Secret Spies | Karma's Secret Society | Full Episodes | Karma's World | 9 Story Fun

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stick around I'mma show you what went down W toot day that's a level five cafeteria Stampede what's going on Carrie started a club for kids who love Sparkle scratchies and she's the president they're called us scrunchy Bunch check out these sparkles [Music] scrunchie Club I don't get it yeah I'm not really into scrunchies me neither so what if we start our own club instead maybe one where we rap and make beats and do Secret Club handshakes yeah we'll make music and jam and we'll call ourselves the Jammers I love it now give me a jam Shake yeah M okay that's the perfect secret handshape for our club the first meeting of the Jammers starts now yeah here we go I love lunch with my crew we're the jamous club come cow bring your salad or your turkey sub ooh nice like I was say Chris do not touch the scrunchie that's a rule I just think it would look really cool in my hair you need long luscious hair like mine to pull off these scrunchies okay kma's Club looks like a lot of fun with a lot less rules what do you think you're doing uhhuh we created the scrunchy Bunch first and now you're trying to copy us we're not copying we're doing our own thing well even if you are a club you'll never be better than my scrunchie Bunch okay thanks bye oh yeah well we've got a secret handshake do you well you know didn't think so [Music] awesome Whoa We love music and rapping and secret handshakes so we want to sit with the Jammers do you'all have any rules no rules at our table we just Jam our way R if you're able everybody can play come jam with us AG of voice with a hey Chris unless you grew a long beautiful ponytail like mine in the last 10 seconds I did not then you can't touch the scrunchies that's a rule a I have to find out their handshake once I know what it is I can come up with something even better but how can we find out what the secret handshake is if it's a secret we have have to spy on them all right gotcha oh [Music] yeah that's our handshake but how did everybody find out about it have spied on us Carrie said that the scrunchie Bunch has their own super secret dancer team that's way better than a handshake she told me it was choreographed by her cousin he was a backup dancer in an MC girl's music video how can we beat that is my life we have to figure out their dance so we can make our next secret even better we have to outs spy the spies you won't believe the stuff I heard during science class time for the scrunchie Shuffle mission accomplished a yeah I'm running out of ideas for new secret handshakes and new secret dances and new secret secrets we need something big on carry to end this something as huge as car me the star me Winston Arturo Raphael Torres car me the star me what's that when she was a baby that was Karma's first rap name and her first rap was called I'm a baby boo I told you not to ever tell anyone that don't worry Karm you're a secret's safe with me but not with me like oh hey Cary what will you sing us I'm a baby boo how could what did Carrie must have found out about my secret and told everyone a the only thing we can do now is find an even bigger secret on Carrie but how you were right to come to me cuz I just completed my most technologically advanced spying invention ever I call them the super Snoop spy goggles H those are just regular old binoculars oh really could regular old binoculars do this key has the best inventions of all time for the low low price of [Music] 9.99 everyone beunch I'll follow car huh it's [Music] crooked her ponytail isn't real all time hey Karma you're spying on me but but you're president of the scrunchy Bunch you always had a long ponytail I did but then I tried to cut my own hair a couple months ago car [Music] dinner W girl yeah it was not cute so I wear this the scrunchy Bunch president's supposed to have long beautiful hair that's a rule but now that you're going to tell everyone my hair is fake no one will want to be in the club with me it's not like you don't deserve it after after I told everyone your secret I know congrats Karma you got what you wanted now your Club will be the [Music] best hey Karma nothing to report from Jazelle I saw Chris put mustard on a donut which was weird but nope no secrets um I didn't get anything either wait a second your eyes twitching that means you're hiding something something about car you have to tell us that's right no wait you have to tell everybody at lunch oh I don't know if that's a good idea but she told everyone your secret Karma I guess you're right cool let's do it I found out a secret that Carrie doesn't want us to know and I really want to R feel it but I don't want to stoop that low no car would do it if she were in my position I shouldn't feel bad I was on a spy mission but I don't want to win if I have to tell dirt I wouldn't feel good if somebody got hurt I don't want to spy no more this the end all I want to do is just hang with my friends the plus to be the best man you can just