Best Chocolate Pie Recipe ...Seriously

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Mama Redbook what you're making today? we're gonna try to make a chocolate pie see how it turns out and hopefully we'll have something tonight good to eat for supper yeah I love your chocolate pie you're using a premade crust you always do that it's quick during any worth fooling around with huh this is all thought out it's ready to take out the pack I got my oven preheated to 375 for it need to make sure and put some little air holes that's gonna keep the crust from bowing up when it baked cuz you're gonna pre-baked it a little bit huh yes we're well we're going to baking completely all righty we got him ready got our oven already here heated and we're gonna put him in and let it bake for let's go ahead and set our timer for about 11 minutes all right so we'll keep an eye on that in the meantime we'll go ahead we need Doug unsweetened chocolate yes and make sure it's unsweetened so you're shaving him up huh yeah it's easier to melt so you're gonna end up with some nice shaved chocolate and then I'm gonna get a little bit of sugar yes we're going to take 1 cup of sugar and add that and then we're going to take 5 tablespoons of cornstarch you need 5 tablespoons that thickens it we're going to use 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and turn it on medium heat and we're going to gradually add and 1/2 cups of milk because you don't want it all lumpy so you want to just add it gradually and I have it on medium heat how well they have they incorporated you have to get everything stirred until it's all mixed and liquidy well you want to get it you know you don't want lumps in it so cook you know this is corn starch that was 1 cup let me go ahead and get the other one okay you guys you're doing some some big-time multitasking right now aside the crust is ready so that's all baked up and waiting on you but you look like you're doing all right now this is our second cup so how much milk are you gonna add in here total two and a half cups okay and it is it important that you add the milk in slowly and do it like you're doing it well you know not you don't want love senator will add this so now you got all your milk your sugar your cornstarch your salt I'm going to just add in my chocolate stir it until it comes to a boil but that's why you shave that chocolate so it would melt in there easy yes and you're heating it slowly right yeah it's because it's kind of warm it's not very hot right yeah and in the meantime let me go ahead and get the eggs ready so you're separating the yolks from the whites first three eggs we're going to use the yolks will go in the pie and we'll use the egg whites for the marais we need three of those if that was a little bit because we're going to add some of our mixture of chocolate into these and temperate when it's time well this is a pretty slow process because you probably had this saucepan going now for about five minutes already and it's still not even close to a boil oh no you know if you're waiting for something to boil it's going to take all day all right so it's steaming away it's starting to thicken up we want to get all that chocolate melted yes this is getting darker you can see it still has a few more little specks in it that needs to get melted and it's really dark enough here just in the last minute yes looks like you're all about gone so it's a very simple recipe it just takes a little bit of time and Stern huh yeah stirring is the worst part does we just stand here like forever it seems like okay let's go ahead and set our timer we're gonna go ahead and send him to a minute ready Bowl for a minute and then we're going to take him off and tempering and temper him into our egg yolks we have to temper incus if not we will have scrambled eggs you can't just throw the eggs in here funny man okay I have egg yolks ready put a spoon of chocolate in here you going just stirring so if you're making this by yourself you need to make sure you have three hands well I've done it before but you know it's kind of awkward but yeah it's always easier if you've got a extra hand around the help template I can't sit well and you're doing this so we don't end up a scrambled egg okay wow that's great yeah because if you throw that stuff into that hot stuff it's just going to scramble them completely in every last drop in there yep you want all of it put it back on the stove here okay you see still got it on medium heat yes and we're going to bring him back to a bowl and then we're gonna boil him again for one more minute it's starting to bubble a little bit yes okay let's go ahead and set him for a minute so another solid minute of Stern yes a minute it's let's go ahead and take him off turn your burner off now huh yes we're going to add our extracts now we're going to use a half a teaspoon of vanilla going to use a half a teaspoon of the almonds almond gives it a great taste mix it all up good together we're going to add this into our pie shell it looks nice and thick and chocolatey now while your chocolate gets set up you're going to fix your meringue huh yes we're going to take two tablespoons of sugar I got a little saucepan yes tablespoons of sugar and we're also going to add one tablespoon of cornstarch and we're going to take a half a cup of water and add the cornstarch and sugar Kyle medium heat again we got going on medium heat and we're going to bring it to a ball until it gets like a clear it's milky it's going to be clear world baking clear yeah when we get a meringue all mixed up we're going to add this so when we do our meringue we're not going to add quite as much sugar because this will already have two tablespoons in it he'll sure you put two tablespoons stuff one egg that would be six four three you sound like you were a solid B Matthew now starting to steam a little bit yeah and what won't take but a few minutes because that's only a half a cup of water say this is starting to thicken up yes that's it but that's what we're going to this is what we're looking for this is all we're going to do well that's not clear well you see those kind of elevate this is what I'm looking for is that