BookList Thursday: Bingeable Books

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[Music] hey guys it's sarah and today's booklets thursday this is a video series i do with my friend lindsay over at lindsay's little library and every thursday we bring you some sort of list or book topic that we feel like talking about for the week and this week we are going to give you some recommendations for some bingeable books we're about halfway through december this is kind of when people start getting off for your big christmas slash winter break and so we thought it'd be fun to give you some recommendations for books that are easy to dive into completely bingeable you just don't want to put them down they're very easy to read you can fly through them quickly so you can get some fun reading done during the winter break so i am going to talk about a couple of series and then i'll have a couple stand alones in here as well so we'll start with the series the first one is the girl meets duke series by tessa dare the reason i want to recommend these is because they're short they are so much fun you will fly through them and they're just so good this is a regency romance so you know very historical and it follows women in a group of friends who end up finding their husbands and each one so each book follows a different friend there are three currently out the fourth one was supposed to come out earlier this year but it's been pushed back indefinitely right now and i we haven't heard any other news about it so i don't know when that's gonna be coming but you have three books that you can definitely read and i loved all three of these i think the second one might have been my favorite because um the man in book number two is like i love him so much he's one of my favorite male characters he really is like that's my jam so the way that these women meet their potential you know love interests are is just so sweet especially the first one i really loved it the first one is called the duchess deal and it follows a duke who is looking for a wife he has just broken off an engagement um to the point where you know the wedding was planned and things were starting to come together the dress was made already but not paid for yet like that type of thing the seamstress who made that wedding dress made that wedding dress and now that the wedding's been called off no one's planning to pay her for her work and she's like um i put a lot of work into this we're gonna do this and so she confronts him she goes to his house and confronts him about this dress is made and i need a payment and that's how they meet and he ends up making her a deal and let me tell you guys they are so much fun there's so much modern humor in these books that it was really surprising and it worked really well because you could go into something like this with modern humor that doesn't really fit you know what i mean like it didn't fit the times but her modern humor fit the time still there are some steamy steamy scenes so be ready for that but seriously all three of these books are so much fun and when i was reading them i could not put them down i just flew through them so quickly so definitely a good bingeable series there another bingeable series if you want to go on something that's not contemporary i would say the illuminae series by amy kaufman and jay kristoff this is a trilogy these are young adult science fiction and these move so quickly number one there's a lot of action it's completely action-packed in these books so you just kind of want to keep turning the pages to see what's going to happen the pages also help it to be quick reads because this is all told in like a multimedia format so there are lots of text messages and emails and and you know things like this in there where it really just makes it go by so quickly the audiobooks for these are amazing they're full cast and it really helped me with the reading experience you don't have to listen to them i highly recommend them if you want to have that experience but i actually listened and read these at the same time so i was sitting down flipping the pages as i was listening to it that's how i took it in highly recommend but you do whatever you want but these are regardless very thick like 600 page books that you can get through really quickly i read this in a day this whole book i read in one day not one sitting a couple different sittings but one day i did this and they're just so much fun and action-packed and i recommend okay one more that is a duology so only two books but super fun quick reads and that is the american royal series this is by catherine mcgee this is so much fun this is a modern take on a royal family so this is set in america however america is not they're under a royal family system so george washington instead of becoming a president where there were votes and all that stuff um he became the first king of america so instead of doing you know the president thing he decided to go to the kingway and then the current people who are in like in the king and queen role are descendants of george washington so that's how it's all going so it's all the same family and they just keep cycling through so we are following three children of the current king there are two girls and one boy and uh yeah you're just like following their antics and what they get into and the expectations that are put upon them and how they handle the fame of being part of the royal family how they handle relationships um how they deal with things it's all very very interesting and i flew through this i thought it was fantastic another one that i did listen to on audio i listened to both of them but they were so fun and the way that this one ends you want book two up next there's such a good cliffhanger in here at the end that i was like um book two next i i read them back to back like i didn't want to stop and they're just they're fun they're juicy gossipy just a really good time another one that is fun juicy i could not stop reading this book i did not want to put it down another one i did on audio but i mean i was like pacing around my house during one of the scenes and i was just like talking out loud to this book like don't you dare no thank you um i have like physical reactions to this book and that is one to watch by kate stayman london you guys this book is fantastic this follows a plus-sized woman who is a fashion blogger in la and she watches this show called main squeeze that is like basically a bachelor type show and she has a lot of um feedback for this show during one of the episodes and gets a little um drunk and she starts live tweeting about the show while it's happening and that gets her a lot of attention because she has a lot of criticism about the fact that there's no plus size representation on these shows ever and not enough diversity in general either so she gets a lot of attention for that to the point where the show producers reach out to her and ask her to be the next bachelorette basically on this show and so she does it and she goes in there with 100 zero expectations to actually find anybody she just wanted to kind of get her name out there and like kind of prove that you know this is why these things don't work and all that however of course she's actually going to form some really strong relationships here and a lot of things end up surprising her both good and bad and you guys like i just i really truly could not stop listening to this book it's really really well written there were things that were happening that did not i just didn't even take into account um there's a lot of online commentary like fan commentary throughout here as well after each episode which i thought was really interesting there's a lot of really good commentary on um appearance and body image and the way other people view you and the audacity that other people think they have the right to give you their opinion um but at the same time you're putting yourself out there so that's almost to be expected like it was really good commentary on all that stuff i thought it was fantastic um i loved the characters again i was like yelling out loud in my house pacing around my house during during the end of one of these episodes if you've read it you probably know exactly which episode i'm talking about but i was just like doing laps around my house like so i loved it fantastic so much fun you can get through it really quickly again i did not want to stop listening to it when i was doing it so yeah definitely bingeable and the last one is actually going to be an author and this is definitely my bingeable author when she comes out with a book i get it and when i pick it up i do not ever want to put her books down ever i have always picked up one of her books and just flown through it it's just something that i do that happens and that's colleen hoover i grabbed this one because it was on the top of my stack and it is one of my favorites but i love colleen's books because they are surprisingly complicated but presented in a way that's so easy to digest and it makes you feel things you did not realize you felt or didn't think about in a specific way so she presents things really interestingly and makes me think about things in a different way which i really enjoy and um yeah i just really really like her writing so not only would i recommend colleen but i would also recommend just any one of your comfort authors because she's a comfort author for me so anyone that you know when you pick up one of their books you're just going to devour it you know grab one of those books by that author and like binge read it this holiday season so colleen is that for me um if you haven't read one of hers i would definitely recommend her books to you if you're interested um this is one of my favorites november 9. um i also really liked it ends with us that's probably my number one favorite but that is a much deeper um topic matter it does deal with domestic abuse so it's a much darker topic in that one that one is probably my favorite one but this one's a little bit lighter um and i completely i think i read this one in a day as well almost a one sitting type thing but yeah so colin hoover or your favorite okay guys that is going to be it for me today so those are some books that i would recommend that are really good bingeable books that you can just fly through and really enjoy and just get lost in the stories and i hope that you pick some of them up this holiday season or pick up something that you can really just sink your teeth into and read quickly and enjoy your vacations please head over to lindsay's channel today and see what books she's recommending for this and we will see you guys again soon hope you have a great day bye
Channel: Sarah's Nightstand
Views: 1,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BookTube, Books
Id: cac6raqvhlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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