keep it I'll take the high road and not tell other secrets so what's the big secret Karma the secret is um here's KY the star's first song I'm a baby ra I love tigers I'm a baby oops I think I pooped my diaper karma huh you gave up your own secret to protect me no one should have their secret told if they don't want to share it wow you're right I'm sorry I didn't keep yours it's just everyone at school expects me to have perfect hair your hair is your business and nobody else's and you don't ever have to worry about me telling your secret no one should let's all take a stand I'm the first to say everybody in school is getting carried away we supposed to be friends supposed to have trust not snooping around being nosy and such so respect everybody stay out of their business cuz that didn't happen from what I witness it's my fault too so I'll take some blame we lost all control with these spying games treat everybody how you want to be treated if you want them to keep yours then keep them Secret [Applause] woo I'm glad we're done with all those Secrets yeah me too a yeah can we Jam too of course come on o o I have an idea all you Chris I'm done with rules yeah this is scrunchy Jam hair keys I'm done spying so I won't need your regular old binoculars anymore oh Karma I think you mean Super Snoop spy [Music] goggles uh Fresh Faces F our Hood at the start in the morning switching K about to get the crow roaring huh gotcha got what Sam you twoo cool photo you're a great photographer Sam I love taking photos of people when they're smiling but don't even know the camera's there wao you even got Mr Crawford smiling yep you just got to catch him during his morning juice that's so today we begin our chapter on journalism and it's a partner project Partners to the end oh yeah oh I get to choose your partner but why it'll be a fun chance to work with someone new so when I call your names spark your keyer next to your partner okay first up switch and I know who it is it is Carrie switch and Carri uh-huh next up Karma and this is a good one it's a good one it's Sam a snap I got Sam you're so lucky this is my spot okay thanks bye so we meet again I know right I'm so hyped we get to be partners now here are your instructions you're going to be writing a newspaper article about a neighborhood hero and no it can't be me guys okay first write a list of possible Heroes with your partner H hero ooh I got one uh write a list pick a hero all righty that's all the time we have to everybody oh looks like my list is a little longer yeah I didn't write as much cuz of my dyslexia but it's quality not quantity right how's this dream team doing H my dyslexia made it hard to write a lot but Karma's got a bunch of hero ideas well no worries Sam let me know if I can do anything to help quick reminder you're awesome [Music] but why not make the hero we choose me uh no Carrie that's not what great it's settled okay thanks bye Carrie is the worst partner but things must be great with Sam well oh she told me that she has dyslexia dyslexia my cousin told me one wants that her friend's sister's brother is dyslexic and he can't read or write or do math or or eat spaghetti that sounds terrible I can't imagine not being able to write and I love spaghetti I've got to help Sam H neighborhood hero did you say hero it's super keys and super major oh yeah then what's your superow H when we eat pickle chips we get super chimpy power H got it nice flexing oh [Music] no wow did you see that he saved my camera you really are a superhero major so Sam ready to interview our potential Heroes sure thing Karma sham hey Chef Scott mind if we interview you for our newspaper article oh okay sure oh it's okay Sam I'll take notes for us uh okay first question what's the recipe for your purple scones oh no can do my purple scones have a secret ingredient eh it's okay Karma I'm sure our our readers won't care about some boring old secret ingredient what I'll have you know that the secret ingredient is I almost told you huh now uh what all you have H uh she doesn't want them men you no need to worry about reading we'll just have the usual Chef Scott two uses the usual but I might want something else um okay here you go H fry rice orange juice spaghetti oh wait no spaghetti uh how about KW you know what I'm not hungry anymore uh okay there you are all right switch neighborhood hero interview take one this is so silly you can't action today we are here with our neighborhood hero Carrie Bautista thanks for having me Carrie now Carrie tell me how did you become so great well Carrie cut you ruined it waa stop Carrie switches your partner and you're not listening to me well why would I maor what is this creature e e e e thanks switch I'm sorry I wasn't listening I promise I'll be a better partner now can you get your gross slobbery dog away from me sure good boy major you really saved the day Chef Scott wasn't right but maybe Miss Torres could be our hero oh check this record out it says MC grills is the best rapper in I know hm I I think I'm going to buy it let's see how much it's $10 