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how do we do Gamers I'm joined today by a real big gamer and actually a professional gamer once upon a time when we got locked inside but you are like a bona fide gamer so my setup's looking quite nice in the back I like yours if I if I zoom out the camera people can see my desk which is it's got some I know actually I shouldn't have zoom down my room everything that I've hidden all the maps that have hidden in the corners exposed himself but today we're going to be looking at game the most unreal gaming setups yeah let's pull up number one we got it right here now this is this has gone too far so what are you thinking about that because for me this hell on Earth far too much can you imagine how hot that room is yeah honestly but okay so what they got one two three four five six seven screens yeah seven screens and like what equipment's going on here he's got is that like a loop pedal on the floor what's going on what is happening here were you making music are you gaming what are you playing this is Dreadful and and besides that the chair sucks ass so you did all this with it but didn't invest testing Comfort I'm so confused at how this is useful at all yeah it's a no for me uh the RGB cool but it's not for me man I know I'm trying to give it a chance here no no streaming computer gaming computer the best thing for me is the Babushka dolls in the top left that's the best thing for me man the rest of it is overkill yeah and the thing is even okay cool you've got two PCS just put them next to each other and have like four three or four monitors in front of you although you get why have you got a swivel like that two mouses on that mouse pad on the left there's two one for each other ah this is too much yeah honestly this makes you feel illness okay we're gonna give it a score three out of ten I it is lucky to get a two from no but you've got to give it just just based on the pure amount of of stuff there no purely because you think it's looking at how much that costs and what you could have done with it okay no okay well you've given it so it lands a two and a half hour the bushka is one of those points as well yeah yeah on to the next okay this looks like something off of like say you've gone right move yeah and like and it's study this is the study the chair's valid I quite like the shelves the shelves for me really I'm a big fan I like it this this these need to be filled one two three four five you've got like this is we've got McAllen up there is that a little McCallum yeah like this is nice this is nice this is I don't know what the heck that is oh yeah man's got a typewriter HD HD and like that pink in above the monitor okay I like that It's Tricky I like it yeah you know I have I think I have like grand scheme things I have to give it a four out of ten it's clean it's clean four no no no no it's a four out of ten so agree with four out of ten for this one it's like it's nice that's the job I'm yet to be Shell Shocked man all right well wait till you see what we got cooking up here oh okay I like this he's got a mclazza in the back that is a couple couple whips one one dog under the desk wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is this dog what's going on um I like this Vic star I'm a fan color scheming is good like the yellow the black and yellow you know what it is looks like it could be Russian lachlan's office um I like these I like these uh these coasters as well that's pretty good yeah yeah yeah it's stylish but one monitor has to be a bit of an owl um standing desk that's a plus plus yeah I do it that's so so sad no but I don't actually understand it but I do walk at the desk so I've got a treadmill that goes under it and that's good I get bored if I just stand but if I walk while I'm doing stuff I don't get bored so this extra points he's got the PC off the carpet yeah really that's a powerful move that's a game and move right there I like the plants man it's good to have plants in an office really good yeah I've got treats I've got trees next to my desk you can't see them but they're like just here this this has to be above a five for me yeah above a five like the lightsaber the hanging controllers the keyboard stands yeah you know what purely on the design itself I'll give it a six but that's the most I can go because he's only got one monitor we can't really see the equipment he's rocking in terms of gaming goes yeah you've got a lovely room it looks nice but it might not be a super gaming station yeah nice so six out of ten agreed so we're going up we're moving up oh what's this kind of mad what's this I like this what no I'm so impressed by this it looks like a bay window yeah this is incredible because I suppose you could put like your news feeds and stuff on that slanted one down the bottom and then like the rest that's you have to sit quite far back that I feel like look imagine your hands are on that keyboard you don't see the side monitors that's too big you know what you need on this setup the the blue blue light moisturizer man yeah yeah blue light some blue light cream yeah you don't want to monitor nearly that big for gaming that's bad yeah true oh yeah that's really bad really yeah like you would have 10 seconds it would be good if you could sit really far back and play games on a controller like sure you got that but