BEST IMPOSTOR OF 2020 - Among Us

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[Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] get i saw delirious kill what are you talking about ah man i i really like you i do flashy actually you're gonna frame me like this i saw you kill what go in that little hallway going up to the cafeteria going huh before the car why didn't you report the body lock you liar you're lying down life you're lying hell no y'all it's delirious man all right everybody's driving around force field hey i'm just going to let you guys know yeah it's me i'm definitely the killer i am 100 dashie you did you did as hell dashy ah it's over it's over dangie he gave up he just gave up i'm done with girl [Laughter] i me me you see them who saw someone and who saw me maybe it [Music] me angry no one no one no one believes me let's just get over here let's go over here hi just hide baby loose yes just finish the test please vic [Music] please can we please vote for him i saw him kill him i'd go to guadalajara after this the game will end if it's not him and you're gonna know it's him because the game will continue and now let's go oh my god yes okay um okay okay okay right here right here oh no i think they actually saw me you know there were so many people there how did you not see that because there's so many people there what'd you see what'd you see what happened delirious what yeah all right well don't you want me listen i haven't been imposter at all y'all are in luck because one of my moderators is an ophthalmologist i get everybody in here get your eyes checked because y'all blind as [ __ ] voted for me i bet already huh yeah because you keep pointing fingers at me i'm definitely watching i am straight up defending um you know what [ __ ] it just go ahead and kill both of those right now get the hell out of here get the hell out of here this is so [ __ ] cold this is funny though hey who could say they have him who could say they have a mangas gameplay like this everybody here grizzy grizzy go next to delirious and they tell them where we're hiding no don't don't tell them no i'm not gonna do that he has no idea where you are you take my body back to my father not a clue the imposter is one of you we believe in you harry potter oh wait no it's definitely yours the other imposter yeah what is delirious do i just want to like get down to work in like three minutes okay hey delirious they've glitched under them i'm voting for delirious that's what i'm doing i voted for carter i voted for cartoons because he keeps blaming everybody else i don't know who to vote i think it's just played a lot there we i'm sorry bryce price you can pull it off come on bryce you got this you got this bryce oh you and your litter duggy where's everybody at no one no one's going to o2 oxygen depleting if if oxygen depletes in 17 seconds we win because they die where is everybody so anthony's down here doing something uh mama's dead mother's dead and cartoons not reporting oh there's a dead body indeed connect decontamination coming from reactor i did find the body literally right next to cartoons so that's where my vote's going to go listen you're the decision come on anthony this whole time cartoons you you you know [Music] [Music] the first person who comes for lights we're gonna we're gonna get over here here we go the scorpions ultimately get over here we did the scorpion one but now i want to do the um the reptile one he he he spits acid at people and melts their bodies melts their insides baby leaves and um who do we oh the wildcat saw let's go up here here i'm gonna jump in this come on oh milton i'm sorry oh that was so disgusting oh god he melted right before me they won't even find his body after that i love this oh courage you could have taken him out with the help all right we gotta run around hopefully courage could get a kill but i got four seconds oh i'm gonna do the loot king bicycle kick yes that's a good one that's a good one bicycle kick someone here oh my god i'm scared here's hate yes what the [ __ ] oh my god um i just saw cartoons by delirious wow you're talking talking over my microphone huh okay all right so you see this little microphone oh my god i can't believe it did you see my microphone i blame you for this bryce i'm portrayed i am going to be the best detective i could be and i will suss out whoever the imposters are ashy is it catson or is it autumn or is it cartoons let me follow cartoons down here cartoons obsessed with you 100 subs for cartoons what oh damn anthony move all right can can we just vote anthony out be safe there's another imposter among us we will not be slain the only way our viewers can watch these videos by uploading right here so they can hit the like button i wonder who is the imposter maybe this is a certain feature oh my god i didn't know we have fast travel in this game baby please okay i'm going to fix the shields you watch my back okay babyliss one second i am doing my task listen to her let's go over here we got it we got to fix the lights we're going to stay here with me and baby lyrics where it's safe this is the safest room in in the ship no one is coming to electrical nobody okay so who was it i think it was anthony as well good job delirious who's the other killer squirrel uh oh no your name is so low you don't have a hat on i'm weird [Laughter] that man is ballsy as hell it's because he was going for the double kill okay i have no idea who's who oh my god this game mode is ridiculous okay okay okay okay okay let's go ahead and do this um um guys how are we gonna do the