Best Breakfast in Ecuador: 19 Mouth-Watering Dishes You'll love!

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Breakfast in Ecuador. Now  whether you're in the coast,   in the Amazon in the Andes in the Galapagos,  it's always different. Now that not only   reflects the ingredients that are available  in the area, but also the way of life. So   in this video I'm going to share with you  my favorite breakfast throughout Ecuador. In Guayaquil, back at El Pez Volador in Guayaquil   for breakfast to try the hayaca which is a  traditional breakfast food on the coast. And   the filling is I've got some egg, some olives,  some chicken, I've there's some raisin in here   okay, so the corn is definitely on the  sweeter side could be made from choclo,   but then you definitely get this savory part with chicken. Vegetables. It's an interesting mix. So going to have one of the most epic coastal  breakfasts in Ecuador. This is called bandera,   and that means flag and the reason it's called  that is because of exactly how it looks. So we've   got this circular mound of rice in the middle  avocado on top. Then on the left, we have guatita   in the right hand corner we've got in encebollado  and then at the bottom, we've got some shrimp   it's a mild peanutty tastes not sweet,   just very earthy. And you've got to  love potatoes from Ecuador. So good. Moving on to the shrimp.   It's so good. And then the encebollado. So  you've got albacore tuna so good. The broth   here is just super fresh, does not taste like  super fishy. It's just really fresh breakfast. So I'm here at the Cuenca market, 10 de Agosto  or the 10th of August and I am here to have   levanta muertos, which means Rise Of The Dead.  There are two reasons that Ecuadorians drink   this drink. One is because it's considered to be  Ecuador's natural Viagra. But also they drink it   when they're feeling a little bit hungover. Also  called chuchaqui. In this drink, we have borojo   which is a fruit that's kind of like tamarind,  but this fruit is so ripe it's almost entering   the fermentation process. There is also Malta  a popular drink here that is fermented oats,   we have a free range egg which is called criollo  and then we have beet carrot orange juice banana.   Oh this is good. It just tastes like I  really good smoothie I would recommend   trying it. It's very big. So if you finish  it all I'm sure your hangover will be gone. At the market here in Porto Lopez. Today I'm here  to try perico. So basically it is just scrambled   eggs but then also you have tomato onion and some  peppers in it and then it is served with patacones   are so good. This isn't really really good.  So I'm not sure if perico is a Ecuadorian   breakfast dish because we've only seen  it at this one spot but it is available   in Colombia. So it could be that it's a  coastal thing and other places offer it   but this is the first time I've seen it and  it's really good, great option for breakfast We're going to have some morocho and then also the  thing to have for breakfast here is actually these   tortillas. What makes this special here is that  they cook them in this clay pot or pan and it's   called a aiesto these tortillas are actually  not cooked in oil at all. And then they make   these by hand and they make them to order we also  have this drink the morocho which is another type   of corn drink similar to what you might know  as horchata in Mexico, but here they're going   to use corn. You'll have some cinnamon you might  some have some star anise some clove everyone has   their own recipe. Oh wow, it's very good. Not  too sweet at all. It's really perfect in this   weather. It's just like warm, comforting has like  a spicy kind of flavor. It's really delicious.   So I am trying three different kinds wheat  choclo and maiz, which is what we would know   as hominy is wheat and it tastes a lot like  toast. When actually if you look closely,   you'll see that it has cheese on  the inside fresh salty cheese.   It's like a breakfast cheese toast moving on to  choclo, which should be a little bit sweeter.   So you can already notice from the beginning,  it has a completely different texture not as   crispy you're using corn very, very soft,  similar to what we would know as a pancake.   Very sweet, like a sweet corn flavor.  And then finally, the mais. Also not as   hard as the wheat but also not as  flabby as the choclo. It's pretty good.   