BEST DENDRO TEAMS & REACTIONS EXPLAINED! All Dendro Reactions & Team Guide - Genshin Impact 3.0

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what's going on gamers welcome to 3.0 today i wanted to teach you guys about dental reactions and what teams you can build around different dendro gimmicks these aren't going to be 100 best teams all the time but hopefully you can walk away from this video with some idea of strong dendro teams and how they'll work before we get started i wanted to give a huge thanks to the entire tc community zajf kqm kusunali mains other content creators who collaborated and everyone who helped me do math personally i also go live a few days a week at braxophone i'll be live during the week of sumaru patch so if you want to come ask questions or just see things being tested live make sure to come check it out with all that being said my name is braxophone and let's talk about dendro [Music] we currently have three dendro characters and though i'll be making a video for each one of them it's good to know which ones are good and bad at dendroapplication forgive my pronunciation on this it's about to be terrible dignari isn't really meant to be a dendroplayer or a main dps he's sort of just in a weird quick swap but takes up short field time anyways position most of the time he's gonna be the one triggering reactions instead of applying dendro for others to trigger now cauli is in a weird spot because for some reason her burst doesn't really follow standard internal cooldown internal cooldown is the frequency at which a character can apply an element to an enemy and kalae has a standard two and a half seconds but not the standard three hits so what that means is that she can only apply dendro three times per her burst which is pretty bad overall this is gonna limit her usability as a dendro support to only a couple of teams if you try to be optimal the third dendro unit is going to be the mc the main character it's easy to dismiss aether and lumine due to them being free starting characters but they actually aren't too bad in most of their elements the only reason electromc isn't used is because fishel and ryden exist and the only reason that gomc isn't used is because albedo exists ultimately if you don't have access to those units mc provides a pretty solid alternative the cool thing is that with dendro the traveler actually has the best denture application of the current dendro roster it's likely that kusanali will probably do it better because the traveler is a lesser version of the arkon characters but for now dendromc is a completely free to play character that does the job of dendro support very well all of their constellations are also going to be free they can use favonia sword for battery and their damage for being an enabler isn't really that bad either so if you're going to build a dendro unit i'd recommend building up dendromc to level 90 to maximize utility and reaction damage because they're going to be great for dendro and they're also sort of future proof since they change elements for this video most of the teams are going to feature mc [Music] the first and one of the best dental reactions is gonna be bloom which activates when you have hydro and dendro coexisting on an enemy bloom will spawn a dendrocore that looks like a little green seed and that seed can do one of three things it can blow up on its own it can be triggered by pyro or it can be hyperbloomed which is electro if you don't apply any elements to it and just wait a short amount of time it will deal bloom damage after blowing up as a result of its timer expiring or a new core being spawned all bloom reactions deal dendro damage so the new artifacts set deepwood memories will make them stronger by shredding dendro resistance now something sort of crazy about dendro is that it doesn't react with cryo at all and that means a few things one you can reverse melt with burning and two you can run freeze with dendro and still bloom and you can use the second point to actually improve dendroteams the way elemental gauges work with dual element auras for example something like electro and hydro on an enemy when you react with pyro the pyro will eliminate the electro first before he can get to the hydro and vaporize if the pyro is strong enough it can do both but usually there will be hydro left over regardless the same thing applies to freeze with dendro when you apply hydro and cryo to an enemy they get the freezing aura which is actually different from cryo hydro when you apply hydro to an enemy it has to go through the freezing aura first to get to the dendro one making it affect the dendro aura on enemies less this allows you to get multiple blooms out of a dendroaura before it's removed from an enemy on top of that in a freeze team enemies will be stuck in place to wait for the blooms to blow up so jeff calls this concept fridge and it's basically because you're putting your vegetables or dendro in the fridge which keeps them cold and maintains the aura longer it's actually a super solid team concept and it's really fun in execution the fridge team consists of a dendroplayer cryoapplier hydroplayer and a flex the team that i like to use is dendromc rosaria kokomi and kazuha and in this team you can definitely replace kazua with venti or sucrose kokomi's healing is still solid with a full em build kazowa debuffs cryo resistance and helps group dendrocores because they can be moved with animo and rosaria deals high cryo damage you'll notice that all of the blooms deal over 20k damage when they blow up and that's due to kokomi's elemental mastery in a fridge team you want to give your hydro character a full elemental mastery build with the gilded dream set because they'll take ownership of all of the dental cores produced when an enemy is frozen now as for flexibility this team concept can exist with tons of different units there's a variation of the team with no main damage dealer where you substitute rosaria for diona which is pretty funny by itself but if you don't want to do