The SER8 Mini PC has BIG power!

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this little gray square is a computer a badass gaming computer it's so small but but it can play games good really good how is this even possible why can you do the things you do it makes no [Music] sense hey there how you doing I'm Tech welcome thanks for clicking on the video just now in the world of mini PCS there are are lots of companies out there yeah you got your weird names that obviously are made by Amazon's company name generator so these are basically like no-name products made by companies that may or may not actually exist you've got those company names that maybe you've heard of maybe some good stuff maybe some not good stuff but there aren't a ton of brands that are well known for many PCs specifically and pretty much the most well-known is belink these guys are like the top dog the head baloney the king of the the the mini PCS I guess they're one of the few Mini PC companies that come to mind when thinking about mini PCS and they've earned their brand recognition by making good stuff it's certainly not because of their logo after all what's this supposed to be like a a spinning top with like be stripes on it and a stinger I don't know I've reviewed one of their mini PCS before the belink C six Max and that was my favorite Mini PC for a good long while after that I asked them if they'd send me the sir s but they said no way you're too much of a dweeb actually that they didn't say that but that's what it felt like and then a few weeks ago they came crawling back to ask me if I'd want to review their brand spanking new sir8 Mini PC and I said yeah and they said okay what's your address and then I then I told it to them and they said they'd send it and then a while later it arrived at my house and I decided to make a video about it and then you decided to watch the video probably you want to know what this thing is like and if it plays games good and now you're going to find out because because this is that video the box is pretty plain some basic info on the Outside Inside we got the Mini PC wrapped in plastic to keep it fresh we'll come back to that underneath we get some word papers super useful word papers that I'm totally going to read and then we get an admittedly nice power adapter what is this it's a like a 63 watt adapter not too shabby and we get the obligatory HDMI cord that you can donate to Charities that give HDMI cords to Starving Children in in Lithuania and that that's it this was a pretty boring unboxing I guess I I don't know why I'm showing you this sorry but the PC itself is pretty nice as you could see it's got a shiny sort of metall looking exterior it's not metal it's painted plastic but it looks like metal pretty nice looking overall apart from that stupid beelink logo on top I don't know why they thought that would look good but whatever on the front we have a power button headphone hole one USBC hole and one usba a hole nothing on the sides no ventilation holes that you can see from the front or the side so it's pretty clean looking overall around back we have the high density metal dust filter that they talk about in their marketing we'll see how that does in a bit two usba holes one ethernet hole a display port hole another usba hole over here for some reason an HDMI hole another USBC hole and a power plug hole I like that they gave us all the holes that we need around the back including USBC so it should be easy to keep this neat and tidy on your desk here's the specifications for all this I/O in case you're curious actually as speaking of the spcs let's do the specs thing the sir8 is powered by the ryzen 7 8845 HS processor eight cores 16 threads with a max speed of 5.1 GHz and integrated Radeon 7 ADM graphics clocked at 2.7 GHz my model has a 1 tbte nvme internal drive by crucial along with 32 gigabytes of crucial brand ddd5 Ram clocked at 5600 Mega things per second we also get Bluetooth 5.2 Wi-Fi 6 2.5 GB ethernet and the vent fumes smell like like chemical the price is $7.49 on Amazon but apparently if you have an Amazon Prime membership you can get this for 650 bucks is that a new thing such a huge discount if you're on Amazon Prime I don't think I've ever seen that before but uh that's pretty cool so 650 to 750 it sounds like a lot but keep in mind the performance that we're going to get here before you leave a bunch of two expensive comments below this isn't a cheapo low-end Mini PC this thing is a solid gaming PC as you'll see one tab of storage 32 GB of DD ddr5 Ram I think you'd be hardpressed to build a full-size gaming PC that would outperform this thing for that price uh real quick I want to touch on the system it's a just a standard install of Windows 11 Pro it came activated out of the box no bloatware or third party programs or viruses or other bull crap just a norm normal boring Windows 11 which is good and as a regular pc it's a champ that's not surprising considering the power that we have here you'll be able to do anything on this really you can do basic stuff like 4K video or whatever you'll have no problem doing photo editing or