CUENCA Day Trip: You'll LOVE Eating in PAUTE | ECUADOR

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Wow, a little bit   salty with a little bit salty cheese in the  middle. It's really tasty the biggest wooden   spoon in the world validated by the Guinness  Book of World Records. That's right   So we're here in the main square of house and let  me tell you it is everything because right now,   it's a hot Saturday afternoon. And we are  surrounded by trees, lots of trees giving   fantastic shade. So this is the perfect place  to spend some time now Paute is a small village   similar to Chordeleg, Gualaceo, Sigsig. It's one  of those artisanal towns that really maintains the   heritage of gastronomy and also artisanal crafts.  And it's also only 45 minutes away from Cuenca.   On the weekends it's very busy here. A lot of  people from Cuenca have weekend homes here.   And one of the most popular things to do is  actually go down to the river. The river here   is beautiful. And so a lot of families come  to spend their time because you know what,   we're not close to a beach but  the river is just as good.   All right, so even before you get to Paute  one of the must stops is actually along the   way at the small village called El Cabo. Now, El  Cabo is along the road, it's known for its food,   everyone stops here before they go to  Paute. Now, a lot of the food here is very   similar to Gualaceo. But this is actually much  closer, you don't have to go across the river.   It is known for a few things. Some say they  do the best rotisserie chicken in the region.   And then also it's known for its tortillas,  they are known to have the best tortillas   in the region. For these tortillas, there are  actually three different kinds. So you can get   trigo, trigo means wheat so it's a wheat  tortilla, you can also get corn. So this is   made out of mote out of hominy. So again, this is  going to be more of a savory type thing. And then   my favorite is the choclo. Choclo is sweet corn.  So there are so many different types of corn here   in Ecuador. And then these are just two of many.  So you've got your savory corn, your sweet corn   choclo I really like. Now unlike pancakes that  you'd have in the United States or Canada.   You don't need to have any syrup here. Usually  what you would have is morocho, which is a drink   also made with corn, or today, I'm going to  have yaguana. Yaguana is a pre Columbian drink   that you find just in this area. So I've had it  in Gualaceo, they also have it here. They also   it in Paute. And so what it is, is it's similar to  horchata it's made with different fresh herbs and   greens. It's very local, you  can't find it all over Ecuador.   It's it's difficult to find. This is one  of the places that you should have it.   Now, I'm going to start with these  tortillas from what I think I like   least to most, I mean, I like all of  them. This is the trigo the wheat. So   this is pretty much like a wheat pancake  style thing. They call it tortilla here.   It's like toast. It's actually  quite nice. It's better than toast   sometimes, okay. Yeah. That's why I opened it  up. Sometimes they put cheese in the middle.   So this is like a little bit salty with  a little bit salty cheese in the middle.   Next up we've got the corn so this is made  from mote, also known as hominy. This is also   very much a savory dish. It also has cheese in it.  I mean, come on, cheese makes everything better.   Okay, this has it tastes more like corn. So it's  a little bit like a cheesy corn bread. Not too   cheesy. So just has a little bit more flavor than  the trigo. And then my favorite this is choclo.   The reason why it's my favorite is I don't love  sweet things, but I love the sweetness of this.   Like if you took sweet corn from the  summer, and you turned it into a pancake,   this is exactly what it would be. So, so good. The tortillas here are cheaper   than Gualaceo. They're only 25 cents each. So 75  cents for three of them. And then the drink was $1   all of this for $1.75 more food and drink than I  can have. So share it because you're going to head   into town and of course you're going to have  more food. So if you come here, you're going   to come to El Cabuyo and so it is just pass the  main part of El Cabo as you're heading back out,   it's on the left hand side she also has ceramics  here. So if you want a really good deal,   you should probably check those out as well. I  think this place is fantastic. But today she's   only doing this because her neighbor next door if  you want that chicken, he's got it next door   So when you come to the main square, the number  one thing you need to do is find Helado de   Moises. He's been selling ice cream here  for decades. One flavor it's naranjilla.   If you have not had naranjilla you need  to try it made by hand for only 30 cents.   Only 30 cents for an ice cream. It's really tasty.  It doesn't taste like it has a lot of cream in it   maybe more of a sherbert than and like a true  ice cream. This is like the perfect thing to   start the day. It's just cool refreshing  that naranjilla flavor. So good.   Alright, so there are two  buildings here, down below.   And the first one you've got clothing. We've got  food up here patio de comidas. And then over here   are the fruits and vegetables. And so  Sunday is really the day to come here.   