Es ist so lecker,ich koche es mindestens 2 Mal pro Woche so❗ Ein einfaches Abendessenrezept in 5 Min

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Hello friends! Write from which city or country you are watching this video. It's very nice to know that we can communicate all over the world! 3 pieces of chicken fillets. 5g salt. 3g black pepper. 5 eggs. 150g sour cream. 2g salt. 2g black pepper. 30g spring onions. 150g mozzarella cheese. Add half of the cheese. 10g butter. Tomato. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. 30g lettuce. Red onion. Cucumber. Tomato. 5 mozzarella balls. 1 teaspoon grainy mustard. 20 ml olive oil. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Balsamic sauce. Sprinkle with the other half of the cheese. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Bon appetit!
Channel: Genussvolle Rezepte
Views: 8,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genussvolle rezepte, essen rezepte, yt:cc=on, schnelles abendessen, leckeres fleischrezept, abendessen in 5 minuten, abendessen, schnelles fleischrezept, hähnchen kochen, einfache rezepte, chicken thigh recipes, hähnchen zum abendessen, einfaches rezept, hähnchenschenkel in 15 minuten, köstliches abendessenrezept, hähnchenschenkel, hähnchenschenkel zum abendessen, kuchenrezept, chicken recipes easy, einfaches fleischrezept, einfacher kuchen, rezept, gesund, schnell lecker
Id: NTWb_L1QvZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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