BEST ENCHANTING ROOM EVER! Minecraft w/ My Boyfriend

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hey guys welcome back to another minecraft episode in today's stream we are going to be making the best enchanting room you guys have ever seen we kind of have like the plans laid out okay this is gonna be a lot of work and we're gonna do it and it's gonna be spectacular to go with our spectacular house look at our house our house is just amazing it's sunny um but threes I'm looking in this direction is cuz we just spawned it right now and there's these like two guys there and I have no idea what they are I've never seen those kinds of character creature things before in this world so um I just were once Andres done talking we're gonna go like see because I have no idea what they are they holding arrows like they're like villagers but they're like mad zombie villagers I don't know if you guys know what that is um let me let me be good yeah I don't know what I don't know I don't do we know who these people are what do they want from our establishment think I can jump over the water cuz I don't think my horse and swim I don't think you can clear that I'm gonna try oh my god okay I didn't clear they seem friendly they're holding like arrows though villagers but they're like oh they're just made noises oh shoot oh my gosh they want blood oh they really don't like you they're honestly fine with me can I chase all your stuff she stole your stuff wait don't kill them don't tell them leave them alone they're literally attacking you honestly I'm hurt their team now I can't defend both of them smash oh nope they don't like you though I don't I don't know why she's hacking me here oh man okay who are they I don't know apparently those are pillager oh they're raiders pillagers oh oh what the heck oh I found I found an ominous banner what the heck can I like out of here horsey get out of the water I found an ominous banner there you put it up good luck ominous put it down here I don't know it does oh my gosh it's his face this is the banner it's the audio in sync now it should be good let me know I'm not sure wise faces on the matter anyway come through I don't know you enjoyed that I did you uh like how you don't get off the horse though well I can go to sleep to get out to you see the bind divine okay so we are to be working on making the best enchanting room today and it's gonna be fairly simple but fairly beautiful but we need a few things so I'm gonna need you smell right to work on these bookshelves see we need a lot more sugar cane and a lot more for sugar cane papers yes okay oh gosh this is ami burning when you share your game but we need a total of well if you want to make the most efficient 15 bookshelves but we want to make it a bit pretty so we're gonna need 18 bookshelves we currently have two so your only goal wait watch this this is my storage though right yeah so let me see if I have any for you fish in the meantime I don't think they do lots of raw cards at it well I'm not talking about making it for you I this raw card in there I thought that you left some in there no host like so if the raw card alone one though so I can begin the process thank you so we're gonna need books what is the fastest way to get books farm the sugar came to get more okay I'll go on a sugarcane run how much you need I'll get it all okay we I mean we need a lot so we need eighteen book kids bookcases okay eighteen of them we currently have two and to make it bookcase I think you need three books so you needed 48 books you need 46 it's like you just need a lot this is what he's trying to say impress upon me 46 books make a book you need three paper and one leather so we have one more iron pick just cuz you could currently make six books you just need six leather okay so what do you want me to get sugar it would be better if you just found books though I mean I shouldn't you village plant the sugar cane to make a farm that'll be the fastest so that's what they're saying sugar cane farm is gonna be the fastest way to get it to merit so me I would make a sugar cane farm another get a hoe do all that jazz okay I can I can get a hoe alright get a help get out and do that job that's gonna be your job right now there we go yeah I an Oh good-o iron hoe like that I need a bucket too cuz I'm gonna need water so yeah that's just six eight three yeah I need a bucket as well because our design for this enchantment gonna be insane okay and I told Samara what I have up my sleeve here but anyway I added a little something here nobody mind please do we have like any show it's in your storage oh this wasn't like - alright yeah there's not a lot but um I'd find more in than just more because we need to get some right so I'm English yes I made a few additions down here by the way but nothing too crazy should I do here along the water I feel like this is actually kind of cute sure we rowdy try from the doorway look I feel like this would be like a cute little farm alrighty perfect perfect so people are saying that villagers definitely and then also making your own farm is the best right - so just as a heads up okay that is apparently gonna be the fastest way um I can do like a multi oh you know I'm gonna do a multi-leveled farm so I'm gonna do it here and then I'm gonna go down a multi-leveled farm ooh okay you need you I know you need to be level 30 to get the best enchantments but we're just building everything Samara can she's level 30 I died several times defense you were defending me when you died yeah walls walls um defending some areas honor oh man of honor if you guys knew where yeah I'm in I'm honored and this is I don't want to do it like right next to the house so I wanna leave all right that should be good it's actually way easier though there's just dirtier okay yeah I know y'all are gonna dry out just for a second I'm trying to like do you remember at a farm site oh oh no they're gonna dry up right away oh okay fine I'll have to do that oh yeah you need to make buckets and stuff right oh yeah don't worry don't worry I got this I wonder if I should go down for the ingenuine yeah what do you think real quick do you think that we should go down like this into the enchanting room would that be a cool look good actually be a sick look what do you think look are you making fun of me ma'am do I make the same length as the house or should I make it a bit longer but you don't have to make it symmetrical you mean however you like this is fun this episode's gonna have a lot of progress in it so if you guys are all progress based you guys are gonna love this episode we can always expand it or extend it'd be kind of cool to go down here um what I put doors here I wouldn't have the big doors here just because what I want to do it's gonna make noise in the base and I don't want to hear it from above thoughts I honestly don't know if I'm doing it right so this is 103 or it's like funky okay that should be good you're doing it wrong I don't know I might be doing around a long time it's been a long time it's trial and error okay it's trial and error I'm making the irrigation first and then we're gonna like test things out and see what works you guys have tips leave them in chat [Music] yeah I gotta repair my dog pick his peck - I don't exactly remember how to do it but hey I forgot how to do most things in my gosh okay I think this sounds like it's perfect I need this up here Oh - sugar green only grow on sands okay well then this can be like a I try - yeah well I have ever seen so don't like look at this is the only a sugar cane this is gonna be other stuff as well I have melon seeds and I've beet seeds that I wanna play you have all those kinds of seeds just milling in beads I don't have like carrot or anything good you hecka fancy I this is perfect yeah it's really obscene for sugar kind do you does this ice be irrigated then what the sand or I don't remember I don't recall I for leather right for leather nuts that's rotten flesh that I have um I guess it's not love it do you know how to uh what do you need to pick ax marina that might be good we could make like a little sand do you know what you need some s can you fix my pickaxe I cuz my pickaxe a break I mean anvil dude I'm gonna make this whole area Santa this is true you guys are right about the sugar this can be like a little sand and sugar in area so anymore I don't know how to build Manville but we'll figure it out in a sec um okay more sand this place is taking shape it's taking shape see I'm I'm glad that I did that above because I'm actually gonna need to do that for what I want to do I'm just cutting some sounds I think so I'm gonna have like a little we should have do everything for a high right yeah we do everything for I um I need some sticks your sticks yxp hey absense I'm good I hear it's on excellent by the way by accident I think I made a accidental zombie spawner Oh God I just like every time every time I come back to the staircase there's a new zombie just chillin okay that's what he's doing so it's kind of put a fake though better fake okay so it's gonna occupy one corner of this room being changing room typically and changing rooms are like people tend to do me like squares but people tend to do them in squares but Samara and I got bored of the square design right yeah we're like this great design is stupid hey we don't want a square design that's square that's two squares basic okay so we'll see how I don't know if it there might need to be water in between like have like one one one one you need iron block connected I need to get it you wanna go to sleep uh in a second here you sir iron pickaxe or could I use your neither picker no you can't down there's a second no no I don't think so why would you prefer anything I'm almost done the initial excavation of this room gosh it's just so much easier for iron blocks and three iron English do you think we can make a handle so I can repair madam okay like I kind of want to go to sleep okay I'll be up there in a sec personally I might change the formation of these sugar canes if it needs to be like one one like only by water you do like rows of water with it no apparently sugar cane it just needs to be by water on sand so I'm gonna do like the sugar cane a different way okay it's gonna be cool don't worry you're gonna I'm almost done though alright so we just need sugar cane and we'll be like Gucci okay well we're gonna need to wait for it to grow so alright do you guys know sugar cane has to be directly by the water cuz then I'll do like lines of it if not we're gonna do yeah I do like lines in between do you remember like like it's like a row of sugar cane no I'm doing the show you can't differently than the regular ones though my whole chat is kill samara and take her diamond pick up okay how about no don't do that I don't want to I just I'm just telling you which Addison they clearly