BEST Celebrity Family Feud Moments Snoop Dogg, Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer & More | Bonus Round

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I finally meet you long overdue I've seen you on discovery of stuff you be always talking about stuff I won't know it damn thing we're just trying to bring the universe down to earth I've been going man his brother Brill you Miranda yes how are you darling I'm good and your relation to Neal daughter yours daughter yes now okay Neal named her after one of the moons of Uranus your Uranus I think it's helped you Uranus is the thing in the middle two different areas totally Uranus is up there Uranus's right no one see neck you can say Uranus until you're like eight you know and then measures you can say Uranus until you 816 and thought I'd nailed it we just said that it doesn't matter in this game no it doesn't right oh I'm gonna get you up oh please no oh the moments you miss one this this could be either this could be something really good or you bout to be on YouTube oh they ready hey listen to me Robin they're pretty good don't sleep she got a hundred and forty-one what yeah you need 59 to win and we're gonna put 25,000 bucks into that Football League funny this hobby don't do it smooth oh man she's saying five questions you cannot duplicate the answers if you do you're gonna hear this sound I'm gonna say try try again they got it right hey he knew right where it went all time I'll say try again then you give me another answer got a little bit tougher this time so we'll give you 25 seconds you ready yes sir all right let's remind everybody Robins answers 25 seconds on the clock please here we go we asked 100 women how much does your purse Wayne three pounds name a salad dressing you'd find at most salad bars ranch dog in French name something that happens in the month of April April phones fill in the blank pie in the one horse name of color in a traffic light red I so hope we get onto that one because I don't know what the hell you saying so hope we make it to that when we need 59 we asked 100 women how much does your purse way you said three pounds survey said five pounds was the number one answer we need fifty one name a salad dressing you find at most salad bars you said fridge survey said rich was it number one answer we need 30 points name something that happens in the month of April you said April Fool's Day survey said well sometimes God hears and answers prayer I now get to find out what the hell he said we need one point filling the blank pie in though what the hell did you say hi in the folks when you when your brain cells I mean your brain cells have suffered a little bit you gotta have moments like this this is going to be on YouTube just sit in the horse is he talking about we need one point I need one of the person in this world who for some reason have found a path step inside of course credit and Soviet to the people survey says we need one point name becoming a traffic light you said read service but the horse $25,000 to snoop Youth Football League and I like the Beckman man shit a wreck all right you ready 20 seconds on the clock please here we go how long should a marriage-minded woman date a guy before giving him an ultimatum two years name something you do in the snow sled tell me a reason you're still in bed at 10 a.m. you're sick what do you think of when you hear the word cougar an older woman fill in the blank very blank path ah guys come on any progress turn around just walk off I don't give a damn I got twenty five thousand how long should a marriage minded woman date a guy before giving him an ultimatum you said two years survey said name something you do in the snow you said your sledge survey said tell me a reason you're still in bed at 10 a.m. you said you're sick survey said what do you think of when you hear the word cougar you said an older woman survey said fill in the blank fairy Blake you said fairy tale survey said No fuck you hello she did good she got 186 you need 14 kill all right let's remind everybody of Amy's answers 25 seconds on the clock please how long should a marriage-minded woman date a guy before giving him an ultimatum three years name something you do in the snow tell me a reason you're still in bed at 10 a.m. ask what do you think when you hear the word Cougar football fill in the blank fairy blank help target land tell me a reason you're still embedded today o sleeping in we knew 14 points Oh how long should a marriage-minded woman date a guy before giving him an ultimatum you said three years survey said how long should Americans live in Wilma David died before giving him an ultimatum two years something you're doing the snow ski a reason you're still in bed at 10 a.m. you're sick Coover older woman fairy tale tell me your name is for coming over welcome to celebrity favorite everybody but Kardashian family ones and now it's time to play for the first time in the history of family feud we have an announcement Chloe well Kim and Kanye were dying to do this and they really thought they were gonna win they didn't but as sisters Kendall and I are deciding to let them play fast money because it's going to the same charity because there's always been easy stream to play fast money so Kanye West and Kim West I'm gonna play fast money every single night but I think in person I'm gonna hopefully not too awful cuz the charity needs it well here's the thing it's hard to practice for this game because I'm gonna ask you some stuff that's way more ridiculous than what you've practiced for it's hard to practice for for ignorance really is okay Los Angeles this is for you okay so kill This Is It this is for my man Jeezy he's all staged I'm gonna ask you 5 questions in 20 seconds you can't think of something you just say past you and Kanye together come up with 200 points look right there tell them what you're playing for $25,000 for the Children's Hospital