I have to say without a doubt the choclo is best. Good morning from Loja, we are starting  things off with breakfast. So you know   we're going to have coffee because it's a good  coffee region. And then we're also going to have   the tamale Lojano they do things a little bit  differently here. So traditionally in Ecuador,   the tamales are made with maiz sabroso which  is a corn starch based flour it can get kind   of crumbly, it's cooked in in a achira leaf  which is a flower here at the spot they have   three different kinds of tamals you can get  chicken, pork, or also quesillo which is a   fresh cheese and what I'm really excited about  is they've actually given us two different kinds   of aji so the one with the chicken is actually  tomato based with pepper and culantro and then   for the beef we have one that is cilantro,  pepper and then also mani which is peanut hot sauce is very fresh. This  is good, moist very filling get a bit more into chicken this is very hearty and now for the pork a little bit in the aji it's like peanut fresh super  spicy. This is my favorite Trying my first bolon de camaron it looks  so good. Definitely enough for two people   we are sharing this this is $5. The coffee  was 50 cents each and when they served it   they gave us a little bit extra sauce  and they said it's encocado sauce which   is a coconut sauce and she made sure  to tell us that it was only coconut it just feels so good. Really fresh on the shrimp flavor you get  that coconut this plantain is smooth but   still not too mashed. Going to put  some of this plantain shrimp onion a little bit of lime I'm gonna get rid of that seed  making a mess here. And some aji.   Oh god this even better.   These onions so good. The lime juice.  Everything is just off to a really good day. I wanted to come to Angeles which is a very local  spot right on the main square. They have ice cream   here we are here for breakfast and they have some  fantastic bread and different kinds of coffee. But   I got mote pillo and I first was like oh my god,  there's some kind of crazy cheese in here. But no   not at all. So it's mote is hominy and it is mixed  with scrambled eggs and herbs. Very classic dish. It's really good. ok And of course you get  fresh fruit juice. This one is naranjilla it's nice and bright. It's kind of  like orange juice was mixed with   melon. Yeah. Something like that. It's great. So we are here at Cafeteria Uno to try one of  the most traditional dishes in Zaruma it's called   tigrillo. This is literally a hole in the wall  it's in a corner it just says Cafe so you need   to know to go here but they've been here for 40  years they also produce coffee and they have a   brand called Cafe del Cerro and it's you can find  it actually in the supermarkets here. I want to   show you this tigrillo because I have never  seen anything so large at all. So first off,   we're trying that tigrillo it has mashed green  plantain egg, and then also quesillo cheese. So we   also have the carne version which has a little bit  of meat and then also it's in a sauce. Oh my god.   There's so much cheese in this.  It's amazing. It's like mashed green   plantains into like a really good  mash almost like a mashed potato. The second thing I wanted to share is the  bolon de mani. This comes with a little bit   of egg if you needed it and some quesillo  cheese which should be fresh and salty.   It's like a gigantic peanut butter cookie. This  is good. But that's tigrillo is so amazing.   I gotta go eat more of that. In the sandwich of arroz con leche. Now arroz  con leche is a famous dessert here in Ecuador   and throughout Latin America, where it's  rice with milk and it also has cinnamon in   it a little panela. And then they put  it in like a hamburger bun. Oh yeah,   hamburger bun bread is so soft. And then  you get a little bit of sweetness. And so   what happened was, we saw that they had a view.  And then we said, Okay, we're just going to run   down, check out the fish come back and get this  in that five minutes. She had already sold out.   And so we were so disappointed when we asked  her about it. But she said no, no, it's okay.   I'm gonna get some more so she brought some  back for us. So sweet. This is so interesting. All right, so I'm here at the market. And  just around the outside there are a number   of vendors and I'm having something very  special. It's called ceviche de pinchagua   sardine ceviche. This bowl right here is  only $2.50. So in it, we have the sardines,   and then we also have ground peanuts, a peanut  sauce. We've got mustard we've got ketchup,   lettuce, tomato, and then also they have avocado.  It doesn't taste fishy. It tastes briny and light   like the ocean. You can tell that this is fresh.  This is bright, light, fresh. It's so good.   We mix it together. Andres just said  it's such an interesting combination to   have both types of peanuts, the ketchup, the  mustard and then the sardine flavor as well.   Oh, it's good. It's actually I think  one of my favorites ceviches this is   ground peanut flavor with the sardine is so good.  