don't want you alive somebody I don't know seems like not oh darn it do you think um oh no where are you where are you by the way were you in the front or back okay just go there oh do you have more food I need food by the way yet 9 fish on you um no I don't have more fish what how where did you what happened you're 9 fish fine thank you house here oh god oh god no what did you just do what do you mean why did I just do there was a freaking creeper there you didn't see him no well he just liberated our house um I'm just gonna patch up this hole good he just exploded you just go away that wasn't Mike you've got enough done enough that wasn't my fault I swear you just exploded on me there's another one down here there's so many down there this too I don't want to hear it okay alright okay where the heck did that creeper come from oh man lovely alright so here so we need to sugar cane and books faster than what you're doing how are we gonna get that we're gonna need to go like get some more sugar alright it's not gonna grow as fast as you Nina I think I'm gonna need to go like actually it's really how fast does anybody in chat know how fast sugar cane grows but I mean I planted it yesterday I'm like it's just chillin there so I planted it yesterday I planted it yes has a really grown much alright oh my gosh you guys are gonna be so impressed with this room design this one throw that out there I'm so excited pressing my sugar cane designed a my left am I wait am i I'm asking you arrest I mean I hope so I we need a lot of sugarcane I mean yeah I'm gonna need to go get some because it's not gonna grow as fast as you're gonna be needing it okay I can tell you that much Oh apparently bonemeal makes it grow faster sure hey yeah no bone meal is like 20 minutes to fully grow the heads up yes you don't need one sugarcane to plant it and you get how many from it three yeah but you're gonna need more all right so you got to go find some too yeah okay guys is about the greatness tree cause it's like I take it off here so don't use it really really in the way of Maya I'll pass this bone a thick tree though I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get the whole thing down wait did you think the leaves if I'd knock down the whole wooden part we'll the leaves despawn the leaves eventually do spawn if it's not connected to another tree oh no it's connected to another tree then that kind of just stays there until you destroy the other tree I'm pretty sure I don't typical gamer does not like this start speaking in third person all right there yeah I did the oh my gosh maybe we should make it this huge now that's cool get mending store repairs again I don't know how to do the anvil stuff yeah I don't remember jack I'll do it in a bit cool beans excited for our sugar cane I'll help you come look for sure you came to because I'm about to be done down here okay let me map this out okay I took a like I I kind of like actually like structured it out so let me go ahead and it's gonna be a real cool cool sugarcane bomb okay so I'm gonna use okay here we go so chat this is gonna be the most effective way of doing it but also the coolest way of making an enchanting room so I hope you guys are excited yeah I'm gonna put dirt where the bookcases are gonna be okay okay I'm gonna go look for some sugarcane to the other side of here there they're chanting tables gonna go here oh I'm so excited of what I'm gonna do here how much glass to add only have five oh I need more sand we have sand anywhere why 53 blocks of sand what the heck gosh let's get that working oh yeah lots of sand cheese I needed to him - how did you I'm just gonna farm at that sign I've been farming I mean down probably okay cuz I need a lot of lava that yeah probably just like down she's gonna ask what I need a lot of long why do you need a lot of lava Andre because this base is gonna involve lava Wow I actually just made three buckets so I can carry all the luck you know they're not look spooky okay so the way I'm gonna do this now it the way I want to do this works in my head I'm curious if this will work in game huh okay everybody's gonna be so confused until we build it and they're gonna be like wow it's beautiful it's gonna be amazing it is absolutely amazing wow I just liked okay I don't see many sugarcane around here you guys should go in a different direction oh my come on go over in this way other side of this mountain okay I think I may be used where's the Polish stuff ahead uh I think I use polished diorite are you fan um sure yeah sounds good can I do you think I could like diving board into the no I don't know might be too far away I don't want to die lose all my levels not now not now okay sure Kate is a rare commodity I would used quartz if I had an incredible amount of quartz quartz unfortunately takes me a long time to get okay I don't know where I'm going but I'm not really finding sure gain okay um the sake of continuity she you know I really don't have to do this I'm just gonna get this though because I need it okay cuz I'm like dying oh my pigs are gonna break before I get over that I find diamonds in there it's the sacred place oh my god why is there so much okay I feel like oh my god I shall pay pay what what did you find a baby of a horse a horse baby ha ha I need another pickaxe I never have enough pickaxes oh my gosh I've got another village really yes perfect it's literally a village like on the mountains this is okay okay I'll be able to get sugarcane I think probably when they play bookcases just break the bookcases this is so cool okay what's these are these concrete is just sand and gravel all the laws is okay um this village is the most beautiful thing ever honestly I have gravel do we need a smoker for anything you know what I don't care we're getting a smoker we're getting a smoker need one now okay this is gonna take fresh sand and gravel sand and gravel sand [Music] what does gravel look like that what do it I literally kept on week 38 blocks of quartz actually not bad what do we do with all the gravel we have some man I don't know but I'm getting you some red carpet I'm taking some your iron ingots by the way okay I know it's a pain but it must be done for the good of everything okay okay I'm glad you're on board yeah what are you freaking out of it nothing [Music] my face is so can you head to sleep yet or no not yet I'll check okay all right I need you what do I need to do here oh man I'm so high for this you guys don't even know um I'll up I need this little I need scaffolding to work here and then let's do glass pane what are you what's happening over there I found you wait what oh my gosh okay zombies gonna kill me gooo uh wait what what's happening over there is there some be rate on the village okay I need to go to bed but Micah's also here and I'm stressed goodness gracious damn you stupid cats okay I'm just going to bed I'm going to bed I don't want to die okay there's a lot of cats here it's fine we'll deal with it morning someone said I'm not watching your stream I just teleported Vidya okay I'm ready for bed whenever you are I'm gonna sleep I'm in bed and there's a zombie outside so oh yeah I go to sleep with my glass paint in my hand stand still crouch here's the problem I don't have crouch bow just bind it it takes a millisecond I don't know how though Andre of course I'd find it if it takes a mere a skanking I'm just gonna reset the keys done gosh she said toxic no just like you said it a million times oh she's so toxic no I'm just tired of me because she still toxic guys like cowards my girlfriend is toxic okay how many book shows to behave so far actually I'm gonna go get the lava um okay where's the best spot for lava I'm gonna put leave this here keep that some things are growling at me and I really don't go into a book they're very they're very upset at the moment they're very very upset [Music] who's farming who's okay I don't know there's so many uh why did guys I made a zombie spawner some out playing somewhere I don't know how but I made a zombie spawn oh yeah oh my god okay Micah's drowning I give up I don't know I honestly don't okay what do you need you need books oh can I go to the nether and get lava oh that would work okay somewhere if I don't come back what is this I miss you what do you mean uh take care of me you and George but if I don't come back okay just take care of me too and George for me what is why are you saying just take care of me cooing George if I don't come back Oh will you promise me that she doesn't even promise me I promise I promise you're blocked by this I'm here at the nether oh sure I know they sound upset here in the nether Samara hello I'm here I'm friendly I just need some lava oh gosh wait how much does get lava I grabbed for a year umm the hell are you wait is it mine well if I attack one thing do the Pigman attack me oh gosh how do I supposed to get the lava I'm friendly sure okay chill me Q don't worry me Q I got you yeah well I tamed it oh I got her I got me oh my gosh well I'm gonna need you to get bamboo okay all right there's a baby crying this whole village is like literally fun okay this is bad a tea who told me to come nether for lava I've regretted I don't even need all this stuff anyways okay we're not gonna do that all right did you find bookcases there I'm looking for them do you want an orange bed I just want bookcases that's it that's all a lot see so you don't want an orange bed is what you're saying interesting oh Jesus okay I don't want to be here I don't want to be here I don't want a beer I don't want beer I don't want a beer honestly that's George is literally George I'm literally like oh god okay this is the end I literally tamed George this is better George calm down son okay I'm gonna take this up okay I'm having some difficulties they broke the frickin door to eat do we want a cartography table I have one yeah we have one just asking never ever ever ever Oh calm yourself these no you don't understand that when sanely cool you really go like on stilts do you need leather for anything you said you did yes oh those cauldrons yeah I don't know if he died okay oh sorry little villager man I'm stealing your things but it's for a greater cause I'm proud how do you make concrete I don't want powder I just I need food do you fit okay oh yeah I got a beat okay that's good that's good that you got a bead I'm like from your farm I'm selling oh oh okay but like I needed them so we're good all right fair enough I'll be honest I haven't found any bookshelves yet okay well we need it or else we're not gonna be able to do it I know I know I got a smithing table though yeah that might be it maybe okay I mean the houses that I can look for this village is so like spread out we go on top of this mountain see it's really cool though such a pretty village it's really pretty but yeah the hillsides are kind of annoying