Best Gum Art Wins $10,000 Challenge! | ZHC Crafts

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i was craving candy and i was kind of bored so i just bought a hundred thousand gumballs we have five artists and a hundred thousand gumballs whoever makes the best art out of gum will win up to ten thousand dollars for charitable cause of their choice and just as a little bit more incentive i'll also toss in five hundred dollars for you and you get to keep the rest of the gum yay well anyway i'll give you five hours time starts now jazz ew use your protection [Music] i hate it i wish i didn't see that we are 15 minutes in which means we're gonna do our first challenge whoever can blow the biggest bubble will get an advantage [Music] oh wow three two one all right jake it looks like you are the winner of this challenge decide who has to wear this for the rest of the challenge and they can take it [Music] off this is your costume for the rest of the challenge you may not take it off also everyone did i mention if you lose you get gum in your hair yeah it's sticky so we're gonna play rock paper scissors until you win if you win on the first round you don't have to do any laps other than that however many times it takes for you to win that's how many laps around the house you have to do rock paper scissors shoot paper scissors shoot two laps rock paper scissors shoot all right you don't have to do any laps jake rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot all right michelle i think that's eight rock paper scissors shoot all right rock paper scissors shoot shoot shoot shoot all right that's four laps all right everyone go run your laps [Music] burn off those gum calories i'm done [Music] [Music] welcome back to our asmr channel i'm so tired [Music] we are one hour in which means we have another challenge what you're gonna do is you have one minute to chew a piece of gum whoever stretches it the least has to do a punishment stretch your gum you have five seconds to stretch it five four three two one all right everyone hold it up what guys oh i think you lost oh i have to be punished oh no izzy no this is fish oil you're gonna put these on either side of your mouth and pop it all right everyone cheer izzy on go come on come with me we're gonna see how many push-ups you have to do you have three chips put these down here and this will determine how many push-ups you have to do 21 push-ups you have 22 push-ups before you can go back nice [Music] i'm so tired of chewing gum but at least i think my octopus is turning out good everyone we are almost two hours in grab a piece of gum and come outside with me everyone put your gumball on the ground right here without touching the gumball we need to get the gumball all the way from over here to the end of the pool the first two people to make it to the end are safe the other three people have to do a ton of push-ups ready set go [Music] [Laughter] wait what happened to it come on jake let's touch the end all right jake is safe dad what happened to your gum it's squished [Music] all right jazz is safe that was the worst thing in my life push up all right 10 push-ups 10 push-ups [Applause] you're evil [Music] whoa how would you say your octopus is coming along i'm just worried about not having enough time to finish it wait i see the sushi i don't see the bowl of ramen yeah i'm still working on my snail i'm gonna be putting a big mama spider somewhere over here i was going to do a bowl of tentacles and then that just didn't work out so now i'm gonna do this interesting [Music] we're gonna play a little game you're gonna throw a gumball up in the air and catch it in your mouth oh nice you caught it nice oh you missed michelle oh jeff you missed if you get this in your mouth you are safe so close michelle jasmine mckenzie you guys are going to do a face-off oh wait that was in and out nice [Music] you two rock paper scissors whoever loses gets their right hand handcuffed gonna be connected to michelles [Music] wait for some reason your gum looks so gross but the other people's gum look nice and clean what what's going on i might have not chewed it all the way [Music] everyone i'm gonna have you come spin the wheel and this is how many laps you have to do around the house all right you're doing six laps jake you're doing seven laps nine oh two [Music] bye guys i'm gonna get done with these laughs real quick [Music] i'm done oh my gosh last one all right back to [Music] work wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm ready to be unhandcuffed um follow along i can't think ten nine eight seven six five four three two one pins in the air it is over you may now get on the handcuff why don't you tell us a little bit about your piece so i decided to make a snake instead i want to crush all the tiny little gumballs up to make all the scales and i really wanted to kind of make it disguise because rattlesnakes are really camouflaged so i made mama spider over here it's got a little baby crawling up the web they just wrapped up their dinner or whatever maybe it's a bee a fly you know the spiders textures look very very nice were you going for kind of a spiderman color theme yes all right at first your piece of art was looking a little bit iffy but you made it look really nice and the rice has texture the seaweed overall it looks kind of aesthetically pleasing i would say i like the suction cups i like the overall volume and i kind of liked how you went with the gumballs good job mackenzie all right michelle tell me about your piece of art mine is a baby snail in a big large shell mountain i mean the snail looks cute it looks a little stubby jack you want to know what gabe said when he saw michelle what he said damn she really said i give up we will now be eliminating one person at a time michelle why are you walking eyes with me why are you looking at me because michelle you have been eliminated i'm sorry izzy unfortunately you are out i'm sorry can i get a drum roll please next person out mckenzie we are down to our last two the winner of this challenge is oh my gosh well jess you know how this works you can donate up to 10 grand oh my god we have a wheel over there you will spin it oh my gosh come over here yes in a future video we will donate eight thousand dollars on your behalf [Music] losers you need to keep a piece of gum in your hair for 10 minutes in the future we'll have subscribers partner up with the contestants and you might have a chance to come in the video say hi win crisis it'll be fun but subscribe all right jess go clean up you
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 8,082,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vgolreH-tIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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