Best Grind Spots for Silver - March 2024 Update (Beginner-End Game) | Black Desert

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all right what is going on everyone and welcome  back to another Black Desert video today I wanted   to make an update on one of my older guide videos  of best spots to grind for silver and I think this   is a popular one that I've done and also I think  it's a good time to update it because they added a   lot of new spots recently into the game into ukita  area like and deia and everything and also they   made some tweaks to various other spots over the  past like 6 months or whenever I made the video   last so I also needed some time to actually grind  and test these spots once again whether it's from   a beginner's perspective as in like seasonal all  the way to endgame spots so my experience with   grinding them is probably a little bit different  from others but I try to uh make sure I at least   know what I'm doing and you guys can look at like  garoth and other resources to tell you what like   averages people get at various spots and stuff so  anyway I'm just going to talk about this from my   experience and talk about things that I think were  updated and is it worth it some places that were   good from the last video might not be good anymore  just because of various changes we'll talk about   that but anyway here's how we're going to do it  we look at the monster Zone info and then we look   at it from AP order I think this just makes the  most sense and then we'll have uh time stamps in   the description so whatever AP you're at um we'll  try you just skip to whatever you're interested   in so I'll talk about this from both the beginner  perspective as in like you just started the game   you're in like seasonals all the way to Mid game  and end game and I'll tell you what I think is   important and also they made a new change recently  where you can click this button for total stats   and you can basically see um like Max AP limit  so before we get into it let me teach you how   this works and explain it so if you look at this  normally um for example this rudm outstation spot   it says recommended AP is 50 DP is 130 right  so what that means is when you see 50 and 130   you would look at your AP stats from your sheet  and gear sheet now when it says view total stats   of like Max AP at 130 this means all your stats  combined when you're full buffed and everything   so how would you figure that out is you look at  your stats over here and so like you see how I   have my AP and everything right here including um  so let me show you real quick so this is 326 plus   the 205 in the bracket right so that's where you  probably get the number that you have for your AP   and Awakening right here and then you get extra  AP against Monsters from food Buffs your jewelry   whatever Buffs um food whatever ever else Elixir  and also your artifacts and crystals so how does   this work you take your number right here whether  you're Awakening or succession take this number   add the AP from your extra monster number over  here and then you take the extras from the species   damage at the end so you combine all those numbers  and then um you get this number right here and   then obviously the higher end spots have a bigger  number so that's how you read it in a nutshell all   right so in terms of grind spots I want to talk  about things starting [Music] around probably 180 and the reason why is because I think this  is a very easy to obtain thing as a new player   even if you are let's say this is your first  week playing the game um you just do the quest   or just follow the quest line you enhance your  Naru gear make tuala gear and I think getting   to 200 is something you can do in a week without  grinding too much you just follow the quest line   and then do your season um reward thingies and  then you don't even need to really worry about   half of these spots mostly they're like outdated  to be honest so yeah I think 180 is a good spot to   actually consider grinding ing other spots because  we're talking about silver so I've made other   videos in the past of like best spots to grind  for XP um aggress silver of course is probably   the most popular one cuz this is the currency  of this game so in this video I wanted to talk   more about silver and maybe in the future we'll  update the XP and then aggis and all the other   good stuff so the reason why we're starting at 180  is because this one is better than it was before   so first of all um the AP here is like 180 210 so  if you just if you're too lazy to actually look at   what all these numbers mean and you don't want to  calculate everything so look at your AP here 180   210 there's is this number higher than this if  your AP is higher than that number you're good   to go all right so the reason why Blood wolves is  good is one you're going for the infinite potions   if you want to go get those yourself I do think  that infinite potions nowadays are more mandatory   than optional before and I think the health one  is one that everyone should get at some point   uh sooner than later so that's just one reason  to be here this is one of the three pieces for   the HP pot plus the kagon ax are actually worth  