you want the option of both yeah yeah you can't beat it with a mouse and keyboard and game like you can't see your mini-map it's too far away this guy this guy is not getting 240 frames a second when he needs it no it's not it's not possible uh Logitech webcam yeah that's that's a stinker that's like a Victor 2018 webcam you shouldn't have been using it in 2018 either yeah yeah I could respect the death though the desk is lovely the desk is nice the desk is clean I like them wait wait what what the f what's this no I can't remember that it's big stuff I can't get behind that that Mouse is wider than it is long that is a ergonomic Mouse I think that's true you would call it that is molded to the shape of your hand kill that kill that with fire um this thing's gonna turn the room into an oven PC does look big enough to actually yeah oh wow all right okay there's a lot going on here okay I feel like my right move and someone said Studio study the cat that's a that's a minus one point one choice of animal uh I was the double monitors he's done a good job yeah honestly I'm surprised that's the first double monitors yeah controller shelf I like it I like the color of the room actually yeah it's a nice nice it's like Vibes the sofas can let me know that's the casting I'm gonna tell you what we do Cable Management looks pretty good I assume this runs from over here yeah yeah yeah yeah quite smart that I like the controller shelf yeah and you know what Fair dudes a little compact PC in the left as well I don't like this shelf this shelf too close to the door that's just a bit yeah yeah I I think I've preferred other setups yeah I don't think I'd want to spend my time in this room so for that reason I'm going four again I'm going to drop this one a three so that pulls it to a three and a half okay three and a half there you go your average score come on okay [Laughter] now this this is a hood classic Broski got the fan well we got the Neil no I'm not even joking yet I think that's exactly what my first PC looked like like I think I had red Neons in my face bro the guy who jumps on this game will slap you in any game right because he's got that computer he can't afford curtains and he's and he's got the neon the neon this is a gamer yeah this is a basement dweller that knows how to game okay yeah honestly I bet the room smells I bet it's down yeah what's going on with this chair with the book and another fan oh man he likes to read every now and then he takes a break he goes and reads wow look he's got a neon Mouse he's the thing he's got a good keyboard a good mouse and a good computer this guy will cook you on any game cooking Brian um uh however he set up his ass I'm out for culture I'm giving him I'm gonna have to keep some reality in this in this building so I'm gonna give him the two which will average back look at the table bro the table might fall over at any given pointers this guy is he's come through with a six all right here now we're talking this is a gamer gamer yes bro he's got a Sega Dreamcast uh yeah he's a gamer every cartridge ever he's the cooking the keyboard is oh what's the keyboard yeah oh that's horrid that is disgusting what's the point he's not gaming on that then is it he must have gaming on other things I think this is he's a gamer from the past yeah maybe additional games he wants to be on his Dreamcast yeah he's not really got this side of things working but I know you gamer you gotta respect and that many cartridges has to hold right yeah yeah an old school Boomer and I I respect that you still collect your your cartridges my boss you know what I'll give him a seven because he is a gamer yeah this is a gamer give him a seven six and a half it seems fair okay I want to see something crazy blow my mind I'm in a fake room this might be my favorite yeah no we're cooking and this guy gets trophies that trophy Captain yeah look good man I think it's cameras isn't it is that a lightsaber or something yeah I'm a fan um Star Wars fan decent PC off the floor nice clean keyboard mouse cable management is class monitor's mounted to the wall which is smart yeah good good Cable Management likes a wave and a boat really cool this might be my favorite yeah I wish we could I bet there's some good stuff over here to the side yeah I don't know what cherries I like what he's done with the door as well he's uh yeah do you know I can appreciate see just under the PC uh to the left of them drawers he's not gonna like USB things yeah under the desk yeah I've got two of those actually I'm gonna give it I can give it an eight yeah all right I'll go away I was gonna go seven but it is good you know the bar has been sat somewhat low today so because we got coming up wow okay this guy this guy's got what whip is that I don't know it's got a car door on the right got I like the I like the color I like the white and like plants and simple very clean my calm is good speakers are good it's got a cause uh thing on the desk I think that is yeah this is a cool guy that's what this is this is a cool person he's built his oh Neil yeah then yeah the LED I've seen this already that's pretty nice yeah yeah he's this is a cool place but one Monitor and it's too big it's also like here in my garage like look I'm gaming look at my car is what he's doing really yeah also it's a weird flag we're here for gaming videos like No One's Gonna