oh that's one 2 3 I know what 10 is I'm not a baby is this about my dyslexia sh somebody might hear you so what if they do you wouldn't want people knowing about your issue ever since we started this project you've been treating me like I can't do anything for myself but you don't have to Sam I can read and write for both of us I can do the whole project if you want you know I don't think I want to be partners with someone who doesn't listen to me I have to go Karma Sam [Music] wait this is going to be perfect that's a great idea oh hey oh [Music] I don't understand what's going on this partner project has got me feeling all alone I'm hitting R blocks and it's hard to assume what Sam is really thinking and now I'm so confused I felt that I was helping and now she's upset I want my partner back don't want her to feel stressed how can I make it work cuz there's got to be a way or maybe I've been wrong in the way I communicate yeah you okay Karma cuz it Doesn't look like it how's the partner project going with Sam not great ever since I found out about Sam's dyslexia I've just been trying to help her I mean switch that people with dyslexia can't read or write or do math or even eat spaghetti Sam is one of the best readers in this school Karma and she can definitely eat spaghetti dyslexia is different for everyone who has it you know I'm d leic too it doesn't mean I can't do things it just means I do some of them differently but you know who you should have probably asked about Sam's dyslexia Sam ding ding ding correct amundo I messed up Sam and I'm so sorry it's just I've never known anyone with um dyslexia it's okay to say the word karma when you don't it makes it sound like it's something embarrassing but it's not I hear you I don't know anything about dyslexia but I want to learn H dyslexia just means that my brain works differently than yours for me it means a harder time understanding directions or writing things fast but I've also got a big imagination and I know all about photography and I'm good at puzzles like super good at puz puzzles I solved a 10,000 Piece One by myself I can do everything you can do I just do something things differently I get it and I promise from now on I'll really listen to you I'm going to be a good partner you're already being one by the way I have an idea for who our hero could be oh no not super Keys trust me we're all special in our own way we're all heroes and yes we have our own say on how we work cuz we know the world is ours and when we come together we have even more power like major in this cage stays ready our neighborhood watch doog yeah he's kind of smelly a big belly and a smile of a glance and he loves to do his famous wickle dance go he's so brave and not afraid of danger our neighborhood hero's name is Major he's so brave and not afraid of of danger our neighborhood hero's name is Major so major is our neighborhood hero he might be a furry fluff ball to some but he's always there to lend an ear a nose a paw or a dance [Music] [Applause] move uh uh yeah I like thato hey lnny up no no keep going I've been wanting to work on my music video camera angles lunch is the time to put food in my belly they see I'm eating PE so you know they getting Jelly dipping carrots and hummus dipping tots and sauce from the binto to the Box on the lunchtime BX this is sick wait wait wait let me try another bro I have something to show you assigned limited edition Romeo Jones head shot cool a picture of your granddad what no he's my favorite singer of all time this photo is super rare it's one of a kind just a little did you know that no my camera my RJ photo watch where you're going Winston you watch where you're going you got mud on my camera you messed up my perfect photo you you clumsy FL fingers who you call flub fingers uh what's a flub fingers m o I think they're going to fight huh oh uh oh police they're both wimps they're never going to fight oh yeah I'll fight them I'll fight them first hear that followers there's going to be a fight come on guys chill out this isn't over you know maybe you should just let this thing go with Chris your camera's fine maybe if you apologize apologize you don't get it it's different for boys when someone steps to you you have to step to them with girls it's easy you fight then you make up and have a big pony part that's not really what girls do Winston besides do you even want to fight of course not I don't believe in fighting it just seems pretty silly why not let it go you saw all those kids watching us they were even filming it it would be embarrassing to back down now I'm going to fight Chris and that's that Christopher winstoner [Music] [Music] you've arrived we've got to stop this fight I know Chris doesn't even want to fight he's just worried about being embarrassed so is Winston they just need to talk it out but that's never going to happen unless we trick them cafeteria tomorrow let's do it let's do what keys stop listening to our super secret conversation did you say Winston and Chris are in a fight well then I'm Team Winston there are no teams