a lot more now than they were before so what they   do is make the dark Red Fang Valor crystals and  so let me just show you dark Red Fang Valor so   these things are like let's just say 400 mil each  and then if you get the kagon ACT plus the thing   to create it it's basically like saving 400 mil  from buying it if you use it yourself or if you   do decide to sell it plus the other materials  it's probably about like 300 mil after tax and   all that stuff but I would recommend at least  try to keep them because even at end game you   do actually use these crystals and um yeah like I  do unironically still use Balor crystals so that's   why I think it's a good one for uh entry as well  and let's go back into blood wolves everything   else the drop rate is not that great garot skills  are like at an all-time high I'm not really 100%   sure why I guess these spots are just not as  grinded as they were before but you're here   mostly for caats and the infinite potion piece  so pretty good silver actually if you're in the   area and at that AP centaurs everyone knows  that centaurs is a very solid grind spot um   I do think it's one of the easier grind spots for  newer players to grind that gives a lot of silver   admittedly you do have to use agas for it which  is this thingy right here and you have to like   ideally um max it out for an extra drop amount  and stuff so um basically this gives a lot of   silver just because the trash loot is kind of  worth a lot and so at a 180 AP area this thing   or this place is very solid and everything else  is just like a bonus but you're mostly making a   bunch here and I think the rotation that's not  the Mary realm but the one above the mar realm   spot that's like an oval I think that's the place  where people do a lot I'm not sure about the mar   realm but I know the one above it is decent sheren  necropolis this one is a spot for the infinite HP   potion as well and these are the pity pieces I  do think that sheren is pretty decent it's not   the best but if you're going to grind here for the  HP pot um the trash loot is pretty decent you get   a lot so you're probably going to have to have a  decent amount of weight or know how to horse stack   and everything so yeah I think it's pretty solid  there's a night mechanic as well where if you're   um using energy you can have a higher chance  of getting the ancient piece itself like the   full 100 and so daytime is just pretty decent  silver nighttime is more for the uh piece in   general uh mirror Mo admittedly this place is  more for XP than silver but at a 190 area like   the silver you make along with the XP you get  makes it a solid spot um I've seen people do it   in parties of two all the way to five back in the  day and everyone would get their own rotation and   then like you know that when you're in a group  it has that like Wi-Fi bar to see if you're in   range of other people and then you guys get XP  it it's kind of wild I don't think anyone does   that anymore but it's still pretty decent from the  level perspective that like you can still be there   so 190 forest or Naros admittedly I think this  place is something that people say they hate the   most and I've grinded out two infinite potion  pieces one straight ancient piece and then 100   pities for the second one and it's probably  around like 4 to 500 mil hour if you were to   sell everything but the reason why you're here  is mostly for the infinite HP beast in general   so like it's not the worst but if you're going  to grind here I mean you'll still feel like you   made something at the end of the day um next we  have mums at 190 this spot kind of fell off and I   remember talking about this in the old video that  I made where I said this was a decent spot however   recently they came out with the second uh old Moon  accessory thing where we can get basically a pen   um Crescent or narc and everything which made  people sell their originals and the original   base price of these dropped and so uh this spot  isn't as good as it was before so just keep that   in mind and if you're going here for the infinite  Mana potion that's really the only reason to be back um let's see other spots now keep in mind  some of these spots right here are still grinded   for more specific spe ific things like the  archaeologist map in general so if you are   one of those people thinking about you grinding  the archaeologist map I would kind of wait until   the deia version comes out and then just grind it  then because now it just doesn't really feel like   a good amount of silver and it's kind of like an  outdated spot so yeah like they recently added   deia aan and histria so you never know this could  be next in the future so yeah it's one of those   things it's still grinded it's just you're there  for a specific piece in general I think you make   like less than 500 mil an hour at these spots  it's not great and it's all the way out in the   middle of the desert so it's whatever um 200  Saka upper what upper I think if you're here in   the upper area you're here for the rich Merchant  ring piece which is an endgame item anyway so if   you're a new player and you see this it's not  really worth it for you you're if you're here   you have to be there