to traverse the snow is really nice I wish we could like make snow so that we could have like a oh I'm getting ambushed Oh My Jesus good no I got ambushed all these smokes excuse me sir you can't just be in there I'm just here for lava okay okay so that's not like a house I just don't know where I'm gonna find you gym or leather I'm gonna need you to go ahead and do it anyway really trying I want to believe you I really am I have one bucket of lava but it's hard it's hard out here oh my gosh it's Yuki should we just aim like 20 cats and come back with a cat army so what happens if I just take a lava like does it go away forever now that's a good noise that's a healthy noise what do we think what the hell is that noise okay I've heard a lot of noises in this game I never heard that noise what do we think of this okay can you fish in here like I'm just curious oops I feel like it's not gonna work but I'm gonna try either shooting each other that's good [Music] I just came through embody them okay I'm gonna die I'm gonna die cuz this game keeps teleporting me does it keep teleporting you I know the service laggy for me I can't say it does alright I'm gonna have to go to like another body of water I have six sugarcane but that's it okay I'm gonna have to find somewhere else I'm going I think I might be dead here I'll be honest with you I don't know how to get back like did I go this way do you I find torches that should be good oh no oh I definitely don't go this way okay um wait do you ever bet on you know I don't Oh No so we're not to be able to sleep no definitely not I actually don't out of your bag oh darn well this is good I would really like to have a nap I might just go up at this point can you make a better one no I can't take it and I don't have any time I'm gonna die you have a lot of stuff on you that's important mm-hmm where did it come from well I'm gonna need you to find safety cuz I'm gonna name to sleep here where's my cat well this isn't good George okay I've been through here no no I need that bath I need that back I found my way you thank you right okay yeah I don't know how to randomly get here but okay I'm just gonna take me a while to get back cuz they don't have food to run faster fault is that Andre I think a little bit of yours I don't think it is like a little bit honest I eat rotten flesh is all that bad try it out I think I'm good see how it is okay we're gonna really need books have you found a lot of the leather just take out cows I can't scream for that ass longer I know I'm trying here before my game explodes well just go to bed dough so that I can be out and about can't really do anything it but uh night time almost there I'm gonna get rid I have so many wheat seeds that I really don't want no one oh I'm sleepy from sleep I'm sleep I'm sleep okay are there monsters nearby I can't sleep okay d/f food in here for me at all anything wait you're not going to sleep it doesn't let me sleep there's monsters nearby I'm in the bed so I'm just gonna wait do you have any food that I could eat like you could just go get food I mean I'm not eat an egg no you can't oh sure just through them yeah well how am I supposed to get food fish or something I got an apple we're good I just gonna go take these guys out all right in the meantime y'all really want to tango I don't know what happened to my cat but I hope she's good I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure where she went yeah I'm doing trios that's why I'm not stream three all right your dogs in the stream you got a lot of animals one room I know they're adorable we love them adorable I think I lost my cat though be honest I don't know why she went but Andre really needs sugar cane so that's a priority really we must find the sugar cane and ignore me be remote frickin vegetarian then throw these bunnies everywhere rip minecraft Jorge 2019 oh my god you can't call him minecraft Jorge this will be her second jet good it was a short life but he was a wonderful cat while it lasted how would I make although he wasn't as pretty as that spotted one that we saw at the beginning really would like to hold out for the spotted one oh I found more sugarcane how much exactly do you need there's quite a lot in this little lake area we need a lot get some okay i'ma get some is that a village over there I'll have to check I need a more efficient way of putting lava down this is very terrified I have to go back to the lava play Samara I got lost last time well I believe in you do you though not really but a little bit maybe I'm good ow it's a clear up my inventory we're getting rid of all these darn wheat seeds do you remember in those hallways that you went down smeared did you ever find lava in them when we were firing for diamonds um which hallways we made - probably we should think about an orange you need leather right so I'm not gonna throw ladder sugar cane paper books okay I'm gonna throw do we need grass for anything but do you even need graphs grass that grows on the ground no I don't think so I don't think so either I don't know why I didn't even know you could like get it like that I'm just trying to clear up my inventory so that I could get better things okay trying to figure out what Slava's hey when you can hear the lava big can't see it right get rid of this wolf sounds like it's my random stick okay okay there's up that's one two layers up from there I think I almost died what the heck did you okay now I really needed my house Oh God oh yeah I did forget my bed that's fine we have lots of beds I'm gonna go back that way anyways cuz that's the way I know how to get back so I can grab my daughter the way back all right make sure we pick up all the sugarcane very important very very very important small here okay it seems like sugarcane this is one of those swampy areas those I got the plug I got the lava plug oh I hear lava like right underneath me that's fine I've longing okay I'm gonna go in the swampy area and risk everything for the sugarcane cuz I've never been interested minecraft yep three minutes I've watched you I'm now super interested oh my help I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh there's like a little scuba zombie man trying to kill me oh my gosh goobers on me I'm eating a melon slice scuba zombie not even kidding it's actually what it was okay this is swamp area here and that's where the witches are so I'm only gonna come here and grab this one sugar there's quite a lot sugarcane around those cobblestone generator brush ok India food coming back now um no like eating all my food I have some raw stuff that I can cook but no like fresh food okay okay spooky and I don't like him how do I make it is there an easier way to do this chat oh my gosh put lava down or something why am i teleported anybody know me to services Blanca today yeah I think so I wish she didn't take all my meat that one time I gave it back to you like three I like 20 meats oh my gosh I have to go out into the wild and die yeah Andre is that what you have to do it or I'm not food to survive in this cruel world have enough food to survive huh there's just no food for you in the whole world is there no Pig I need big how do you make a fishing rod getting a lot of sugarcane right now but like I don't want to be out and when it's night time fishing rods very easy it's like a sticky sand string like we have all this up there okay I have 23 sugar cane how much do you need we are like a billion you're so more than 23 like a hundred maybe what okay I'm just gonna come back and plant it yeah just come on it's so hard to find like you find it in like a little batch it's like four yeah we might not me as much as I said but how do you make it efficient right I don't know but I think just like stick and string guys 2x2 lava doesn't work it's not the same as water we're gonna have to go I changed my key binds now crouch just like the other one and it's all confusing don't like it three sticks to string do not like okay I kind of want to sleep once before I head back you can do it cuz I'm like kind of far so been fishing rods I'll farm cows and get more leather while I'm here how do you fish Smith I mean just like right click yeah and then what and then wait for the fish to come I'm just gonna bring this orange bad back and then do you right-click again yeah I know that's it you'll you'll know I like makes a little noise just take a while it's a little while yeah I did it but there's I didn't get anything yeah we need a cow farm how do you bring causa yeah pig skip lather it just cows just care they have pet cows I can kill them both if you want sure I was so scared do you wait until about I'm so confused somewhere do you know how to fish I do know how to fish yes like what do you mean how do you do it I feel like I don't know I've never done it I'm gonna sleep here I'm gonna sleep here but you just like you right-click in the water once the fish bites you pull it out I know how I just did it like twice I haven't gotten anything I understand are you sure the fish is biting it shows you're saying of bubbles and then like well right you might be pulling out too fast or too slow I did like I don't get anything I don't get it how would I mean I can't see so like I don't know but I got it I got a freaking fish finally oh my gosh thank you so you gotta be fast I do know you gotta be fast yeah you have to do it like right when it counts can we sleep now sleeping then come back yet I can't yeah you're asleep at night yeah yeah we can't yet white something to sleep yeah I was asking if you can and you said yeah oh I thought yours okay no one lets you mean item see George came here is scary out there baby it's cold outside I really do so there's no bookshelves I wonder if they took that out I got a rock cod good rock cards good it's about to be nighttime by the way we can go fish no you're good oh god there's an army of zombies over there come on or minecraft George is gonna die all right hurry up I got I got a fish my minecraft toys we can't let anything happen to Minecraft George the fishy business I'll tell you what is it minecraft George are you coming back yes fish woman tell my crab George all right no fishings easy now Chad I just I was clicking it and it didn't work before and now it does and very exciting oh here he comes wonderful minister of emotions okay why are there just zombies running around like it's daytime who invited you ridiculous my favorite thing come on minecraft George I just wanna like the dog where does he get stuck oh my I finally just healed my own how do you make a shield how do you make a shield yet why does it never show what I want to make shield I wish you could search on the craft you can search you can yeah I just like you can't sometimes though oh you can okay sorry interesting you need oak planks and one ironing it okay I'm back on the other side of the water so I'm running