we're just trying to wait how did you make that so fast it could be all yours for the low low price of one bag of figle chips what are you doing here Karma meeting with crash oh um crash I wasn't meeting with him I was um teaching Keys how to Yodo what no you weren't you w that's not how you Yodle Keys you Yodle like this y [Music] y that's hilarious come on I'll walk you home wait wait wait the Lunch Ladies really said they're giving out free strawberry milk today um yep but uh she said to get it we have to sit at at the back table oh no hold up what's happening please Winnie just wait a sec I don't know crash I talk to the lunch ladies and they don't know anything about free chocolate hey what's going on what's flug fingers doing here where's my chocolate milk and where's my strawberry milk we ain't got no milk man we been tricked we know you both don't want to fight anymore sure Chris bumped your car camera but didn't you say it still works H and Winston knocked your RJ photo but it's okay now too right I mean my mom earned it out and it's as good as new they're right I don't want to fight me neither bro hey everyone look Winston and Chris are going to fight or are you two wimping out um the thing is well I uh um I knew it wimps um um nuh I'm not a wimp maybe Chris is but not me you're the wimpiest wimp that ever wimped have it CH come on Chris stop put it out wi well then why don't you have a real fight tomorrow after school soccer field we'll see who's the winner and who's the whimp so followers time to pick your side CH Chris CH Karma your plan didn't work no crash our plan didn't work but if we don't do something this fight's going to go down [Music] tomorrow I don't get it Chris and Winston both want this to end so why don't they just end it I really don't understand it was just a little bump on the playground man Winston and Chris huffing and puffing how the little rip go from nothing to something at first it seemed cool they were about to make up how it escalate how did things shake up rewind the footage I need to see the replay a lot of instigating and he say she said they're both wimps they're never going to fight wimps ooh it was the people around them and all the voices that's surr them yeah I think that was the real tester now it's all clear this was just peer pressure major you're eating all my merchandise hey Karma get your official Chris and Winston five of the century t-shirts price one bag of pickle chips I don't have time for this Keys I've got to let me guess plan a meet up between Chris and Winston at the AO atorium tomorrow how did you you know what never [Music] mind huh what's going on what is this Karma and what is he doing here it's flug fingers I am not of whatever that is stop it there's no one else here you don't have to pretend for anyone I know it feels like you have to fight but we're here to help don't worry about anyone except yourself cuz there's no one in the world you have to answer for let's rise above see the choice is yours now I know you feel embarrassed or maybe ashamed for fighting is that the way to make positive change let's stand for peace let's stand for love let's stand for friends and all the above don't let anyone around you influence your actions or a simple mistake cause a bad reaction doesn't even matter who's wrong or right if you're strong there's really no need to fight let's stand for peace let's stand for love let's stand for friends and all the above let's stand for peace let's stand for love let's stand for friends and all the above H you're right we get it now it's up to you twoo to work it out a come on Karma I'm sorry sorry and I really don't want to fight anymore me neither I just did it cuz I felt pressured by everyone else sometimes it feels like boys just have to fight you know I know right but that's not true so how are we going to tell everyone we're not going to I have an idea it's to go down come on I can't miss they are hey followers get your popcorn ready the fight is about to start let's get ready to [Applause] [Music] rumble Rec in peace oh I think he means that we're not fighting and we don't care what any of you think about it okay I have to go B what I thought there was going to be a fight I promised my followers no no no no don't unfollow me cuz there's still going to be a fight me versus me watch it Carrie no Carrie you watch it oh no I didn't a man come on bring it in Get You official Cris and Winston merch it's the make up of the century Keys how did you you know what never [Laughter] mind come on aita tell me which story you're telling it's a story slam told you me is a surprise yeah but I don't like surprises to be surprising give me a hint please okay okay the story will be about the very best day I had as a nurse oh that's easy the day you cured the guy from non-stop burping nope non-stop slurping no non-stop chirping no good at being a grandson bad at guessing is it the one about the guy who got stuck in a toilet how did you get him out he's still stuck and no that is not the story the story I tell will be a special surprise a