for a specific reason um all  right let's go into the 210 220 plus into the Elia   area and I personally think that if you are going  to grind in Elia you're going to be grinding for   the shards like these uh Shard of tearful Knight  the drain Knight and the uh Furious night they're   used to make your accessory cups like these things  you know how there's accessory ones they're like   clouded or the blue and yellow basically right and  um I do think it is something that people should   grind out early on just because they are good  upgrades but some of these spots are not really   the greatest silver but they give a lot of these  which if you were to factor in the cost of them   if you were to look at various cut prices this  is what they look like so basically blue is like   the defensive yellow is more offensive and then  this one's for earrings is only one option so I   have an entirely new video or not new but like  I have a video talking about which ones should   you get and which ones I think are important so  I'll leave a link in the description to that one   if you're curious to know which ones would work  for you there's no right or wrong answer by the   way it's just what fits your play style kind of  kind of thing and so you do factor into cost of   those if you are grinding but let me see where  were we alter imps I personally don't like this   spot we'll talk about the other one another place  to get the tearful Knights if you're interested uh   Bugatti Den you get a lot more of these shards  but you get less silver in terms of like you   know uh trash Loot and everything so if you're  only there for the shards of drain Knights it's   probably better for the yellow ones but you get  less silver just keep that in mind castle ruins   admittedly I don't have too much experience here  I have a few hours but it's a party grind spot   and it's straight up worse than Orcs but the  AP requirement is a little bit lower all right   so Thornwood Forest um this spot is actually hard  to describe in terms of amount of silver the deia   version is at probably in the top three in most  silver made but like when we talk about deia is   this one but that's also an endgame spot so  for regular Thornwood what positive things I   can say for this one is this has probably uh the  highest drop rate for spectre's energies outside   of tungrad ruins and like the ulita areas which  are endgame spots so if you're like in the mid mid   tier of the gaming I don't know what is it called  mid gaming past tuala and uh spectre's energies if   you need them Thornwood is the place to go I think  ominous Rings drop pretty frequently at regular   Thornwood like maybe one to two an hour um maybe  one an hour either way it's pretty decent but you   do get a lot of CAA stones and all that stuff uh  the leaves and the lung they have probably one of   the lowest drop rates and if you are looking  for the oreka pieces I'll talk about that as   we get into the different spots and what are the  best spots to grind for all these so orac got uh   left and right lung make the oreka thing you get  a title and a new costume very cool right um so   Thornwood I think it's just okay like the regular  one is deia is kind of amazing actually so histria   and aan I think histria is probably the spot that  I have the most most hours in out of every single   grind spot in this game probably around like 400  hours in this spot going for my compass piece and   the treasure one so I know histria like the back  of my hand and I know every grind spot chances   are if you are in regular histria you're there for  the Elton piece um I would say this spot is pretty   decent with agis as well and and in 1 hour you use  roughly around 20,000 aggress you make it kind of   ranges between like 600 mil to like over a bill an  hour depending on I guess accessory drops plus uh   the amount of capris and Scrolls you get but they  actually buffed this spot like 6 months ago so   the trash loot used to be 15,000 each now it's 20  so it's just overall better than before um yeah I   think history has a pretty decent spot especially  if you are within this AP area just looking for a   place to dump agis and um so basically it upgraded  Compass it looks like this um this thing right   here it allows you to basically pull your party to  you and it's basically like an Uber and then it's   pretty cool is it really useful for you no it's  useful for everyone else but that but not you I   mean it's still a nice thing to have you get a  title and you get a House Furnishing item and   you got to say that you've gotten the Elton piece  this one took me about like 500 hours of grinding   not so great but we're done and then we'll talk  about the deia versions of these later um Amman   even though these are both 230 AP spots histria  is significantly better than Aman it's always   been like that even like 5 years ago when it came  out however you have to grind here for the other   Compass part as well and is it that much more  silver I think it's probably a few hundred more   million an hour at histria than aan I don't think  this is bad particularly like you're going to   have to be at both of these either way but just  know that you're going to make more at histria   