vector graphics even video editing or 3D modeling will be no problem on a system with this kind of power but I'm not here to play around with that stuff I'm here to play around with video games and that's why you're here too let's be honest so how does this do as a gaming PC well let's find out shall we oh and real quick I wanted to show this to you this is how I play games when I'm testing PCS and I also do it this way around around my house if I want to a game on my TV PC or whatever I'm not going to download all my games and keep them all updated on every PC so uh this is my portable games drive it's the crucial X10 Pro 4 tbte uh SSD drive I keep all my Steam games on here and I plug it in Via USBC to any PC that I want to game on or handheld PC if I want to play like Red Dead Redemption on my Rog Ali and I don't have it installed why why not plug this in instead of waiting hours to download it it's so small and light it can literally just hang off any device while you're using it crucial didn't sponsor this video or anything they sent this and I've been using it and I just I wanted to show it to you because I love it all righty on to the games then let's wet our feet with a little Doom Eternal this is 1080p High settings and I got like 80 FPS on average by the end of this run I'm running this on a 120 HZ monitor so realistically probably lower the settings a bit to get the FPS higher but I wanted to see how it would do on high settings and I wasn't disappointed the gam played amazing uh completely buttery smooth I'm in the Doom Hunter base here and I've been stuck at this section this this room here just keeps spawning tons of really tough enemies they got these pinky guys that charge at you and you need to dodge out of the way and shoot them in the bum they got scads and scads of the little imp and Soldier guys and they start throwing multiple arachnotron at you with the pinkies and the that's where I get slaughtered I played this section like 10 times and I I just can't get past it I am on Ultra nightmare difficulty so I I could lower that to get past this part but but I don't want to I like my Doom games to be tough as Nails it it's just it's so much more satisfying to beat an area when you can just barely survive and it's funner too it's fun as heck to be forced to Dart around the level and hunt for health and ammo just to stay alive and Slaughter more demons when the game keeps throwing impossible odds at you and you just you somehow manage to get by die and survive and not that I did that I haven't been very good at the whole surviving thing someday I will beat this game hopefully before Doom Dark Ages takes me down another Doom Rabbit Hole Doom hole going to suck me into the Doom hole again yeah that sounds about right I wanted to throw something a little harder to run at it so I decided to play some cyber junk 2077 this is 1080p medium settings with balanced FSR and the FPS was kind of all over the place as it tends to be in this game well when you're out in the big open City the FPS was down in the high 40s but I decided to do a a robbery Mission which is more of a closed area and the FPS was higher there in the ' 60s my FPS counter said that I got 72 FPS on average but that's because I would sometimes open up my menu and to switch around some weapon or whatever I think a more realistic average would be like 55 FPS this is a super demanding game though so that's not surprising actually on many PCs I usually have to play this game on low and maybe even down at 720p even on expensive mini PCS it really doesn't play nice on these power efficient small apus but it's actually performing really good here I would have zero issues playing through the entire game like this so yeah I'm doing this robbery and uh I'm taking this stealth approach I don't have the stats to pick the locks or Force open some locked grates so I need to sneak around and find a back door it and sure enough I found this Skylight I an optical camo cyberware thing that lets me go invisible for a few seconds so I use that to get past the the Drone and the security camera being careful I sneak my way past them and then I realized that I need to go upstairs so I sneak my way up there avoiding the drones and the cameras and and then I goof up and I I get spotted so I figure why not grab the stuff and fight my way out which started out fine I I'm in like the end game and I have some great guns and it was going well uh until it didn't so so we'll we'll try this Mission Again another day and here's some Elden ring this is running at 1080p High settings rate tracing turned off textures at maximum since we have lots of ram to act as vram for this Apu we should be good to go with ultra textures and uh I ended up getting just 38 FPS on average but that's because I was fighting these plant things and they have a bunch of effects with their spores and stuff that really tank the FPS these things make even my big PC struggle I I probably should have lowered the settings to get this FPS up but whatever I I was playing it and I was enjoying it I just bought the new shadow of the nerd tree DLC and I I don't know why I