oh bump ahead need a hand on Maria I'm okay just need to send this puppy into to overdrive hello storytellers welcome to story slam rehearsal we're excited to hear your stories next weekend all right let's get our first team up here to Practice Winston and his grandmother daa Maria first come [Applause] on huh huhul how do I get on stage huh oh oh no oh no oh no uh I'm so sorry we only have stairs I can't go upstairs I use a wheelchair I know and my apologies that we're not prepared this has never come up before Oh no biggie we'll just lift you up and put you on the stage M I am not a bag of laundry a little help over here that is not a good idea she could get hurt if you drop her we won't be lifting anyone folks no we will not um maybe you could tell your story from down there next week here give it a try hola my name is Maria Torres I was a nurse for almost 40 years 40 years I was working at the hospital one night here let me try something sorry Don Maria d Maria this isn't right I was really looking forward to sharing my story with the kids especially Winston mamore I know this is upsetting but for now let's just go home if you can't tell a story then no one should be able to they should cancel the whole story slam I am so sorry but cancel story slam what about everyone else why should they get to tell their stories when my Abita can't I know it's not fair and I wish I knew a way to fix it let them have their story slam huh they couldn't handle my cooler stories anyway right aita how can you joke about it you should be angry we have to do something Karma you Inn of course anything for you win don't worry Abita I'll save the day for you we can protest so cancel the slam that's not what I want I no no no okay first we can protest the school then city hall and then the state capital Karm how's that chant coming what about angry is what I am cancel the story slam perfect love the ride I think we're ready to protest but you won't have to huh cuz I designed a ramp that Dona Maria can use to get up on stage it's inspired by Major I even figured out how to make it smell like a dog we already know how we're going to help my Abita by canceling the slam dinner's ready what are y'all up to we're getting ready for our protest hm well you know you two come from a long line of protesters your grandparents that's awesome your granddad marched for all of us to be treated equally so it's wonderful that you kids are protesting for da Maria how's she doing oh well you know I was so angry before I didn't even check on her but I'm sure once we fix everything she'll be happy especially with her new ramp I just updated the design with the bark button that's my little Adventure angry when I am canel the story slam if my Abita can't tell a story then no one should angry is what I am cancel the story SLP I mamore what are you doing uh check it out don't you Mara the golden Ram tree 6,000 um am I supposed to go on that yep we're doing the last and first safety test now ready major come on major get thanks keys but I need a different kind of ramp nah you won't need a ramp at all cuz we're going to get the story slam cancelled for being unfair just just because I can't participate doesn't mean the whole neighborhood should miss out on story slam what I want is to no they've got to cancel it h maybe if we adjust the angle and change the slobber lever to a handrail what are you doing da Maria said she didn't want your dog looking ramp no she said she wanted a different kind of ramp I asked her what she wants and she gave me all these great ideas besides it's more helpful than what you and Winston did today what's that supposed to mean just seems like Dona Maria didn't want you to protest the story slam then what did she want I don't know but you could ask her huh maybe you're right keys I'm always [Music] right I wanted to be an activist really make a difference helped on you Maria but I really didn't listen focusing on the problem and never the solution did a lot of talking but didn't start a movement now we have to listen really close and hear out her story just to help her out the most know that you can speak up for anybody's pain cuz anything you love you can always make change yeah I know what we need to do Winston Winston we've been so focused on our own anger we haven't asked Dona Maria what she wants but that's the only way we're going to be able to help her what do you mean k we have the power to help change things but only Don Maria knows what kind of change we really need it's not a party till you SM Maria we're so sorry Abita when everything happened at the story slam rehearsal I was so mad I didn't even think to ask how you are feeling so how can we help I appreciate you too been so passionate I do I've always been good at fighting for what's right I guess that's what nurses do so I don't want to live in a world where the story slam gets cancelled because of me and my wheelchair I want to live in a world where we find a way for everyone to tell their stories well I'm will maybe we could help you with that yay let's do this now if we