around I'm gonna plant these as soon as I get back okay and then give me whatever excess you have well I mean I should probably plant it alright oh there's a cow here you want me yeah take it orally you should leave that cow Becca I killed him oh yeah that's not good no it's not really not good it's not good makes scary noises when I go underwater just cuz surely okay well that was a rough day did you get everything you knew that rough day in the office um I did everything you needed I mean I couldn't find bookshelves I'm sorry but they don't have them it's like they literally don't okay I believe you I believe you [Music] Brown banner red carpet like I have so much random things oh my gosh yeah where are you are you can you look outside leaving him in the water no he good he here with me oh my gosh okay okay no it's it minecraft oh yeah did you plant the sugarcane did you get any bucks to get any bucks did you get any bucks did you get any book did you get any books he's praying um I didn't get any books no I'm gonna play the sugarcane now it was a rough day at the office minecraft George is purring so loud if you would like to listen I think you have to put water on both sides by the way sure that maybe I am no expert but I got lots more sand so this is what I'm gonna make here I'm gonna make a little that's nice right there's a fresh sugarcane plantation I like how it's like nice on the water I mean we can definitely route more oh yeah the water flow here is a little bit disruptive oh yeah you need to like fix it okay that's all the sugarcane I have oh my gosh that this is so cool what vegetable patch is doing so well what that's so exciting oh my god is this can I eat it I love farming area this evening a bone meal to make this grow faster okay yeah let me just actually do a bucket could I have your bucket bucket give it on you right yeah why there you go thank you I'm just gonna go get more lava like okay once I finish this bottom log part the rest should be easy this might be a two-parter for our enchanting table though just because the books are taking a long time before sent it's not your father's just they take a long time unless there's the fastest way anybody knows about I'm getting a lot of melon and I'm really happy about it man who likes my melons okay so I'm just gonna add I've never heard more growling right now was that you that made that noise or wasn't as long o what's up oh what's up dude just blow up on me huh why is there always creepers oh man why are you in the waterfall sir there you go Maddie you're grinding XP by accident what's the banner shield guys like what does it do if I put that banner on the shield I'll do that later though um you look up out of work yeah I mean we have lots of Bones so yes I'm thinking if we can make bone meal like maybe we could grow at all dude could do that Baba swallowed the house it's still kind of broken hey I never fix it [Music] we're outside come inside come here George come here come here George do you know I have some melon okay go on one more running I'm just gonna put Santa here for now this is gonna be the only hard part of the chat because ice to get the Lava like a perk pure floor it just takes a lot more work than to do like a just drop there okay I'm gonna search how to do this bone meal stuff yeah hold on to this for now but the week make an XP farm i like accidentally made an XP dad it's right did ya okay sorry George there I hear a lot of zombies very composter you get my favorite thing bone meal okay how much like right up a bone meal on the stuff I fear like a zombie oh it's like nighttime nighttime yeah it's fine if I pass I put bone meal on it no I'm not sure you guys know how to like put it on what the heck oh do I put it in the water is that girl I can do anything chat like does it make like a little algae thing or something let me know that's why I think that's what I do okay let's go to sleep and then I can chat please help me with this bone meal I mean you can't put it on the thing so I think you put it in the water so let's see if that makes a difference are you ready to go to bed because there's like zombies coming over and say where's the dog the dogs in my bedroom don't worry how do I make it even yeah I just like I don't understand truly are there more bones oh we have lots more bones so we can make way more bone meal oh don't do that you can't bone me on sugar cane oh people are saying you can't oh yeah never mind then all right I'll go to a bit of more one side we have some bone meal we'll need it later then lava does stand still sometimes on the sugar cane well it won't let me right click those your gain can only put it in the water and it makes them algae I'm ready for bed Andre one moment just the water then apparently that does nothing it just makes it look ugly there we go you can't use it on sugarcane but don't put it in the water away sit no well then what can you do with it I guess you could use it on like these ones maybe my OCD is gonna kill me I swear to you are you see if I can put it on this stuff oh gosh ooh so that's how it works obviously okay I go it doesn't work for regular stuff I'm not saying that you can make what is there horse in the bedroom because he's just in here you know just living this life Jeff it please oh my gosh can you feed me not the cat it's American give me some food one second is anything George to come upstairs he's purring he's purring loudly because I just gave him some yummy yummy Cod there we go yes now we have the whole squad in my room okay what do you need food here you have to cook it are you kidding me just one Nemo I actually need food Samara like goop okay here here take take some beats yeah yeah are you kidding me what be some good no don't talk about my beats like that Jesus how rude well I found where my pork chops went you can't cook tropical fish by the way oh yeah what's the point of it then job to fix that lava stuff after is there any sugar can we hear on harvest now so it's working it's working cuz look the first ones too high so let's just wait for them all to get to high you give him another five minutes or something I just made eight bucks should be good okay perfect I need to grab some dirt too I want to expand this I have four bookshelves if we definitely won't be able to complete perfection takes work does stay where it really does the Mona Lisa wasn't painted in a day you sure the pyramids weren't built in a day there you go actually don't know but I mean I don't think they were built in a day so yeah I will fix this later I am going to do you know the enchanting tables can you check are you up there can you check table smoker do we make one here's the effective on it thinking might be in the basement I don't think we made one do we make one we might admit we might not have I mean I definitely didn't make one so yeah we did but I guess not yeah don't look oh I don't think we made one I'm gonna just mark cobblestone and build out this area that much cobblestone actually oh and there's something down here and stuff yeah George is really meowing he's like very upset he wants to be a part of what's going on he's like going on all right uh enchantment table any two times it's in a book I just dropped all my diamonds that's nice I did make one apparently you did I can't find it at all I'm not sure if I made one I can't find it a cat's upset mad Jesus once cuddles okay calm down Joe okay the sugarcane is growing it is growing I don't think I didn't make on my bucket no I haven't yet okay enchanting table up here Thanks you have to eat so many beet roots to like God help but it's kind of fun alright so I kind of enjoy it this is where the enchanted it will go look at that and then we got four more cases so far they will go at this present moment I'm just at the base layer of those this back layer should be it as well but mmm I don't want to do that yet because I gonna have to break the glass they get to it actually maybe I should do that okay then alright so we need a full 18 you just need 15 to get full enchanting but we're gonna go with 18 so that is that it looks cooler so there's that so this is how we're gonna do it all these are gonna be bookcases and then the goal is to have this up here flow nice lava so I'm gonna go ahead and block that off and I'm just gonna make the lava system here it's a beautiful system the lava system I'm excited to see this you should come look at it now okay I probably got a wrap up here in just a minute [Music] you're downstairs right yeah alright let's see what you done with the place oh my gosh that's nice this is gonna be a nice room know what this will be up here is lava flowing from top behind at these it's gonna look pretty pretty good pretty nifty pretty I don't work on that real quick I like guys I'm doing the four night trios tournament yes and I have partners and I don't want to be like is in rush he make rush I'm a crush he make rush I know in rush I have no parts in there I have no friend okay I'm honestly really happy with how my farm is coming along I'm happy I'm happy that you're happy are you though yes what I'm gonna do all right this should work no to the corners you don't need the corners I don't need the corners and begging for the corners really hey hey no leaves like a fool stop that looks are not gonna burn they're not gonna move oh my gosh I just tripped out oh my I thought I was dead for a zone you good thanks oh I don't think the lab will burn the bookcases guys trust but it might but maybe maybe only one way to find out yeah oh it just breaks them give you it back forgot glasses if you like that alright there's gonna be the ultimate test chat I swear there was like not enough water in this lake mmm not enough water in the lorry go okay no no no we're fine I just need it hey beautiful should I hold this place yeah I'm gonna do it I'm sorry what you don't really have seeds for it but I'm gonna think I might have more seeds in storage actually I don't think lava burns it because of where this is they shouldn't burn in at least the sugarcane is really growing really yeah we should go to bed and then it should be like good about towards every time you come in yelling don't do anything else I'm gonna put this in there it's like I don't know what I need to do with it anyways okay you want to go to slip yeah give me one sec do you have like the materials for this thing what thing the wall that broke did you like collects what broke off a bit or no uh no I think you split on thing we get it back like I think we just have to rebuild it really thank you not for sure you'd get it back that's weird we're talking a little bit of it [Music] yeah so nice so nice don't go it's so nice so nice okay if it burns you guys went let's go somewhere it's last thing I gotta do quick quick quick quick moving moving please Louise Hoover I'm asleep just weird noises and I'm scared Sam