more detailed overview when you click on anything in the game over the standard version for example a minor Tour on the original UI shows the basic stats of HP and armor and whichever attack stat is highest but minors have both hack damage and Crush damage but the original UI can't show this if its UI shows you both as well as the amount of favor a Norse player gets for killing it line of sight and train time it just displays all the information you might need another feature is the mod also shows how many villagers on each resource which is a bit of a staple for most UI mods but it's surprising it was never in the original game you can find this both for the Steam Workshop and my next favorite mod is iets enhanced Tor tips it's made by the same guy this adds more of a description to everything that you hover over for example the base game will say spearmen are only good against Cavalry units which doesn't make much sense and it always confused me when I originally played the game because they can be used against anything they just get a bonus against Cavalry and Siege weapons which isn't mentioned in the original the enhanced tool tip shows these things I find it most useful for relics as I often forget what relics actually do and how much of a bonus they give rather than just saying bonus damage for Archers it will give the actual percentage it also means it's easier to see which relics are actually useful as some of them give such a weak bonus the descriptions on God powers can be particularly useful when you're playing random God and you're not sure of the exact benefits like Odin's great hunt ability I never remember how much food it grants cuz I barely play him all I have to do is look up at the tour tip and it tells me exactly how much food so then I can count how many pigs I can squeeze in for the conversion and each building shows how long it takes to build which can be very useful especially in situations like a ceasefire where you need your building finished in a limited time again you can find this on extended edition and those are the two main mods that I use but I do have some honorable mentions from others that I've seen the first is the Villager carry mod this mod always shows what resource your villager is carrying even when they're working so they'll have the gold on their back or wood on their back so it's easy to see at a glance which units need to drop off resources I first saw this on one of AOL iron maen videos I've only found this for the original game so if anyone knows an e version please let me know and I'll add the link below if you want something slightly different you might like a caner UI which has a toggle between the translucent and the opaque UI as well as it let you trade without clicking on the market and changing formations without having to go to the next screen this is a mod I used to use and I've seen soup used this from some of his most recent videos both of these honorable mentions I found on a heaven under a compilation mod with lots of other visual changes if you're about that now on to some useful settings I don't want to do a whole breakdown of hot Keys as I feel like it's mostly personal preference to what you actually prefer but there's one that you can't live without if you're somebody that uses Auto queue then you need the auto que hotkey this saves so much time especially when you're queuing up multiple different buildings like a stable a military academy in an Archer range you can just hit each of the buttons the button for the main unit and then hit Auto Q it would save so much time over having to use the mouse every time in extended addition you can change this in the hotkey menu but for V you'll need to change a text file saved in the settings is the user.on and user.cfg G I'll leave an exact copy and paste job that you can just do into one of your files as that's how it worked for me I personally use y as my auto Q hotkey mainly because q w r t are the keys that I use for my other hot Keys next up is flashing damage this is another question that I've got a few times and it is a bit of a game changer to see which units are being attacked without having to hover over them again if you're doing the V version you'll have to change the text document to say plus flash hit points bar on damage and if you're playing on extended edition it's again just in the settings menu just a quick bonus tip for fub you can also put your resolution to 1920 by 1080 and that will make it WID screen rather than the old Square resolution and finally we have the zoom out unfortunately this is an e only feature but it's actually really useful I didn't think I'd be a big fan of this because I played the original game so much much but it's been a lot of help during my speeduns and I'm sure it would be useful for multiplayer just to get a better view of the area but we definitely take some getting used to there are a lot of mods out there where you can completely change the look of the game but these are some of my personal favorites cuz it doesn't change them too much from the original but it changes it just enough so you get more information and can see more if there's any other mods you use please let us know in the comments below and I might check them out
Channel: Moose AOM
Views: 4,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of mythology retold, aom retold, age of mythology, aom, moose, moose aom, aoe, ui
Id: TX1yu759njk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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