than aan oh boy cruga ancient ruins about a year  ago this place was broken it was the number one   silver spot in the game and then they nerfed it so  what can I say about this spot um even after the   Nerf it's just a decent spot like I mean if you  went here you would still make a decent amount of   silver it's not like op anymore but the one thing  that makes this unique is it drops basically every   artifact that you could possibly want except for  the caboa one but that's end game but I truly do   think that at cuga it is better to grind here for  if you're looking for a specific artifact than it   is to uh grind out another specific place so  for example let me see like let's say you're   at Thornwood right and you're looking for an  accuracy um artifact right you probably get   one of these artifacts every two hours right  but at kuga you probably get like one random   artifact every I don't know 10 15 minutes and if  you're grinding over a long period of time chances   of you getting the one you want is probably  higher than you grinding for a very specific   one in general um so I think on average if you're  looking for any particular artifact going to kuga   is probably the way to go um I think it's still  a decent amount of silver you do have to use agis   I'm not sure how the mar realm competes with the  non realm anymore but I think it's just okay it's   still worth grinding it's just not as crazy as  it used to be swamp Naga and fogans I do truly   think that if you were looking for The Shard of  tearful kns the fogans is probably the best one   to go to and as we talked about brigatti Den for  the yellow ones and fogans over here for the blue   ones I don't really like this spot in general just  because it didn't feel normal or natural grinding   here it's like moving from point A to B to C but  that point A to B is like a huge distance so yeah   it's one of those things where um there are other  spots I just wouldn't recommend this one Stars end   okay so this spot it used to be really good back  in the day however black Distortion earrings are   considered one of the best earrings in the game  for offensive uh damage and AP there are only a   few places you can get these um star Zen being  the primary spot and this spot I would say if   you get a distortion earring in your hourly grind  or something the spot feels amazing if you don't   get it the spot feels like you just wasted an hour  of your life that you'll never get back so uh just   keep that in mind the silver itself it's not that  good here's how I would fix it if I was PE Abus   raise the uh drop rate of disos by a little bit  and obviously raised the trash loot price to about   like 20K which slightly more than before but it  still wouldn't be a lot but it would just feel a   little bit better to grind there if you know what  I mean so yeah one of those things where if you   get a disto it's good if you don't you're probably  just going to hate yourself but it is what it is   next we have Sara underwater this spot is actually  very good and the reasoning why is you get a lot   of Abyssal Essences which are actually really wild  for 4 mil each you could probably grind out maybe   a 100 of them an hour at the spot and then if you  sell it it's pretty amazing plus you get the bonus   Tong grad Rings which are like 200 mil each pretty  crazy plus a lot of other things so I think this   spot is actually really good good they made a  change last year that you could actually sell   these Abyssal Essences back in the day before they  had no value you basically had to craft them into   the uh frenzy Elixir and then you had to sell it  but now that you could just sell these straight up   I do truly think this spot is very good the only  bad side about SAA underwater is that it's out in   the middle of the ocean um here's how I would get  there if I was look if I were you and didn't have   a boat so let's say you started at Bia you take  the traveler map to Ilia Island and then you run   from the island let's say you start over here you  run down to like over here right and then you just   jump into water whenever the node map changes like  you see how it says hidle whenever it changes to   like sakria or something when you're in the ocean  uh you escape escape and it'll take you into the   sria area and then you just go underwater or you  could just ask one of your friends or guildies   to Compass you there either one but um yeah  that's how I would do it so yeah underwater   SAA actually very solid I just think it's kind  of out of your way to get there um okay what's next upper geen in the 250 area I think this  spot is very solid it's one of those ones where   money just kind of rolls in the only downside of  the spot is you have to get a party of five like   you plus four other people and then depending on  what the what happens like does your group decide   to split all the accessories and or you does it  is it like a free for all but either way it's a   pretty decent grind spot I was always over the  cap of AP whenever they changed it gyen has been   tweaked probably like six times over the past like  I don't know how long has this been out 5 years   now or something and yeah so I didn't really get  too much of a chance