Even if you think you don't like sardines. I think   you need to try it. These are not sardines from  the cans. They were fresh sardines caught this   morning brought in like it's like a taste  of the ocean and the land the peanut so good it's 9am and we are in Otavalo Ecuador. I'm on the  corner of Modesto Jamarillo and Abon Calderon. It   is a busy corner and we came for one thing we  are here for catzos. Catzos are white beetle,   very common here as a snack. They are fried  in onion and usually garlic, maybe some spices   everyone has their own recipe and then they are  served with a bit of tostado which is roasted   corn and then a side of aji which is usually  tree tomato aji my favorite in the Sierra.   Oh this is good! These are really good. It kind  of has the texture of like a chip or a cheesy   it's just crunchy and very flavorful.  So these catzos the white beetle,   they are found on the slopes of the mountain  and they arrive September October November   depending on when rainy season begins here.  They are considered to be an example of the   rise of the dead for Indigenous People in  northern Ecuador. And that is something to   be celebrated. Not something to be afraid of,  or sad about. It's also a delicious tradition. The next thing we're having is called churo  different than that deep fried pastry you   find in Spain and Latin America, this time we  are actually eating a snail. And it's called   churo because it's like a curl like a curl of  a hair. This was $1 you get a very hefty bag   of churo. You also get some lime to put it in  and then also some tostado that toasted corn   and you can have it with a little bit of aji  it's also in the bag has lots of spring onion,   which keeps it fresh. I'm going to put a little  bit of this lime in. Fortunately, Maria gives you   tons and see you can see right here that there's  a little bit out so it's actually easier to get really good actually you can just pull them out   very light snack it tastes mostly  like the lime and the spring onion   we're going to add a little bit of aji to it  because a heat with everything is fantastic So there's one plantain dish that I wanted to  try in Esmeraldas and that's majado which is   simply mashed plantain here I can see it's not  simply mashed it's also got some onion in it.   We've got some cilantro it looks like it might  have some tomato in it. It's majado con camaron   so with shrimp al jugo so that means with a sauce  so it's got this like very deep, rich sauce like   a tomato-y broth you can feel the onions have  been sauteed it's just super tasty. Oh yeah We just thought we would stop for a bite and  actually we're having a very big meal the   continental comes with scrambled eggs tree tomato  juice. We've got this bun here which is made in   the Cuenca style with cheese. We have a tortilla  de choclo which is a corn sweet corn tortilla   coffee. We've had some nata which is an Ecuadorian  cream cheese. We have some man har which is like   a dulce de leche. We also have the yogurt that  they make here. So this is not just a cafeteria,   but they also make their own yogurt their own  cheese. The nata de manjar everything here is made   by these people. I am so excited  to have this tortilla. So good. This cheese is just a little bit salty.  So it's like salty sweet. The bread here is also from here. They make it in a woodfire oven. I just put a little bit at the manjar or  the dulce de leche. It's just a little bit sweet   caramely I think. This is good. Not too sweet at  all. It's actually very fresh tasting. That nata   which is like a creme fraiche  oh it's good. Actually   the nata would be really good on the tortilla.  And then for the last little bit of dairy,   this yogurt. So in Canada, I usually eat yogurt  with a spoon but in Ecuador, they drink it Oh, that's really good yogurt.   Yeah, you need to try it. Oh, this is mango  yogurt. So smooth. Creamy, not too sweet.   This is my favorite thing. Just come here for  the yogurt. I'll show you the brands of it.   I got a whole thing. I might actually eat  the whole thing. This is amazing yogurt yum. Now we are here to have one of my  favorite breakfast in the entire   world. This Ecuadorian breakfast  of encbollado is the best thing I   have ever had for breakfast. Encebollado is  basically references an onion soup. There's   tons of red onion in here. The best quality  soups will have albacore tuna a rich raw fresh fresh fish good stock It's so so good. So good. Oh my god, the  fish is so tender this stock onion and   fresh herbs in it just so fresh. Oh my  god I'm going to eat like encebollado   every morning and maybe that bollo because  that bollo it's my new favorite thing. So good. We're here at Mamma Luna in Macas. At Mamma  Luna, they're open for breakfast and they have   12 different kinds of breakfast depending on what  region you're from. I of course chose the Desayuno   Amazonico or the Amazon breakfast, and it starts  with a drink from Ecuador it's guayusa it is a   tea made out of a leaf that exists here in the  Amazon that is dried and then steeped like a tea.   