2022 TBR | 5 Star Predictions #2022tbr #5starpredictions #booktube

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hi everyone it's rachel back with the shades of orange and today i'm here for what i hope will be a really fun video i am combining two really popular booktube videos into one so i'm going to do my tbr for 2022 so a list of books that i really want to get to next year but these aren't just any books but particularly they're going to be books that i believe are going to be five stars so this is also a five-star prediction video and the reason i want to do this now is i'd like to be able to go back later and look back on this video and see if the books that i predicted in this video end up on my best of the year list at the end of 2022 so we can reflect on that later on and see how well i did this is going to be a combination of front list and backless books so i'm going to include some books from my anticipated lists as well as some backless books that i've just been meaning to get to for way too long and have just been burning a hole on my tbr i'm going to have this broken out into horror and thrillers and then science fiction and fantasy i will have time stamps down below if you're only interested in certain genres and hopefully this will be a lot of fun i would love to hear your comments down below on what you think of my predictions first let's talk horror and i've got to be honest of all the categories this is the toughest one to make a predictions list for because i tend to be really picky with the genre i love horror but i also can be just really tough on it i think that i give it tougher reviews because i've read so much so i have really high expectations and that being said i do think i have some really good books picked out that i do think have a really good shot of being new favorites the first one is probably the strongest guess on this list and that is such a pretty smile by christy demester this of course is a story of a small town where there's some kind of creature or entity that is targeting young women but not just any women particularly it's focusing on the women that just won't shut up and smile pretty instead they just go against the grain and stand out and i want to put this on my predictions list for a few reasons one being the fact that i read the author's previous book beneath and that was a favorite the year i read it and so i definitely think her newest book has favorite potential as well especially because of the subject matter and themes you know i love fierce feminist horror and this sounds right up my alley honestly i'll be shocked if it doesn't make the list and i'll be shocked if it doesn't end up really high on there it's right at the beginning of the year so you'll hear my review pretty soon and yeah i'm dying to check it out then sticking with frontless picks i also want to put on my list dead silence by s.a barnes which yes ended up on both my anticipated list videos because i couldn't figure out which one i wanted to talk about it on so i just did both and this if you miss those videos is a piece of space following a crew that go to investigate a ship that shows up years after it disappeared and well possibly it's haunted there's weird sounds there's flickering lights and it sounds amazing this is a book i'm going into with really high expectations and so i'm hoping that they can possibly live up to the actual experience and i'm just dying to get into this one you know i love horror and i love science fiction especially set in space so again it has so much promise so this is either going to be a new five star or a huge disappointment because i'm just again dying to read this one and it sounds so so good do not let me down i want this to be another favorite then i have one more horror new release i want to talk about but this one actually is not on my previous video of anticipated releases because it doesn't come out until august but i'm dying to get my hands on it and that is pinata by leopolda gold and this is a story of a young mexican woman with two daughters they go off to work in mexico on a project and then soon after things go wrong and they end up going back home to the states however they begin to worry that something followed one of their daughter's home and she is acting strangely i am very excited for this one for a few reasons one being the fact that the author wrote one of my favorite horror stories ghost radio which does not get talked about enough it's a really wonderful hidden gem that i personally love and so i've been dying to read more by this author and the premise itself sounds right up my alley again because it sounds like it might be a possession story you also know that i do love a lot of mexican inspired horror especially own voices and yeah it just checks a lot of boxes that could really help me to get this book up on my quora list for 2022 and hopefully right up at the top because yeah it sounds like it's going to be right up my alley and check all of my rachel boxes then switching to backlist horror i also want to read experimental film by gemma files and this is a story that follows a mother with a young autistic son and she works in the canadian film industry and that's about all i know about the plot but those things alone make me very interested in it i am always looking for stories involving neurodiversity it's something you don't see a lot of in horror or at least not done well i should say and there is autism within my larger family so it is something that i'm always looking specifically for and of course you know i'm canadian so anytime a story involves a canadian setting i am very much here for it i don't actually know tons about the canadian film industry so i'm hoping i will find those parts interesting because i have heard it's a major part of the story but yeah i just have high hopes for this one it's been sitting on my tbr just again burning a hole