How to Speedrun the Greek Missions in Age of Mythology

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Age of Mythology speedrunning can be quite fun but it's difficult to know where to start as the whole fall of the Trident campaign is 32 missions long here's a breakdown of the current strategies for all of the Greek missions on Titan difficulty there'll be time stamps if you want to skip to your favorite Mission most of these strats will work on other difficulties but we'll just be a little bit quicker Omens is the first mission of the Age of Mythology campaign and there's a lot of RNG to get the perfect time for this one but the most important thing to do is grab a handful of villagers from your starting base and send them to build a town in the top Corner this is so we can attack the pirate ships before they allow units to land on the on the land um attacking the Kraken is the next most important thing but if you don't get the tower up then you just have to restart the mission again after you've taken down the Kraken it's best to get all your units up to the top corner and hope that the Krakens will actually spawn there this is where the RNG comes into it because there are sometimes where the Krakens don't spawn near the top as you can see we need the tower to take out the pirate ship as we don't have the units to stop it it's just way quicker to attack the ship before it manages to drop off any soldiers if we get lucky then the Kraken will spawn right at the top just like it has for me but otherwise it will spawn where your docks are which isn't great but still okay from there we need to send our villagers onto wood and also make sure that we have enough villagers Gathering food which I apparently forgot about just so we can maintain villager production here we are killing the Kraken and we want to make sure that the power manages to Target the one with the ships in which just is the pirate ship with a little red flag on it the others aren't as important as we can take those out and they won't drop any units off you want to make sure that you put Towers up near each dock as it's a place where the pirate ships like to land units and have I canos attack the Kraken when you can after you've built enough Towers it's a good idea to add some walls in just so if the units do get through from the pirate ship they won't be able to go onto the land I like to do this along the whole Shore just so it stops any pirate ship's Landing you can trap AR cantos on the other side of the wall so he can attack the Krakens when they come past and we still want to make sure that we're attacking the right pirate ships with the towers when the big attack comes you need to attack the ones with the flags just so they can't drop off the units as we said before what actually happens to me here is there's a there's a kind of glitch with how you drop off the units and some have managed to spawn next to the small Lake they've kind of hopped over there which I didn't notice but we'll find that out now they also I didn't build the wall close enough so uh you can always rely on the atlantian Army to come and save you we just want to take these armies out and that's the one that spawned in the random spot I don't know why it did that uh never happened to me before but this is something I guess you have to worry about if you manag to take out the pirate ships before they drop units off everything will just run away and that would be the end of the mission so that is the quickest way to do it as of April 2024 the world record is 1618 by triple9 or 7:03 left on the clock where mine says 926 now that would say 7:03 the next mission is consequences and what you want to do straight away is build a temple and one villager out out of the Town Center this is the mission where you need to send an army to kill C's base and then attack him you won't have time to go to Second villager so just the one is is absolutely fine I delete a couple of boats because then we can actually get the Villager out once you've built the temple we want to go up through Aries so we can get some cyclopses out this Mission uses the Poseidon glitch and this is one of the two missions that as uses you just need to place down your Poseidon LW get it attacked and then heal it back up this is prevalent on an old patch to get this patch what you need to do is going into the settings on Steam into beta and then choose one of the patches with the Poseidon glitch on it I was using patch 2.6 you can use any of the ones before that if you didn't want to use the Poseidon glitch and just wanted to do it quickly you just need to build a big army bait out some units and attack the Town Center what we're doing here is we're finding the opening with the Villagers then what you want to do is you want to place down four temples one with each villager I probably could have done it quicker here if I'm honest because we want to be able to make cyclopses as soon as we advance the next stage AR cantos and the other units can go in and bait out the Army and even Bait out the Army from the hill so it's easier to attack C later you want to get the will of Kronos upgrade which is the one for Elder Cyclops and then autoq Cyclops out of the temples it's a good idea to set up a hotkey for them just cuz it it makes things quicker I don't usually use hot keys for myth units uh but why not for this one just set it to your favorite hot key now if I was smarter I would have moved archantos away so then those