cats give gifts if they sleep on the bed umm are you kidding me get on the bed George sorry hi honey you want a card what a cut-up feeding George Scott he's gonna be a fat I love him so much he's so cute Geronimo one day I'm gonna die doing that oh my gosh I love him you can pet him visually I want to pet him with my hands alright I got more lava all right gonna go really good or really bad oh there's a zombie downstairs and like your thing yeah they tend I made a zombie spawner back soon okay well that's not good bring it on son gonna fish a little bit for a minute see if we need some we need some more raw fishies honestly I'm dead center are you I'm coming home I'm coming oh not Rock ID you know oh I'm dead are you freaking serious gosh are you kidding me I went up the ladder and there was a creeper sitting there are you nuts oh why does happen to me always what level were you 20 I'll never be level 30 I will never be love with her I will never be lover die so much I don't get it I don't know either I'm well I collected half my experience points I have an arrow in my head and they just respond I lost half my buckets where did my buckets go okay stuff is spread out of process I don't wait my creepers kill you if they just explode on you once I didn't think or did you already have low house no I didn't know blow I'm like full well that sucks he could say that again I got it back I got all my stuff back I think nice oh dear how did he even like there's a lot of sugarcane so you should definitely drop me to farm it and give it to you I'll come soon as I get like three sticks or two it's now just started growing to 3 sticks but everything's to sever one voice okay actually I want you to come down here okay I want you to take a look at the muck be it these traffic Enza alright we'll come down and take a peek at the extravaganza extravaganza [Music] okay hello love what you've done with rice you go stand over there yeah I'm gonna activate the last part of this which is either gonna go really well really I'm gonna die wait I need to quickly put two blocks in front of me when I do this do you need me to get something or just Randhir I still oh I hope shoot did I mess it up I don't see anything now oh [Music] okay oh oh that's nice that's nice right that is annoying let's blow going to be to make it like pure lava bricks here guys oh gosh that makes it we put another glass pane on the top we'd be able to do that right wait you want to do two rows of lava we can do two rows of lava look really cool if there's just solid I don't know how we do that I don't know I don't even know if you can well you might not be able to but careful don't burn yourself I'll be fine I'm just gonna put that there but we got to make this all polished whatever holding what is this gold polished diorite yeah that's really cool though right so that's gonna be so see how the bookcases don't burn mm-hmm excellent excellent and then under here I couldn't get to be completely flat this lava so I might try to figure that out off stream but for this next episode it looks no you see how someone bits like moving you don't actually it's actually cool yeah but um I just need to replace that one actually I would put a bookshelf or I think and then all he's gotta be bookshelves we gonna replace sealing but this is we're on the road mapping the best enchanting room of all time let us know your thoughts in chat as you can see the books don't burn books don't burn and it's really aesthetic look my question is if you can hear the lava from upstairs oh wow the sugar cane is really grown oh yeah oh really you can't hear the love from above that's perfect eSports there we go perfectly made that's just that's just how we do it we do things perfect here we're gonna have the best bass ever 100 perfect 100 percent of the best bass ever what do you think it's definitely going in that direction it's definitely going in that direction hmm we got to be really careful down here not to break anything though yeah good do we have oh there's no seed for this darn got squished mei-fun make it flow from higher I think I could actually make it more effective can we just do this for now that's one block away join me to break some of the sugarcane or no not yet good good I always look three high okay we're coming along very well with our beet roots although I did I don't know if I'm a fan of the beet roots but the bearish literally don't give it anything no they really don't like we need a farmer but that's like all I've been finding I need a village that has like carrots or something I don't know yeah carrots would be do or like a bunch of melon but melon don't give you that many seeds after so it's like hard to like keep plant oh yeah well this is looking great so far get more was that dire right oh it's direct I need like two more polished i right or not polished whatever that is oh there you go I found some there yeah done a lot not a lot a lot of them there you go and 20 more blocks we did okay well whale whale actually lab experiment 2.0 shall begin now I hate having like a messy switch this I don't need my diamond sword a messy inventory it bothers me I like it to be clean squeaky clean what do you guys think two levels with stained glass or just one level pure lava BOTS I either would look good I don't know I mean two levels would be a bit more work but it would be manageable though actually having a beer oh watermelon on the crafting table make seeds oh okay I'm gonna do that I am going to go do that right now [Music] I got one more fish than I've done yes okay perfect all right let me see this let us get these seeds Oh Mary you gotta see this so we could get a punch I see you guys see this man Oh that'll be so good that's gonna look really good I think we do two layers soap with it you know to make window panes lovely um we should go to sleep soon it's dark yeah wait come look at this I'm gonna need more of a farm like - good - good gonna be that you're gonna be the head farmer in charge Lauren put a lot of work into my farm look at that a real nice form whoa see yeah that'll look really good that'll look really good you like like bookshelves yeah that's gonna look so all the all the ground will be bookshelves yes that's gonna look great right corner we should make like all the rest of the floor red like red stone blocks we could you know we could also do what is this if you want cuz we have red stone now what's there now we can almost make an exact same thing on the other side to make it or we could do something we can do something else yeah um but on that note I got a gold Samara you can do redstone yeah so um I'm just gonna go read dono some stuff but if you guys want to see I don't know if the whole grain you're gonna have to tell me if it looks enough Oh careful there's lava that one layer on yeah I know I'm only doing this one okay um do you have it on you know we have like so many redstone blocks that looks really nice how do you make like a white glass stained chip a bed down there how do you make like different colored glass George I know George I know if you move her a magnum block on water do you get magma are you ready to sleep yep stand up all right Samara I'm gonna go I will see you in a bit and guys if you want to watch more Minecraft bears gonna stream a bit longer go check it out slash summer of Italy okay bye okay bye oh hi George you're so freaking cute I love you okay the horse is like running into George that is adorable that is so cute that's honestly and it's really cute it's really cute I really like that thank you George I appreciate your a behind very sweet of you I love how he purrs that's the cutest thing like when he's sleeping with you II purring he's like that's adorable we love George we love a George I kind of want to go get another cat I'm not gonna scream for like two too much longer but like I wanna just do like a couple more things at the farm and like I'm not in a rush so you know we can we can do a few more a few more little things okay let's see what this redstone oh my gosh look how glowy it is that's crazy look at that I love it I love it I don't know I don't know if you want to do me the walls going up to the whole ground yeah just one line just like even up here right like a beer oh that's like like like the line the wall like oh just one line you know um how much stress Tony should I go in no no no don't go in so that was already the edge of the wall there so I'll cover that okay all right that looks pretty cool okay bye okay bye all right I think this is gonna be a nice touch adding a little bit of redstone what do you guys think it likes it's so glowy it looks so cool so bright and red and fun and exciting oh look at that that's crazy that's crazy I like it I like it a lot I kind of want to do more and red though I do like the whole thing red all right that's beautiful okay let me go put this red stone back cuz we don't need all of this and let me take a look at our farm again what else we gonna have - we should harvest should I harvest some of the sugarcane I could just leave it I know if we're all to go three high cuz I don't want to like mess with it yet oh we're running out of redstone don't we solve a lot we stopped a ton a ton of time okay I don't yes George thank you for the rabbit hide it was so sweet of you we appreciate it so much so nice of you George so nice so nice everybody say thank you to George everybody say thank you so thank you George okay is it I've been bet on me right yes I think I'm gonna go back to that other farm real quick do I have enough food I have some meat okay let's just go let's just go let's just go right now I have meat on me I've everything the Sun is high in the sky let's go back to that other village and I mean I could try and find another village and see if they have other vegetables for our farm but I just really like how that village had a lot of cats and I kind of want to get a Miku to our George I mean I enough salmon now so thoughts what are our thoughts on that do we need a Miku fur - for DeGeorge okay I don't know what happened here but okay I'm just gonna jump out I'm just gonna know if this is the right way the forests are all like especially with these thick trees it's like so hard to see through them I know we just need to go to like the mountainous region but okay yeah I think this is the right way it's complicated I get lost very easily I'm bad with directions I think it was this way but not up these mountains I was like up the other mountains yeah we need another cat they're so cute and I mean if they leave gifts when we go to sleep then we might as well get like 20 and then we'll have 20 gifts is that how it works like the more cats you have the more gifts cuz that would be really cool and I would enjoy that okay it was up this side right I love this village - there's swelling my favorite village that we've seen so ascetic