Best Dual Sport Motorcycle Tires at

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howdy this is let me go through Brazil here to talk to you today but the best dual-sport tires if you're watching this video odds are probably pretty good that you have a dual sport and you're trying to put a new set of shoes on it now we recognize here at RevZilla that sometimes the myriad of tires and sizes that are available can sometimes be a little bit mind-boggling and rather than try and present you the pros and cons of every single tire what we thought we'd do is put together a video letting you know that there are five really influential tires that we found serve a lot of riders well here of Zillah it should if nothing else give you an avenue to explore on your own so let's talk about a couple of things before we get into the tires really relating to your bike the first is what we're gonna call a dual sport so that term certainly can be bandied about in a number of different ways but what we're gonna call a dual sport here is gonna be a single cylinder machine generally patterned after a trail bike think about your stereotypical trail bike with blinkers the reason we're defining it this way is because most bikes in the dual sports segment very rigidly defined like that will wear an 1821 Wheel sale of an 18-inch rear tire you'll have a 21 inch front now if you have something that's maybe a little bit more Road oriented like an adventure bike we also have a video for you check that one out if that more accurately describes your style of motorcycle so the other thing we need to talk about - before we get into the tires themselves they're kind of what different riders plan on doing with their dual-sports some riders really are only crossing a road just to get from one trail to another the bikes will spend very little time actually on pavement other folks however use their bikes all over the place they may commute to work on them during the week and then hit the trails and maybe light off-roading on the weekends there really is a pretty vast chasm on what riders do with these bikes because there's a pretty big spread of riding the bikes are actually capable of now one of the things you should also know when you're looking at these tires and we may do it in this video and we'll definitely do it on our website is we'll describe them in terms of a ratio you'll see a tire described as maybe say a 60/40 or a 70/30 tire and that ratio is the ratio of on-road riding to off-road riding that you can expect that tire to be good for it now you can of course push a tire outside of its comfort zone however if you're riding mostly on the street you probably don't want to tire that something as aggressive as say a 40 60 tire it's gonna be too knobby it'll be vibrating on you all the time making noise and probably won't last all that long similarly if you have a street based tire and you're trying to go off-road you're not gonna get very far if you just spinning and sliding around in the dirt and the mud so you should be aware that that ratio exists it should help you figure out exactly what a tire is gonna do for you if you honestly assess your needs now we've talked about the tires and the bikes let's get into individual products first up we're gonna talk about the me toss vo 9 Dec our tire now this is a very knobby tire as you can see super aggressive this can best be described probably is a 2080 tire meant to spend really only a very small part of its life actually on the pavement you can see obviously the large voids between the knobs on here it's gonna be great for ejecting mud it's also going to be great at mechanically conforming to irregular surfaces and terrains that you might be rolling over on your motorcycle now where the Dakar version of this tire actually shines is in its sidewall reinforcement this is a tire that has extra sidewall reinforced not this can be really important to those of you who are really airing down hard core to get great grip offroad it's also helpful for those of you who are riding in places that have terrain that's really just not friendly to a motorcycle so I'm thinking of those you who zip around and perhaps shale or chert rock that stuff can fragment be razor sharp it does a number on tires including the sidewall those of you in the southwest if you run across Choya cactus you know that those spines can really just wreck a tire if you're going somewhere where the terrain is particularly unfriendly a neo 90 car tire might be just the ticket for you it can be comical sometimes how many flats you can pick up if you're in a spot with lots and lots of stuff that's gonna you know just beat up a tire having something like the eo9 is cheap insurance to make sure that you're actually motoring through that stuff rather than kneeling in it repairing a tire let's move on to the next set of skins now check out the me faux Explorer unlike the me toss that we just looked at the me faux Explorer it really is more of a 50/50 tire just as comfortable on the pavement as it is out on the trail now if you look at the actual design this tire you'll notice this chevron pattern sort of showing up in the center of the tread and this is really kind of a pretty popular pattern you'll notice this on lots of other tires that are very similar to this you'll check out said that me toss zo7 not the aggressive o9 we just looked at but the o-7 slightly less aggressive you'll also find that chevron pattern as well on something like a heidenau k60 scout 3 you're seeing it in so many places because it's a very effective tread pattern the reason the me faux Explorer is up here though is because it offers that same tread pattern probably at the best price point this is probably the most affordable way into that category of tire and the performance is going to be very similar among all three so for the rider who's just heading out to explore and doesn't really know where they're heading to something like a me faux Explorer would be perfect it's just as comfortable again on the trail as it is on the pavement maybe even if there's nothing at all they'll still probably get you through let's move on to the next set of skins for those who are spending most of your life on the pavement we have the Avon trail rider so if you take a peak of this tire obviously the voids between the tread blocks are much smaller which is indicating this is a tire that is meant to spend most of its life on the pavement here's the deal I run into a lot of riders who have either a dirt bike or perhaps a dual sport and they really really want a supermoto but they have no interest in spending the hundreds if not thousands of dollars it takes to convert over with a fresh set of wheels possibly break fenders etc so what I tell those riders is to check out something like this these are gonna give you a great on-road performance no it's not going to turn your wheels and tires into a set of super-sticky 17-inch sport rubber but they're gonna get really close these are gonna be great on the road they're gonna be really quiet and the other thing too is they've got just a little bit of you know off-road capability so we're gonna hit some occasional gravel maybe some hard pack you should be just fine on a set of trail riders hey Vaughn really for a very long time made nothing but street tires and their street skill is very evident in a set of the trail riders if you want quiet long-wearing tire that you can really rail on when you come to the corners the trail rider is the way to go let's move on in another tire and batten clean up here we have the Shenko 244 tires this is an on off road tire and the reason this is up here is because this is the budget buster we get plenty of people who are really just looking to spend as little as they can on their dual sport bike hey let's not kill the lily you can pick these bikes up really cheaply they last forever a lot of people just don't want to sink a bunch of money into motorcycling and tires are no exception so the 244 is gonna be a great option this is actually a tire that gives really similar performance so I'd say a lot of the lower end oh em tires you're gonna find on a dual sport so if you remember the tires came on your bike when it was new these are probably gonna perform very similarly best part about these babies they start at like 25 26 bucks right off the bat I mean that is really insanely cheap when you think about a tire you can usually pick up a set of two forty four is more cheaply than you can get just a rear tire from a premium line tire for me that's a big winner and I think it's gonna be a big winner for a lot of you folks too that doesn't hurt to these things again have pretty acceptable on and off road performance so that rounds it out those are our top dual sport tires here at hopefully you feel a little bit more educated on what might work for you and maybe you're inspired to do a little bit more research because you know what path to go down if you need any help something I provide in the video we also have gear geeks here who are more than willing to talk to you quite a few of these folks ride dual-sport themselves we have a lot of off riders off-road riders in the building they're more than willing to give you a hand get in touch with one see us at or of course you can always talk to somebody live and in person if you pick up the phone eight seven seven seven nine two nine four five five I'm let me I'm out of here [Music]
Channel: RevZilla
Views: 148,871
Rating: 4.8725491 out of 5
Keywords: Best Dual Sport Tires, Best Dual Sport Motorcycle Tires, review, revzilla, motorcycle, Top Dual Sport Motorcycle Tires, Top Dual Sport Tires, Best Reviewed Dual Sport Tires, revzillatv, Lemmy
Id: o5CEcXM5iZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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