wires i don't know man okay okay go go go go go go go go okay okay okay we got this we got this don't kill me please don't kill me don't kill me i got to survive to the end this is my first time playing as this i'd see i everybody's suspicious to delete okay the darkest person just died listen there's a new darker person i think we got a killer only one kill happened plus a vote i i i think the the the less than darker than the darkest person killed him and that's the person over here with is that i don't even know there's three colors that are the same where's the body where's the body that's that's the step yeah body's in admin and they were doing their uh probably upload tasks or something i mean first person second world first person there just stay here second row first person okay gonna be marcel it's got to be marcel he's oh is that me i think i died i don't know if it's me or not yeah i don't know [Laughter] okay oh god damn it you see the baby make your friends you see the baby your whole name baby you know what you know what guys i'm sorry i'm so tired [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] all right all right [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] oh look at him he's trying so hard to run no wow i need to get another kill i need to get another kill come on come on this is the cheat tactics oh squirrel huh squirrel girl you got something that is where you don't squirm up so lucky i want an electric you idiot i'm gonna run this way like me and cartoons the dream team the dream team where are we going cartoons to hell we gotta we gotta go over here we gotta act like we're doing something like we're doing something the hell is the thing no one's gonna do oh twos no one's no one's going through the twos get the hell out of here i'm sorry cory i just murderized corey like i said i'm a [ __ ] all right all right let's do this watch this oh dizzy didn't see did he didn't see oh god oh they found him we did double k it was a double kill again oh whoa wow wow i'm on cartoons come on we just need to kill two of them and we win i think i think that's how it works come on we're gonna sabotage we're gonna sabotage sabotage hold on hold on hold on all right i'm gonna just go wait to see what goes all right g he's here he's here all right there we go there we go and uh come on cartoons come on yes you guys got played there is someone singing too grizzy look at me there is someone that's gonna murder grizzy don't run for me don't run for me crazy it's not me it's not me just calm the [ __ ] down grizzy i'm down what the hell all right oh the lights are turned off they can't see me um [Music] oh no it wasn't me okay i saw i got splashed with blood and i saw a pixel of your mask and i reported the body it's in front of electrical it's all my mess was there more people there i don't know it's dark so when you were in my screen my whole screen was darkness because your character is black didn't see anything yeah well i saw your mask and i got splashed with blood unless there's another person there i know my mask looks very killer like but right now i am not killing anybody hey i know it sounds like i kill people but i think it was you valkyrie we will find your killer i promise you way too damn much you know this freaking red button andy over here yeah what the hell you're trying to make us lose because if we vote out the wrong person if there's two killers we're freaking dead you understand this right actually we're dead regardless because they're just gonna need one kill hey did you just kill that body and try to hide it with you like by standing on it did you try to hide that body i was on my test the whole time you're trying to hide that body did you have a little one of those little white bones sticking you in the back huh no i saw them they were stacked on top of each other and then i i just seen the report and just anthony was standing there i didn't see nobody what hello no what do you mean hide the body what do you mean behind the body [Music] [Music] place now feels good balance is probably delirious and he just punched his monitor he was like did you hit the body in fact i did yesterday okay i must kid i must kill everybody kill them all kill them all that's what i do [Laughter] i am cute oh hello cartoons jesus oh you found anthony cartoons huh who am i going to chase in the beginning is it going to be purple white pink red any of those any of those no that's fine not really i'm just excited to be the killer that's close enough [Laughter] that was [Laughter] was on right side originally wait let her talk okay so there's three people i'm going to ask only three people cartoons hey um i have the mic here okay proceed proceed one of these three people did it because i don't know it's i don't think it's weird i don't think it's cartoons are delirious the weapons wait where was the dead body in weapons and weapons and weapons yeah oh wait then it could have been deleted [Applause] we got some spider webs up in the corner what else do we got around here oh oh my god oh no oh delirious [Laughter] oh hi boxy i don't even know what you got in here what's up buddy hello buxy oh hi all right [ __ ] hello boxing vote get him out of here i i apologize all right so this is my situation i'm sitting here i'm taking baby lyrics around you know looking at the decorations trying to find some candy and i walk in and i see the scariest decoration of them all there was a body still standing i'm still standing inside of reactor oh my god it was just standing there and ghosty was caught red-handed i was the one there and i