that you can also just bring diona or sucrose instead of kazuha if you want to share elemental mastery for the cryo damage dealer most cryo characters will work i've just found rosario to be pretty easy to plug and play and as for hydro units you can use any of them but the best characters for it will be child xingsha yilan and kokomi for their very consistent hydra application lastly this is one of the few teams kalei really excels in because her dendro application isn't amazing but because we're fridging the dendroaura is going to last for more hits and lastly as for sets you want to make sure that you give dendromc or kalae the deepwood memory set [Music] alternatively to bloom by applying pyro to the core you'll trigger virgin which deals aoe dendro damage to both nearby enemies and yourself the cell damage is pretty reduced but it's nearly impossible to play a good virgin team without shields or healing this mostly was meant to try and take attention off of pyro reactions but virgin isn't a bad one to use and actually gives the lesser used units like toma a way to deal solid damage and get use out of his kit virgin teams are an interesting concept not the most broken teams but definitely still fun to play right now they're pretty limited if you want to get value out of them but i've had a lot of fun using tomah for high damage if you use someone like kokomi child xingxiao yolan barbara most of the gameplays with kokumi but almost any hydro unit will work alongside dendromc you can create a ton of dendrocores and toma is able to blow them all up because of a lack of icd which is how often a character can apply an element to an enemy now to clarify tomah does have internal cooldown icd but the cores only take one hit each to blow up so effectively tomah has no icd at all in that situation a full elemental mastery toma can still shield consistently enough to block out virgin's self-damage while also blowing up for tons of denture damage in this situation i definitely recommend giving your dendro character the deepwood memory set and giving tomah the gilded dream set that way enemies resistance to dendro is being shred and tomah has tons of elemental mastery now once again virgin is pretty dang limited right now the best dendroplayer is dendromc but the problem is that dendromc's flower that they spawn in the middle can actually be destroyed by shang ling and toma and though you can definitely play around it if you're good at the game it can be a little bit tougher to deal with so just keep that in mind for the future virgin teams i'm gonna recommend that virgin can be fun and especially when new dendro characters come out that don't have that little seed that can just instantly be destroyed in the middle of their burst virgin will be a lot better regardless of that we're still gonna talk about some other virgin team options now you might be wondering about xiangling since she is the premiere free to play pyro that's normally used with child i personally like using toma because i get enjoyment out of using underused characters to clear content but xongling would be better by a long shot if you play what i like to call intergrational with a dendra replacing your animal you can run a normal shangling build with an elemental mastery sands to deal amazing personal damage with shongling while also hitting a decent amount of virgin damage child's hydro application is so strong that you should never really have any issues the one downside to this team is that the self damage will absolutely obliterate you without being in bennett's field so that's something to keep in mind but alternatively to that even you could use something like kazuha and kokomi instead of bennett and child and that would allow you to have a healer and someone to group up enemies so that's just something to think about there's lots of variations you can do to this you just need to make sure that you have a high enough hydra application to beat out toma or xiangling's pyro virgin is a fun concept and honestly i can see it getting a lot better with newer units down the line but even right now it seems pretty good [Music] the last of the bloom reactions is going to happen when you attack a core with electro when you hit one of the seeds with electro that triggers hyper bloom and essentially hyper bloom is just a homing bloom reaction it's just going to send dendro damage towards an enemy and it's going to track them down the one downside to this is that it is single target which means that though you probably won't miss i do think there's been one or two instances where it has it's not going to blow up and deal tons of aoe damage so you are limiting the amount of enemies that you can hit a little bit but the fact that it chases down targets makes it at least a little consistent there's a lot of terminology that seems confusing at first with electro and dendro but it's not all too bad outside of hyperbloom all you need to know is that if you combine electro and dendro the enemy becomes quickened against quickened enemies your next electro or dendro attack will deal bonus damage that scales with elemental mastery if you hit with electro it's aggravate damage and if you hit with dendro it spread damage there's no difference in these except for the type of damage they do aggravates electro's spread is dandruff all hyperbloom teams are also quick in teams but not all quicken teams are hyperbloom teams to make a hyperbloom team you need a hydro but for quicken teams you may not use one at all that being said a lot of times using a hyperbloom team with some quicken options is pretty good electro benefits a ton from the existence of dendro and you can tell by how many characters saw huge buffs for example fischel was an amazing unit before but now she deals even higher damage due to both aggravate and her ascension 4 passive that deals extra damage and has no internal cooldown which essentially just means it can rock more reactions you'll definitely want to level her up to 90 if you want to get the most damage out of her because