to try it but I do have a few   hours enough to know what I'm doing and I've also  talked to other people and they said it was decent   as well but I just think it's the hardest part is  getting a group together padex Island this place   is very unique it drops the newest accessory in  the game the ocean Haze which is a or an evasion   ring it's more specific to your kind of build so  if you're an evasion player and you just want all   evasion no offense this is what it's for Paddock  island is one of those things where you're out   here for the rich Merchant ring in one hour I made  about like 500 mil before this came out so keep in   mind this was before the ocean Haze I don't know  how many you can get an hour here now maybe it's   a little bit more than 500 mil an hour but either  way it's still kind of annoying I wouldn't really   recommend it unless you're out here for the rich  Merchant ring piece because padx island is out in   the middle of the ocean and getting there is  kind of annoying so here's how I would do it   if I were you one take a boat from here or like  just take a boat and then sail up or if you have   a tier 10 unicorn you can Island hop and I've  personally done it so you can Island toop from   over here and get there without running out of  stamina you just have to stop on each island but   yeah that's one way to do it it's kind of annoying  but the spot is not good itself you're there for a purpose um let's [Music] see this is actually a  unique spot to merax labyrinth in the 260 area I   do believe this actually got nerfed couple months  ago I talked to to one of my friends and they said   they kind of like changed it into the point  where you can't like if you pay attention to   timers you can do very well but I think they  like stealth Nerf this spot that's what I've   been told but this one is one of those spots  where I don't really know how to describe it   except I have a video of it so basically it's a  group spot but it's also solo so think of like a   pizza right but there's five slices of pizza in  a circle that's really weird but everyone gets   their own like room or like one slice of pizza and  then every 15 minutes or so like the room changes   and then so everyone goes into a burrow like  think of everyone going clockwise into another   room now you repeat that for a certain amount  of time and then the boss summons and so when   everyone in their own room groups up together  you don't even have to group you just go into   the center room and then you fight the boss and  then everyone gets their own loot so it's all good   uh you can solo it I've soloed it before I have  a video and uh I'll leave it in the description   if you want to watch it but it's I think it's  a unique grind spot I just think that I don't   have enough experience in here to know how much  you can make but it's a unique one where you can   actually get to Flame and Embers um but speaking  of Embers Jade Starlight Forest if you are looking   for your labrusca Helm and you're looking to  get yours this is the spot you're going to be   grinding Jade Starlight forest for your Embers  and the flame um The Witches token as well does   the arthia limbo which is this thingy it has a  easy and hard mode have a video of that too but   yeah just generally if you're going for leesa  grinding it out yourself this is the place you   want to grind and yeah it's pretty decent like I  don't think it's a lot of silver but it's like I   don't know probably around like 6 to 800 mil an  hour at the 260 which is that good I don't know   depends on how well you're or how fast you clear  but you're going to have to be here if you can't   buy this yourself next we have have the bloody  Monastery in Elia now I actually like this spot   because it's Unique so first of all revive lunar  necklaces those tanked in price since the last   video These used to be like 300 mil each and  now I think they're half so that's not good   however this block gives a decent amount of the  yellow shards plus it also gives a crimson Bell   and these Crimson Bells just drop when you're  grinding naturally so you can get probably like   I don't know between like I don't know depending  on your RNG like one to like maybe 10 of them an   hour and so basically it's when you use the Bell  you get a wave of enemies coming towards you and   then you basically just Dynasty Warriors them  out and then you get more loot so it's kind of   fun I have videos of it if you want to watch it  I don't think it's really that exciting but it's   like it's cool the first time you do it and then  sometimes you can get more accessories more trash   loot so this spot for silver is pretty decent  for a 260 area and you get a lot of uh yellow   shards too it's not as much as rotti Den that  we talked about earlier but it's still pretty   decent and if you want yellows I would recommend  this one Elia or camp in the 260 area I think   they actually changed this number uh I thought  this place used to be a 280 spot and then they   lowered it to 260 which is fine because you could  have grinded at this spot in 260 back in the day   as well so admittedly I have a lot of hours here  so I got a lot of red shards uh yeah like 700 and   keep in mind I also