so nice such a nice village I like how it's like on the hills like look at it it might save some like peaceful little like village and like the Himalayan mountains or something I don't know it's really cute though I really enjoy it okay I'm not gonna have anything out just in case there's a cat I don't want to scare it I'm gonna grab a door though because I kind of want to put a door on my bedroom and then I can leave the animals like free roaming in the place and they're not gonna leave my bedroom you know okay I don't really see any other cats the walk very slowly I do not want to scare them oh my gosh Yuki Yuki still drowning I'm gonna try cod on you first wait come back Yuki waits are tame him stop is it that easy to tame them I put a collar on him do we have you it can't be that easy okay I'm gonna run over here and see that's literally Yuki to like all white Yuki the other one literally George now we just need a Miku and we're good I don't think I tamed him but he got the colors so I don't know I think he's like stuck in the water do we save him are these melon seeds I think they are yeah they are I'm gonna take them I love me some melons we have so many of weed seeds I'm not even gonna bother taking them okay yes it is is he chance what get a door for Andre's you love it we can get it oh my gosh what okay this is on fire okay like are you stuck little guy like how do you like get out of there okay maybe I'm going too okay you gotta leave stop that I'm trying to rescue my cats dear okay get out of here Yuki yeah you're welcome for saving you alright let's see if he follows me now oh my gosh I'm starving okay wait we need some meat some steak okay all right we have a Yuki okay um do we want a dwarf or did you guys were saying I should get a door for Andre okay Yuki's there I mean I can get a few these doors or at least let's get two to put on both of the bedrooms cuz these are kind of like they're like see-through doors so I think they'd be yes Yuki I think they'd be good for like a bedroom because they're not like totally gonna block off the place but they block it off a little bit I could get like one more get a few more yeah I know I need a lead I don't have one they do follow though like Jorge followed us back he might just get lost a few times but I trust you Yuki okay yeah you want another you want another bra god you're so cute listen to the boys oh I love it I love it okay um the sun's gonna go down like kind of soo and I'm not gonna go far I'm just gonna check I don't know if I should go in this direction the next okay so we're gonna sleep here tonight and then I kind of just want to maybe go out a little bit further to see if there's another village I might leave Yuki here and then pass by here on the way back because I don't want to lose him somewhere else and I feel like it's very easy to lose the cats hold hold up Miku Miku Miku oh my gosh guys is this a Miku is this a Miku it's like striped oh it's Miku its Miku okay how's it yellow eyes it's like not quite Miku like Shh Yuki you're gonna scare Miku away come here strike what is what these cats getting like stuck in the water [Music] okay I'm gonna come down to him and then I get a coach ow you're gonna be the death of me cats really okay I need to sleep okay we're gonna go to sleep there's like 50 cats on the hills come on Yuki quick we need to go to sleep you can't deal with this right now there's too much too many meat to save Yuki can't let him get hurt come on Yuki get in here quick we put the bed down might just leave the bed in here all right I gotta go to sleep all right okay I'm gonna keep this better on me actually I'm not gonna leave it here because I may need it okay Yuki you so good good job all right we survived okay I think we should get another cat though like I don't think we're done okay so there's one there this one looks a lot like miku cuz it's like the same coloring as her like kind of like stripy brown with like a white stomach I think I saw another one on the hill too we should just get like 20 I love how there's like so many cats in this area don't don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared you want salmon instead I got salmon too oh my gosh why you on a tree oh my gosh okay we got the whole squad the whole I did not mean to feed you too but okay I guess you get to all right come on squad Miku you come in Oh Mike okay this is the best thing ever I kind of want to bring them back to the the bays and then like make sure they're safe and then like maybe go a different direction to just see if there's like a village so we could find should I get one more I don't know where any others would be though I haven't really heard any I mean we have to that's good now we have three cats totals I thought I saw like maybe a black one on the hill but I don't see it anymore let me look around this way real quick I think it was a cow okay maybe we should just bring them back cuz I don't want to lose them alright you can't Miku let's go let's go back home there's such an achievement when you get 20 cats are you serious I need that that's my achievement that's so funny come on guys oh where oh there we go okay good let's go I love how they like if they get stuck they just like respawn closer to you cuz otherwise like we'd run away from them and never be able to get them back would be so difficult especially in the water cuz they're so slow they're just like respawning come on guys you got to see George now we need a cocoa and then we're good we got George we now have Yuki and Miku and now we need cocoa oh oh my gosh you can get kittens by breeding them okay okay that's all you needed to say that's all you needed to say that's how we're getting cocoa that's how we're getting 20 cats maybe we shouldn't even look for another village let's just fish and get 50 cats sorry Andre but you left what did you think was gonna happen I wasn't gonna get 20 cats no I think they'll just be able to follow me I go this way will they be able to respawn let's see yeah they will okay good that's so nice not having to worry about it cuz then I can just like jump over these holes and not have to worry about them not being able to make it and I can swim across here and not have to worry about them which is lovely come on guys where does that noise always happen when we go in the water it's so creepy my gosh look at them swimming together is so cute okay that was good all right I am going to oh we don't really have any more space to plant on melons we're gonna need more dirt we need another row for sure okay let's see if they just like come up in this room I'm gonna put a door would it fit here or is this too big might be too big I want to have like some sort of gate on here though okay we need to fill this at least so that like if we put them in the house they can't get out I don't know if we have enough wood though I mean I could just fill it with dirt in the meantime and then we can like make it nicer after I just want to fill it with something I'm gonna fill it with terracotta cuz it looks nice are they still swimming oh they're like there what are you guys doing goodness gracious okay I'm just gonna fill it like this I know it looks ugly we're gonna fix it in the next one don't worry but I just I don't want there to be holes in the house so and the terracotta like it makes it like now we know where the holes are we know you know we definitely know okay what are you guys doing out here where are they come here what do you come this way you to come on I can have to get a lead to bring them in we gonna leave where is my lead oh this is it right yeah we only need one oh okay no no Miku Miku come here yeah me can you good come on Miku let's go this way are you stuck this way wipes sitting down beat you steak stand up do you want something I don't know what she wants okay I'm gonna get Yuki in the meantime this is hard work having like 20 cats I knew not only up three but so far a lot of work okay come on Yuki at least you listen we don't know what meek is doing okay this way all right okay doors are closed how do I get rid of this lead now oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry take a card I'm so sorry Yuki oh my gosh okay mates you guys get you're supposed to have babies that's why I got you you can't not oh my gosh okay fine George what about you you can have babies you're gonna be my good child no no what's with all of you just sitting down okay whatever I give up we have like five cats and they don't listen to us yes there's gonna be a lot of meowing there's gonna be a lot of meowing okay all right let me just go tends to my farm well welcome I don't want to go anywhere because I think it's getting kind of dark yeah and I'm hearing zombies and stuff oh my gosh okay I actually did a lot of progress here all this melon how did you hear me whoo I'm so done with you know I'm gonna give you away stop that goodness gracious huh um okay melon seeds let's make this whole back row melon because I want to and let's do this rope will I do a little bit at least okay and then beet seeds I don't know why I'm even bothering doing beet seeds because they really do nothing but I just like having a farm okay alright okay come on Miku we're going back inside I know we have to unzip them but like I was trying and they wouldn't unsent like look oh my gosh okay just just stop just stop just stop all right so me kou Zhun sat Yuki can you get off there Yuki oh there we go maybe he was just like stuck on there why do you guys want to sit on there so much mate you if I knock them off they're like mate but why do they want to see him mate with Yuki okay I'm just gonna go to bed you guys are gonna have me killed [Music] can you guys stand up Elise and leave me some gifts or something you have got to get off of there nope Miku off there okay I give up with her I I give up I give up I'm going to bed I'm going to sleep whatever at least Yuki and that was so cute Yuki oh my god that was adorable okay Yuki and George alright know where to find George don't don't do it George George you use so much to live for don't come back no Yuki don't follow him okay okay yeah we really close those windows huh you know what I'm just gonna make you both sit I'm gonna make it both sit okay sit sit yep don't follow me today and Micah's just already like but she's like I just I can't I can't I can't with Miku okay stand and then they're sick okay now she should stay oh my gosh that was complicated all right do we go in the same direction as the last village or a different direction I don't know I kind of go in this direction because we haven't gone here a long time let's do this just to see what's this way there might be nothing put there might be something okay not if they were following me it's rough being a mom to three cats it's a lot of work I'm tired dig me out a lot Andres gonna hate it he is going to I hate it when