Best Fantasy Book Series I've Read on Booktube

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everyone it's emily fox today's video is going to be my top five best fantasy series i have read since my time on booktube it was really hard because i only wanted to include series that i have finished which if you don't know anything about this channel i cannot finish a series to save my life it's going to be one of my challenges next year so it will change i will be able to do an update video or just share more favorites i have done quite a few videos like this about sci-fi so it's time for me to do the same thing with fantasy so bear with me but it was not easy but we made it these are the ones that i recommend the most would this really be a best fantasy video without including some sanderson absolutely not so i wanted to mention the first misborne trilogy by brendan sanderson i really enjoyed it it was the first series that i've read by him it's not certainly the best way in my opinion to start i did do a whole video reviewing all the books that i've read by him mentioning which ones i would recommend starting with it's not the worst way to start but it's a whole trilogy it's like all three pretty big books and i do think that like in the second book there are times that it's it's a little slow but i love the world building in the magic system first time trying him you're gonna be impressed in this case you have the people that can use magical powers have to consume metals and burn them and they can only be used in a very very strict way so some people can push on metals some people can pull on them and the series contains one of my all-time favorite characters i tend to love really like wholesome ones and there is cezade i think you're supposed to call him i pronounce it says i pronounce everything kind of french in my head uh but i love him he's so he's great i love him um there's also the fact that there's not a ton of romance i tend to just dislike whenever a book is labeled as fantasy and turns out it's mostly a romance in a fantasy world not the case whenever there is a love interest which there's definitely like a romance-ish in this series it doesn't overpower the story and there's nothing explicit so there's not like half the book that's like sex scenes or anything so brandon sanderson doesn't include really anything like that his endings are always really shocking we will all have to agree with this um but i really enjoyed seeing in the last book specifically all the pieces fall into place and everything made sense you know he planned everything and even the things that maybe i wasn't super crazy about it all made sense and i really enjoyed seeing what he did with his ideas and the main complaint that i hear about this series is uh the characters not being extremely well developed which i do think it has improved in this other series but it's not completed i'm not done with all the books that are out either so i couldn't include that in the book so i couldn't include this in the video but i highly recommend this series it's really fantastic i adore it eventually i might reread them but so far the miss born world the first trilogy is still by far my favorite oh and quickly uh the first book is basically like a heist so always a good thing in fantasy next i needed to talk about is dark materials trilogy i have this gorgeous like edition all three books in one i read these books as a kid in french and i cried i literally remember like finishing last book and crying which i did reread them uh a few years ago on booktube and i didn't cry that time but it still broke my heart and i feel like what was fascinating was noticing that first off it does uh still stand as an adult i thought it was a children book as a kid but no these are definitely for adults too and i realized how much went way past my head as a kid so i highly recommend re-reading these if you read them as a kid it's still fantastic the world building uh the fact that people have like demons which is like half their soul um the fact that the world building is really interesting things get more and more intense throughout the whole trilogy when it came out there was a little bit of controversy and by a little bit i mean quite a bit uh because essentially the message tends to be against organized religions and obviously that didn't really go well with a lot of religions but i really enjoyed it i do think it's a lot of fun and i would highly recommend it i feel like everyone has heard of that one so i don't want to go too much in details but there's a tv show which i'm curious to watch the second season uh so far it's been better than the movie which the bar was slow oh in story wise the first book starts with a bunch of kids are being kidnapped you don't know why and then lyra the main character decides that she wants to investigate next i need to talk about the broken earth trilogy by n.k jemisin the first book being the fifth season and i haven't read anything quite like this it's a little bit confusing do be prepared to like go through like the first half to get used to the writing style first off because some of the narration is told in the second person so you it can be a little confusing you have no idea what's going on and there's also a few different timelines so it's like very confusing at first but totally worth it uh it's fantasy but a little sci-fi to kind of apocalyptic world building it seems like the underworld is