Best Free Gorilla Tag Mod Menu Has 75 mods and 13 pages...

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yo what is up everybody it's iy here back with a brand new mod menu today showcase today I'm going to be showcasing AIS menu this menu is super good highly undetected um probably one of the best minu right now um since there's barely any minus um I don't know what's happening with rexon rexon B me from the server rexon if you're watching this video anyways um we do have a guest today uh introduce yourself wherever you are okay tell us who you are I'm crypto he call me he calls me crypto wallet yep he's crypto wallet all right all right um um the link of the menu will be in the description okay um I will link ais's ais's will I I don't even think I have a server my friend me all right so here oh so uh let's just get the M shers oh I do have one thing to say thank you guys for 1.7k members I highly appreciate it and it was only in the lifespan of what 4 months and three two 3 to two months we already got 1.7k so um yeah give me a kiss crypto all right so uh let's get into the M mini showcase give me a cash huh all right so the first thing we have we have quit game so basically Krypto don't do that all right so then we have platform so crypto can you see these platforms no but uh as you can see we have platforms purple no no all right so the next thing we have we have invis platforms so basically they're invisible you can't see them we have sticky platforms so basically they stick as you can see so I can hand hang from a tree all day long so the next thing we have we have no clip this is your right trigger as you can see it works Krypto you try it Krypto enable platform all right now we have fly this is this is uh give me a second this is B I can demonstrate it Fly is b as you can see good old fly next thing we have we have trigger fly it's just it's good old fly it's just your trigger as you can see does muffle your audio a bit but it's fine all right then the next thing we have we have fly with no clip which is pretty cool you can go through stuff all right oh somebody joined the code oh my God all right U just keep going with the video all right all right so the next thing we have we have bro I swear to go all right so the next thing we have we have ESP as you can see I can see so enable ESP and then you can see me it's going to be green and then when I'm tagged it'll be red next thing we have we have beacons as you can see I'm going to get you that time EDP monkey yes wait we're not even on that we have flush rpcs that works we have anti report uh should work Ghost Monkey is B you have to hold it down though as you can see and then we have invis monkey you can't see me right Krypto where'd you go I can't oh there all right and then RGB um snowballs basically you go right here it's RGB stop all right and the thing we have we have water bend as you can see Krypto has it water bend Krypto please stop you're being deay Splash right trigger it's for your right trigger we have Splash left trigger water balloon minigun it's pretty cool come here EDP as you can see it works on him we have fountain water balloon minigun so if I go on him as you can see okay crypto stop it so yeah it's like a fountain next thing we have we have gay balls minigun so as you can see does this yep we have Cupid minigun you see head spin as you can see up and down do you see pause flick tag gun so basically so basically as you can see it's a flick tag Force tag lag we have um the Rope down uh this members the ropes we have rope up and then we have rope spaz um other people can see this and then we have spaz monkey if you want a ghost troll we have grab rig as you can see it just grabs your rig it grabs your rig okay Krypton behind you and then we have PBB V this is um since I have it bypassed it does not work we have no tag free so tag me Krypto tag me and then as you can see I can still move around freely all right then we have a piss so Krypto come here you're my testing subject and then you just hold and you can pee on them okay the next thing we have we have uh you know what that is you can see yep we have a yep and then we have mosa boost which I'm using right now so this is basically just fast just a fast speed boost it's a it's it's comp boost what the heck so it's basically just comp boost as you can see you can go faster all right so now we have um VII at all why do you keep skip that part bro Krypto stop like stop all right then we have vibrate all master you have TP gun krypto's hitting himself and then we have stob I have no idea what that means okay then we have settings so we have save preferences 130 fov and Modo thingy okay guys that's the end of the video um this is s menu link will be link for the menu will be in the description I agree you know that those are the wise wise words from crypto anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys for so much for 1.7k members um Peace um menu Link in description um follow I mean subscribe like comment your favorite fruit and uh peace what are you doing ch yeah Krypto what are you doing you keep hitting [Laughter] stuff what do you we have to do the outro now
Channel: ICEY VR
Views: 52,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2KnEboTLaTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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