made a lot of them so I've had  over a thousand of these red shards from grinding   and so I would say LV at works is probably in my  top five of most grinded spots in this game and   um yeah this spot there's not really too much  in terms of RNG drops like you know how some   spots drop accessories where you make a lot of  silver and stuff right this one just straight up   gives silver by trash loot so you're not really  getting the thrill of oh I got a rare drop this   hour you're just getting kind of consistent ones  whether you think that's good or not I think this   is a very good spot just because you just whether  you have a bad day or not you're probably going   to get the same old 700 to 700 plus million silver  an hour every hour so yeah admittedly I think this   is a very good spot especially in the 260 area  probably one of the higher end areas um that   you can go for silver in in this game well  not this game but at this AP level I should say abandoned monaster I actually don't  have a lot of experience in here I think   this is one of the few places you could  get a dawn earring and if you if you're   going for Dawn earrings this is like one  of the few spot you get them so next we   have Primal Giants I think the deia one is  better than Elia or is there giants one is   like a never mind a cyclops i' confusing  it never mind don't mind me uh let's see so we're getting into the Super endgame area where  everything is like 280 plus so ol's Valley is a   group spot you're there for mostly the rich  Merchant ring I think in a good group and an   optimized one like assuming you have a striker  as shy and some other big damage Clash you could   probably be making like a billion silver an hour  the one thing is that you one you have to find a   group to grind with and two um this AP DP thing  is kind of irrelevant because like obviously   more is better but it's more about knowing the  mechanics of the spot more than anything and   even if you are like 41 DP and you get hit by a  slam you could probably still die to that in like   one shot so it's kind of knowing how to read the  indicator and mechanics of this and overall it's   a good spot it's just you have to be alert when  you're grinding here underground geen this spot   has been changed like four times kind of like the  upper one as well so geen is the number one spot   for XP in this game you can go from I don't know  depending if you get leech you can go all the way   to 66 here and even further Beyond here as well  so yeah this spot is currently in a good spot in   terms of silver I personally think that like it's  really easy to understand the mechanics but you   still have to be a little bit alert grinding here  because some of the elite enemies like the purple   blue red ones if you're not paying attention  they could just chunk your health so it's a very   good Silver Spot it's a very good XP admittedly  it's probably the number one XP spot in the game   decent silver and yeah it's just an overall very  chill spot but just be alert of the bosses or the   elites and then you get a bunch of accessories  so the drop rate for those pretty high so now   we're getting into the 300 AP area um we talked  about aan and histria before what's different is   the deia realm and so with deia you basically use  the Lantern and it Buffs the enemies and you won't   ever accidentally get yourself into a deia version  because they're in specific spots plus you have to   activate the lantern so don't be afraid to just  go into certain areas because chances are there   is no shot that you'll find it accidentally and  then die so recently with the last patch um in   histria theia version that is they increased the  drop rate for DEA earrings which is a very endgame   item and it used to be like one every 7 hours so  now it has a double drop rate So in theory it's   like one every 3 to 4 hours I haven't tested it  enough to actually know that but according to the   patch notes it got buffed so I I have a video  I think I made about like a billion silver in   one hour here which not really great for a 300  spot but you're grinding here for like the Elon   compass piece or for DEA earrings so that's  what it is Amman Amman is a lot better than   histria in terms of the earring drop rate which  is funny because before when you're talking about   the regular spots I mentioned how histria was  better than Amman but in the deia version aan   is probably better for earring drop rates um and  then everything else is like whatever so there's   that I personally don't think you really need  to be 300 AP to do this properly like it really   does feel easy and you just fight the shielded  enemy and it gives you a buff and then you can   basically do more damage faster which I think  is good so I think that you can get away with   a little bit less but either way when you're  full buffed and everything it should be fine   Elia hex I remember grinding here back in the day  this was before landed the morning light came out   and you had to do the crystallize the spares you  would get probably about like 10 to 15 of these an   hour however these used to be like 60 mil an hour  or like 60 mil each so you're just making like a   bill off of these in general plus all