and it's about time i checked it out then finally for horror i want to predict that i'm going to love animosity by james newman this i understand is a horror story about a fictional horror writer whose real life begins to mirror that of his books it's a setup i think that's been done before but it's just one i'm very interested in and sounds like a lot of fun i love horror books that get really meta and i believe this is one of edward lauren's all-time favorite books he's another youtuber highly recommend his channel if you haven't somehow checked him out and i've read of course james newman before and really liked his previous work particularly midnight rain ended up on my favorites list i think a couple years ago and i really wanted to read more by him since so this one yeah sounds very promising and definitely again has that potential so we'll see if it lives up to my hype then switching over to science fiction i want to predict that i'm going to love the casual prevention society by john scalzi and this is set in the current time following the global events that are happening right now and it follows a man who ends up getting wound up into this plot to help save animals but not animals on our world but in another dimension the story sounds absolutely kooky and if it was written by another author i don't think it would be on this predictions list but i really like john scalzi to be fair while i've liked his work i've never actually given a book five stars but i really like lock in i really like old man's war and some of his other books and again i'm just hopeful for this one i believe i'm getting a review copy but i also am excited because i know that will whedon has done some of his other books on audio so if i like it i might end up using an audible credit to purchase and read it that way as well and so if i reread it over the year with will whedon's narration it might hit that sweet spot and again hit that five star mark that i'm looking for next i want to predict the derivative base by mary robinette qual this is the fourth book in the lady astronaut series that is supposed to come out towards the end of 2022 so as long as that happens this one has a high chance of ending up on my favorites list and this if you don't know is a piece of historical science fiction following a character who gets put into the space program they are one of the first lady astronauts when the space program is expedited and this story particularly goes back to the first main character alma and the only book in the series that has technically gotten a full five stars from me was the third book because i really like nicole's perspective so the only thing holding this book back from that potential is the fact that i like nicole more than alma but at this point i've really fallen in love with the series so i think the fact that i believe it's supposed to be the last book gives it a really good shot of making me love it i just can see myself getting really emotional if it all comes together with some great character development and moments as i know the author is going to deliver so definitely a potential as long as it gets released on time then switching to backless sci-fi i really want to read house of sons by alistair reynolds this is the book that i've heard really amazing things about i know moid if you follow his channel it's one of his all-time favorite books by him i understand that it is a space offer that is a standalone unrelated to his revelation space series and i believe it involves cloning and artificial intelligence which are two themes in science fiction that i absolutely love and i do have a copy of the audiobook which is done by john lee who is a fantastic narrator and so there's so many things that are lining this up to making this a really good possibility of being a new favorite and i would really love to read more alistair reynolds next year so that's gotta happen next on the tbr is a fire upon the deep by vernovich and this is a space opera book i honestly know very little about but i know that again moyd loves this book i know my friend michael from fit to be read loves it and i have a commenter redfoot yes i'm looking at you who has recommended me this book several times and i just think i'm really gonna love it i liked it enough to buy a copy which i rarely do for an unread book and i'm dying to get into this one i think i mistakenly said in my book haul that this was a classic science fiction but i understand it's actually a fairly recent release like it came on the last few decades but regardless i need to check it out it sounds so good and i haven't seen anyone not love it so i don't want to be that one unpopular opinion then finally for science fiction i want to go with wool by hugh howie which is the first book in a trilogy i understand this is set in dystopian future where the air outside has become toxic so everyone needs to live inside of silos and if you go against the society and get in trouble you are forced to go outside and clean the windows with wool and it's basically a death sentence i've heard amazing things about this book and the series it's supposed to have amazing twists and turns and just be very thrilling and unique i don't actually typically enjoy a lot of like dystopian post-apocalyptic type books but this one just sounds very different i think it's something that is a little bit outside of that normal box and so as long as it is a little bit like i said different i think this one could really work for me again so many people have loved it and i have high hopes that i will join in the crowd finally switching over to fantasy this is another kind of wild card category because while i don't read a lot of fantasy i tend to really enjoy the fantasy books that i do complete because i kind of pick up and dnf a lot that you never really hear about on my channel but the first one i want to go with is a 2022 release and that's