Oh, very light and refreshing.  It's actually really delicious.   Andres got that costeno. So it's a tortilla. I  think it has shrimp in it. Lots of patacones,   salad which is such a good size and cheese.  This cheese mine has a chuleta of pork,   two fried eggs patacones fresh cheese salad.  We've got guayaba juice. And of course, the   guayusa all of this for $3.50. Now, to tell you  the truth, I am most excited for this salad, but   I'm going to try the pork first. This is really  tender pork. Sometimes when you get a chuleta it's   like a pork chop that's just like a really, really  tough this is very tender. Let me try the salad the salad dressing is like with tree tomato  or mustard but also something really sweet.   This is such a bargain $3.50 for all of this  food. This is a very good start to Macas. We actually discovered a dish I've never seen  before. It's called picante de pescado and that   means spicy fish. It's more like I would say like  a fish salad. So in this we have some atun, some   tuna. We've got red onions, some herbs, and then  also some yuca. It's served with rice and then   also because we're in Ecuador, you have to have  two starches. It's also served with patacones. It's a warm dish, but also very fresh. That  onion gives it tons of brightness. It's really   good. It's got fresh fish in it onion, these fresh  herbs. So instead of a potato salad, you have like   this yuca starch. You got the fish with it the  onion. Now the encurtido I'm going to try on its   own because the last one I had was really spicy.  And we're on the coast. The coast is spicier.   It's spicy not as I said this picante de pescado  I've never seen anywhere else. We've traveled   the coast twice, starting in Esmeraldas. And no  one has offered us this dish also at this market   if you're not looking for fish, but let me tell  you, you want to try this picante de pescado yum. One of the traditional breakfasts to have in  the northern region of Ecuador is champus and   pan or bread. This cost us 60 cents at the market.  Now champus is an interesting drink. We tried to   decipher exactly how to make it. Although people  really don't want to give you their secret recipe.   However, from what I understand. This is a little  bit like chicha de jora, which is like a fermented   corn drink to simplify it. It's almost like a corn  beer. And it also tastes a little bit like Quaker   which is the drink that I had with the colada  which is a naranjilla and oat base. It's warm   and it comes with this bread and being in  northern Ecuador. It's a little bit chilly   right now in the mountains. And so I think  a warm drink is very good for breakfast.   Oh, okay. I taste the naranjilla.  And it's a little bit thick,   but it also does have like  a bit of a fermented flavor.   It's almost a little bit tangy, you feel it  on the back of your tongue. It's really good.   I don't love really sweet things. And so this  is actually great. It's just a little bit. I   don't want to say it's tart. You do feel that  right here. A little bit of tartness from the   naranjilla. It's not sugary, but it feels very  filling. I like it I like it a lot and this bread Oh, it's just good bread. I could definitely  have this for breakfast. This is really good. So this will be my first empanada de verde on the  coast. This one looks so good. It has meat in it.   Oh yeah. This is really good. Like ground beef has   some onion and some seasoning in it some  pepper some tomato, super rich tasting non greasy at all. Like everything it is always  served with a little bit of pickle to cut the   heaviness although I didn't find that was too  heavy at all. So there's some cabbage and carrot.   So good and it's such a treat to have house  made aji but this is like the real deal.   Not too hot. That was actually really great. Join my Patreon community for more behind the  scenes and exclusive content you won't find   elsewhere. You can also find me on Instagram  and be sure to like this video and subscribe   to my channel. All of these things make my  day. Thank you so much for your support.
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Keywords: Ayngelina, Ayngelina Brogan, Bacon is Magic, living in ecuador, street food around the world, ecuadorian food, manabi ecuador, ecuador travel, what to eat in ecuador, living in ecuador as an american, ecuador travel tips, living in ecuador youtube, living in ecuador as a canadian, living in ecuador 2022, ecuador expats, living in cuenca ecuador, ecuadorian food mukbang, ecuador food tour, trying ecuadorian food, best ecuadorian food, ecuador food vlog, ecuadorian street food
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Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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