It looks like oh, there's nobody. But you can kind  of see over there. I can see they're selling the   yaguana that pre Columbian drink. We've got secos,  encebollado. Andres actually just corrected me on   something. He doesn't think that this place would  be busier on a Sunday. In this region, it was hit   really hard during the pandemic. And so a lot of  people actually left the area leaving Ecuador to   work, especially to the United States, whether it  be legally or as an undocumented immigrant is very   common in Ecuador. And so for a lot of people  here, they didn't have any other choice. They   had to make a living. So they a lot of people have  left here for the States. And oftentimes they will   send money back so whoever's left here can still  survive, but it's just a fact of Ecuador. A strong   part of the economy here of the local economy  is actually from people working in States.   Right now, there are not a lot of Ecuadorian  fruits in season. So you will see things like   apples, pears, all those kinds of things are  from Chile, some Peru I think, but not much.   Usually it's from Chile. Persimmons? We call  the Mandarinas. Mandarinas Oh, I think there's   persimmons, and then we have actually found when  we go to the market that people are really open   about where the fruit is from. So you can ask  is this from Ecuador? And that's actually how   I found out that not a lot of things are in season  right now. Of course, you've got like the bananas,   plantanos those things like that. Those  papayas are for sure from the Amazon.   Yeah, these gigantic papayas this is where  you're going to find probably more local things.   Potatoes always local. They do not import any  potatoes. If you're looking to buy an avocado,   let them know when you want to eat it.  Whether it's in like that day within the   same week. They know how to pick out the good  ones. Yeah, Andres is looking for big ones.   50 cents each. He's got small ones that  are available today. But these are all   local avocados so you can get avocados all over  Ecuador. You just need to know you got to ask   where they're from. Because ones on the coast  taste different than the ones here Yeah,   Paute is big for avocados. Yeah, in Ecuador  we got two regions where avocados are the best   one is whatGuayllabamba. Yeah, north  of Quito another one is here.   Ah, okay, so best avocados are in Guayllabamba  outside of Quito and then also Paute is known   for avocados too. I actually really  like the avocados on the coast.   All right, they've got a main plan. As I hear  where they also have lots of traditional food,   and anytime there is celebration  like a concert or anything like that   it's held here. Oh, wow salchipapas here. Lots  of hornado here if you want to get it instead of   Cuenca. Here's another one. We're gonna  see if we were gonna try a little bit.   I mean, you guys know, I love the  hornado in the south, this is how   they get you. They just give you a little  bit to try so you know if it's good or not.   This is good. We can have a  little plate a little play before   a next meal. So this is a $3 plate. You can see  it's got tons of food. It's got the the skin.   Oh, they've got some encebollado in it. This is  oh, and then she gets rid of the extra liquid. Oh   llapingachos Yeah. All right. So you'll find the  vendors here every day of the week but the best   days of the week to get hornado are Wednesdays  and Sundays. Guys do not come here without a hat   you need a hat or come here and buy a hat it  is hot. It's hotter than Cuenca because it's   lower elevation. So that's why a lot of people  from Cuenca use Paute as their weekend villa,   weekend home kind of place. There are a lot of  people here who have a lot of money. This is an   agricultural area. So we checked that market out  now we just heard about another one I think it's   called San Jose. And then also there's another  place that has an orchard and it's really well   known for peaches and other orchard fruits.  So I think today is going to just be a day of   buying some vegetables and fruits and  eating some more. And then we will check   out the river and then also, apparently  the biggest spoon in the world is here.   Heading up to Bulan en la ruta de las frutas  or the fruit route. You'll see a number of   people selling fruit outside their house, but  then also you'll see the stands. So we are at   la fruteria Doña Gloria. And so she has just some  local fruit here. So babaco which is a cousin of   the papaya, we've got some tree tomato, avocado,  lots of different things that are in season,   but also we have apples and so I come from an  Apple Valley in Nova Scotia. I'm very familiar   with a lot of different kinds of apples. I didn't  actually think that Ecuador grew apples. I thought   they were all from Chile. They do grow them here  but they're much different. So they grow them in a   higher altitude they are organic because nothing  is up there in the altitude and we are going to   try three kinds of apples. The first one is called  colada. So colada is a fruit that is very common   for mothers to give their children for the first  time as they move on to solid foods so they'll   have it as applesauce. It's supposed to be I can  feel it. It's a really squishy kind of apple I   don't know what it'll be like as an eating  apple because people turn this into colada   which is why it's called the colada I think it's  going to be just a little bit too soft. Oh yeah.   It's too soft. If you don't like Red Delicious  because it's too soft to take a red delicious   and and make it like 10 times softer. Oh sure.  