actually a sequel called lachlan's by robert jackson bennett this is the third and final book in the founders trilogy and i really enjoyed this fantasy setting the first book involves a thief who steals something and the story just involves a lot of the tropes i really enjoy it has some really cool hard magic it almost reads like coding and it just has some really good character work some queer representation and a magical sidekick character that i absolutely adore in the first book and because this is the final book in the trilogy i do think it could be a favorite the first two books were really solid four star reads but they didn't quite make the five star cut but again as the finale i think that this one could really push it up a notch hit me in those emotional fields and give me a really satisfying ending because i felt like it's really building towards a very dark epic conclusion and i really hope that that is the case next for fantasy i want to predict that i am going to love the final book in the dandelion dynasty and that is speaking bones by ken liu this is a piece of historical chinese inspired fantasy that i've been absolutely loving and so again because this is the last book in the quartet i really think that the author is going to bring it home and hit me in all the emotional feels so very high hopes that this is going to be on my favorites list and honestly i'd be shocked if it's not next we have daughter of the moon goddess by sue lynn tan this is the last 2022 release i'm going to be mentioning here this was in my anticipated release video and this is another asia inspired fantasy i understand it follows a young woman who is hidden away because her mother stole an object from the emperor and the girl ends up having to go on the run some magical powers possibly start to awaken and she ends up going to the court and the school where the prince is actually there and they end up becoming friends and classmates and working together learning the magic and fighting of this land and i'm very excited for this one again i love asia inspired fantasies so that alone makes this book a really high contender for my favorites list i am a teeny bit nervous because i can be a little bit finicky when it comes to romance and i'm pretty sure there are going to be some sparks flying between this young woman and this young prince but that being said there are times that it really does work for me and so as long as it's not too like sickly sweet i think i can get on board for it and yeah i've heard amazing things i know another booktuber tammy really loved this one and gave it an early gushing review and so again i think that this one is really going to hit the nail on the head and be again a book that will check all of my rachel boxes then for fantasy we have perdido street station by chana mievil and this i understand is super weird fantasy that kind of blends in some elements of steampunk i don't even know much of the plot but it's one that is highly regarded i believe this is a favorite of my good friend thomas from sff180 and so i really would like to read this one sooner than later and i'm hoping it works for me i know it's not science fiction and it's not dark fantasy but i'm okay with that i've heard that it has like bug creatures and it's just really different and that's always what i say i'm looking for for fantasy is i don't tend to like that really traditional fantasy with like knights and queens and princesses but this just sounds so off the wall so bananas pants crazy and i'm really here for that i've been dying to read channel me evil and i think this is definitely where i'm going to start and last i want to predict that i'm going to love upon a burning throne which is the first book in an east indian inspired fantasy series and i don't know too much about the plot i know involves gods it's supposed to be epic in scale with a lot of different characters and i have high hopes for this one because again i love diverse fantasy and i know several of my friends who i tend to have similar taste to really enjoyed it like jessie may and i believe lena from sufficiently advanced selena also loved this one and so i'm just dying to get into it and then there's a sequel and i think the third book is coming out here it's a translated work and yeah i've heard a couple mixed reviews but most of people who again have taste similar to me seem to absolutely love it so i'm really crossing my fingers that i will love not only the first book but the entire series and it's pretty big in terms of scope so hopefully that'll keep me busy for a while so that's it for this video here i would love to hear the books i talked about which ones are you planning on checking out and also which books do you think i was correct in my predictions if you leave a comment down below you can come back at the end of 2022 and see if your predictions were correct if you're new to my channel please consider subscribing i do read a lot of horror thrillers fantasy and science fiction you can help me out by sharing this video around online giving me a thumbs up or if you hit that little notification bell you'll never miss a video for me thanks so much for watching i'll talk to you again soon okay bye-bye you
Channel: TheShadesofOrange Booktube Channel
Views: 1,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: booktube, 2022 sci fi, best scifi books, best sci fi books, best sci-fi books, best adult science fiction, best sci-fi books of all time, best sff books, best sff books of all time, best classic scifi, scifi tbr, science fiction tbr, science fiction books to read, horror books to read, horror tbr, fantasy tbr, sci fi tbr, best horror books, winter tbr, 2022 tbr, january tbr, end of the year tbr, 5 star predictions, predicting favorite books, most anticipated books
Id: Z2yc1l6lBNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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