see delirious killing them rocky vouch for me because you're just trying to take me away from my family i saw both of them walk in around the same time so i don't know what i saw the body freaking [Music] [Laughter] right you better watch out for baby lyrius that's right i got some information okay okay you have mason i have simon says and if any of you [ __ ] kill me while i do it i'm leaving to stay on the discord call right uh that's his most dreaded task i'm doing it now as soon as the shit's over i'm gonna go do it so y'all listen should we get home you want me to wait for you to get off oh this is this is horrible i was banging you down time oh that was so wrong i should have done it give me someone to kill no they found cartoon who did it i'm worth the body the body the body right next to [ __ ] simon says no no that is evil oh crazy crazy crazy all right me and grizzly grizzly's cool with each other oh my god i don't want to die puffer puffer puffer don't keep that don't you dare kill me oh my god oh my god that was dirty it was courage that was so dirty wait chrissy where were you where were you i just passed delirious in storage yeah because i want to make sure no one kills me yeah oh see no i want to make sure i don't die courage i'm looking this is up the green second bro this is up to grizzy he knows it's puffer donald is not a [ __ ] if he wants to be right there you can't tell donald trump listen i'm clipping your hooks if you if you talk to me that way oh lord yeah dead or in jail they're all gone you know what you know what you're a bad help you are bad elf oh god [Laughter] i found the body uh liz buddy on the lights and i found that [ __ ] what whoa whoa look delirious you saw me right yeah i saw you and i was i was chilling me and him we were running together he didn't kill me running through the hallways defend yourself she came at me right off the rip i got two people who saw me not doing nothing yeah i kind of feel like he might be trying to sell reports i think yeah i think it's geeky i'm skipping because i don't 100 someone got murderer somewhere one thousand percent dizzy she's the killer oh my god i didn't expect that i didn't expect that at all oh i think it was g he and dizzy i definitely think it was g he and dizzy let's go and get on the telescope for a bit with autumn there we go on the telescope now adam is killing g he gee he's murdered gee he's dead gee he's gone he's gone let's kill him what the hell was that what was that squirrel what was that what are you doing you murdered squirrel just killed cartoons wait cartoon said earlier squirrel was being sausage yes he did why would you kill him right in front of me squirrel why would you kill him i reported the body it was delirious wait wait wait wait okay defend yourself i was walking with cartoons we were going to the right towards the telescopes and squirrel killed him and i couldn't press the uh the thing i don't i don't know the butt you can't you can press the face is that what i don't know interview that well but tunes did say squirrel was like being a little earlier you know i'm bad with keyboard and mouse there's no way i can press that button quicker than you i have a question squirrel why when the when we had to fix the thingy why did you run down you didn't go up to the reactor [Music] squirrel we got you oh she's around she's around she plays table games ac ac where you going ac i know your table games i know your table games oh it's over ac oh my god that was so good don't you do it you do it yeah he wants that i'll get him if he if he does yep he's just gonna wait he's just gonna wait he's gonna chill out yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] why why would you oh my god you could just tell it you could hear it in his voice why didn't you turn on the lights why didn't you turn on the lights why did you leave because because you were in there you [ __ ] and i know you're gonna kill me to turn on the lights by myself yes wow why is that suspicious wouldn't i kill you if i was the kid no because the killer can see everything you didn't need lights did you i could just tell i could hear in his voice but uh i know people don't like me to play like that but i'm just saying i know it it's not right it's not me i got my i got i do got my my my voice uh high pitched right now i'm just trying to make a video i don't know i want this for the title oh if there's two if there's two imposters they win right now right there you go there you go there you go that's right i'm a twin i'm a twin i play to win it's a sin i'm about to go in i'm about to kill own wrecker or maybe kyle you never know i am delirious i'm chrono oh okay okay oh hello really over here follow follow me chrono follow me i'm innocent i uh i would never hurt you here i'm doing my task as you see beep boop bop bop boop beep bop tap task see that oh it was a good okay look there's a task over here chrono you see this task it was so good are you waiting for me oh all right i need i'm going to get out here when you find someone else or we just kill on wrecker and be done with it he didn't suspect a thing what the hell right permit where's you said where is he dead at you you had blocked the alarm what do you mean i called the alarm hoping that wasn't dead and then we could vote the other person don't trust i'm saying he was with me on the button you ran past us in the hallway cartoons would you lie to me that you were afk at the beginning no i really was there okay there's who you voting uh i'm voting who do you think i'm voting [Laughter] don't tell me was it you cartoons