Best Origami Wins $5,000 Challenge!

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i bought ten thousand sheets of colored paper to make origami we have six artists and ten thousand sheets of paper you will all have six hours to make the best origami art piece winner wins up to five grand for a subscriber and as usual i'll toss in 500 to whoever wins this also losers go in a slime bath you have six hours go i just said i'm gonna use the color blue because it seems like most of the winners have been using the color blue to win what what does that even mean today we're doing things a little different you're gonna choose a random topic that your competitors came up with [Music] all right [Applause] all right viv got a dragon which means michelle you have to make a robot you can thank izzy [Music] the winner of the origami challenge can win up to five thousand dollars for their subscribers so i'm going to be making the dragon dragon seems pretty hot do you have any words of encouragement for me or anything you should win i have the chance to win up to 5 000 for you i'm currently making a robot dragon okay honestly i don't know how to do that but i'm going to try my best i have all my faith in you thank you i'm chad nice to meet you have any advice on animals i should make a frog ooh a frog that would be a good idea the first person to fold a paper crane will get this anytime during this challenge you are allowed to make one cut in someone's origami piece everyone ready go come on everyone make that paper crane once you're done with your crane lift it up in the air and i'll come check it this paper is not spinning izzy has no idea what she's doing i feel like this is a battle between michelle and viv you guys are getting very close [Music] ooh mackenzie's finally getting somewhere [Music] what oh my goodness michelle wait what why that's a what what this makes no sense michelle this is jake's piece of paper stop roasting me well michelle this is for you to use if you notice anyone's piece of art and you think they're gonna be one of your big competitors you can go ahead snip that entire thing in half what i'm gonna take a break and i'm gonna go play some video games michelle's getting a little too confident [Music] mackenzie you've won a lot of crafts challenges but if you keep going at this space it's not looking very good this is a lot more frustrating okay all right michelle i see her finally back from gaming everyone looks like they still haven't done anything it looks like some of you are still trying to get the hang of folding so i'm going to add two hours to the time you guys get eight hours total artists fold a paper airplane everyone come with me whichever one of you throws your paper airplane the farthest gets a huge advantage hopefully i set the bar high for everyone fire in the hole no no ugh go wow [Music] [Applause] izzy since you won the paper airplane competition you can choose one of the artists and add them to your roster for 30 minutes artist do you think can help you the most all right viv for the next 30 minutes you're working for izzy [Music] all of you are gonna guess how many sheets of paper are made in the world a year 2 billion 30 trillion 150 one google okay [Music] all right the answer is 60 trillion viv wait right there make someone wear this for the rest of the challenge you can let anyone wear this you know what you're getting karma [Music] this zim's getting back at her boss izzy you can't take this costume off until the end of the challenge [Music] i spent all this time working on this which was so hard and it looks so stupid so we're gonna play another little game each one of you guys are gonna crumple up one sheet of paper into a ball and whoever throws it the farthest gets to choose whose piece of art gets dunked in water crumble up a sheet of paper and come upstairs [Applause] [Music] go jake i knew i was gonna jake hit the chandelier [Music] [Applause] all right viv since you won here is a cup full of water [Music] all right viv grab that and bring it to the sink you could set them outside to dry in the sun [Music] jazz adopted your dinosaur [Music] this is a fortune teller what's inside could be good or bad who wants to find out first use the number seven girls numbers here p-u-r-t-l-e 100 push-ups you have to make someone do 50 push-ups you have to do 10 laps around the house you have 100 for shots b-l-u-e one two you need to make 100 i don't want them all right everyone gets to your tasks they've chosen me to do 50 more push-ups all right let's do it spray someone's heart jake's watering the plants is this an aquatic creature without water [Laughter] [Music] you didn't you didn't see that one okay let's go what's this all right i'm all done you've got to be kidding me i knew this was going to happen too hey mckenzie you just searched for jake he's hiding no i'll let that little coward come to me [Music] hey mckenzie not on any electronics no electronics oh my goodness oh my god this is the shining [Music] did i survive [Music] oh he attacked my penguin you said you wanted to use your scissors oh my spider's good everyone we are down to our last hour [Music] so i'm adding some fire to my dragon because it felt a little empty [Music] six five four three two one hands in the air the challenge is officially over good job everyone izzy tell me about your origami art all right so i got to do a dragon crazy colorful kind of chinese new year's dragon just personally i probably would have liked the color scheme a little bit better if it was more of a pattern to it rather than random colors but overall good piece i have a dino diorama i do like the creativity with the dinosaur from the egg tape in the bottom of the trees kind of makes it look a little bit messy so for seven hours i made this super extreme super crazy 99 of people can't do an origami spider michelle chopped his legs off so i had to improvise and i made a giant crane attacking it why is there a random piece of red paper underneath i did a little ice robot panda holding a little robot and i gave him a little bamboo the robots don't eat oh you took out its arm i made a big dragon and i made two baby dragons it's pretty similar to izzy's except for i feel like you have a color scheme here which i do like all right jazz tell me about your zoo these are all the zoo animals hanging out having a little party this is ellie this is sparky this is thomas that's one that maverick no we need to start eliminating them one at a time mackenzie all right next person to go unfortunately jake michelle they didn't make it the next person that's getting eliminated is jazz all right and keep in mind this is just my opinion but the official winner is [Music] viv viv you have five free throws each time you make a free throw your subscriber gets one thousand dollars [Music] [Applause] last shot [Music] oh well viv you won two thousand dollars for the subscriber that you were paired up with yes that gave me five chances to shoot the basketballs and the hoop i was able to score two which means you just won two thousand dollars [Applause] all right start jumping you completely bent all right go wash up [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ZHC Crafts
Views: 15,864,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: prvSVNmz1o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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