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hi again welcome back to Tim talks today we are talking pork loin in the crock pot check it out what I've got here is a great big old it's about six pounds of pork point over here we're gonna deal with that in just a minute and I've got a crock pot right here and I've got some vegetables to make a nice base for a gravy here we've got two stalks of celery we've got a nice tomato from my garden that's a little too ugly to serve on a sandwich I've got a head of garlic that we're gonna I'm going to show you how to slice in a minute a couple of carrots that I've scrubbed but not peeled never preserve the outside of the carrots got a lot of nutrients and also here's an onion that I've also washed I cut the the root end off of it to keep it clean and but I'm gonna keep the peel on it as you're gonna see what I'm going to do with these vegetables is you just use them to flavor this sauce I'm gonna straighten them out at the end so they don't have to be pretty and things like having the peel of the onion which has a lot of flavor in it it can go in there without a month a lot of fuss here I'm just gonna simply cut this onion in half through the root turn it over cut it in half again cut it into nice big chunks that are gonna go on the bottom of my crock pot here oops get the peel in there and the funny thing using the peel isn't it anyway again big chunks are fine this is gonna be in there for three or four hours if nothing longer seriously stick it in there the garlic if you're worried about having a peel and crush and all of this garlic don't worry about it I'm just gonna slice the whole head in half through all the clothes and drop it in there doesn't have to be evenly distributed it will all of course season the meat as we go along the tomato also not not gonna be dump it with it nobody cares the cutting of course throw it in the celery we just want the pieces to be small enough for them to read delicious juice to flavor our sauce so here I'm just gonna cut through each one once this way I'm gonna route relatively big chunks and again all of these are going to go in the end I like to keep the leaves on the celery to have a lot of flavor and they're beautiful and again white grow them away since they're everything we want out of the vegetable for a stock and here I've got my carrots these what I like to do is cut them in a nice big dice so I'm gonna cut them in half this way through the core turn them out like that so they're simply have a nice stable flat surface all right I don't want to take all day doing it right here I'm gonna cut each of these in half one more time carefully of course you don't wanna cut yourself make nice big half inch inch slice of cheddar here again slice these in half again we just want this to be of a size that will render all just a carrot finish out the stock in the next year four hours so we don't need to really worry about it too much it's awesome man I just put these on the Fond it's the best bit of flavor than neutral now here we're gonna add a couple of other seasonings to this here first of all actually for almost every crock-pot dish I do for chicken pork or beef I start with about a nice tablespoon size a glob of Dijon mustard here and shake it up so it's all there just right in there I'm not gonna measure these things at all good make a little bit of a mess with my mustard moving along we're also going to use about a tablespoon or so of werster sure sauce this is absolutely a must for pork and beef dishes when you slow cook them adds a really great flavor again you're not using a tablespoon but it's about about a tablespoon about there I'm also gonna add a nice amount of freshly ground black pepper both to this enter the pork loin as you see I'll season it separately and one a fair amount don't be shy with your freshly ground black pepper is really an important flavor in your dish I'm just gonna use about a teaspoon of salt and that's a lot of meat so don't be afraid to use a little bit of salt here all right a little foul seed it's about a half a teaspoon or so just toss it in so Italian seasoning this is the cheapest Kroger Italian seasoning I think it's just as good as expensive spices that I've mixed myself in the past tablespoon of that and to finish well go Hungarian paprika which I just happen to have in my cupboard and I want to use up you can see how big a box that is and put your two about two cups of stock you could use pork stock chicken stock this happens to be a vegetable stock that I keep on hand it's what I've got so it's what I'm going to use here it's delicious that's gonna get us off to a really good start for a lovely gravy get that out of the way and for now that's all we need for the base for the gravy and the flavor of the meat now let's deal with this meat here now here we've got a six pound pork roast pretty big we're just two of us in my house and so this is really more than I want to cook I could cook it and freeze it I suppose and have it all be the same flavor but I want to start off by making just a small pork roast here this really will have it will definitely feed my husband and least twice it's not three times so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this guy in half and by the way I've removed this from the package I've rinsed it in cold water and I patted it dry with paper towels so that it's less of a mess it smells actually love that way too anyway they cut about half of this off and this stuff right here I'm gonna put in a freezer bag this is a evacuate freezer bag stick it in there put it in the freezer for five or six hours or overnight and then I'm gonna bring it back out and vacuum seal it so it'll be really beautiful and fresh for when I want to use it weeks if not a couple of months from now the stuffs out of sight for the moment this outer part I'm gonna Brown it on all sides first before I put it in the crock-pot this is important because it's gonna add a lot of flavor to the gravy that you're prepared it's also gonna make the meat nice and juicy and tender and lovely let's have a little bit of a look at that over here I've got a pan first I'm gonna I'm gonna pan that's heating up here to a pretty medium-high heat imagine gonna turn that up now a little bit one that had to be nice and hot because what we want is for the meat when we put it on there to sear quickly this isn't