nope what i think it was it was delirious two of us what are you talking about oh my god i'm doing uh simon says and then he was like i finished my task he gave it away right at the end i don't know which one delirious is must consume must consume human flesh what's consumed is there someone in the bathroom [Laughter] who is it who is it i was gorilla it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] at the door oh no which way oh my god i love this this is so good yeah [Music] specimen oh he's there oh i'm trying my best to memorize the the the map but i'm not memorizing anything have you guys ever noticed that there was a beaker that got wait a minute this camera doesn't belong here who is this you can't record admin what are you doing oh the door is locked huh [Laughter] just snap my neck oh like that oh yeah yeah yeah that's good that's good though that's good that's good right there it's perfect perfect somebody somebody hiding oh my god who is that incredible that is insane i'm just gonna assume you're talking about me and thank you terrorize your spot and a half you guys these tiny little boxes is someone trying to be a hacker oh come on bryce listen listen i will i will break a break whatever's in the box stop [ __ ] following me i know it's [ __ ] you listen i know it's you listen i know it's you because you didn't you couldn't tell me the five people you said there's five people no it wasn't five people it was four people it was me kyle chosen and really but we're about to get double kills [Applause] oh [Laughter] that was [Applause] where are you guys the game is so slow oh my god hello i just heard it where are you going i'm we must go and destroy these people we just want to be friends that's all come up the slowest killers in the land corpse where you going don't you tell people where they are where you are where i am all right you know what corpse i'm going to let you live which way you're going which one are you doing cafeteria [Laughter] i will say that wildcat is very innocent as the body died on vitals i go off and i hear him screaming so he's innocent he's afraid they can't hear me right now this is vanoss's third time you're dead oh my god i i i i didn't meet my mic you know i'm deaf and forever goodbye thanos are you a killer yes so now now that we know who's typing the description we know possible i'm sorry okay it's okay anthony i just saw you kill bryce yeah that was right where were you real quick anthony where were you i was trying to watch delirious and jihi but they split off so i went to go up because the lights went who was it that blamed anthony two games two rounds ago i was scroll but but remember what i said i was like squirrel i don't think you did it man well i mean it's up to you guys anthony just killed him right in front of me at the life i went up there freaking bryce's ass chopped and had by delirious he gave him the shrink stick you saw that's where you do it you saw me run up to the body he got scared of your self-reported that's what it did what are you talking about i did not self-report that you were up there with him well i just saw anthony murder poor bryce innocent bryce right in front of me oh however you want it's anthony so that kind of pisses me off you can't vote discriminately like that what the hell oh my god i think we won i think we won is this the ice planet who said the hell that is he talking about my anus what granny was talking about you you didn't you didn't catch us talking about ain't assisting nothing that's right granny granny go ahead and get the kill granny go ahead and go slice his neck granny randy we know it's you granny we know it's you and i will always love happiness you got a voice of an angel i the hell out of us where the hell be careful out of this squirrel did the five fingers say to the face please don't be a kill button no i i wouldn't i wouldn't kill you i wouldn't kill you we're not gonna talk about that are we i like to vent i really like to vent i like i like to vent i really like to vent i am a venter i am cartoons just asked oh what is i was on the other side of the wall what does that mean yes but the skill cooldown is hey alexa guess what kill somebody i jump through a teleporter as soon as i saw tofu kill alexia that's exactly what i did and he's stealing my story it's delicious all along it was definitely you know all right guys oh tofu all right all right tofu was ejected we did it yeah all right yeah i knew it was i knew it was cartoons too now if someone pass this squirrel i'm going to get them first and then you can get the second one all right imagine if two people pass right here hello don't you don't go get them you gotta beat your ass i'll beat your dumb ass right now pick it down all right he didn't go he he tried to run back tried to run back i got him perfect place again me me is safe me is safe but i'm very obsessed with you i'm very obsessed with you but someone someone is following me someone's following me what the hell what the hell who is next oh my god oh my god i don't know oh god hopefully hopefully you can protect me hopefully you can protect me this is ridiculous this is so ridiculous me must say stay safe um some dude me and some dude is doing the the reactors but someone is very suspicious yo okay wait for this me is innocent who did i see i went through cafeteria in med bay you saw who i thought i saw her i saw her what i saw someone they were being suspicious listen dude some dude is dead i know what i'm doing that guy and you where are you with that guy how does someone know you in storage because i was in storage