approaching you don't know why and one narration that you're following is this woman who seems to be living a normal life she's married in a small village with two children but one day her husband kills their son and then kidnaps their daughter and she's trying to obviously get her back and there's magic obviously uh it's a little complicated to explain and there's also really really great characters i love some of them uh there's also lgbtq plus representation and the story becomes more and more complicated frankly even if i wanted to spoil it and explain it to you i would struggle so just if you want something creative and unique you need to try this book this series really i recently finished the puppy war trilogy and so worth that so worth it highly recommend this also i particularly enjoyed the fact that it starts pretty small in every book the story in the world becomes bigger and bigger so you're following wren who is a morally gray character very morally gray and she's trying to get out of her small village and wants to go to this military school to become like an officer in the military and she at first studies to get there and then it gets again bigger and bigger it turns out that magic is a thing and it's related to gods who the few people that can use their magical powers it's connected to gods and the gods are not good so the more power you use the crazier you become until you know you completely lose it and think of every single trigger warning you can think of it's probably in there would definitely recommend checking those out because it is inspired by uh war and like i think it was the china's 20th century wars and a lot of stuff happens so it's like historical military fantasy and i just really really enjoyed it i have to say that um the last book ended well for me like i wasn't happy with the ending but i i think it was the right ending i feel like i don't know about you but i find myself always disappointed by the last book in a trilogy which even if i overall enjoyed a series i feel like if you don't love the ending of the last book it kind of just ruins the whole thing and in this case um i wasn't prepared for it but i think it was the right thing to do so if you want to read a really fantastic military uh fantasy i would highly recommend buffy war i feel like it's been going around quite a bit but it's still worth it i recommend it the other day i was doing a video i was reading one star reviews with books that i loved and i did it with this book i was also drinking i would recommend it at your own risk to watch this um but the only complaint that really people had was that this is a book about children who use magical abilities to defeat entire armies in completely silly ways that's kind of what fantasy books are so if that's your thing and last but not least okay it was not easy to choose the last one for top five but i had to be honest with myself and all of you and admit that the winners trilogy i just had so much fun reading it and it's something that you're either gonna love or absolutely hate i binge read the crap out of this and i was not expecting this i never thought but this is a why fantasy romance series and it just worked for me be prepared if you usually like my usual stuff read this at your own risk i have barely anything else to compare it to because i don't usually read romance because i often hate them but for some reason this one worked for me it is what it is you're following the daughter of a general and then there's like this romance with just saying that out loud and blushing um like a slave which turns out to be someone important from the enemy blah blah blah uh it worked i i read it so fast i am so scared to read this because what if i hate it the second time around but uh between the three books if i have to choose a favorite it's gonna be book number two i mean if there's a romance that's where there's the most you know struggle and yeah i read it so fast i feel like i haven't binge read a series like this in forever so maybe i should try it again and as i was saying in the beginning of video i'm currently in the middle of like probably like 20 fantasy series not joking so i think that whenever i finish a couple more next year i'll be able to give you more recommendations but as of now i think unless i'm forgetting something i'm pretty sure this is my official top five that i've read so far that i finished so far i would love to hear your thoughts on these telling me i have horrible or amazing taste we can always debate this politely in the comments section let me know your favorite ones any of the ones that i should be reading next because i'm definitely open to um be in the middle of more series because why not uh thumbs up subscribe i will be putting more videos on the screen that i recommend you check out and i will see an upcoming video very soon bye [Music]
Channel: BookswithEmilyFox
Views: 24,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best fantasy books, best fantasy book series, best fantasy books to read, best books, best books 2021, fantasy book recommendations, book recommendations, book recommendation, book review, book reviews, the poppy war r f kuang, mistborn brandon sanderson, his dark material philip pullman, the fifth season n k jemisin, the winner's curse marie rutkoski, book, books, booktube, bookswithemilyfox
Id: OFSDjosQrr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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