standing they can mate we're gonna need more fish then because they usually mate when you like feed them at the same time well at least that's what like the chickens do so I think we just need like more and we need like a little cat like kennel and then we need like 50 cats like just in a little kettle I think that might be like abuse if you put like 50 in like one little kennel okay but then at least we'd have some bebés so you know maybe we'll do I just want to see what a little kitten would look like - I've never seen a kitten minecraft don't worry cause I'll leave you alone okay so this is our old base we already cleared everything out of it but it is here look at it look at it it's a good like way to know that I'm going in this direction I mean I probably compass actually so this one's that way and this one's that way so we're going likes pretty much straight this direction oh my gosh Chicken George is here poor Chicken George yeah we need to get nametags to definitely need to craft some name tags okay I'm gonna use steak I'm starving Oh fill that up there we go not gonna waste the steak on like a sliver of Health okay I don't remember if I walked out in this direction we may have I'm just gonna go absolutely straight this way whoops I'm like not really going straight this way my base is like there though yeah I'm going pretty straight this way sure we're going in the general area I'm probably gonna get lost but it's okay I don't think we just went straight I don't think we did so I'm gonna keep doing it I honestly don't think I just went straight this way we didn't explore much when we were in this base like I maybe looked for flowers but I don't think I explored a ton I just really want to find like a village with like bookshelves like a bigger village I mean the ones we found are good but what a huge village and then I'm gonna move there and live with the Village People then we're gonna abandon Andre I'm just kidding look baby though it's a possibility we can do it I have two salmon too so if we come across a cat we can like maybe get another one I feel like they're only in those mountain areas though because that's the only time I've seen them I saw them at the other village which was kind of in a mountainous area and then this oh my goodness like liking and then this like super um mountainous village so the cats like they're only in like the mountain range hello chickens you guys got a village base around here don't see any but I also haven't gone this far out so I don't know how I'm ever gonna find my way back what we're going I'm not excited for a second I thought that was a base but it was a mushroom darn it darn mushrooms oh we should have taken the horse oh my gosh that's a good idea I can't just mount from it though which is kind of annoying oh actually no I can now cuz I changed my key Pines back darn it we should definitely take our horse to explore okay I don't think there's anything in this direction I really don't see much maybe we should pick a different direction maybe we should get our horse and go in a different direction so we could go so fast I think we should do that you could literally just zoom across I guess my like um hunger won't go down as much two of us riding the horse but then you have to feed the horse I mean I could bring some like wheat mean some chickens for our base to so hard to like leave them back I mean I guess we're gonna bleep back Chicken George on like a we eat but I don't know oh boy let's go all the way back this is a really pretty area it's like a nice little river going in the middle it's so nice he's so nice so nice okay we're getting there maybe actually have no idea where I never know where I am like ever I think I need to go this direction more maybe I don't know oh there's that floating cross so we're going the right way the spooky right way huh guess I'll have to use my diamond sword I mean I really don't need to use my time sort to break leaves but I'm gonna do it cuz it's easy See's there's something in this direction - I didn't really look this way there's like a hole in the wall but I think that's just a cave oh this is the open ocean we need to explore the I think so I think this is the area that's just open ocean we need to explore the open ocean though cuz honors never explored it before I did briefly last time I played it but not that much cats eat chickens Oh I didn't even think of that yeah I guess we could feed them chicken we don't just need to feed them fish we could do that we definitely definitely could definitely definitely good okay go get our horse where's the Sun okay it's probably gonna set soon the dates are so short I wish they were longer you can probably like increase it somehow but we're playing by the rules so we won't but I wish the days were like 20 hours long so that I wouldn't have to go back and go to sleep all the time I don't wanna sleep is Andre not streaming no we were playing together he just stopped like like 20 minutes 10 minutes ago 20 minutes ago 15 minutes ago because he needs to he's playing in the trio's tournament today so I I'm not playing the trio's tournament today obviously so I was not in as big of a rush as he was [Music] oh no I'm running out of food dying empty feet ten thousand beat words finally there we go okay yeah the horse is so much faster why haven't we used it more I like forget about him cuz he's just like hanging out in the bedroom I like forget that you could like actually use him as a mode of transportation you got very lucky because I accidentally hit the grass but I need you to feed my cats I have three of them and they are all very hungry all the time okay okay if it's three high I'm gonna harvest it and see how much we get and then I'll just put it in storage for next episode I think it is oh look at this okay let's do it oh my gosh we're gonna get so much sugarcane all right break it from the bottom that's so much they like explode off okay that's crazy do I even have enough storage rollers shirt okay let's see how much we got okay we got a lot of sugarcane a lot um I'm gonna plant plant it though I was the worst planting job ever this scared cuz it's getting dark and I wanted to this fast I think we can cover this full five oh my goodness next episode we're gonna have so much honor doesn't even know we're gonna have an insane amount of sugarcane he will never need sugarcane again okay look at that okay that's perfect all right let's go to bed I don't want to be outside when it's dark gonna be scary okay I'm gonna let you all stand up so that you can cuddle with me oh thank you no no no no no Michu yes you're all very demanding they gave me rabbit hide again do they always give rabbit hide or can they like give something else I don't know okay I'm gonna put the sugar cane in here rabbit hide in there we have a ton of beetroot seeds I don't really want to plant them right now so I'm just gonna like leave them here we have some of that Oh these doors put this storage for now too this wool in there this in there feathers in there I'll throw the egg and [Music] here that's good okay all right let's grab the horse and okay let's not go that direction yeah I'm like dying okay no come on Horace there we go okay we have to hit our head a little bit to go out it's no big deal all right you go in that direction that's the other village though let's go straight this way oh my gosh we're zoom in oh my gosh okay wait what if he gets I feel like we're gonna get stuck a lot going through trees duh okay I'm hurting myself so much oh my gosh this horse is gonna die I'm on top of the trees I don't even know what I'm doing anymore honestly though it's way better way of getting there so much reser okay oh that's good do horses take like a lot of fall damage you guys know like can I just like fly on the treetops cuz it seems kind of like I could do that and that's what better they can't swim now can they so how am I supposed to cross this area they're like dry land to cross I don't think so I could try and like jump across this this looks pretty short here okay come here horse wait where'd the horse go where did my Rosco um did we just lose our horse like well I hear him what is he drunk where did he go I can yeah he's definitely here it's a glitch Oh leave and quit it's a glitch okay I'm gonna disconnect and then reconnect real quick cuz like you can hear him so oh okay yeah there he is alright come here little guy or I guess stay on that side I guess you can't like swim can you okay um I wanted to go in this direction now oh we can't swim a little bit oh okay not really kind of sucks at it it's okay no we got it there we go Oh oh my gosh we almost jumped in there that's scary oh my gosh hey other horse I'm a horse too hi oh my gosh take a little horse family that's cute feel bad that my horse can't be a part of that feel like he wants his own horse family Sunday oh this was the open ocean over here - oh this is where we found our dog I remember this okay let's go this way cuz we didn't look like this side I was so scared that we lost our horse every second that would've been so bad cuz he's wearing diamond armor - I mean at least we didn't craft it but it's still like nice I don't see any villages this way honestly I hate how there's so much water though cuz he can't really jump through it are you good I'm a fee to lots of wheat no no I'm a few lots of wheat no here here here okay I think he's okay I think he's good he's good you just you just got hurt a little bit you want some more wheat no he doesn't want more okay here's got a little injured just a tad just a tad injured just a tad it was just tiny bit tiny bit of an owl okay I'm gonna grab this sugar cane cuz apparently Andre says we're still gonna need like a million sugar canes alright let's keep going how didn't even hurt myself I think I jumped into a tree so much easier being on top of the trees and underneath Oh what there's like a lava pit here okay I don't know where I am there we go oh these flowers are really pretty do I have to oh I guess I do I didn't think I did they look like they have like a little bit of like purple in them or something alright to not go in the lava that wouldn't be good all I do have corn flour oh look different I didn't realize there was so nice okay skip back I'm scared I'm scared my horse is gonna die I don't want to lose him I like him he's a good horse is this our base right here what oh no it's this direction I'm so confused that's our old base right there so our new bases this way okay we need to feed him some more wheat let me get back to this he has like a little bit of a heart missing he really doesn't take that much damage though like he just got like body there he's like he's like okay oh there's the gladiator village thing okay this is my basis I just like to call it a gladiator village because it sounds powerful okay look at ice we didn't find a village but