someone wasn't storage oh for a fact me myself are innocent okay come on how many tries is gonna take me first try i'm like god i'm amazing i'm amazing what the [ __ ] no listen listen it's not him he would never kill me in a million years i would not i would let's go ahead and a million years come here come here yeah guys i trust is it what the [ __ ] i told you it wasn't me please don't kill me i'm in any time that [ __ ] liz has got to do his test i just got to do them real fast hey um did y'all see that see what wait did y'all did y'all see 407. he disappeared oh my god panda doesn't want to get caught right now he's hella serious right now hella serious it's such a sad i'm sorry oh she has um some candy in her hair [Music] i know right what i know that's my roommate i know you should god she could turn the computer off right now it's like oh god oh my god what okay brett man it's you isn't it [Music] listen listen we can just talk listen listen come come in here come in here come here i would say i wouldn't have killed her if you didn't tell her but then you told her so what am i supposed to do wait a minute what okay okay wait wait no hold on hold on hold on did you kill her oh it's like 30 32 percent oh my god okay [Music] wait a minute kyle get that cat i think it's kyle anthony we hey delirious hey you think it's me yeah anthony all right go back to the wall all right delicious where the hell did he go that's a good question [Music] all right you turned back around so i went back to go check the line i was halfway down the back squirrel guys it's not squirrel it's delirious who voted voted instantly okay so it's delirious here we go i am going to help uh oh there was a body on the left side it was john there was i i just got the report button with you bro now quick killing what the hell i just gotta be quiet i gotta let everybody blame each other it is not hilarious i needed everyone was top right except for anthony and delirious me and bryce went left and reported the body so it's either anthony delirious no skip guys i think it's delirious i don't think it's him let's get the hell out of here there is no way it's me oh my god i can't believe it was iceman this whole time [Laughter] shut up guys shut up stay stay and don't talk oh what i think could be possible i think cartoons could be pulling one he was on cams calls lights he kills lupo runs back cam if you're telling the truth delirious i don't know i don't know i mean clearly horror i mean it's either that or you killed cartoons where did you see delirious run then i didn't see there's no camps anywhere anywhere no you didn't see him in the laboratory i did not no that's why i wanted to know where the body was because i don't know what the [ __ ] it is and if i put this it's not me i was on camera who are you voting me or cartoons which one you have to vote so which one wait prior rounds was there any suspicion on delirious no there wasn't submission on either one of us i've been a good boy i'm a good boy i can't remember myth i'm innocent i made the vote cartoons [ __ ] wow i'm voting i'm voting myth this is not me i was on cameras ninety percent of the time it's you come on i there's no information to play with bro there's no myth isn't it isn't it honestly so [ __ ] hard dude let's go baby yeah that was the perfect run for me and i had to get [ __ ] over again [Music] i think i think it's the second to top wait where's second to top what you mean top right the one on the top left wait what's the one on the top left dude i don't know what's that me [Applause] i lived i lived and by the way the guy i thought it was actually was an imposter that's that's actually pretty amazing pretty amazing zero seven one eight eight okay hey call up call uh call a meeting all right yeah this is gonna be perfect let's do it we're gonna call the meeting could be around it would have been so good we're gonna walk around what happened what happened we got a circle around the table he's got to blow up the candle oh my god okay skip it won't skip it cartoons all right everybody yeah that's right go the other way this is yours squirrel this is yours lemon don't do it let me just i'm going the other way hey let's go on the other side yeah yes it's a little tighter up here there we go [Laughter] are you sure oh my god right marcel martin jd you're all right marcel just killed him wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute it could be delirious oh my god i don't know what to do y'all listen jd he self-reported right in front of you because he had no choice but to do this he's playing you yo i'm not going to say a word i want you to figure this out for yourself marcel is this vengeance for the round we lost eight eight seven seconds i feel so bad if it's delirious oh my god i don't know what to do not me it's not me thank you we won jd we [ __ ] won nobody say anything until the screen pops up no one's saying yo if we lost nobody say anything to the screen pops up i float through space so jd can feel like a dumb ass two games in a row yo if that's the case then i am [Applause] where is he where's scott no i i thought i had someone else delirious i wasn't talking to you i'm sorry oh my god you weren't talking to me the whole time are you kidding it did not end well you're talking to me all right i'm going to be cameras going on cameras someone who's really [ __ ] is that's what i actually saw that's why i got the hell out of that room all right you are not blaming that on me i'm having trouble over here i did not kill terrorizing the problem it was crazy and you need to get rid of