units aren't aren't there but live and learn as soon as your cyclopses start to spawn take out all the watchtowers so then your archers will be able to get through later you want to build some archery ranges because after you've taken out the after you've taken out the Town Center archers will be the quickest way to take out kamos cuz the cyclopses are slow and very hard to get them all around to attack once you feel you have enough Cy es you can stop them and then just build as many archers as you possibly can ready to attack camos when he comes out the cyclopses do take the Town Center down very very quickly and as soon as chamos leaves you just want to send all your units after him I even delete some of the units that are right at the back just so I can get more archers out you don't have to get him down to zero zero HP you just need to attack him as much as you can this is where I delete the cyclopses cuz I don't need them now they won't ever make it in time if you have archantos he's definitely the best cuz then you can use the special and get super damage from your archers the current world record is by Joey bads it's 3 minutes 12 or 3:35 left on the clock the third mission is called scratching the surface what we want to do here is grab all of our units and move over to the town center that's on the side this is another one that uses the Poseidon glitch but it's the last one that uses the Poseidon glitch it doesn't feel as fun using it so what you want to do is take out these units then send archantos over to the town center build the town center and a temple as fast as fast as you can and then send archantos and his guys over to one of the docks as soon as you can you need to advance through Aries just as we did on the last map just so we can get those cyclopses out if we send a few we send a few villagers to the right few a few to the left just so we can send some cyclopses on both of the docks the aim of this mission is to take out the two docks we don't really have to kill anything else one of your Villages needs to go over to the tower that we've just un uncovered there so we can do the Poseidon glitch on it again just wait for it to be attacked unfortunately I'd let my villagers die to a bear there which isn't ideal but again live and learn build some temples up on the left and on the right hand side and start to queue out those Cyclops and get the will of pronus upgrade probably could have got that earlier as well some of these missions I haven't run before so I'm just doing them for fun maybe they're not the fastest times but just getting the strategies down you can again build some archers I don't know whether it's really useful for this one I feel like I could have just built some hotlights out or maybe even some more temples but that's something that I could definitely work out later as soon as you can send the cyclopses over to the walls even if you have one you might as well it takes quite a lot to kill a cyclop so why not so we need to hit down both of the balls Ajax that's chilling needs to come and help us out getting the heroes out from the Town Center is just a good idea because you might as well then send the boys in to take out the dock on the right and the dock on the left and as soon as the dock is down that is the end of that one the current world record is by Joey bads which is 341 or 434 left on the clock I actually got 437 so uh not too bad mission number four is a fine plan the idea for this one is we need to take out the gold mines so we get enough gold to go through Apollo and then underworld to the gate as there's three gold mines to go for it's a good idea to send the hippoc cons to the far gold mine and you need to sack them because they can't really make it back if you're on an easier difficulty they can make it back uh but on on Titan there's just no chance sending your scout in to tank The Archers and kind of bait them away is definitely something good to do um because then it leaves you with with more units to attack later on and and then splitting your second Army up so you can attack both of the storehouses is the best way to go here you do get attacks slightly so trying to save your units is definitely beneficial here we're just going to sack the horses cuz otherwise we actually lead more more units back to our main base and it puts you more more at risk than just taking out these units here you need to advance through Apollo and then send a pegasus over to the top I might have missed to mention it but you also need to get two fishing ships out right at the start of this Mission just so you have enough food for the Pegasus and then Auto queue hop lights as soon as you can one of the most important things to do for this mission is send a villager to to the gold mine if you can't then the end of the game won't actually trigger and you'll just sit there even if you're taking out the wall for Troy send an underworld over and send all of your units there even the villagers as you don't need them anymore drop your restoration and your bolt on something random and send everything for the Gate of Troy where the time save comes in for this one it's just getting your units to attack as you can see my archantos isn't attacking so if you restarted a couple of times that would really help the world record for this one is set by me and it's 2 minutes and 3 seconds or 2 minutes 57 left on the clock mission number five is called just enough rope in this Mission you need to rescue Ajax and