the trash  Loot and everything so yeah I used to be making   like a bill and a half an hour here and then uh  these kind of Tanked so not any anymore I'm not   so either way I think they actually increased  the drop rate for diso earrings here from like   the bosses like the Giga gour and the Cyclops  and ogre which I think is a good thing but just   keep in mind that if you're grinding here you're  basically doing this to get the upgrade for your   Bell's heart which is the bless Soul thingy and  like the silver itself you're probably going to   be making I don't know between 600 to 1 billion  silver but for one or for like a 300 AP spot I   think you can do better it's not bad it's just not  as good as it used to be crypto resting thoughts   into 300 AP I had to do a lot of time here and  I still have to do a lot of time here simply   because you have to go for the rich Merchant  ring here and the DEA belts which are endgame   accessories and I got very lucky I was was able  to get my pen earlier than I should have but um   yeah if you're going to go for that I think the  demo belt drop rate is like one every one or two   hours and I it doesn't feel that bad it's just  grinding into dark cave for like hours you know   how I I don't know if you guys can relate but when  I grind in areas I like the environmental scenery   for things like k syvia is all green and nature  and colorful it actually makes me like happier to   grind there than like in a dark cave like histria  and crypto resling thoughts all the time where   it's like gloomy and disgusting so yeah I don't  really like grinding this spot but in terms of   silver it's pretty decent actually um it also  drops the rich Merchant ring I also have to be   here for the extra two titles that I have to get  Ash Forest this place sucks it's not good for XP   the Deo rate drop sucks as well and I am so glad  I'm done with my necklace that I never want to be   here again also the deia ash Forest is really hard  it doesn't matter if you're geared you get cced   it's over um admittedly I don't really know how  to pronounce this we just call it the highlands   it's in the ulita area I think right now this  spot is probably in the top five for um silver   and hour plus you get the Embers and the flames  and the caboa artifacts these are kind of going   down in price by the way as we speak and if you  need the Cabo's artifacts these are best in slot   for pveers um so yeah I can I think with agas  I can consistently make like a bill and a half   an hour here uh assuming I don't get like the  super rare treasure items like the flame or the   caboa artifact but you get a lot of fragments  and Embers here to the point where it's a very   good spot the mechanics aren't too difficult and I  think if you play a better class than Dark Knight   which is a lot of them you could probably make  a consistent like 1.7 Bill an hour here assuming   you are meeting entry level requirements um Dark  Seeker they changed this spot a couple of times   and I got my 100 Embers you can watch that video  where I basically grinded out about 60 hours the   first week it came out or first two weeks I should  say and then we got the boots and then you could   watch my journey enhancing this one it took me  like 20 something attempts to get from try to   T alone so that was not pretty I I spent a lot of  silver on that one and then they also changed the   spot in terms of like having different mechanics  and so I'm not really really sure if it's good or   not anymore however if you're looking for the  Embers and kaba's fragments and artifacts uh I   do truly think the highlands is significantly  better than dark Seekers at the moment um City   of the Dead this spot is like a bill an hour  you go for the telescope piece which is this   thingy and basically what this allows you to  do is it allows you to teleport to a guildy or   party member no matter where they're at so it's  like a reverse Compass you know like the compass   allows you to pull people to you you could pull  uh teleport yourself to someone else and uh it's   more specific than the archaeologist map so yeah  I think it's worth grinding out it's just kind   of an endgame thing that you go for but with that  said you're here for the essence of derings um and   obviously the Compass I think I have a screenshot  I saved up about like I think a million trash loot   maybe more going for the two pieces the treasure  items so yeah that took me about 130 hours here   probably didn't feel good deia Tuda which is turos  I think this is actually a very good solid spot as   well um I think people are making like at least  1.5 Bill an hour here admittedly I only have one   or two hours grinding in the deia version but  according to garoth it is a very solid spot   so maybe I'll go back and try it again in the  future so yeah if you're going for your Fallen   God and you need to Flame deia is not to play I  don't think the regular one is but the drop rate   for Embers in deia is a lot higher so maybe the  actually get sold more often just because this is   a higher end grind spot let me actually go look  this up flame oh yeah do you can just buy them   never mind you don't even have to grind it just go  buy these because they sit