norton dude who the [ __ ] using norton i'm not believing that no no no i am not believing that i just caught the leaders red-handed what do you mean you're not believing it puffer do not suss me because you thought i just said like just because you thought it was successful yes i'm not gonna lie dude he's literally as he's running away i think he's mad he got caught red-handed all right here is crazy yo you need to get rid of norton you can't get rid of it who the [ __ ] is norton one zombie one zombie we'll get trapped we'll get trapped in the specimen [Music] run hey i see you in there i see you things have been much more peaceful ever since scotty got out of that vent oh my gosh oh my god what the [ __ ] was that you [ __ ] murdered him i didn't murder him on the other side of the fence so i am safe yeah it is it's not venomous it can't be vandals it has to be you he has to before everybody votes when we walk through what not there standing available the whole [ __ ] time it's wildcat i didn't walk over you liar yeah but then you ran away yeah after all right yes because someone died i saw a body fall and leaders run away and scream well i don't think as well okay because he was pretty far away he was he was pretty low not he was a huge baby what if it was me it could have been cartoons be truthful i don't [ __ ] know else was i'm not standing there yes you are standing there but it's not me delirious or cartoons that i got out but the body the game is over is it what is it but oh god [Laughter] there we go delicious so delicious it's so delicious he just checked his back gotcha he's dead oh my god do you wanna build a snowman do you want to kill a snowman what are you doing okay fine okay bye oh god are you are y'all in that cheeky tree spot the cheeky trees all right i'm on my way i'm actually on my way if you're lying i will kill the snowman if you're lying where is he that's a win-win for alex oh oh he's not lying he's not oh no no [ __ ] on the snowman you murderer he moved all the way at the last second and i will never be the imposter and i will never be the imposter who are you a ghost who with that ghost move what the hell [Music] follow me follow me follow me oh no maybe we can get him no no no everybody everybody follow me follow follow me follow me all right yeah oh yeah afterwards what am i showing here [Music] [Laughter] i still remember the last things nevermind that's gonna get uh damn [ __ ] rocky what are you doing rocky rocky that's such a [ __ ] rocky stay away from the button rocket rocky that's [ __ ] damn scumbags i'm probably gonna die i'm probably gonna die if i was kyle i would be in denial because my penis would be big the world is full of imagination [Laughter] we got so many tasks in this room and someone is playing the long game by the way i thought it was anthony you were wrong yeah it's g he i just saw her leave columns to run down the shield and there's oh his body was i i think you're right i think you're right i agree the only reason that would track for me is because myth took geez color guilty or not guilty [Laughter] he's been drinking too she's been drinking she's got a tonight balls see what happens when you take her color yeah that's for sure she just accepted her fate gideon cowboy squirrel we just need to kill two people and we win right is that how it works we just need to kill two and we win come on squirrel we could do this uh this is not one of them oh yeah yeah yeah yeah let's uh let's let's let's kill this one you're mine be voted out for no reason i can't believe i can't believe no one saw the signs when when gi chan said it was hilarious and i sit out and keep an eye on hillary's and we both died oh they pressed the button oh they press it yeah you could realize you're a murderer you could chase me all you want oh god you're gonna put the pop popper you murder me please your child saw your murderer no you're the damn murderer all right it's no good yeah it's delirious he was chasing me the whole time wait a second i was trying to get a confession he's dead grizzy said grizzy's he's dead wait a minute no glue no glue where were you he was chasing me the whole time together the whole time wait the whole time the whole time buffer the terrorizer you just win did you just win this no we won we won we won the team the group who won who the [ __ ] won oh my god oh my [Music] and you were among the dads that is a crime [Laughter] santa's reindeers where could santa's reindeers be i must find santa's reindeers i must become the best elf in the land i must become the best what happens if i press this happens no hey guys i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did drop a big like for delirious i hope you are enjoying these among us videos thank you so much for the support hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new [Music] me year in the delirious army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 2,018,295
Rating: 4.9549422 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us guide, among us best impostor plays, among us tutorial, among us dream team, among us twitch, deceit, among us with friends, among us funny moments, crewmate, among us kill animations, among us funny, let's play, among us 2, best among us, among us best imposter, gameplay, among us impostor gameplay, H2ODelirious, H20Delirious, among us gameplay, Impostor, Among Us mods, best of, H2O Delirious Best of
Id: Pl7KgpNRbCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 8sec (4088 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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