now in the meantime we're going to lift this cool while we get our meringue taken care of so to make sure this is cool you're going to put it in some cold water and then we're going to add it so now we go through the next step yes I already have my egg whites here we're going to add 1/4 of teaspoon of the cream of tartar are you used to not use cream of tartar I have before so you guys sometimes you do sometimes you don't you think it's gonna help because of the I hope so but time up tail so now you got just a little hand mixer yeah I'm going to use this this is my turbo so I'm going to use this instead of the big one okay this is the sugar border okay so you went ahead and whipped it for just uh maybe 30 seconds huh yeah just you know just kind of get it frothy now you're gonna add in two tablespoons of sugar I'm going to add in two tablespoons of sugar here we're going to do it okay we're going to add two more so you don't want to add in your sugar all at once no you don't want to just put in your sugar all at one time let me how long in there blame now you a master trying to cool him down well this is mrs. pretty this is pretty pretty cool so we're going to go ahead and and him but you don't want to add this in hot nope cuz it will break your eggs fantasy you know you definitely go on a demon pot it's just a very very lukewarm and that's thickened up quite a bit in that cornstarch yes okay let's see what kind of Peaks we get okay let's doing some more cuz oh so well you want them Peaks to kind of stand up a little bit a little bit more okay I think this just about ready here alrighty well you wind it for a walk and you over with it oh sure you can alright so now you got your nice thick meringue that's the only three eggs I'll tell you you whip those eggs up into a furious dome I hope he turns out okay alright so you got that whole bowl of meringue sitting on top of that pie now yes and you're gonna cover him all around huh have every inch of that chocolate covered up you're covering up the crust a little bit yeah I'm gonna want to get him to where he he don't like pullback and and have a lot of okay you're giving yourself a little insurance there well hopefully alrighty so what you doing now give me a chop chop making him stand up a little bit makes the top more interesting when it bakes yes I have oven already preheated to 400 and we're going to stick him in you put him on a pan till he's easier to get in and out yes and we're going to let his brown we'll see what happens to him hey then take a gander at it yeah you know he's getting good brown there on the top let me take him off of this pan here why do you want to take him off the pain oh that pan might be interfering with a little bit of the brown we're gonna take him off of here now let's go ahead and just stick it back just like that for just a few minutes and then we're checking in to see how he's doing come on Ronny what are you doing we're shooting a video you can't be a Jimmy you need to be 100% committed I know you're gonna edit that people are gonna think you're not a serious Baker you're just okay right you're just baking in between your phone calls we're gonna go ahead and take him out um check evite have taken him off of that pan this even get a little browner see he's he's he's done quite way all around the sides yeah so we're gonna sitting back on the pan because it's gonna be easier for me to pick up hopefully so you took him off that pan so he'd get a little browner on the edges yes put him up here so that's it so your pie is done now nice and cool and then when we cut him we'll see how he is inside and how the meringue does that looks perfect me Mom well I hope he's just good inside and cuts as well as he looks alright so how long we got to wait let him cool it's gonna be a while in it oh it's gonna be it's gonna be a while cuz it's so now it is freeze outside yeah we just can't have to be patient you have to be very patient so it is the next day so this had all day to set and we had it cooling in the fridge it looks pretty perfect a nice little pointy meringue top on there what do you think MIMO what's the most difficult thing about cooking this pot stirring it until it gets thick you know it just takes time but other than that it's really really easy I like to do the honors alrighty well then you're gonna have to be the camera girl since I don't have camera girl here I'm making this kind of big so this is my bed okay well that's good that's your piece for you I'm let's take him out and see what he looks like oh you know and I'm gonna follow it over here and put it on your plate cuz it's okay Ronnie now let's go back over here and check it out look at that looks pretty good there's no moisture in here oh well that's great that's the bad thing with a pie you know sometimes when you when you cook a pie you know you will get water that'll collect in the bottom of the pan it's from a lot of humidity that I don't seeing you there so that's good now let me cut you out a little piece here Remo give it the taste test it's good he's wearing off now you're gonna eat that thin piece you're gonna want another piece after this no later today later today I don't know if there's gonna be much left later today that's what happens when you got to share a pie with me you got to be quick definitely give this chocolate pie recipe a go you know I'm gonna have it written down below if you want to print it just go to and print all our recipes over there thanks for watching and subscribe and give it a thumbs up in all that jazz and we'll see in the future say so long mama Redbook so long have a good day forget that just so long all-righty me my I do the editing I do the editing
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 478,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate pie recipe, best chocolate pie, how to make a chocolate pie, chocolate cream pie recipe, how to make a chocolate cream pie, homemade chocolate pie, easy chocolate pie recipe, step by step chocolate pie, homemade pie recipe, how to bake a pie, meringue recipe, chef buck
Id: deLep32aVCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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