really want to make change we have to listen to those who are affected and start to rearrange the way that we think from hearing everybody's story celebrate our difference celebrate our Glory cuz if something is bad we have to make it good that's the way we'll get Justice in our neighborhood Abita you made me a Believer we need to all listen to Da Maria we all have stories of struggle and pain listen to those stories if you want change let's stand together let's all be brave let's make a new story let's start today I said we all have stories of struggle and pain listen to those stories if you want change let's stand together let's all be bra let's make a new story let's start today thanks to lots of protesting lots of work and lots of love we did it we convinced the school to build an accessibility Ram don't you Maria won't you do the honors I added the fur and it's fluffy just how you like it so ready to give it a try aita yep just need to send this puppy to over drive woohoo I'll be here all night well good cuz it's time for the story slam thank you Mr single now Winston bamos I am going to tell you the story of the very best day I had as a nurse I was working in the hospital when I Heard a Voice a voice I recognized it was my daughters what is she doing here she's not supposed to give birth for two more weeks and that's when I met my baby grandson for the first time when I picked him up I remember I said this is a special boy and he's been proving me right ever since now tell the one about the guy who got stuck in a toilet well long story short he's still stuck okay okay okay okay so this one day this is so messy snorkel soccer balls old stinky shoes nasty Karma you're supposed to be cleaning not making more of a mess Community cares week ends tomorrow sorry Miss Washington so this community cares thing the whole neighborhood volunteers every year yep we planted flowers cleaned up litter in the park and this year we're all fixing up the community center and I built a brand new invention the snack decid it decides what snack you should have uh seems like everyone gets pickle chips I mean they are the best snack don't make me take out your batteries huh what is all this stuff ooh ethernet cables and display Blaze these would be great for gaming and streaming and designing and and they're good for computers girl you could have just said that but do they even work sure if we put this here connect this to that that should do it wa she's good I can fix up all those old computers it can be my community cares project I love it but you think you can do it all in time for the final showcase tomorrow uh don't worry switch I'll help today I'm your computer assistant really Karma of course awesome we've got spare cables and huh the kids poetry slam jam we want your poems about your favorite place in the world and the winners will be read live on TV switch the whole city could hear my Rhymes that's huge but what not going to write about the diner the park or Madagascar you've been to Madagascar nope so it might be my favorite place and I don't even know it yet we're going to need more computer supplies from my place will you help me Carrie Karma sure my favorite place Tokyo what about outer space when I want to feel at home or feel brand new I go to my favorite place which is a stinky old shw what let me try that again no worries no stress I'll just start again my favorite place is a Muddy Pig uh it is no of course not that rhyme doesn't make any sense what is going on in my brain it's all right you might just have some writer block Rider's block yeah it happens to my dad sometimes he says it's like your whole brain's a blank page and it's hard to get any good ideas that's exactly what I have but how do I get rid of it I'm not sure I just got to concentrate and keep writing and I'm sure it'll get better okay got to go so does that mean you can't help me oh uh yeah I should really focus on my palm sorry Switch n i get it you got to get rid of your block but I'll help you out tomorrow morning I promise okay see you Karm my favorite place is is I've been trying for hours and [Music] nothing got to figure out what's stopping me got to figure out what's blocking me what is my favorite place do I even know what am I doing wrong where can I W uh how's the poem going it's been really hard to write poing is so easy watch pickle chips oh pickle chips so pickly and sweet they're so good that humans Dand dogs want to eat no keys this is way bigger than that I have Rider's block that's terrible what is that it's when your brain can't come up with any good ideas oh no is it contagious I don't want your Riders block I don't want it [Music] either I feel so much better so long Riders block see you never my favorite place makes me happy it's my spot to chill my favorite place is the sweaty treadmill good morning who's ready to untangle some wires uh-oh still have writer's block I don't know what to do nothing good is coming out of my brain no matter how much I focus you know what you should do check the internet well couldn't hurt how do you cure