on the market now very cool um okay so where were we deia olens it's kind of scary actually uh uh  even people who are very geared if you aren't   paying attention and get hit by the slam you  will probably die so it's also still party group   you're here for earrings I think deia olens has  the highest drop rate for earrings of like deia   histria and Amman and olens are the three places  that drop it right I think olens has the highest   drop rate probably making over a bill an hour here  you should be because this one is Mega scary um   deia Thornwood this is arguably number one in  terms of grind spots I can consistently make   about 1.5 Bill an hour here uh assuming I only  get like average RNG of like one or two ominous   rings and so yeah other than that it's like  a bill an hour you get about 60 CAA stones or   like like that plus dust to total of about about  160 so I think this is a very solid area it's um   a video I have on the channel as well you know  what I'll just leave a link in the description   to like my grind videos playlist so if you want  to watch something in particular you just find   it there it's in the playlist all organized deia  Ash Forest this place is scary even at like super   geared levels everything is out to get you I've  died here in deia when it first released and even   you know 10 gear score ago when I was 740 it's  scary drop rate still sucks still not good XP   I feel bad for everyone who has to grind these  out I did my time and we are out but if you're   going for DEA necklaces just grind a regular one  just trust me on that you won't have to sweat as   bad and the spot like you know deia Ash I feel is  truly overtuned for most classes um deia Cyclops   this is another place that drops the dawn earrings  I actually don't have too much time grinding here   because just never really had any interest  in the slower spots in in this game but I is   pretty decent like uh maybe a Billet and a half  an hour from what I've heard I haven't tried it   admittedly but heard is decent and the next two  things we want to talk about are Quint Hill so I   don't really like the spots that are slow you  know how this game is like a pretty fast-paced   game in general right so there are spots where  you just basically fight it like you would fight   a boss and then each pack takes like 30 seconds or  something there's never really something I enjoyed   doing but yeah these are pretty decent and the  final spot I want to talk about is a 320 area   Tong R ruins yeah I had to grind here for this  piece as well and it was a consistent one bill   an hour um and you get more depending on how  many Essences of devouring you get and these   are used for the uh fill stack booster so I think  if you're grinding tungrad you're you're here for   the telescope piece or the fail Stacks it also I  think this is admittedly the number one spot for   spectre's energy at high end whereas Thornwood is  the mid game um spectre's energy spot so make sure   to do the daily you get 45 capras as well in an  hour but overall this has been all the spots for   silver in my opinion and this is just everything  we talked about so if you have any questions or   anything feel free to ask or join the Discord I  have a lot of guides in there as well and with   that said I just want to say thank you guys  so much for watching this video if you're new   to your channel hit that subscribe button hit the  like button I would love to see you come back I've   been playing this game for 8 years now and back in  the day I didn't have any guides to help me I just   kind of had to grind all these plots out myself  and figure it out so hopefully I could share my   information and knowledge of this game with you  guys and hopefully whether you're a beginner a   returning player or someone who is just looking  to get better at this game uh hopefully my videos   can help you um if you are the kind of person who  doesn't like to talk to anyone I have a channel in   my Discord where I have like uh guides and tips  and I keep all my updated guide videos there so   you don't even have to talk to anyone you get  the channel is open you guys can find a video   you want you never have to see talk to anyone  and just do your own thing so yeah that's in my   ORD otherwise I'm happy to answer your questions  on both YouTube comments and all my social media   Discord is probably the best place to reach me  though but um yeah with that said I'll see you   guys tomorrow for more videos I hope you all have  a fantastic day and I'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: Jonlaw98
Views: 23,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Desert Online, Black Desert, BDO, Review, Jonlaw98, Jonlaw, Jonlaw Guide, Black Desert Review, Black Desert Gameplay, bdo guide, black desert guide, jon, law, gear progression bdo, black desert online 2024, bdo gear upgrade, bdo progression, gaming, mmo, mmorpg, highlight, bdo guide 2024, bdo how to make silver, bdo beginner tips, bdo best buffs pve, bdo how to grind faster, bdo how to make more silver, bdo best spots for silver, bdo best grind spots for silver
Id: Bcrm6RY9lds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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