all of the dendro reactions scale with your level pretty hard on top of that other characters like kooky and yai miko who get value out of elemental mastery will also deal more solid damage now so let me show you what i mean there's tons of solid teams for this electro endendro is a field day for a hyper bloom team i've been enjoying kuching yeolan kazuha and dendromsi with yulan being replaceable by singto it's not a broken team and it's definitely not the best but it allows you to play kutsen a previously low tier unit for damage it also allows kitchen to use the four piece thundering fury set which got buffed to improve dendro reaction damage and also get more electro uptime it also activates on danger reactions now so overall thundering fury became a significantly more useful set in this case i gave my kuching in elemental mastery sans but outside of that there's options like using ayato on field with fishel in place of cutsing we will be able to dish out insane damage in short bursts i find that with quicken and aggravate teams if you're gonna have a main damage dealer as long as they were okay before they're pretty good now as long as they fit into that archetype of hydro electro or dendro the main thing you need to know about hyperbloom teams is that you just need to have solid hydro dendro and electro application a ton of reaction damage comes out of hyperbloom teams and even without mega buffing your carry you can still deal really high damage alternatively for teams that focus on quicken aggravate and spread but not hyper bloom you have a few options but my personal favorite is with tignati you don't need him for this but he's pretty good at it essentially this team has everything dealing solid damage i play tignati fishel yaimiko and kazuha though you can't really control who's getting buffed at any given time each buff will add up to be insane damage since yai has em scaling giving her the new elemental mastery set can be super beneficial and giving technology the dendro set can improve his personal damage by a lot fishel will also proc tons of aggravate and overall the damage from this team is just kind of insane there's no healer in it which i haven't found to be a huge problem since cygnati shoots fast enough to where you can dodge between shots but if you want a healer you can always replace yai with kooky who can actually add quite a bit of damage to this team with a full em setup the nice thing about quicken teams is that they're really forgiving if you don't do the rotation right because they're really focused on activating reactions as often as possible rather than controlling them perfectly i really enjoy these types of teams if you're hoping that pyro dps are getting a huge buff with burning technically you're not wrong they are buffed in a way but compared to how many other buffs characters are getting pyro doesn't really stand out a ton for example reverse melt burning is not super strong and its pyroapplication got nerfed when sumero released which means it's going to go out pretty quickly and make it strictly worse than using someone like shang ling or kazuha to get more reverse melts overall if you're going to run a burning team you'll likely be better off applying that pyro with an animal character by swirling it to cause its damage to scale off the animos elemental mastery like kazuha for example you could also use overload teams like something with dendromc or dignotti bennett kazuha and fishel and you'll deal pretty solid damage it's not going to be the top team or anything but overload burning and swirl damage you get in conjunction with aggravate and spread do let that sort of team dish out a bunch of numbers with that team specifically if you don't have kazoha you can use sucrose or venti but generally speaking hazel won't be as good because he lacks grouping and when you're playing overload teams you absolutely need grouping or range damage if you're not against a boss so if you're trying to utilize burning for something an overload team isn't too bad and in this team specifically you don't really need to use the dendroshred set unless you're playing dignati but again with an overload burning kind of setup you don't really need digna you can also use other dendro as well i'm personally pretty bummed that burning got nerfed because i was looking forward to some new ways to play pyro but it's also pretty cool that we get to move towards the new meta entirely so let me know in the comments what you're thinking if you like any of these new reactions or if you have any idea of what kind of team you're going to be playing to be clear a lot of past meta teams are still meta and the existence of dendro doesn't take that away it just opens up even more opportunities for team building and makes characters more flexible i'm really looking forward to seeing what other interactions we come up with as we play with dendromorph but until then i hope this guide taught you something new and encouraged you to try some new teams thanks for watching everyone if you've enjoyed make sure to subscribe to the channel and like the video so youtube knows it doesn't suck reminder that i go live on twitch a few days a week at slash braxton phone make sure to come check it out if you have any questions you want to see a gangshin impact gameplay or just any games really until then i'll catch you guys next time you
Channel: Braxophone
Views: 353,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dendro reactions, dendro guide, dendro mc guide, dendro team guide, tighnari guide, collei guide, dendro mc team guide, tighnari team guide, collei team guide, burgeon, aggravate, genshin impact 3.0, genshin impact reactions, genshin guide, genshin reaction guide, genshin dendro guide, dendro genshin impact, genshin impact dendro, dendro cryo, genshin impact burning, genshin electro buffs, dendro electro, dendro hydro, dendro reaction guide, thoma, kuki shinobu, yae miko
Id: J4b7xmYVkTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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