then take out a small town the best way to do this is to just send all of your units in and try and keep as many alive as as you possibly can it is quite hard cuz they have some counter units to yours um but just finding some low HP units and running them away is normally the best way to do this once you're close to winning the fight send Odus the other way to all of your other units as he needs to go a different way to bait out some of the enemy units later on this fight does take quite a while on Titan but that's absolutely fine Odus needs to go to the top to find a wall and the rest of the units need to go to find a different wall Odus needs to take out this tiny little fence and then make his way through and the other team needs to break down the wall Odus really doesn't want to walk through the wall and I don't know why that happens so often so you just need to make sure that he actually manages to get through his sole purpose for this is just to bait out the units and basically sack himself off um but it's much it's it's much easier that way cu otherwise you get all of these units that are in the base attacking your main units and that isn't great this is where you want to drop both of your God powers and um well drop all of your God power sorry and then send all of your units onto the Fortress or any units that didn't manage to get baited Away by the Odus then sent everything onto the Fortress The Fortress does take quite a long time to go down but it's just something that you just you definitely need to do the militia that come out with the Fortress are very very very strong um but you need to take them out otherwise they will just destroy your whole Army especially after the bronze goes down if they build a catapult you just need to send something after that cuz they deal some serious damage to your units once you've done that you need to go over to the temple stable and other military buildings and get them to as low as as possible without destroying them the reason for this is you don't want loow of militia to pop out cuz that will take so much time to actually kill them and then you won't have as many units to take down the other buildings once you've got these top three buildings really low so they're flaming you need to go after the town center and make sure you use aros's special as many times as you possibly can cuz it just does so much damage when you feel the time is right which will come with some practice you need to send archantos over to the Ajax base then send one of each unit to the top three flaming buildings and then the rest of your hop lights to the bottom Military Academy we do this so that we can destroy the buildings and and the militia will pop out but it isn't important to us the only part of the task that we care about is taking down the units now if you time this perfectly our cantos should meet up with Ajax as soon as the buildings go down because that's when the trigger comes out but for this one we were a little slow but it just comes with a lot of practice the world record for this is held by me it's 336 or 407 left on the clock as you can see we're a minute behind on this one it takes a bit of practice the sixth mission is I hope this works which is the mission where you need to build a troan horse at the start of the game you want to build some fishing ships out out of the docks and send your units and send your villagers over to the wood line for this we need 1,000 wood and you want to get the first wood upgrade too cuz it makes a big difference once you feel you have enough fishing ships you can just stop them um and then send a unit over to the wood pile to build Ghost buildings on it if you look at the wood total once you start to build it you just get a large lump of wood and it starts to go on the pile in the middle I don't know why this works but it's just a good extra thing to do you don't want to build it too much cuz you do lose a little a little bit of wood from actually getting your villager hammering them away the first attack from Troy is the only one which actually matters for you so you want to make sure that you take all these out using your Bolt power is also really good for this what I like to do is attack most of them without taking them all out because when they get down to two or three left that's when they run away so if they're both at full HP it's very difficult to attack them you basically want to do the opposite micro to what you're used to doing online then it's just a case of waiting for the 1,000 wood and sending all of your villagers over there except enough to get food production the second wave of the Troy units will actually come over and even if they get away it's not a big deal because your Trojan Horse will be finished before they send an army over but you just want to make sure that they don't attack your villagers cuz it's very annoying if they slow your troan horse down again we're trying the same technique where we want to damage all of them and two of them do actually end up getting away but as I say it isn't a big deal Ajax will be sad that the Scout gets away but we don't really mind so that's it that is the Trojan Horse finished and now comes the second part of the mission the second part of the mission comes in when we sneak through Troy there will be some guards that we're asked to wait till they go past but this is a speedrun so we don't want to wait so send one of your units I send Ajax to come in and just bait the Cyclops out