Ecuadorian Food - 5 Things You Must Eat in Ecuador

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hey fellow travelers mark here with Walters world and today we're the bellavista cloud force reserve in Ecuador and today we have for you are five things you should eat when you come here to Ecuador and the thing is Ecuador is kind of a small country but there's a lot of different foods you can try when you're here and I know when you travel it's sometimes it's hard to eat all like 9,000 things you should try there so we're gonna do here is give you the like five things that we recommend you have when you go so you get a good nice a nice good representation of the cuisine here in Ecuador so the first thing I want to talk about are actually some soups when you come here I know you think Markham go to a country talk about soups well here the thing is you have soups you have called O's you have stews you have all kinds of really good stuff here in Ecuador eat and the people love their soups but for me the best soup you can have is the local the Papas which is like a cheese and potato soup and sometimes we'll put other stuff in there at meats and things like that but just a plain local local Papas it's so good and they'll put like some avocado on top of it it is fantastic that's my favorite soup when you are here and the thing is you'll see different kind of soup joseline had a called big Anna which was a chicken soup which actually had like a quarter of a chicken in it you'll have a lot of different options out there quinoa soups are very popular here especially if you're in the backwoods and stuff like that so there are lots of soups but that one thing you will see a lot of are what are called psychos and psychos are stews okay and if you want to want to stew is you know if you're in the u.s. you think Stu oh it's like a really hearty soup well think of us two more here a Seco is more of its meat with a little bit of juice or a little bit of sauce with it serve with rice okay and sake of the Chivo which is you know goat stew or lamb stew is actually pry the best one to have when you are here so that's the first thing is get one of those soups so they're called o's or something like that you'll really enjoy them now the second thing you need to have in you here are the pigs the thing is the takes are some of the things that might shock and you do come here my favorite one has been hor novel and Hernando when you go to the markets okay you'll see a pig like just laying there a whole pig laid out what they've done is they baked it for three days or not it was like bait roasted and they serve it and they the fat renders out they just reach in and all the pork owe money it's the best pulled pork they just pull it out put it on a plate and serve it to you it's fantastic you don't get it very often in restaurants it's more like a market kind of thing now there's something you should know is when they do serve that in the market they'll pull the pork off put on play for you and you might say Oh give me two dollars worth of it and they'll serve with hominy or multi and then they might put a salad with it like lettuce and tomatoes if you're the market just ask them no salad please because you don't drink the water here in Ecuador so be careful with that but Jornada is fantastic if you don't want to see the pork before you eat it if you go to a restaurant frittata is where they take chunks of pork and fry it that's amazing you can have that and actually sometimes you'll see it in certain areas where the pig is out and they only cook the skin and cut the skin off for you to eat okay so there's a lot of piggy things there but the one piggy that's probably gonna shock you when you come here and you can try and you can have it here especially the highlands its Queen Cooley is guinea pig yes those little fluffy animals you hadn't kindergarten as a pet they eat them here if you go and if you go to rural areas you'll actually see people keeping pens in their backyard and at home you might think oh they just have a lot of pets oh no no that's a lot of dinners okay and you'll see it is when they when they cook it it's on a spit so they skewer it through and just rotate it around and around kind of tastes like a combination of pork and Turkey together and we've had it about it that's um you could have when you are here okay now the third thing to have when you are here is the seafood and ceviche look you have this nice coastline and got the Galapagos Islands all kinds of great seafood dude does come here so make sure you have the Corvina the sea bass that's been fantastic we were up in the mountains in the Andes we had trout or trucha that was really good but probably one of the more signature dish dishes here in Ecuador is the ceviche here so do try that and one thing I'll add on to that is sometimes I've seen some of the stews from the seafood stews that are here sometimes there's been like a little peanut flavoring in there or peanuts do pop up so if you do have allergies to peanuts make sure you're asking to be careful okay now the fourth thing you want to have when you come here are the snacks there are lots and lots of little shops to sell lots and lots of little snacks that you need to have when you are here and the snacks come in to kind of fund a lot of different varieties but where they come from is either corn or they'll come from bananas or they'll come from potatoes and of course you can I have some chocolate when you're here but the snacks are usually corn potato or banana based PAP tacones which are kind of like smash fried bananas those are always really good I love those and you'll see like smash manizer smash plantains you'll see a lot of that in terms of the corn things you'll have things like hooome toes and homie toast it's like a sweet corn dumpling but not like wet it's like you'll see it wrapped up and you'll grab one of those those are really good they have tamales here which are fantastic we had a really good time at he knows the kids liked those as well there's stuff with meat inside all kinds of varieties some of it another thing you'll see sometimes you go to the market is tortilla de cholo which is like a corn tortilla smash like corn pellets in it it's really really good but my favorite thing I've had in terms of snacks have been the empanadas I know when you go throughout South America you have empanadas quite often here it's no different there are quite tasty they'll either be if you're not sure to empanada is it's basically pastry folded over with some kind of filling inside there's one empanada de viento which has a little bit of cheese and they fry it up and we've had them this big or this big so you might want to ask the size the smaller ones sometimes we'll have meat in them or vegetables and stuff like that so that was really good and it made something the kids really liked I really liked and make sure you use the aji ok the aji is the hot sauce you just pour a little in there hot so good and the fifth thing you're gonna have to have when you do come here are the fruit the fresh fruit oh my god the so fresh fruit and the juices that come from those fruits oh my god there's so many fruits here I never even heard of do you know there's a tree tomato and I know when you say tree tomato it might scare people out to have tree tomato juice look it's sweet it's so good or or taxol which is kind of like a passion fruit or you never knew I never knew I like blackberries so much Maura you can have that in juices or eat it oh my god it's so good the fruit is just so fresh here you're really gonna love it and I guess I'll throw the last thing is when you are looking for drinks here like I said don't drink the tap water you're gonna get bottled water everywhere you go the beer there's two kinds of beers you got club or Pilsner that sold all over the place there are some local breweries than some of the bigger cities but in general its club or pilsners what you're gonna have and the local firewater is aguardiente which is made from the pressing of grapes so there are some options out there they actually even have their own soda here you can try that too but it's been a great time but they want alcoholic beverage you should have when you are here it's kind of Lhasa which is basically like imagine a warm cinnamon drink and a cup it's just so good you're gonna have that in the mountains when it's like chilly you have one of those oh it's so good to have so make sure you have some kind of Lau's oh and also if you want try if you got a big tea person the hot chocolate here chocolate it's from Ecuador you'll love it so that's another little warm thing for the kids so while you have your can allow so they can have a hot chocolate and everybody's happy anyway I hope this helped you know a little bit more about what you should eat when you do come here to Ecuador there's a lot of tasty treats to have and there's a lot of great fun stuff to do if you want to learn more the don'ts of Ecuador 5 things you love and hate about Quito things like that things it'll shock you when you come here like hey popcorn can be a side dish so just so you know check us out on our website at Walters we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate like subscriptions and if you like honest travel videos like this click that subscribe button and we put on new videos every Wednesday and Saturday bye from Ecuador
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 186,954
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Keywords: travel, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, Ecuador, what to eat in ecuador, what should i eat in ecuador
Id: C_Vq5d03Rm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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