Best Free Mod Menu In Gorilla Tag!? (LAG ALL)

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yo what's up guys it's Posh Boy George here and today we're going to be reviewing a mod menu and I'll put all the Discord Links of how you can get this mod menu in my bio so make sure to go check it out it works in the new update and everything works so yeah let's get into this so This is called the azed menu the first thing we have on this menu is disconnect which self-explanatory just disconnects you from a match or whatever you're in and then we have settings we have save preference which saves what you've chosen load settings loads your settings from last time first person camera makes your camera go in first person then we've got notifications off which just turns off all your notifications we got join random room anti report but the anti report isn't working at the moment it got patched uh and then we've got we've got anti crash I'm pretty sure this does work it's a we got platforms left grip and right grip RGB pretty cool I like these a lot and then we've got sticky platforms also RGB left grip and right grip invis platforms which are just platforms that are invisible also left grip and right grip then we've got invis and sticky platforms which are just invisible and sticky platforms we also got no clip which use platforms for this it basically makes you hold on let's go it basically makes you go under the ground so yeah that's pretty self-explanatory as well then we got the Ghost Monkey which is B for this Ghost Monkey to work you hold down be and then it freezes you then you stop holding down it and it will teleport you back to wherever you spawn you've also got these little two balls here um which helps you see where you can go so yeah this is pretty cool to troll with invis monkey hold down B and then yeah you go invisible rig gun it's like a gun and you point it wherever you want and it makes your rig go absolutely crazy head fly which basically is let me show you this hold right hold down right grip and wherever you hold down right grip is it aims at where your head is going so say my head's going up it'll go up so it's going down it will go down so yeah hold right grip to use that right hand fly which is basically the same thing but it goes to wherever your right hand is also right grip left hand also it's like the exact same but the opposite cane spam this hold down right grip and it spams loads of candy canes Square gift spam same thing right grip and it spams loads of them roll gift spam it's basically a gift but a different shape round gift spam a same gift but just different snowballs ma'am snowballs water balloon spam just water balloons hard AR spam spams load of cupid ARS heart Arrow minigun basically wherever your hand's pointing it will shoot loads of wait actually it comes out my head so wherever your head's pointing it shoots loads of arrows water balloon minigun basically you got a minigun and it just shoots loads of water balloons meteorite minigun same thing but with the coals from the volcano update Cloud minigun shoots out the little Cloud bombs cane minigun same thing but with canes candy canes cotton gun I'm not sure what these are but they're like arrows finger gun just shoots random gra BS P yeah basically just PE yellows uh poo M poo Seaman selfix Sor fortnite gun what does this do just spams all of them swim Forest hold white grip and now you can swim this is a pretty cool map and no not map um it's a pretty cool mod and it's only in Forest I assume because it's called Swim Forest left Bash right Splash hold grips water gun it's a gun wherever you aim it it's puts water water Aura not sure if this is working uh ropes up let me take the Canyons for this okay so ropes up and ropes down basically hold right grip and it makes the ropes completely like glitch out ropes down does the same thing practically ropes freeze it makes the ropes completely freeze like they don't move at all look this isn't moving at all now you got rope Spar basically it's a gun you whever you point the gun press right trigger and it makes all the SP the Rope spars Tagle it tags everyone in your lobby tag gun whoever you point it at it tags them it's supposed to be undetected kick gun when you're in stump you pull into on someone it'll kick them touch kick I'm assuming this is when you touch someone it kicks them tag self it tags yourself tag AA yeah you know what that does tag random tags any random person follow random basically means you like follow really close to them follow player gun whoever your gun's pointing at it will make you follow them piercing blood basically it makes your hands like into these and it shoots like these blood things piercing blood rain hold down right grip it makes red and gray piercing Blood come down apparently projectile scatter it just scatters oh my God it scatters a bunch of projectiles everywhere lagle makes the whole server lag you know what that does right grip by the way inis gun it's basically if you do it to someone the new people who join the lobby can't see them anymore same if is all it will do the same thing but just for everyone vibrate all vibrates everyone sometimes these things hardly work now we've got disabled tagging I'm not sure I've you can't disable it apparently um but I'm not really sure what that does so yeah tag self it pretty much just untags you annoy all it makes your body like go inside them annoy player it's like a gun whoever you point the gun at it makes your body go inside them random player same thing but if a random player frame player I think this makes it look like they're modding kill all basically kills everyone in paintball kill gun same thing but with one person kill random same thing but with a random person Crystal spam spam a crystal sound big Crystal spam the same thing but louder ear destroy spam ear destroy spam uh completely hurt your ear spam basically metal spam hold ground riing it makes the metal sound random spam hold down grip it has any random spam pistol spam Mak shot sounds kind of now you got flick tag yep flick tag left grip and flick tag right grip so flick tag left grip I'm assuming you just got a longer tag reach when you flick your arm same with flick tag right grip so this was the end of this menu today you should go download it because a lot of the mod menus are broken in the new update but this one isn't so if you need a new menu this is a good one to use also I think the new version is coming out very soon so yeah look forward to that all right thank you for watching and bye
Channel: PoshboyGeorge
Views: 15,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nmMtOJElFUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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