writer's block there's a whole list here I'm going to try them all Oh I thought you were going to help me with the computers today I have to focus on this poem switch I can't think about anything else till it's finished it's okay just promise you'll come help me finish this afternoon yeah of course H well see you I guess hm H to cure Ryder's block eat a peanut butter and jalapeno [Music] sandwich to cure riter's block try riding upside [Music] down to cure Rider's block balance on one foot with a banana on your head get back here want to know my favorite place well here it is my favorite place will be a social study Pop Quiz Rider's block Karma I'm so glad you made it better late than never right karma in there CU I could really use your help right now switch I'm trying to focus my poem is two tomorrow and and I still haven't written a single line I know but Community cares begins tonight and I I can't okay this poem is really important important important this computer lab is for our whole community and it was going to be my way to show this neighborhood how much I care how could you think that's not just as important as your poem no that's not what I'm you promised to help me this weekend but instead you've only been thinking about yourself I've been helping you and focusing on you and I've been patient when you keep ignoring me and and I I've got to go I really messed up almost done that don't look done not even close wasn't Karma supposed to be helping you yeah but she has something more important important to do actually I don't I'm sorry I broke my promise to help you this weekend you wanted to do something special for the whole neighborhood and I was only thinking about myself but now I'm here to help but what about the poetry contest and fixing your writer's block that's not as important to me as helping my best friend thanks Karma okay couple questions what do I do with this and uh what is it here let me show you and now let's hear from our next Community cares volunteer switch Stein she put together our neighborhood's new computer lab thanks Miss Washington but I had help thanks for being there for me of course switch when I'm with you it's like I figured it out my favorite place I've been trying so hard to come up with it all weekend but when I relaxed and focused on my friend instead of my poem what is it what's your favorite place thank you switch you cured My Brightest block hey I finally got my powers back I was gone for a minute now I'm back on track now that question about my favorite place in the world well the answer is anywhere I hang with my girl her name switch together forever we have super swag at the diner or brand new computer lab that's friend are such an inspiration when you need help orh some hesitation I took a break from the pain I felt and when I helped her I really help myself so if you ever get Stu or get bright as block step back for a while and you'll be back on top yeah my favorite place is you and all the things we do our friendship is so true you know I got your back I know you got my back there's no replacing you yes poetry contest entered and you beat your Fighter's block all I needed was to figure out my real inspiration pickle chips oh pickle chips so crunchy so sour they give both humans and dogs pickle chippy power I could puty oh D if I want wao okay uh we're ready and action hey I'm directing this documentary I'm supposed to say action fine you say action will someone please say action action Karma Grant tell our audience what you love most about making music I love using music to express my feelings to the world yeah that is so corny here let me show you what I mean let's do it it's a beauti day up in my neighborhood with myy brother keys but I'm feeling good I get creative when I'm loving everything sight I take my joural out my bag and I start to Rite sing all my words past the margin is on the beat Miss Washington's in her garden walking through my community so much Unity well something cooking chef SCS got some food to eat and I'm so fond of that now how bomb is that and I'm fresh I'm feeling cleaner than this laat the hottest t on the are at the Record Shop hip hop rock and roll in the latest pop and so real that nothing is superficial headed to my scho is called Peach Tree middle to get better every day I have to test myself in my journal is a way that I express myself my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart on my sleeve and my Rhymes in my journal my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart on my sleep and my R and my CH wao check out Karma's wraps she's okay I don't know dude sounds like she's crushing it over there well I can rap too you know you think Karma's cool well check this out my name is Crash and I'm uh cooler than uh uh her wow that was ter terrible hey maybe Karma can teach you to rhyme oh please hey hey hey check out these bars crash coming at you with the hottest of Rhymes um we're in our Prime like all the time no one can beat my rapping skills uh but crash plus Karma totally will I got you yes what we're saying is