bought it honestly I barely touched Elden ring in months and I'm nowhere near finishing the game I guess I felt like I'd be more inclined to play the game if I bought the expansion and I I want to I I I hope I do we'll see if I stick with it this time hey at least I'm playing it right now actually however I learned shortly after I bought it that I can't actually access the DLC stuff yet I need to get further in the game and defeat some bosses so today I'm just trying to uh like reacquaint myself with the game and relearn some muscle memory yeah we'll see how this goes and finally I wanted to end on a high note with some Witcher 3 the the high note is that I wanted to smash some monster faces this is 1080p High settings with quality FSR and I got a very respectable 63 FPS on average by the end of this run this is my new game plus playthrough of The Witcher 3 on the death march difficulty I had this quest to invest some grizzly murders and I I figured i' get some good fighting in with that so I went and talked to the medic guy and I asked him some questions and he told me about the scene of the crime so I went there and I investigated and I discovered some hoofprints but they weren't from a horse because they were from a two-legged creature the footprints led to a brothel and The Madam said that there was a succubus that helped lure customers in I did ax on her to get her to tell me where the succubus was and uh I was going to go off and fight her her but then I saw that this lady had a gwent card so I figured I'd get into a side game of gwent and it was actually a pretty touch and go I had barely made it but I I did and I got a nice new fire Elemental card out of the wind so I off to go and deal with the succubus but then it turns out that succubus was nice she only killed the guards out of self-defense so I told her that she has to leave town and she gave me a nice new silver sword that is better than my current one and then when I left there I wasn't in the mood to fight anymore so I took a walk on a pier and to watch the sunset and contemplate My Life as a Witcher I searched my soul and decided that yes the sunglasses are going to stay and now let's give this PC a grade which means that it's time for our Mini PC report card May card card for the form factor I'm going to give this a C+ there's nothing special here it it's a little bit on the big side it's plain it has an ugly logo on top it's just it's boring but it's not hideously ugly or anything so I don't want to fail it out right it's just not my thing I don't like the way it looks for Io features this will be an a it's a little bit stingy on the USB A- holes and only one ethernet but it has some good stuff like extra headphone hole and USB C hole around back so it's definitely good enough for most of your needs for the noise this is an a it's not silent but it's among the quietest mini PCS that I've ever used obviously puts a lot of effort into their thermal and air flow design because this thing is super quiet and the last belink product that I tried was also very quiet and for the system there's no issues at all no third party software no bloatware or viruses or bull crap or anything like that so this gets an A+ and for the performance yeah a A+ this is top tier performance for a Mini PC I I don't think you can actually get a mini PC with better performance than this the 8840 HS is is topof the line and this PC has the headro to push it as far as it can go and for gaming I'll go with an a obviously if you had a Mini PC that with a dedicated GPU then it would be a a gaming Beast and the 78m integrated Graphics is technically a generation behind at this point but still this is about as good as you can get in a PC at this size so I'm super happy with this and for the value I guess I guess it depends where you get it I'm I'm going to assume that you buy this on Amazon Prime for6 50 and at that price yeah it's definitely good it's definitely competitive I'll give the value a B+ I think if you can find this at 600 or less that that'd be a steal but even at 650 to 750 it's it's a solid price for a PC of this performance and the final overall grade is going to be an A minus this thing is amazing in so many ways and it's such a good PC for the price I have zero issues recommending this thing if you're interested in a high-end Mini PC it's a great little mini PC with great gaming performance and a simple minimalist aesthetic with all the io you need a ton of storage and RAM and if you want one I'll put a link to where you can buy this on Amazon and directly from belink in the doad below and that brings us to the end thanks for watching and stuff if you like this video then check out this video my review of the io amo2 a very cool retro Nintendo inspired Mini PC I'll put a link to that video in the doad below as well well but that's it for me for today I'm Tech thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: TechDweeb
Views: 14,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techdweeb, tech, dweeb
Id: VePZD0mMGro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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