Wenn Sie Kartoffeln und Hackfleisch haben, bereiten Sie dieses köstliche ABENDESSEN zu Hause zu!

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Friends, I'm glad to see you on my channel! heat oil in a frying pan. chop 1.2 kg (2 lb 10 oz) potatoes. Today we are preparing a delicious dinner. fry the potatoes over high heat until golden brown. a pinch of salt. a little black pepper. Write in the comments what city are you from? break 4 eggs into a bowl. salt. 1/2 tsp paprika. 1/2 tsp dried garlic. stir until smooth. chop green onions. add onion to eggs and stir. transfer potatoes to a bowl. pour in the egg mixture and mix gently. leave for 10-15 minutes. 450 g (16 oz) ground beef. evaporate excess moisture and fry. finely chop 1 onion. If you like my recipes, SUBSCRIBE to the channel, it really motivates me! Thank you! chop 200 g (7 oz) mushrooms. fry mushrooms and onions with ground beef for 3-5 minutes. add 150 ml (5.3 fl oz) passata. crush and chop 1 clove of garlic. a little salt. and black pepper. mix for 1-2 minute. place 1/2 potato in a baking dish. then meat with mushrooms and onions. cut 100 g (3.5 oz) mozzarella into pieces. and grate 50 g (1.8 oz). put pieces of mozzarella on the meat. another layer of potatoes. sprinkle mozzarella on top. bake for 20 minutes at 180°C / 360°F. chop 1 cucumber. 4 medium tomatoes. purple onion. 1 sprig of green onion. 150 g (5.3 oz) Greek yogurt. squeeze 1 clove of garlic. season with salt and black pepper. mix. let's add some paprika. and mix again. Friends, this is very tasty! Thanks for your comments and likes! Bon appetit!
Channel: Kulinarische Magie
Views: 263,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kulinarische Magie, yt:cc=on, recipes, cooking, rezept, Rezepte, Kochen, Kartoffel, Kartoffelrezept, einfaches Rezept, schnelles Rezept, einfaches Kartoffelrezept, Rezeptidee, Kartoffelomelett, Spanisches Omlett, Rezept, kreatives Rezept, Kartoffel-Ei-Rezept, Eierrezept, Kartoffelkuchen, Kartoffel mit Hackfleisch, Hackfleisch, wie man Kartoffelkuchen macht
Id: luEGdUzMhs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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