honestly dropped 25. why the [ __ ] is the door over there that's just obnoxious maybe the car fell apart I don't know I have to give it a seven just on the one Monitor and it's not loads of gaming stuff you know it's like he's trying to be a cool gamer yeah in my garage you get seven oh so again I like the little monitor Halo thing I'm a fan of those I've actually got two I just haven't put them up yet but um what this I don't like yes yes what is they're really cool so it goes just above your monitors right yeah and sort of like illuminates your weight where you're sat instead of having it to make a room light on yeah so it gives off like a really nice light it's just a chill place to be yeah this chair clap very cloudy and why has he got one two three four five why's he got five keyboards in this room yeah also slightly weird yeah why do you have a keyboard as an ornament yeah it's super odd I can I can respect the plants really a big fan of that no it's just it's a gaming setup though you know I got a couple things but it's a gaming setup you know and I'm not seeing gamer here I'm seeing like bougie guy like great Interior Design This Could Be Jamie Jamie's got a monitor this world I'm sure of it I've seen him stream and there's like black bars everywhere I'm gonna give it a five yeah if you are a sweaty basement dweller gamer no one has any kind of money no you don't have a card manner uh you you got six okay so five and a half for this one oh wow oh this kid this guy's cooking we got the cloud ceilings the Tie fighters in there he's got the Cozy console setup plus the 24 monitor nice neon easy they're nice smoothie lighting cable managed as well to to death I don't know what's going on with this window that's a bit weird I don't know what this is but I know exactly what's happened because I'm having to do the same thing yeah so I bet Sun comes through that window I currently have because I don't have blinds in my room yet I've got a West Ham uh puzzle um part of the window no this is my favorite this this I'm giving it a nine yeah honestly I'll give it a nine it's our current winner fire hazard to New Zealand oh one minute I know oh no why one money up now why but again this has it all this is so clean right if I was just a gamer would I have two monitors or would I would would I just have if I wasn't a content creator you raise a very good point actually like are we are we just so brainwashing things are we biased because I'm gaming here I need my recording stuff on this screen maybe we're overlooking the gamingness and look on the left everything got another PC there because he's got a Razer and key I think you're right yeah maybe yeah yeah yeah no you're right you're right we've got actually may have we may have been unsightly unfair I like I like this is lovely though yeah beautiful we got these tiles in more sideman Studio good tiles yeah yeah yeah great tile uh love the little lights beautiful he's got you can see what yeah he's got some serious kitten here he's coked he's clean he's got some little plants for Bessie going out some skulls heads which is pretty safe man respect this is top look at that that's I've never seen that that's crazy the mouse wire holder that's that's that's a gamer now he's he's gone clear yes and given that there is another computer here where you can almost count as a second that little mouse pad with like an LED round it I've never seen that that's cool yeah [Music] but is that like one really Ultra wide and then two normal yeah I don't like that yeah I don't like that this is cool because you bounce your chair back you can watch stuff on here and these speakers are set he's got the big speaker and the mini speaker which is interesting is there stuff going across the ceiling though like this that wire thing what is cable management for the VR headset I would assume ah right got you and I guess he like detaches it and then it like floats above him or something which is kind of it's good but it's not doing as much for me as the last one yeah also this tiling looks a bit messy here look see it's not I I've done that before with Ruben two of muffins this is I don't know all right you can have an eight yeah I would also send a yeah all that also that PC doesn't look like it packs Firepower to me or a big Star Casino this is our last one right it's a nice room it's a nice room again it's not a gaming cell that projector is at some whack angle though yeah I think you meant to lay on the floor for that right yeah I don't think that's the one nah this one's not cooking for me it's more of mute the music yeah it's movie studio kind of vibe yeah so if it's a studio they're Fair dudes but yeah it sucks ass two out of here four yeah I'll give him four for the nice room our winner was we'll scroll back to it we'll bring it back up it's beautiful it's clean hopefully you guys enjoyed um let us know what your favorite of these gaming setups was down below send us a pic of your gaming setup on Twitter if you if you want to share do you think yours is better and we'll see you all for another side memory act soon peace out
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 1,016,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sidemen, Sidemen Reacts, SidemenReacts
Id: jLy8-KIJeQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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