out of the way and then your two other boys will carry on to run through the base of Troy the helops on the right hand side you need to bolt the Cyclops that's actually guarding those ones because then that drop that drops the fence rather than spending time to take the fence out with your units then it's just a case of sending them over to the gate and attacking it our cantos is useful here because again he can use his his special and it just boosts the damage so much you then get some reinforcements over and this is when you can use both of your meteor God powers and hope that you take one of the fortresses out it's probably a better idea to attack The Far Side left one cuz if you manage to take it out then you don't have to walk as much um and I didn't think of that while I was doing this but it's definitely definitely useful if you get unlucky or if you don't get lucky is probably the way to say it then you need to send over a a couple of the catapults to take out the right side Fortress um I drop my restoration here just so that they don't die and send all of the other units to the left side um it's a good idea to just drop uh your God Powers whenever you want it it doesn't make too much difference really because you you just have so many units anyway um and The Siege are the only ones that really really make a big difference to this cuz the hot plights most likely die before they get in this is this Mission you just want to click on the fortresses the world record is by DOD experimenta in 847 or 949 left on the clock which is crazy fast it must have taken quite a few attempts to get it down that far mission number seven is called more Bandits and this is the mission where you rescue Chiron this mission is basically one of those ones where you run to the end but there is a couple of things that is useful to look at so for this one you don't need to kill any of those wets you can just run past them the only one that matters is attacking this last wagget because that's the that's how you trigger the next point and get the Centaur out then it's just a case of attacking every unit that's in the next part of this base you need to kill every unit otherwise it doesn't trigger the point when you can get to the next bit so it's all about killing all of the units here you don't need to do that later but you definitely do for this bit otherwise it just won't trigger when I was doing my whole speedrun attempts I didn't know that and I had to sit there for 2 minutes wasting my time when you get the militarys you can cue some hot plights out it is very useful to do then you just want to take down the gate and send all of your units through um and using the Centaur specials on useful units like the myth units is definitely what makes a difference here looking back on it I probably could have used my bronze here cuz I don't use it till later and I think keeping some of the militia alive could be quite useful for later so that's just something to keep in mind you want to send your heliopower and the barracks that's that's in the middle cuz again that's something that we need to trigger the end all if your other units can just spend their time attacking anything that comes at you from the set enemy at some point here I get the center up upgrade and I think that's such a good idea because you have so many centaurs anyway and it's just it's just useful to have some better ones you don't have much to spend your resources on anyway so it's just useful to have something you can get though is you can get a hydra out maybe if I didn't get the Hop lights out earlier maybe get two hydra's out might be a bit slow though but they're just useful to take out the mdor stronghold later so once we've taken out this wall we just want to run past all these and start attacking them I I use my bronze here but it was probably a bit late but um you basically just want to run through and use the centaurs to attack anything that's attacking your uh big units like your hotlights Your Heroes helops don't do any damage to the walls really so it's just useful to get them to keep your other ones alive I like to save my restoration for the last push because that's where it really matters to have your units alive um cuz there's so many wets there that it's just you you just really want to keep your big Siege units alive so you want to take out this wall and then there's another wall and then the mdal to save to save Chiron perhaps a second Hydra would actually be useful here this is where I use the restoration just so that nothing can attack me um and yeah could have used my bolt there it goes I do need to get better at using my resources then just send everything on the mdal stronghold to get Kiron out the world record for this one is by Joey bads it's 4 minutes 58 or 549 left on the clock which my speed run here was so much slower than that mission number eight is bad news this is where Ajax and the rest of the guys are split up and we need to bring these guys together and attack the fortresses at the top of the map this is another map where you can go through Apollo um so we want we want to do that to basically just teleport to the end for free on your right hand side you want to build an extra villager um to build an Armory and the rest of them want to build farms so we have enough food to go to the next stage the ones on the left the villagers want to go to gold and then build one extra one to go on the food you then want to take out the wall on either