I mean at least we made it back in one piece with our Wars so that's good didn't kill the horse always good there we go alright let me give him some wheat oh thank you already ate it okay alright good stop horse you stay down here what are you cats want I'm gonna get a little bit more fish I really want them to have babies but they really don't want to have babies and it's super annoying I want them to have babies okay let me get my fishing rod we need like a piece of fish for all of them I don't really want to feed them salmon the salmon so hard he has a bit of immunity to fall damage yeah I mean you'd like a person would take way more the worst the Ling lost like half health from falling from like a tree so I feel like he's better better to take the fall damage than a person would be look at our farm what do you guys think of our farm so far what would you rate my farm how is it coming along I quite enjoy it I think it's coming along quite nicely okay Cod's do we have any more card no we don't that's the first piece of cod we have a piece of chicken you guys set the eat chicken so we could give that you have chicken Cod and salmon let's see if we can get a few more yes I'll make them stand I know they have to be standing stab babies I just want them to be all together so that's why they're just like sitting there for now oh yeah I'll feed the dog to my back I'm just really focused on the cats cuz they're new okay they're new and like fun how do you know if the cats are like does it matter if it's like a boy or a girl cat though or can like any of them just me cuz like I don't know how to tell I don't know how to do that yeah put them close together and feed them okay that's what we're gonna do oh yeah you bread with wheat oh we should do that you should definitely do okay I have three pieces of cod I'm just gonna give them the cards so let me go upstairs I'll hold the cod in my hand come here guys come here Miku good bring her on Allie to bring her a trophy okay why doesn't the lead oh there we go why do you want to sit after stand oh [Music] [Music] okay I need to sleep I need to sleep cats I need to sleep I need to oh my gosh they're all perlier wait where'd George go George don't do it wait wait George go they weren't attacking George were they Oh bye guys all right careful what are you I know you're George I'm so done with you George get back inside climb you're grounded George my goodness what's gonna kill you all right okay we now have a family of cats we have a mini Miku which is the best thing that's ever happened to me let me fish a little bit more I mean I could give them the Salmons but like I kind of want some more cod this is amazing this is incredible this is incredible this is incredible sorry for yelling but I've never seen a cat kitten before in Minecraft and I didn't think they were actually gonna mate and I was just very excited because we have a baby Miku now and it's the cutest thing ever so Odie he gave me a rabbit like okay why do they rabbit's foot oh great lovely why do they keep coming back with like pieces of rabbit why can't they come back with like diamonds or something or like flowers why I just have to be like a rabbit's foot okay they're bringing a lot of salmon back I mean I guess I could just feed them salmon I don't know why I'm like trying to save it [Music] I'm guys gonna be so annoyed with the cats cuz they're meow-meow like constantly oh this is gonna be amazing okay let me just feed them one more time so now there's four so I have to feed them four pieces of fish I don't know what I'm gonna do with this little rabbit's foot but we're just gonna ignore that and you guys let me eat chicken too right so we can feed them chicken as well lovely it's got one more one more please please all right all right shut all the doors I mean we have holes in our house that we really need to fix because they're just gonna like leaving us if we don't fix the holes okay stand stand I guess they don't want to eat cuz no I wanted you and Yuki to mate we need a different colour Yuki mate with George please no George I would get that you want that too Oh No Yuki why do you keep eating why is Yuki Yuki just eats Yuki stop stop eating okay you know what no no no okay actually okay sit down all of you all right sit down Yuki go closer okay now I'm gonna need to wait for you guys to be hungry and we're gonna have to try that again I just can't with baby Miku though baby me who is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life she's tiny okay let's feed her dog while we're waiting to because they're poor dog no no no no you stay there stay there don't go running away not allowed to eat baby Miku I know they're annoying but you just have to live with it okay you just are making a lot of noise all right let me fish a little bit more and then we'll try again in like a couple minutes let me read super chat so I'm fishing as well because fishing kind of just kind of just takes some time and you don't need to concentrate too much so we can multitask all right who's that noise okay I'm just gonna ignore that we got one problem Josh hey smart another great video keep up the amazing work Thank You Josh appreciate it I will say hi to Miku Wes as well Thank You Wes are you excited for planet zoo you will love it I didn't even know that that was coming oh I need to that wait I think I did no that's that game it's like a super-realistic zoo right I think maybe if it is then I'm very excited and I 100% me playing it as soon as it comes out my brother was actually showing me that I'm pretty sure that's what it is we also got Cameron you should get a pet cat and Fox well Cameron now we have four so there's that definitely should get a fox though Fox would be super super cute Thank You Cameron for all of those super chats cameron also said what okay that's fine we have enough cameron also said get two tamed cats to eat at the same time to get a baby we did that to Cameron we're just on top of it today killin the game should get another Road farm - we also got jr. make a beam on top of your face any suggestions you guys have for the base let me know cuz yeah we need to do a lot more definitely for sure 100% need to do more we also got Nick Dwight vibes with the beats we got beats for days we have so many beats so many beads Thank You Nick srg sunset as well I think cats scare creepers really I'd be amazing then that's perfect we need a base full of cats walnut is well you played Minecraft my favorite thing Thank You walnut I loved playing Minecraft I love it it's so fun it's so fun I've been having so much fun playing Minecraft lately stop meowing stop it stop it dev oh you just lost the horse hockey love utg we almost did we almost did luckily that was a glitch though so we got it back wait where is our horse wait where actually is our horse wait okay why don't you oh okay Thank You Deb Oh for that super chat because I honestly didn't even realize the voice is gone we have a lot of animals to focus on now stop running away oh my gosh oh my gosh Thank You dev Oh appreciate it he really wants to leave can you not horse can you not she try and feed them again let's see if they're gonna eat though I don't know or two we give them a little bit more time might need a bit more time I can try it see the Yuki first because he was the last one I fed and if he eats and they all should eat no he's not gonna eat it okay I'm gonna wait a bit longer so I want you to be able to eat can I fix these things in the mean time to what they're in sort of terracotta I don't think we have any wood though brown wool doors I guess we'll leave the terracotta we can do that next time is that villager do I kill him I love how laundry just put like an actual like zombie spawn thing in here okay we're gonna ignore that yeah the horse apparently can fly now real talented horse look at all our beets it's got these watermelons out perfect okay I'm not gonna bother harvesting the beets yeah because we have like so many I want to wait till we can plant something else to like we have an insane amount of these really don't need more boots right now I know it's dark oak I just don't feel like looking for dark oak right now I'm like actually cutting it I just want like a kitten you know maybe they don't like chicken yes yes yes we need a different color oh come on [Music] okay good yeah mm-hmm keep mating honestly everybody mate oh my gosh guys we have a baby Yuki okay so we now have um one cat two cat three cat four cat Andres gonna be pissed five cats and a dog yes we're gonna feed the puppy as well there you go puppy there you go okay so we have five cats and a dog shree feed the worst - okay he doesn't want to be bed alright never mind them yeah we have a lot of cats Aundre has no idea he left with one cat he's going to come back with five it's gonna be great it's gonna be great really excited let me I think we got another super chat here so let me just read that before we end things off Nick any other streams planned for later we love you thank you Nick no more streets today it's actually my sister's birthday today so I'm going to be going to my house a little later for a birthday dinner so yeah there's not gonna be any more streams today but definitely tomorrow and yeah I'm gonna go to bed so that I just don't oh my gosh hi baby Miku so cute so cute there we go I don't want to leave things off in the dark because the dark is scary um but yeah if you guys have any suggestions for the next episode leave them in the comments be sure to leave them in the comments any tips to do with the house any tips for our enchanting room which is looking ten out of ten let me know in the comments and just like anything else anything else yeah maybe we'll get some more kittens tomorrow I think that'd be a great idea what do you think little guy we need another combination what haven't we done we've done George we haven't done Miku and Yuki I don't think you're hungry cuz like I just fed them oh darn it no George eat we need a pen we need a pepper okay fine no baby no baby alright sit okay next episode we'll have more babies don't worry we'll have lots of cats but yeah that's gonna be a Prettyish all your suggestions leave them in the comments George why are you walking around sit there please and yeah I hope you guys did enjoy this and I hope you are having a lovely lovely day so far and I will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Samara Games
Views: 73,092
Rating: 4.9007521 out of 5
Keywords: creeper, aw man, creeper aw man, minecraft, minecraft with my boyfriend, minecraft episode, minecraft gameplay, minecraft part 2, playing minecraft, how to minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft nether
Id: tFChBgjeOBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 19sec (9019 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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