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[Music] okay guys so i'm going to show you guys how i prep chicken breast for meal prepping or just to have because i absolutely love chicken breasts and this is a great way to keep it nice and juicy so as you can see here sometimes i do it if you have a little bit more fat in your diet you can definitely leave the skin on but if not remove the skin but keep the bone in the chicken breast because that is going to keep the breast nice and juicy so what you want to make sure you do is pat these nice and dry so i'm gonna wash my hands and i'll show you guys how i prep them so the first thing i'm going to season the chicken breast with is some gray celtic sea salt i find when i use this salt in my cooking i do not bloat as much so that's why i love using it and a little bit of this salt goes a long long way there's no need to use too much of it because it's just so so flavorful but you're more than welcome to use any salt that you like the next thing i'm going to be putting in is some black pepper on both okay so for the one with out the skin i'm going to season with garlic powder some onion powder some paprika you can use regular paprika smoked paprika whatever you like this way i don't get bored of the chicken and you just have two different flavor profiles throughout the week then i'm going to use a little bit of dried basil with any dry herbs i like to put it in my hand and then crumble it between my fingers because these when you do that it releases the oils and the dry herbs and kind of wake it up a little bit and then i'm going to put in some dried italian seasoning the italian season has all of the oregano marjoram thyme sage and rosemary that is so so delicious so for the skin on i like using garlic and onion powder because it's like the staple garlic and onion is like a staple in everything i cook because it just adds so much flavor and then to these breasts i'm going to add some herbs de provence this has a really nice mixture of thyme rosemary basil parsley tarragon modrum and lavender it just has this beautiful aroma and it's so so delicious on chicken as you can see the little specks of lavender flowers in there at this point what i like to do is get my hands in here and season it up so you can put gloves on if you're a little bit you know you don't like to touch your chicken but again i like to massage the chicken with all of these spices and herbs so you just really get in there and massage it um because i'm doing two different flavor profiles i am going to wash my hand and then massage the other one just because um i want to really maintain the flavor profile in each breast so i'm just going to quickly rub this one in and you can smell that lavender it smells so good okay so since the chicken breast without the skin is pretty lean what i like to do is put some ghee on there you can use butter or you can use oil whichever you like so this is about a tablespoon of ghee for each breast and what i like to do is just spread it on it is going to melt and run all over and then for the other one what i like to do this is the one with the herbs dipper bonds i like to just take my little spritzer because the skin has fat on it already and i'm just going to lightly spritz the top of it just so the skin could get nice and crispy and you can have like chicken cracklings so i spritz that and then i'm going to take some fresh lime juice and just squeeze it over because this is going to bake in the oven right away i do not mind squeezing a little bit of lime on it um because it's going into the oven right away so i don't have to worry about the acid uh breaking down the proteins in the chicken and making it all funky so now i'm going to put this in the oven i'm going to be using my wolfgang puck pressure oven but um if you're putting this in a regular oven you want to put it in a 400 degree oven until it is done this is a probe thermometer this part goes into the meat and goes into the oven with the tray if you don't have one of these and you have a regular thermometer this would work and i would say just make sure and check the chicken breast depending on the size 25 to 30 minutes into the oven so you just want to make sure so if you're using the probe what i like to do is stick it into the breast about halfway see it's kind of kicking up right there so i know that it's in about halfway or three quarters of the way do not touch the bone when you're putting in your probe make sure that um you're not touching the bone because the bone in the chicken can get hot really fast so it can give you an inaccurate reading so i'm going to set this to poultry oh so i'm gonna set it to poultry and then what i like to do is drop the temp with chicken it must be 165 degrees internal temp which is recommended by the fda but i'm going to put it at 159 or let's leave it at 160. and i'm going to pull it out of the oven once it reaches 160. so that way once you take the chicken out of the oven it's going to continue to cook the carryover cooking is what's going to take the chicken breast from 160 to 165 sometimes it can go to 167 but i'm not too worried because the bone in this chicken breast is going to keep it nice and juicy so we're going to bake these babies so this is off chicken right out of the oven they are beautiful so you could see it's like chicken cracklings and this is the one without the the skin as you can see it is nice and beautiful so what i'm gonna do is um i'm gonna let it rest for about five minutes and then i'm going to pull the probe out because what's gonna happen is if you pull this out right out of the oven all of the juices is going to run out of the chicken okay so let's pull this out and what you could do is um you can cut them and then you can put them into tupperware's or you can leave them whole and just cut as you go what you want to make sure and do is the juices that's in the pan do not throw it away save those juices in a separate little tupperware it's going to solidify and you can always like pinch off a piece of the juice and put it with your chicken breast to reheat it that's just a lot of extra flavor that's in the pan so do not throw it away that is a lot of flavor and that is juiciness that's also gonna keep your chicken breast nice and juicy [Music] you
Channel: BeautyFeastVibes
Views: 4,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken breast, meal prep, Juicy chicken breast, How to recipes, how to bake a juicy chicken breast, weight loss recipes, how to, meal prep chicken, stay on track with juicy chicken, recipes, easy meal prep chicken recipes, keto chicken, keto recipes, Keto, how to make keto meals, keto meal prep
Id: 3pNziC6HRpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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