side you might need to micro the ones on the left slightly what I like to do is just send the archers onto anything that that manages to come through and Ajax wants to go on the minotour there I managed to pull back the wrong unit um so that would make the end slightly slower not having an extra unit just something to be in mind and then you want to take out the other wall with Chiron and his his team when you have enough resources you want to advance through Apollo again which is getting our underworld you don't really need anything other other than that um because your resources are very very low so what I do is send all of all of the villagers through cuz they're eight damage a second does make a big difference on the fortresses this is a mission that I've shared before a couple of times uh so what what you want to do is put the underworld in that very specific spot from the beginning and a very specific spot that's on the end and send all of your units through this is just somewhere where they can hop the fence basically to to get over it is a bit glitchy as you can see the Kiron doesn't manage to get through but he does very little damage anyway so we don't really care uh we want to delete the underworld because otherwise the units can't get onto the Fortress and it just saves us a bit of time uh we want to drop the restoration down because this is when most of the units are there to attack us and we want to stop that what I also like to do is send the archers to attack the militia and the Hop lights that are attacking you just because it it increases your DPS slightly you can also bolt anything uh I bolt the monitor to stop it coming over and the world record is by me 254 or 340 left on the clock the ninth mission is called Revelation uh this is where you go down to the underworld and you need to stop them attacking the gate with the ram um you start off with only your three Heroes and then you keep getting reinforcements there's a lot of myth units to attack especially on the on the Titan difficulty so you want to send your Heroes there to attack everything except Chiron cuz he's a fast boy we want to get him over to get the the free Medusa for us which is down here uh I always forget where it is but it's just a good idea to have a have a look around and he eventually finds them um so I put I put them on different control groups because then I can press 1 2 3 4 or whatever I choose um and then attack the high high value units our cantos here is also going to look for the nimian lion that you get for free it's just a good idea to get as many free units as you possibly can um what we want to do with most of the units is send them down to attack the boulder that's on the bottom to stop the units coming through and then the Medusa and Chiron need need to come over here and attack the Chimera so once you've taken out the Cyclops you can take down the Boulder and this is very useful for units not coming later or not as many units coming later using the lightning storm here is probably the best way cuz then you can start attacking the ram as soon as soon as you can I managed to hit the boulder here and trap some units in it and that will help out later and I will explain why later uh but that isn't something I've ever done before but it comes in handy later now what we basically want to do is send all of the units to attack the RAM and whenever the Medusa have specials you want to use them on the high value units of the Hydra or the Chimera uh I used the bolt here for the Hydra cuz I didn't want my Medusa to die cuz uh that would slow me down pretty drastically um as in some of the other missions the centaurs obviously do very very little damage to buildings so they're really good to have to attack the units I try and micro away from this Chimera but do it very badly and start losing my units uh you could have just got a Medusa on there they probably have one of the specials available uh that's one of the really good things to micromanage during dur during this bit but basically we want to put all of our units on especially the Medusa because they do have Crush damage and that does make a big difference uh using archantos specials too is a really good way to get to get more damage especially with the amount of units you actually have so what I do here is I bronze cuz it's coming near the end uh this is when there's a voice line uh from gargarensis to say that there's units coming now this is what I meant earlier about um the units coming in and me trapping them in the boulder I think I managed to skip one of the units coming in um maybe because I didn't kill some of the hotlights and it still thinks there in play uh so I ended up getting a new world record for this one I I don't know I don't know why that actually happened uh but it made a big difference to the time here you also want to kill the villagers because they were uh they're repairing it I didn't on this one uh because I just forgot about it but it's a very good thing to do so the current world record is by Jerry bads that's was 638 left on the clock so I think I beat it by 9 seconds which is pretty wild uh just because of how the spawns worked the 10th and final mission we're going to cover in this video is strangers this is where you're running through arabus uh with your squad and you want to collect the relics um when you get the shades here you need to attack this minor otherwise you can't carry on with the mission just cuz that triggers the next point