Los Angeles are you 20 seconds on the clock please okay on a scale of one to ten how sexy are you compared to the people you work with ten name okay no no no we gonna start off you just have to get us a man sounds just I was stunned at the question yeah you are okay we could just get the same answer we have 20 seconds on the clock you ready all right here we go on a scale of one to ten how sexy are you compared to the people you work with ten name a part of the body you're always banging into things your butt filling fill in the blank slice of what pie name something a pet hamster spends a lot of time doing running in the wheel name something you need to make a milkshake milk let's see all right here we go on a scale of one to ten how sexy are you compared to the people you work with you said I'm a 10 I've never said I was a 10 every survey said yeah name a part of the body you're always bringing in two things you said your butt am I dreaming that hard no I really like knocked things over with my butt before so this is really true for me thank you survey said what filling the blank slice of what you said pie survey said that's the good name something a pet hamster spends a lot of time doing you said running on a wheel survey said name something you need to make a milkshake you said milk survey said Wow one to ten how sexy are you compared to the people you work with your wife said ten you said are we in business wife he'd be a pretty good couple of stunning answers but she did good your girl got 147 points god yeah we need 53 winning 53 foot of money this is gonna be good I just know we're gonna do it I'm actually the same five questions you cannot duplicate the answers if you do you're gonna hear this sound I'm gonna say try again you give me another answer go a little bit of tougher this time so we'll give you 25 seconds you ready yeah all right listen mind everybody Kim's answers 25 seconds on the clock please here we go on a scale of 1 to 10 how sexy are you compared to the people you work with 10 5 name a part of the body you're always banging into things you need fill in the blank slice of what bread name something a pet hamster spends a lot of time doing being on spin a wheel try again Eden name something you need to make a milkshake milk ice cream we need 53 points for $25,000 on a scale of one to ten how sexy are you compared to the people who work with your wife said 10 you said 10 in you said 5 survey said was tied from the top answered with 3208 name a part of the body you're always bringing in two things you said you'll need survey said welcome back celebrity Family Feud everybody the bed very warm again time to play all right killing readers on stage I'm gonna ask you 5 questions in 20 seconds you can't think of something you just say past you and read together come over 200 points look right there tell everybody what you're playing for $25,000 for teen cancer America 20 seconds on the clock please we asked 100 married men when you see your wife naked what's she doing taking a shower name something people use to make a wish start name a place you've been to at 3 in the morning a bar how many kisses does it take to know if there's any chemistry one name something a bird only has two of wings we asked 100 married men when you see your wife naked what's she doing you said taking a shower survey said name something people use to make a wish you said stop survey said name the place she's been to at 3 in the morning you said a ball so they said how many kisses does it take to know if there's any chemistry you said one survey said name something a bird has only two of you said to wean survey said what I have to do huh what do I have to do well you're gonna have to try not to be on YouTube what would be a big number you think she could get that would impress you 200 she tried o ciock less I don't know I won't make it did somebody beat that once on the Regular Show I think that's really close to the top I don't think I she got 196 seats so all we left with now readers man let me just go ahead and do it huh you know you need four okay I'm gonna ask you five questions you only got an average one point okay you realize you're setting me up something really Bad's here I hope yeah I hope not because first of all I want to charity to earn your money but if you don't get this for payments I can't even brother you it's gonna be worse than my land my head don't answer that I gave everything okay this will be way way past that one yeah I got a ragged on that one so let's just end it yeah I think you'll get it on the first one in then it'll all be over okay all right oh man she's saying five questions you cannot duplicate the answers if you do you're gonna hear this sound I'm gonna say try again you give me another answer it's gonna be a little bit tougher this time I know how tough can it be so we're gonna give you 25 seconds and ready yeah all right let's remind everybody of Kimberly's answers 25 seconds on the clock please we asked 100 married men when you see your wife naked what's she doing taking a shower try getting dressed name something people use to make a wish wishing well name a place you've been at 3 o'clock in the morning a bar strip club how many my man how many kisses does it take to know if there's any chemistry 3 name something a bird only has two old legs we ask on generic men when you see your wife naked what she do it you said get dressed sorry sir yeah like a wash on the spot number one number one how many kisses you you
Channel: Bonus Round
Views: 2,108,312
Rating: 4.8639708 out of 5
Keywords: snoop dogg, kim kardashian, family feud, celebrity family feud, family feud snoop dogg, BEST OF FAMILY FEUD, family feud 2018, snoop dogg family feud, kim kardashian family feud fast money, fast money, family feud usa, family feud celebrity
Id: J-mv3MixSpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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