a difficult process but you do have to if you're not used to cooking in this way you're gonna want to put your seatbelt on a little bit and just be brave and let it sizzle away it's gonna make a bit of a grease mess we're gonna have a lot of splattering that's okay we'll just clean it up later it's not a big deal this is the way it's gonna taste best before we put the meat in there though we're gonna season it with a generous amount of salt you see how much I put it on there and pepper and we're going to do that on both sides of it I kinda we want these seasonings to flavor all of the meat all the way through notice I'm using my clean hand to grab the salt with we don't want to contaminate there are salt pepper I'm seat is the heel of my hand to grind it on there pepper grinder off obviously but just want to be careful about hygiene when you cook meat and everything else of course but meat is especially one of those things you want to be careful now over here in my my pan which has been heating for about three and a half four minutes I'm gonna put a nice little amount of extra virgin olive oil this is beautiful love my sweet olive oil from Spain I'm gonna take my pork loin and put fat side down into the you see how it's sizzling here that kind of see the waves of heat that's about how hot we have I can also smell the fruitiness of the [Music] they're gonna take me 10 minutes around this on each side and so I'm gonna let you go and come back when the road is completely round and then you'll pick up to today okay it's been probably about eight to ten minutes I've been running it on each site and it's just come in so we just see closely what it means by running it on every side hold the top on the ends like this little awkward but you just gonna stand there for a couple of it until it gets brown enough to suture turn the heat off I'm going to bring it over here do the cross where I'm going to transfer the meat into the crock pot and then here you can in the bottom of my pan I've got some brown bits giving it adhered to the bottom plus some residual fat from the pork loin and from the olive oil I'm going to pour that off and I'm gonna be placed the pan quickly on ty tee-why is about a half a cup of water here [Music] the bottom and we're gonna toss that right in there with everything else and go there we go okay and now the rest is easy all we have to do is put on the lid and wait for four hours or if you do it on high and you're doing it on your love I would say six to eight hours we'll be back when we're ready for the next step okay it's been about four hours now and I'm gonna get the pork loin out of the crock-pot and put it on a platter lovely table right here oil drain strain the stock and make a nice gravy for this and you wanna have a look in there that's what we're talking about the smell is incredible and her house filled up this lovely scent here we're just going to lift this guy out of here and the story for the fourth line but as for the stock over here that's a different matter altogether here what I've got is a big 8 cup Pyrex measuring cup with a strainer that we're gonna put in there they're handy as I mentioned before we're not going to eat the vegetables in here because it's really they've done their job and these are so pretty tired mushy vegetables that haven't got much going on for them still so we're just gonna use the beautiful juices and discard the vegetables unplug tea here we go you can see that beautiful beautiful dark stock we have that I'm just gonna drain those cool and then I'm gonna transfer this into a saucepan and put it under a medium-high heat here and in the meantime what I've got here is what I had in the house was tapioca starch so I'm using that instead of corn starch you could use that I've got two tablespoons of tapioca starch and they're three tablespoons of Tokyo tapioca starch and 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum and that's gonna tighten up our stock over here and make your gravy out of it I'm avoiding using grains right now as we're on the keto diet and so I'm gonna slurry out of this by having a couple of seconds of water to it and stir it with my dish while my cat screens were porked down there that's my super flood boy he's a little cutie and he will get hits but after we made this great my salary in order to decrease the possibility that this will turn out Gulabi and we'll see how this works out here as this heats up it should thicken okay so here we have a continuing to stir we wanna do that until it gets to a smooth consistency and starts to thicken up as you can see it's doing here thicken it up just a little bit more now of course if you find yours is lumping up a little bit you can always strain it really quickly and bring it back to the pot nothing is unfixable you could also of course make a traditional gravy by melting 2 tip spoons of butter and then using 2 tablespoons of flour and making a roux cooking that for about a minute or so and then adding the hot broth to it and whisking like this until it thickens up into a nice great in here starting to kind of big boil that's that's about the thickness I know it's good somebody needs it salt or anything and then of course let's have a little serving of it clear things off just a little bit for her I'll just have a little slice you haven't just for dinner in just a little while so you look very nicely done over here give you the graving poquito value sometimes have to be satisfied with thin gravy right see that's how it's given it's very nice lovely and soft in here um yeah lovely hmm I'm pretty sure you're gonna like this recipe anyway that's all from the Tim talk studios in Springfield Ohio today thanks a lot for watching we'll catch you next time
Channel: TIM Talks Cooking
Views: 20,899
Rating: 4.5856576 out of 5
Keywords: Crock pot pork loin, Pork loin, Pork, Crockpot, gravy, Pork loin recipe, pork recipe, pork roast, pork roast recipe, how to cook a pork loin, how to cook pork, how to cook pork in a slow-cooker, how to cook pork in a crockpot, crock pot, slow cooker, pork loin, crock pot pork loin, pulled pork, slow cooker pork tenderloin, keto pork loin, Keto pork loin in the crockpot, Low carb pork loin and gravy, Keto gravy recipe, Low carb gravy, Keto slow cooker pork
Id: GuDvZPNEuns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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