RAB is our thing and we'll keep rhyming till the school bell ring okay that was so cool There She Goes Karma Grant you know she's going to be huge one day and cut uhoh wait was I recording any of that [Music] Winston making no creating my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart's on my sleeve and my Rhymes in my journal I'mma grow up and keep creating my Rhymes I write them in my journal son up to lunch time come on K coming hey Wy don't eat all the tater tots on me H you know make you this rap entry has been a breeze so far uh Winston the camera's not on wait what hey guys guess what I finished writing that song about my journal I'm going to grow up and keep writing my Rhymes and I'll um hold up I forgot the words just a sec let me look in huh oh I left it here where is it your Journal it has every single rhyme I've ever written oh no oh no oh no don't worry K we'll help you find it totally nope not here it's not here where is it huh h Huh nothing yeah no luck didn't find it K what am I going to do huh go crash go crash go crash go crash to get better every day I have to test myself and my general is the way that I express myself those are my Rhymes thank you thank you crash those are my Rhymes you took them no I didn't these bars are all mine my present is a present and my gift is eternal my hearts on my sleep and my Rhymes in my journal wo yeah so cool Sorry Karma my fans are waiting I can't believe you crash wait come by the park after school I'm having a concert to perform all my hottest rides you watch Crash is going to be huge one day you know it CP crash is going to be huge one day hey Karma have you heard crash's new Rhymes they're amazing of course he has he is huge to get better every day I have to test myself and my journal is the way that I express myself my presence is a present and my gift is eternal my heart's on my sleeve and my rhes in my journal no no no no hey you okay we saw crash plagiarizing you it is not cool to take someone else's words I just can't believe he would lie like that [Music] um we can't hear you K I said now he's going to use my words from my journal to become a huge rapper there's no way that's going to happen eventually crash is going to run out of Rhymes to take from your journal and remember how terrible he was when he didn't have your words to rap H go crash go crash go go crash uh you know I'm number one the best around and my Rhymes are cool like um uh a snowman wait what that doesn't rhyme huh I guess the only way he can find a rhyme is if he takes it from me but you can always write more and he clearly can I promise you're going to fill up thousands of journals in your life and crash will still only have the one he took yeah you're right I've got to show crash how it's done yeah right awesome wait where is she going rap battle it's rap battle time let's go what can I say I've always been a charmer you know me my name is car um crash dude that doesn't rhyme probably cuz crash needs me to write his rhymes for him please I've got plenty of Rhymes that are all mine uh crash wres his own bars and you better prize them um uh H oh is that true cuz I recognize him I'm so confused please help me understand your words sound amazing your Rhymes really jam it sounds so familiar crash I'm just saying it's okay to admit that you're my number one fan man it hurts when you taking my burs this knowing you didn't earn this knowing I didn't deserve is getting on my nerves quick you singing my words like they your words you even know what those words me but I'm the real proof you just copying me it's copying me and all of this is my truth and here's a sign the power is in my mind cuz this little lot of always shine I'm bigger than the Rhymes in my joural me all my rhes are Eternal I'm much bigger than the Rhymes in my journal the gift is in me all my Rhymes are eternal karma karma Karm next a um I think you lost the rap battle bro I believe you have something of mine crash oh yeah I found this on the ground at school you should really be more careful with your stuff not cool dude I'm sorry I didn't give this to you sooner I just wish I could rap like you well maybe you could if you wrote your own Rhymes yeah maybe that was awesome way to go in action everyone's got words that are deep inside them all you need is the right tools to help you guide them keep writing and rhyme through the lows and the highs cuz you're words of your power and I like french [Music] fries and cut yeah that's a wrap on this rap entry W I'm okay
Channel: 9 Story Fun
Views: 41,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma’s world​, school spies, secret adventure, karmas secret society, entertainment, kids animated show, animation, cartoons, funny cartoons, cartoon for kids, kids, videos for kids, kids cartoons, kids videos, 9 Story Kids, 9 Story, 9 Story Fun, 9Story, 9 Story official channel, karmas world, cartoons for kids, kids videos for kids, kids cartoon, karma’s world
Id: 1V76elPUgfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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