It's really fantastic as a colada. You know,   growing up in an Apple Valley, I do know that you  have certain apples for certain things just like   your potatoes, certain potatoes certain things.  There are baking apples are eating apples like   their apples for their juice apples. That is not  an eating apple. All right next apple up this is   a yellow apple and it is called Flor de Mayo and  so the flower of may and so this is called Flor   de Mayo because it ready in May and is the like  the late season apple so this is the apple that   you'll get at the end of apple season. And  as it gets more ripe, it gets more yellow.   Yeah, this is an eating apple actually was really  good, very firm. Sweet and a little bit tart. Sort   of my I'm a fan. almost tastes like a Royal Gala.  If you have if you have those where you are from.   I'm gonna put this one to the side and eat the  rest of it because it's so good. Because next up   we have a tiny one and it's called Delicia. So  Andres says same texture. It's an eating apple   but it's not sweet. It's very small. I mean look,  my hands I have a small hand for an adult and this   is a very small apple so this is like kind of a  snack apple. It's about the size of a small peach.   This is not like Red Delicious at home. It doesn't  have a lot of flavor. It's not sweet at all,   but still tasty. Still quite tasty. This would  be fantastic with some peanut butter or hummus.   Overall, this one wins, I'm going to finish  eating this, I know Andres likes t his one. So   I might give him the rest of this. And then also,   this area is really well known for peaches.  So this is peach season, and you can see   same size as the Delicia. And it's it's  actually quite small, it's like a small peach   the peaches are good. The apples in Ecuador  are okay, these peaches are delicious.   So we're gonna keep driving up. But if  you come here, you can buy these apples,   a basket of them will cost you between $2-4.  Depending on what you get, or you don't want a   basket and you just want to get one or two you can  get the really the better deals with a basket.   So one of the things that we were  just talking about was, you know,   not all fruits in Ecuador is organic. Yes, there  is roundup and other pesticides used. However,   that's usually on the Amazon and the coast  where it's so hot, there's so many pests,   but here in this region, the food is organic.  And so if you're looking for that this is a good   place to go because there is a higher elevation.  However, if you want to eat truly organic food   be prepared every once in a while, you might  have like an apple or a piece of fruit that has   a pest in it a bug. So that is the the other side  of eating organic is nature takes its course and   sometimes that means a bug or a worm. In this region, all the little villages   have the one thing that they're known for in a  Sigsig it's the hats, Gualaceo it's the shoes   in Chordeleg they're known for their silver  jewelry, but they have a little bit of everything.   But it wasn't known for one thing. Until now.  Now it's known to have the biggest wooden spoon   in the world validated by the Guinness Book  of World Records. That's right. So it's just   three kilometers outside of downtown 50 cents  to get in to go see the big wooden spoon   So I'll share with you a play on two  different traditional Ecuadorian drinks.   This is a granizado de mapanagua. Let me  explain. Granizado is basically shaved ice.   You can have it as kids are a lot of street  vendors and beach vendors that sell this so with   ice, and then on top, you have different flavors.  So I have mango, mint, strawberry, and they're all   natural flavors, even though the color is a little  bit weird. And then so you have that you put a   little bit of condensed milk on it very refreshing  drink. That's granizado. Now mapanagua is sugar   cane juice. So guarapo that is then mixed with  lime, and, and booze. So aguardiente so it's   sugar cane juice, lime, booze. So you have like  the two drinks mixed in one. Now they do this for   $2 here and actually they do a very generous pour  of the booze. We said we only wanted a little bit   we actually had to tell her to stop. Aguardiente  straight from here. So it's sugar cane,   alcohol unaged. And whether you get it with  the booze or not, it's $2. So why would you not   try it with the aguardiente? Try the mapanagua.  You cannot get mapanagua everywhere. The only   other place I've ever seen it is Yunguilla, I  have a video about that as well. Let's try this   I've had mapanagua before. It's amazing. So it's  like you've got the sweetness from the sugarcane   juice, the guarapo and then you've got the lime to  cut it so that it's not too sweet. And then you've   got the booze which is like the best part. I love  aguardiente. It can be really harsh. This one is   quite nice. And then also because you've got this  ice, and then you've got like this mango mint   strawberry. It's like a really lovely cocktail.  I would say, you know, this is a touristy area,   but they really embrace it. They embrace  the tourism part of it. So they also have   traditional food here. They've got the tortillas.  They've got other drinks they've got the yaguana.   They've also got nachos if you want to have it. So  it's like there's something for everybody here.   Alright, so we're at El Corval, which is the  most famous restaurant in town in Paute. Actually   a destination restaurant for all of Azuay  the province that we're in, and it is known   to serve traditional foods. So we're in this  colonial house, it is beautifully maintained   it has a garden down below where you can sit.  