I didn't realize that and I was wondering why there was Boulders stuck in my way so it's just something to it's just something to note this mission's already awkward it's basically all about not getting stuck so you need to know what units you you need to kill to get past and not bother with any of the other ones also it's only Your Heroes that really matter here um but you might need the other ones to do some body blocking for you or just uh yeah that is that is kind of it so for for for this part especially it's really awkward because you can see that I'm actually clicking somewhere and my units are just getting stuck and I don't know why that that actually happens but it's very it's very very difficult um and that's probably the hardest bit for this one is just getting your units moving in the right direction so I would advise using the bolt for something that is just in your uh I had to use it really early for this one which is kind of frustrating uh but it is what it is bronze is useless because you only need your Heroes and also the uh shades are also useful and bronze doesn't affect those so I just dropped it anyway um they're body blocking the cyclopses now so I mean they are doing something we want to click past the iron fences here because if Chiron attacks it straight away then he sits back and he will guaranteed get blocked by these 100 myth units and then you have to restart because your car gets blocked and because there's so many of them they they do end up dying uh I think I must misclick here cuz I was attacking them for some unknown reason uh you just want to carry on ignore the mammies they obviously can't take out your Heroes with their special so you just ignore them uh sending the shades on anything that's in your way again is one of the best things to do this is when these uh the second Relic comes up it doesn't matter which of your Heroes grabs it uh whichever one you feel like think Kiron grabs this one why not um then it's just a case of running through this is one of the missions where it is just a case of running to the end but there there are some funny bits that does stop you doing it so it's definitely worth showing this is one of the main examples of the river sticks if you sent this boat straight through then the Krakens would actually kill it so you get an ancestors here and you just want to send those first to the Krakens uh just so that your guys don't die they don't get to taken out fully they actually spawn back but obviously for a speedrun that isn't great this I misclicked somehow where there wasn't enough room uh and yeah that could have caused me to start it again uh again this this bit super awkward cuz there's there's so many of the serpents that you just get stuck um so using using the shades and the centaurs to attack the ones that are in in the way is one of the best things to do you want to hold your restoration here or from as soon as you get it you really need to save it to the end uh because there's some there's some strong myth units to come as you can see my car on get stuck and he did one of them Centaur glitch things because he has a special like a centaur for this one um and I had to take out that that wall which is very frustrating but it's just uh the movement in this one is is so so so tough maybe this is one where if retold has better pathf finding this uh this is where you could beat the speedrun pretty easily then it's just a case of running to get the last Relic uh just running past anything that happens to be in the way there's some medusas here but if you only have your Heroes they don't do any damage to you basically so there we go Ajax grab grabs our last one I I use my lightning storm really early in all honesty there's not a great place to use it because there's so many myth units and and lightning storm does have a cap cap of damage it does doesn't actually take out many things um because myth units have such high HP getting the shade here a couple of Shades they are really useful for later uh to stop the Colossus that will definitely be in the way I didn't even notice there's actually a a forest fire here to to stop you you get quite a few Shades and they it is all about using them in the right place as you can see here there's a line of there's a line of the cyclopses and if you don't take any of them out you basically just get stuck uh I use the restoration here as this is where many of the speedruns fail because you just get stuck and you your guys lose so much HP um I managed to take out the gate here and our cantos just goes on a jolly the wrong way which is very frustrating but luckily my other guys managed to get through and then Ajax is then going on a jolly the other way uh but we do manage to get through and make it to the end this is quite an awkward Mission and it is all about just getting good pathf finding very very hard one to beat the world record is by DOD experimenta and as you can see he's a full minute ahead of me and I can't even imagine how you get that time uh so this is where we're going to leave this one I'm going to have a video for the Egyptian missions and the Norse missions so stay tuned for that
Channel: Moose AOM
Views: 2,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of mythology retold, aom retold, age of mythology, aom, moose, moose aom, aoe, speedrun, speedrunning, campaign, aom campaign
Id: ra7m4JRBa70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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