We're actually up on the balcony here and it is so   beautiful when you come in, they have lots of  local products, Pauteño products that you can try.   And it just really takes you back in  time, but in like a modern kind of way,   it's really popular here. So we decided that  since we have been eating bits and bites along   the way that we would share lunch, so  we're going to try the Lomo del Diablo,   which means devil's loin. So it is actually  beef that's flambeed in Pauteño alcohol,   which is aguardiente, the sugar cane alcohol,  which I just had. And then it comes in a red wine   sauce with some local herbs and then also shrimp  so it's like a surf and turf. So we're getting   one dish. And then afterwards, we're actually  going to do they have a $5 special tasting here   where you can try five different local spirits,  alcohols from the area so that's up after lunch.   I didn't want to do it beforehand because you  don't want to have a bunch of booze and then   not really be interested in lunch at all Oh,   wow all right, they're so nice here. We're   splitting this. This is $16.80 I think? And they  brought us two plates so that we could share it   we ordered medium steak that's  exactly what it is. It's like a   garlicky red wine. It's really really good. There  the portion size here is definitely enough for two   people. Not very much rice the french fries are  good. I already tried the aji traditional tree   tomato aji, super fruity. Fantastic. This is  a fantastic lunch. I'm I'm happy this is like   the perfect place to go. You can only come to  one place I know I'm all about going to huecas.   But sometimes there are famous restaurants  for a reason and this is one of them   So mistela is flavoured aguardiente  so it's infused alcohol. So in this   we have strawberry raspberry and satsuma  which is like it's not really sure what   it is like it's like a cherry. It smells  like flavor of alcohol, mostly berries   oh wow, this is very, very smooth. You really  get like a lot of berry flavor and then just   a little bit of alcohol. In fact, I think  it could be a little bit dangerous that way   because this over ice or like with a little  bit of club soda would be fantastic.   Alright, so canelazo we've got  naranjilla which is a local fruit,   a little bit of cinnamon aguardiente and probably  a little bit of panela unprocessed sugar cane.   It's warm, which you have to have it  warm although I would still have a cold   it's a drink that warms you up on  the cool nights and it's hot today.   And so it's not too hot. It's just a little bit  warm and feels so good inside this is nice.   I almost always drink coffee with sugar because I  find it too bitter. And this is not bitter at all.   This is the kind of coffee that would make me  a black coffee drinker I know I shouldn't be   having it with sugar although the sugar here is  really good. But this is really really nice if   you think you need to have sugar or milk in it  you should try this one. You'd be surprised.   We are finally leaving El Corval I cannot even  tell you how freaking amazing and inspiring   that visit was. To know that they have such a  successful business has a successful restaurant   have Zhumir but their priority is really about  making Paute a good destination to visit a great   destination to live supporting local producers  helping them elevating the people, even just   with the coffee, creating all of these products  to elevate the life of people that live here.   I just sometimes you walk  into a place and you think   I'm going to have a great lunch. But Patricio  the owner of this place, he has such vision. Wow,   I'm so inspired and overwhelmed by  all of his ideas. Sometimes you think   things will never change, and then you run into  people like him and you realize they can   So I'm ending this video of Paute Ecuador in the  Parque Linear and this is a really popular park   along the water. The water here is a little bit  brown right now. That's just because we've had   some heavy rains. So there's sediment in  the water. Normally it is very clear. This   is a really popular spot for people to come  here families, groups of friends to barbecue,   they've got little barbecue spots, they bring  tents, like you can hang out here all day.   I gotta say Paute really surprised me. A lot  of that to be honest, was because of Patricio   at El Corval, I just see so much opportunity here.  When we look at you know, some of the towns I love   like well like Gualaceo. Paute has all of those  things. And so I think it's just kind of coming   into its own after going through, you  know, a little bit of struggles but with   some vision. I really think this is going to  be an amazing place and I highly recommend   coming to visit here only 45 minutes from  Cuenca. This is an amazing day trip.
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Keywords: Ayngelina, Ayngelina Brogan, Bacon is Magic, living in ecuador, cuenca ecuador, cuenca ecuador 2022, ecuador travel, ecuador cuenca, living in cuenca ecuador, ecuador food, ecuadorian food, ecuador food tour, paute ecuador 2022, paute azuay ecuador, ecuador travel guide, ecuador travel tips, cuenca ecuador travel, ecuador expats, ecuador 2022, living in ecuador as a canadian, living in ecuador as an american, cuenca ecuador tour, cuenca ecuador expats, ecuador expat
Id: C_lP8MvDxE0
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Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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